MEPS Annual Methodology Report 2021

Deliverable Number: 121C.102
Contract Number: 75Q80120D00024
June 15, 2022

Westat Reference Number: 2-7-634

Submitted to:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends
560 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20850

Submitted by:
An Employee-Owned Research Corporation®
1600 Research Boulevard
Rockville, Maryland 20850-3129
(301) 251-1500

Table of Contents

1 Sample
1.1 Sample Composition
1.2 Sample Delivery and Processing
2 Instrument and Materials Design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Changes to CAPI Instrument for 2021
2.3 Testing of the Questionnaire and Interviewer Management System
2.4 Changes to Materials and Procedures for 2021
3 Recruiting and Training
3.1 Field Interviewer Recruiting for 2021
3.2 2021 Interviewer Training
3.2.1 Experienced Interviewer Training
3.2.2 Continuing Education for All Interviewers
4 Data Collection
4.1 Data Collection Procedures
4.2 Data Collection Results: Interviewing
4.3 Data Collection Results: Authorization Form Signing Rates
4.4 Data Collection Results: Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ), Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS), and Collection Rates
4.5 Social Determinants of Health Self-Administered Questionnaire (SDOH SAQ): Methods and Results
4.6 Quality Control
4.7 Security Incidents
5 Home Office Support of Field Activities
5.1 Preparation for Field Activities
5.2 Support During Data Collection
6 Data Processing and Data Delivery
6.1 Processing to Support Data Delivery
6.1.1 Schedules for Data Delivery
6.1.2 Data Quality Control System
6.1.3 Transformation
6.1.4 TeleForm/Data Editing of Scanned Forms
6.1.5 Coding
6.2 Data Delivery
6.2.1 Variable Construction
6.2.2 File Deliveries
Appendix A Comprehensive Tables – Household Survey
Table 1-1 Initial MEPS sample size (RUs) and number of NHIS PSUs, all Panels
Table 1-2 Data collection periods and starting RU-level sample sizes, spring 2017 through fall 2021
Table 1-3 Percentage of NHIS households with partially completed interviews in Panels 4 to 26
Table 1-4 Distribution of Panel 26 sampled RUs by sample domain
Table 2-1 Supplements to the CAPI core questionnaire (including hard-copy materials) for 2021
Table 3-1 Staffing for spring field period, 2017�2021
Table 3-2 Spring attrition rate among new and experienced interviewers, 2017�2021
Table 3-3 Fall attrition rate among new and experienced interviewers, 2017�2021
Table 3-4 Annual attrition rate among new and experienced interviewers, 2017�2021
Table 4-1 Data collection schedule and number of weeks per round of data collection, 2021
Table 4-2 Case potential categories for classifying and prioritizing case work, spring 2021
Table 4-3 MEPS-HC data collection results, Panels 20 through 26
Table 4-4 Response rates by data collection year, 2012-2021
Table 4-5 Summary of MEPS Round 1 response and nonresponse, 2016-2021 panels
Table 4-6 Summary of MEPS Round 1 response, 2016-2021 panels, by NHIS completion status
Table 4-7 Summary of MEPS Panel 26 Round 1 response rates, by sample domain by NHIS completion status
Table 4-8 Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for RUs who ever refused, Panels 20-26
Table 4-9 Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for RUs who were ever traced, Panels 20-26
Table 4-10 Interview timing comparison, Panels 20 through 26 (mean minutes per interview, single-session interviews)
Table 4-11 Mean contact attempts by NHIS completion status, Round 1 of Panels 24-26
Table 4-12 Signing rates for medical provider authorization forms for Panels 19 through 26
Table 4-13 Signing rates for pharmacy authorization forms for Panels 19 through 26
Table 4-14 Results of Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ) collection for Panels 20 through 26
Table 4-15 Results of Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS) collection for Panels 18 through 25
Table 4-16 Impact of fall follow-up on total completed SDOH SAQs
Table 5-1 Number and percent of respondents who called the respondent information line, 2017-2021
Table 5-2 Calls to the respondent information line, 2020 and 2021
Table 6-1 2021 cases with comments or data check issues
Table 6-2 Total number of comments by category
Table A-1 Data collection periods and starting RU-level sample sizes, all Panels
Table A-2 MEPS household survey data collection results, all Panels
Table A-3 Response rates by data collection year
Table A-4 Summary of MEPS Round 1 response and non-response
Table A-5 Summary of Round 1 response by NHIS completion status
Table A-6 Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for all RUs who ever refused
Table A-7 Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for RUs who were ever traced, Panels 15-26
Table A-8 Interview timing comparison (mean minutes per interview, single-session interviews)
Table A-9 Mean contact attempts by NHIS completion status, Round 1
Table A-10 Signing rates for medical provider authorization forms
Table A-11 Signing rates for pharmacy authorization forms
Table A-12 Results of Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ) collection
Table A-13 Results of Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS) collection*
Table A-14 Results of patient profile collection
Table A-15 Calls to respondent information line
Table A-16 Files delivered during 2021
Figure 4-1 SDOH contact mode determination flowchart
Figure 4-2 Communication protocol for SDOH contact modes
Figure 4-3 Response rate by contact mode and interview number
Figure 6-1 Blaise to Dex transformation


The Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-HC, Contract 290- 2016-00004I, awarded July 1, 2016, and Contract 75Q80120D00024, awarded July 13, 2020) is the central component of the long-term research effort sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to provide timely and accurate data on access to, use of, and payments for healthcare services by the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized population. The project has been in operation since 1996, each year producing a series of annual estimates of health insurance coverage, healthcare utilization, and healthcare expenditures. This report documents the principal design, training, data collection, and data processing activities of the MEPS-HC for survey year 2021.

Data are collected for the MEPS-HC through a series of overlapping household Panels. Each year a new Panel is enrolled for a series of five in-person interviews conducted over a 2½-year period.

Panels 23 and 24, however, have been extended to nine interviews conducted over 4½ years, as described in the section below on changes due to COVID-19. This report describes work performed for all of the Panels active during calendar year 2021. Data collection operations in 2021 were for Panel 23, Rounds 7 and 8; Panel 24, Rounds 5 and 6; Panel 25, Rounds 3 and 4; and Panel 26, Rounds 1 and 2. Data processing activity focused on delivery of full year utilization and expenditure files for calendar year 2019.

The report touches lightly on procedures and operations that remained unchanged from prior years, focusing primarily on results of the 2021 operations and features of the project that were new, changed, or enhanced for 2021. Tables in the body of the text highlight 2021 results, with limited comparison to prior years. A set of tables showing data collection results over the history of the project is included in the Appendix.

Chapter 1 of the report describes the 2021 sample and activities associated with preparing the sample for fielding. Chapters 2 through 5 discuss activities associated with the data collection for 2021: updates to the survey questionnaire and field procedures; field staff recruiting and training; data collection operations and results; and home office support of field activities. Chapter 6 describes data processing and data delivery activities.

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Changes Due to COVID-19

All MEPS Household Component (MEPS-HC) face-to-face interviewing ceased on March 17, 2020, due to the impact of COVID-19 on American life. Data collection switched to the telephone mode, and in 2021 a mix of in-person and telephone interviewing was used, depending on the level of the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person data collection was impacted by the COVID-19 much more in the spring rounds than in the fall rounds. In the spring, Round 1 had 71.7 percent of interviews conducted by telephone, Round 3 had 96.4 percent, and Round 5 had 98.2 percent. In the fall, 33.8 percent of Round 2 and 39.7 percent of Round 4 were conducted by telephone. (In a typical year, around 5 percent to 8 percent of interviews are conducted by telephone, mostly student interviews and Round 5 interviews.)

MEPS-HC continued several modifications to project systems, processes, and procedures begun in 2020 to respond to the pandemic. Please see the 2020 methodology report for additional details:

Extension of Panels 23 and 24. Anticipating potential negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on response rates and the number of households that would be included in 2020 and 2021 data and beyond, a decision was made to extend Panel 23 and Panel 24 through nine rounds. The extended Panel rounds have been conducted primarily by telephone, with limited in-person interviewing conducted when safe for hard-to-reach or hearing-impaired respondents.

Enhancing the Quality of Telephone Interviewing. MEPS provided respondents with a website for show cards and other documents that interviewers would normally present in-person on paper to respondents. Interviewers requested that respondents refer to the online show cards in answering each item or read the show cards out loud, mirroring the in-person protocol. Interviewers received headsets and telephone interviewing protocols and training, including data quality protocols specific to each round of data collection.

Maximizing Response Rates. The project developed and sent COVID-19-specific letters and postcards tailored for each Panel and round to notify households that the study was ongoing and to expect telephone outreach. The project also added efforts to increase return of hard-copy materials, particularly authorization forms (AFs), including a formal protocol for reminder calls, re-mailing unreturned AFs, and a modified in-person protocol for the retrieval of completed AFs.

CAPI Instrument Changes. To more fully capture telehealth events, the project added an event type for telehealth events, broadened the text in the provider probes section to prompt respondents to include telehealth events, and adjusted the wording in other corresponding sections to accommodate care received via telehealth. Wording exclusive to in-person visits (i.e. “seen,” “in person”) was updated to allow for the inclusion of telehealth visits. A section was added to capture delays in care due to the COVID-19 pandemic, referring back to the start of the pandemic for the spring 2021 interview and back to the date of the spring interview for the fall 2021 interview. A question was added for the fall interview about whether household members had received a COVID-19 vaccine.

In-Person Data Collection. COVID-19 in-person mitigation protocols were developed and distributed to interviewers who were authorized to conduct in-person interviewing. Interviewers received training on use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 mitigation. Using Westat’s COVID Dashboard for Household Surveys, MEPS monitored conditions for safe in-person interviewing and AF collection. In-person efforts led to both in-person interviews and enhanced the ability to make telephone interview appointments.

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1. Sample

Each year a new, nationally representative sample for the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS-HC) is drawn from among households responding to the previous year’s National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Up until 2020, households in a new Panel participated in a series of five interviews that collect data covering two full calendar years. For each calendar year the sample respondents from two Panels�one completing its first year in the study (Round 3) and one completing its second year (Round 5)�have been combined for analysis purposes, resulting in a series of annual estimation files. Beginning in 2020, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerns of declining response rates as well as challenges in recruiting respondents by telephone for Panel 25. These concerns continued for Panel 26 in 2021. The extension of Panel 23 for a third year of data collection has helped to maintain the ongoing sample.

The sample for Panel 26 was selected from among households responding to the NHIS in the preceding year where the NHIS sample was based on the NHIS sample design initially implemented in 2016 (as were Panels 22-25). Specifically, the MEPS household sample was randomly selected from among those that participated in the NHIS during the first three quarters of 2020 and who had been assigned to NHIS Panels 1 and 3, the NHIS Panels designated for MEPS. However, due to the pandemic, households from Panels 2 and 4 were also selected for the MEPS sample.

This chapter describes the 2021 MEPS sample drawn from 2020 NHIS responding households as well as steps taken to prepare the new sample for fielding.

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1.1 Sample Composition

Table 1-1 shows the starting sample sizes in terms of the number of reporting units (RUs) for all MEPS Panels through Panel 26 and the number of MEPS primary sampling units (PSUs) from which each Panel was drawn. Note that the change in the number of PSUs for Panel 12 reflects the redesign of the NHIS sample implemented in 2006 (thus affecting MEPS in 2007), following the 2000 decennial census. The number of PSUs for Panel 26 is based on the number of PSUs associated with MEPS after the 2016 NHIS sample redesign, the fifth such MEPS Panel under this design. The reduction in the number of PSUs after Panel 22 stemmed from further modifications to the NHIS design. The MEPS sample units presented are RUs, each of which represents a set of related persons living together within the same NHIS-responding household selected for MEPS participation. Related members of the NHIS households sampled for MEPS who move as a unit during the MEPS data collection period (as well as separate individuals) form new RUs for interviewing purposes. Each new RU is followed over the course of the five MEPS data collection rounds and interviewed at their new address.

Table 1-1. Initial MEPS sample size (RUs) and number of NHIS PSUs, all Panels

Panel Initial sample size (RUs)* MEPS PSUs*
1 10,799 195
2 6,461 195
3 5,410 195
4 7,103 100
5 5,533 100
6 11,026 195
7 8,339 195
8 8,706 195
9 8,939 195
10 8,748 195
11 9,654 195
12 7,467 183
13 9,939 183
14 9,899 183
15 8,968 183
16 10,417 183
17 9,931 183
18 9,950 183
19 9,970 183
20 10,854 183
21 9,851 183
22 9,835 168
23 9,960 143
24 9,976 139
25 10,008 139
26 9,674 150

* RUs: Reporting units; PSUs: Primary sampling units.

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MEPS data collection is conducted in two main fielding periods each year. Typically, during the January-June period, Round 1 of the new Panel and Rounds 3 and 5 of the two continuing Panels are fielded, with the Panel in Round 5 retiring at mid-year. Normally, during the July-December period, Round 2 of the new Panel and Round 4 of the remaining continuing Panel are fielded.

However, with a third Panel added for the first time in 2020, a Round 6 for Panel 23 was also fielded in the fall data collection period. It should be noted that, because Round 5 of Panel 23 collected MEPS data only through December 31, 2019, the reference period for Round 6 covered from the date of interview back to January 1, 2020. As a result, the reference periods for Round 6 were typically much longer than the usual reference period for a fall interview. Table 1-2 summarizes the combined workload for the January-June and July-December periods from spring 2017 through fall 2021.

Over the years shown in Table 1-2, the combined spring and fall workload has ranged from a low of 37,305 in 2019 to a high of 44,466 in 2021. Typically, the interviewing workload during the spring field period, when three Panels are active, is substantially larger than during the fall, when there are only two. In 2021, there were four active Panels in both the spring and fall field periods. The spring field period still had more cases, with 25,126 cases fielded, an increase from the low number of cases fielded in spring 2020, while the fall workload had 19,340 RUs, the highest of the 5 years shown.

Table 1-2. Data collection periods and starting RU-level sample sizes, spring 2017 through fall 2021

Data collection period RU-level sample size*
January – June 2017 24,774
Panel 20 Round 5 7,611
Panel 21 Round 3 7,328
Panel 22 Round 1 9,835
July – December 2017 14,395
Panel 21 Round 4 7,025
Panel 22 Round 2 7,370
January – June 2018 23,768
Panel 21 Round 5 6,899
Panel 22 Round 3 7,023
Panel 23 Round 1 9,846
July – December 2018 14,123
Panel 22 Round 4 6,788
Panel 23 Round 2 7,335
January – June 2019 23,458
Panel 22 Round 5 6,653
Panel 23 Round 3 6,941
Panel 24 Round 1 9,864
July – December 2019 13,847
Panel 23 Round 4 6,679
Panel 24 Round 2 7,168
January – June 2020 23,122
Panel 23 Round 5 6,488
Panel 24 Round 3 6,753
Panel 25 Round 1 9,881
July – December 2020 18,480
Panel 23 Round 6 6,373
Panel 24 Round 4 6,278
Panel 25 Round 2 5,829
January-June 2021 25,126
Panel 23 Round 7 5,096
Panel 24 Round 5 5,426
Panel 25 Round 3 5,094
Panel 26 Round 1 9,510
July-December 2021 19,340
Panel 23 Round 8 4,492
Panel 24 Round 6 4,753
Panel 25 Round 4 4,222
Panel 26 Round 2 5,873

* RU-level sample size for this table derived from field management system counts and operational reports detailing fielded sample.

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Each new MEPS Panel includes some oversampling of population groups of particular analytic interest. Since 2010 (Panel 15), the set of sample domains has included oversamples of Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics. All households set aside in the NHIS for MEPS that have at least one household member in any of these three categories (Asian, Black, or Hispanic) are included in the MEPS sample with certainty. “White and other race” households have been partitioned into two sample domains and subsampled at varying rates across the years. These domains reflect whether an NHIS responding household characterized as “White or other race” provided “complete” information at the household level for the NHIS or if only “partially complete” information was provided.

As background, the partitioning of the “White, Other” domain into these two domains began in 2011 (Panel 16). The partial completes were sampled at a lower rate than the full completes in order to lessen the impact on the field effort resulting from the difficulty of gaining the cooperation of these households. The last two columns in Table 1-3 show the subsampling rates for the two groups since Panel 16. The partial completes in the “White, Other” domain have been subsampled at rates ranging from a low of 40 percent (Panel 17) to a high of 53 percent (Panel 20).

Table 1-3. Percentage of NHIS households with partially completed interviews in Panels 4 to 26

Panel Percentage with partially completed interviews Subsampling rate for NHIS completes in “White, other” domain Subsampling rate for partial completes in “White, other” domain
4 21
5 24
6 22
7 17
8 20
9 19
10 16
11 23
12 19
13 25
14 26
15 21
16 25 79 46
17 19 51 40
18 22 63 43
19 18 66 42
20 19 84 53
21 22 81 49
22 19 77 49
23 20
24 16
25 11
26 15

* The figures in the second column of the table are the proportion of partial completes in the total delivered sample, after subsampling. The figures in the third and fourth columns are subsampling rates applied to the two White/Other subdomains in Panels 16 through 22.

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The Panel 26 sample distribution by domain, as detailed in Table 1-4, was impacted by the pandemic and overall NHIS response rates. This reduces our ability to oversample households in minority domains, altering the proportional composition from previous years. This has implications for weighting and response rates as households in minority domains exhibit higher levels of response in comparison to the other group.

Table 1-4. Distribution of panel 26 sample by sample domain

Sample domain Number Percent
Asian 623 6.44
Black 1,443 14.92
Hispanic 1,146 11.85
White, other 5,632 58.22
NHIS complete 830 8.58
NHIS partial complete 623 6.44
Total 9,674

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1.2 Sample Delivery and Processing

The 2021 MEPS sample was received from AHRQ and NCHS in three deliveries. The first delivery, containing households sampled from the first quarter of the 2020 NHIS, was received on October 2, 2020. MEPS did not receive a sample delivery from the 2020 NHIS second quarter due to the pandemic. Households selected from the third quarter of the NHIS were delivered on December 2, 2020. To achieve a sample size comparable to previous years, households were selected from Panels 2 and 4, Quarter 1 of the 2020 NHIS. These Panels are not normally incorporated for MEPS use, and these households were added later into the field period on February 9, 2021, as a supplemental third wave.

The October delivery of the first majority of the new sample is instrumental to the project’s schedule for launching interviewing each year in early January. The partial file gives insight into the demographic and geographic distribution of the households in the new Panel. This information, when combined with information on older Panels continuing in the new year, guides project decisions on the number and location of new interviewers to recruit.

Upon receipt of the first portion of the 2021 sample, project staff also reviewed the NHIS sample file formats to identify any new variables or values and to make any necessary changes to the project programs that use the sample file information. Following this initial review, staff proceeded with the standard processing through which the NHIS households are reconfigured to conform to MEPS reporting unit definitions and prepared the files needed for advance mailouts and interviewer assignments. The early sample delivery also allows time for checking and updating NHIS addresses to improve the quality of the initial mailouts and to identify households that have moved since the NHIS interview.

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2. Instrument and Materials Design

2.1 Introduction

Each year, the project makes a number of changes to the instrument used to collect MEPS-HC data, as well as to the field procedures followed by the interviewers who collect the data. The notable changes made for 2021 are detailed in this chapter.

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2.2 Changes to the CAPI Instrument for 2021

The MEPS-HC computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) instrument was modernized as part of a technology upgrade launched in spring 2018. For each data collection cycle since then, AHRQ and Westat have worked together to define a set of modifications to the CAPI instrument. Some modifications are new items or new sections, whereas others are updates or fixes to existing items.

In addition to substantive modifications during 2021, the CAPI instrument was “genericized” to accommodate the extended rounds added because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Genericizing was necessary to successfully administer round 6 through 9 interviews planned for 2021, 2022, and 2023, as well as increased flexibility, in case the MEPS Panel design needs to be extended or revised in future cycles. Instead of referring to the round number directly (such as 1, 2, or 3) in CAPI specifications and programming, all Panel rounds were assigned to one of the following four general types:

While genericizing did not change which questions were administered in MEPS interviews, it required significant design, programming, and testing effort.

For 2021, there were a few other global changes across the CAPI instrument:

Section-specific changes for the 2021 data collection period, both spring and fall, are summarized below.

Calendar (CA). In response to feedback from experienced MEPS interviewers, the CA30 Records Grid was revised to add a column for the MEPS Record Keeper. This makes it easier to track which respondents used the MEPS Record Keeper tool and to encourage respondents to start using it if they are not already doing so.

Provider Probes (PP). A new show card (PP-16) was added at the final PP items PP160 and PP320, with similar content as the Records Job Aid. Given that the PP question series already includes numerous show cards, including this content as an additional show card is less burdensome for interviewers and respondents than referring to materials outside the show card binder.

Telehealth (TH). Due to the pandemic, there was a global shift to increased provision of health care via telehealth. To capture this type of care, a new “telehealth” (TH) event type was added in spring 2021. For health care identified as a telehealth event, a new TH utilization section was developed. The TH section closely mirrored the MV and OP utilization sections, although two new items were added specifically for TH events. The first item collects the mode of telehealth visit; asking whether it was via phone, video or some other way (TH10). The second item asks whether the provider (or the place where the provider works) is owned or operated by a hospital (TH60). Additionally, existing PP questions about home health were revised from asking about “care received at home” to “care received from someone who visited your home” to ensure this was not confused with telehealth care. Throughout other instrument sections, wording exclusive to in-person visits (e.g., “seen,” “in person”) was also updated to allow for the inclusion of telehealth visits.

Provider Specialty and Types. In spring 2021, show cards were added for the items in the utilization sections that collect the doctor’s specialty (MV20, OP20, TH30) and type of medical provider seen (MV30, OP30, TH40). This change was made to reduce respondent cognitive burden and help cue recall.

COVID-19 (CV). In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new section was added in spring 2021 to collect information about delays in care due to the pandemic, including medical care, dental care, and prescription medicines. This section was continued in fall 2021, with the addition of questions about COVID-19 vaccination.

Health Insurance (HX) and Related Sections. Throughout the Health Insurance section, items that referred to state-specific Medicaid names were modified to additionally refer to “Medicaid.” This included revisions to question texts, fills, and context headers. This change was made to help cue respondents who may not be familiar with the name of their state-specific Medicaid program but are familiar with the Federal term “Medicaid.”

Supplements to the CAPI Instrument

Table 2-1 shows the supplements for the rounds administered in calendar year 2021. The major change for 2021 was the introduction of a new “Social and Health Experiences” self-administered questionnaire (SAQ), known internally as the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) SAQ. For more information about the SDOH SAQ, please refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.5.

Table 2-1. Supplements to the CAPI core questionnaire (including hard-copy materials) for 2021

Supplement Round 1 (Spring 2021) Rounds 3, 5, 7 (Spring 2021) Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8 (Fall 2021)
Child Health X
Access to Care X
Income X
Assets Round 5 only
Medical Provider Authorization Forms for HS, OP, and ER Events X X X
Medical Provider Authorization Forms for MV, TH, HH, and IC Events X X
Pharmacy Authorization Forms X X
Your Health and Health Opinions (SAQ/PSAQ) Rounds 2, 4, 6 follow-up X
Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS) X
Social and Health Experiences Survey (SDOH) X X Rounds 1, 3, 5, 7 follow-up

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2.3 Testing of the Questionnaire and Interviewer Management System

Testing for the spring 2021 (Rounds 1/3/5/7) instrument was conducted between September and December 2020. Testing for the fall 2021 (Rounds 2/4/6/8) instrument was conducted between March and June 2021. Since 2018, many of the testing approaches and procedures used for the technical upgrade have been continued or adapted to maintain a comprehensive testing plan that supports the ongoing instrument development schedule.

CAPI instrument development and testing included multiple programming/testing iterations that each lasted several weeks. Testing was conducted by a mix of corporate testers, MEPS project staff, and trained programming staff. Project and systems staff performed all testing in close coordination with the design team. For each of the spring and fall instruments, AHRQ received an alpha delivery and conducted its own testing. The following month, AHRQ received a beta delivery and conducted additional testing.

The testing ensured that CAPI followed the design as intended and assessed whether the layout of the overall screen for a given question, and across questions, consistently met the requirements designed to minimize measurement error. Feature testing thoroughly tested all new features against specifications, including wording, text fills, legal and illegal responses, boundary conditions, and skip patterns. Testers validated every possible variation allowed by the specifications.

Both scripted and free-form testing were used throughout the development and testing process. A full suite of scripted test cases was defined by the design staff and analytic leads at Westat and is updated each cycle. These scripted test cases represent approximately 80 percent of the cases fielded, including common paths through the CAPI instrument across all Panel rounds. The test script suite was executed through alpha and beta for the spring and fall testing cycles.

In contrast, free-form testing focused on design changes in the current instrument build and ensured that any reported instrument bugs had been fixed. Free-form testing was also utilized to ensure the stability of the CAPI data model and to evaluate the stored data in new or unusual situations. Testers routinely pushed array limits, used back-up, changed answers, and used break-off and restart cases to challenge performance boundaries.

Additional testing components, including enhanced integration testing and ad hoc/free-form testing, were also conducted. The enhanced integration testing allowed project staff to check electronic Face Sheet information, test the Interviewer Assignment Sheet (IAS), and make entries into the electronic record of calls and refusal evaluation form. The ad hoc testing component used information derived from actual cases to verify that all management information was brought forward correctly from previous rounds. Using actual case data also allowed staff to check uncommon paths through the MEPS instrument so that specific changes to the questionnaire could be thoroughly tested.

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2.4 Changes to Materials and Procedures for 2021

The manuals and the materials for the 2021 field effort were updated as needed to reflect changes to the questionnaire and management systems. Below is a description of the key changes to the materials and procedures.

Instructional Manuals

The field interviewer procedures manual was updated to address changes in field procedures and updates to the Interviewer Management System (IMS). In the fall of 2021, a PDF of the Field Interviewer Procedures Manual was added to the MEPS laptop to give interviewers access to a searchable electronic version of the manual.

Electronic Materials

To help prepare for upcoming interviews, the electronic face sheet in the IMS provides interviewers with information needed to contact their assigned households and familiarize themselves with the composition of the household and relevant details about their prior history with the survey. In 2021, the face sheet was expanded to show information for up to eight rounds. The Policy Booklet section was removed from the face sheet since all follow-up efforts were completed for that task at the end of 2020. A flag to indicate if there was an outstanding SDOH (Social and Health Experiences SAQ) from the previous round to collect was added to the face sheet for the fall 2021 data collection.

The IMS also contains an RU Information module for documenting operational information to help the next round’s interviewer effectively work each case, an RU Contact module for reporting address and telephone number changes identified prior to the CAPI interview, and the Interviewer Assignment Sheet (IAS), which supports follow-up for AFs and SAQs not completed at the time of the interview. A section was added to the IAS in 2021 to display paper Social and Health Experiences SAQ (SDOH SAQ) requests from CAPI.

New to interviewers in 2021 was the deployment of iPhones with mFOS, or the mobile field operating system. The mFOS application gives interviewers access to some of the same information and capabilities available in the IMS. They can view face sheets for their assigned cases, report address and telephone number changes, and enter electronic records of calls (EROCs) on the iPhone. Data from the iPhone and the IMS are synced upon transmission from the laptop. The mobile phones also offer navigation, email, and other administrative applications useful to interviewers. The phone also serves as a hot spot to allow for internet connectivity and data transmission.

Advance Contact and Other Case Materials

All respondent letters, monthly planners, and self-administered questionnaires were updated with the appropriate year references, and the Income Job Aid was updated with 2018 data. Further, the Monthly Planner, MEPS brochure, and the advance mailing envelope were redesigned with a more modern font and elements that provided a more cohesive look for the advance mailings.

The website was repurposed for telephone interviewing, providing respondents with access to respondent cooperation and record keeping materials, and the show cards, in both English and Spanish.

In fall 2021, the AHRQ signature on letters was updated to that of Joel Cohen, Director of AHRQ’s Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends.

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3. Recruiting and Training

3.1 Field Interviewer Recruiting for 2021

Overview. For spring 2021 data collection, MEPS attempted to recruit approximately 140 new interviewers to join the team of approximately 270 interviews who were active on MEPS at the start of the 2021 data collection in early January. Our goal was to increase the team and to start spring data collection with about 400 interviewers.

To put the recruiting and attrition numbers into perspective, Table 3-1 summarizes the MEPS spring data collection staffing for the period of 2017 � 2021.

Table 3-1. Staffing for spring field period, 2017�2021

Data collection period Experienced interviewers staffed New interviewers staffed Total Interviewers for spring data collection
Spring 2017 359 87 446
Spring 2018 345 75 420
Spring 2019 325 27 352
Spring 2020 269 121 390
Spring 2021 272 147* 419

Spring 2021 Attrition Staffing - *Note that the total of 143 includes the 36 Interviewers who were not trained until mid-June in order to shore up fall staffing.

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Recruiting Goals. Based on a projected sample size of approximately 24,200 RUs across the four Panels to be fielded for spring 2021 and the likely number of experienced MEPS interviewers available at the end of fall 2020 data collection (about 260), including a MEPS travel team of 10 to 12 members, Westat estimated needing to recruit approximately 140 new interviewers for the standard staffing model. The goal was to start data collection with approximately 400 interviewers actively working during the spring 2021 data collection period.

Westat uses the Field Interviewer Recruitment Module (FIRM) software designed to manage the data collector recruiting process. This system works in conjunction with BrassRing, an online application system used to collect, track, and manage applications for all positions at Westat. The BrassRing system collects applications from both external (new to Westat) and internal (current or former Westat field data collectors) applicants.

The main recruiting of new field interviewers for 2021 began in October 2020 and continued into early January 2021. Due to a relatively low number of applicants, MEPS developed a national telephone/ traveling data collector position to expand opportunities to a national audience. The interviewing in spring 2021 was heavily weighted toward telephone interviewing, so this new position seemed worth trying. Because there was a higher level of attrition during the virtual new hire training, it was decided that MEPS would hold an attrition training to supplement the staff available to move forward into fall data collection in July. Recruitment for the attrition training began in early April and ended in early June 2021.

Recruiting Outcomes. During the main recruiting period, 146 candidates accepted job offers, of whom 121 started training and 111 finished. With the addition of these new trainees, the project began 2021 data collection with a total of 383 interviewers. During the attrition training period, the goal was to add 70 more interviewers. However, only 36 candidates accepted job offers and all 36 completed attrition training.

Interviewer Attrition During 2021 Data Collection. During the spring data collection, 62 new interviewers and 33 experienced interviewers were lost to attrition. An additional 30 new interviewers and 27 experienced interviewers were lost during the fall round. Total attrition for the year was 35.4 percent, the highest attrition level MEPS has experienced in the past 5 years. In looking forward to 2022, MEPS plans to expand the interviewing staff so that we may begin data collection with at least 400 interviewers. The breakdown of interviewer attrition is shown in Tables 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4.

Table 3-2. Spring attrition rate among new and experienced interviewers, 2017-2021

Data collection period New interviewers lost Experienced interviewers lost Total interviewers lost
# % # % # %
Spring 2017 18 20.7% 24 6.7% 42 9.4%
Spring 2018 26 34.7% 33 9.6% 59 14.0%
Spring 2019 8 29.6% 56 17.2% 64 18.2%
Spring 2020 39 32.2% 54 20.1% 93 23.8%
Spring 2021 64 40.8% 33 12.1% 97 22.6%

Table 3-2 shows the overall attrition rate during the spring data collection period from 2017 through 2021. Note that although the total spring 2021 attrition rate of 22.6 percent was not quite as high as the spring 2020 attrition rate of 23.8 percent, but it was close. This high attrition rate in 2021 seems to have been exacerbated by a virtual new hire training process that made it much easier for a new hire to quit, as evidenced by a 40.8 percent spring new hire attrition rate.

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Table 3-3. Fall attrition rate among new and experienced interviewers, 2017-2021

Data collection period New interviewers lost Experienced interviewers lost Total interviewers lost
# % # % # %
Fall 2017 10 14.5% 44 13.1% 54 13.4%
Fall 2018 10 20.4% 16 5.1% 26 7.2%
Fall 2019 4 21.0% 20 7.4% 24 8.3%
Fall 2020 16 19.5% 8 3.7% 24 8.0%
Fall 2021 30 31.6% 27 11.3% 57 17.1%

Table 3-3 shows the overall attrition rate during the fall data collection period from 2017 through 2021. Note that the total fall 2021 attrition rate was 17.1 percent, the highest fall attrition rate in the past 5 years. Only the fall 2017 attrition rate was in double digits, and that was because some MEPS PSUs were retired due to changes in the new sampling frame.

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Table 3-4. Annual attrition rate among new and experienced interviewers, 2017-2021

Data collection period New interviewers lost Experienced interviewers lost Total interviewers lost
# % # % # %
2017 28 32.2% 68 18.9% 96 21.5%
2018 36 48.0% 49 14.2% 85 20.2%
2019 12 44.4% 76 23.4% 88 25.0%
2020 55 45.0% 62 23.0% 117 30.0%
2021 94 58.6% 60 22.1% 152 35.4%

Table 3-4 shows the annual attrition rate across new and experienced interviewers from 2017 � 2021. The annual attrition rate for 2021 was 35.4 percent, the highest rate in the past 5 years. The extremely high rate of attrition among new hires can be attributed in large part to the continuation of the pandemic conditions, namely, a reliance on a high proportion of the interviewing being done by telephone. As noted above, the virtual training format seems to have made it much easier for new hires to quit mid-training.

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3.2 2021 Interviewer Training

The overall structure for training new interviewers in 2021 was a departure from prior years in order to remotely administer the training due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It began with a home study, followed by a remote training conducted over Zoom for government in early February 2021, and ending with completion of a two-part, post-classroom home study component. An attrition training was also conducted in June 2021 with minor alterations made through the experience gained during the prior session.

Pre-Training Activities. This package included a project laptop and an interactive self-paced workbook with exercises and online modules including videos and quizzes administered through Westat’s Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS generated regular reports, allowing home office and field management staff to monitor the completion of each trainee’s home study. New hires received their home study package early enough to complete the package before the remote training, but not so early that their introduction to important study concepts and project terminology would degrade before the remote training. The attrition training added additional practice with the Zoom platform prior to the remote training.

Remote Training. The usual 7½-day training format for in-person training was extended by 1 day, to accommodate the completion of both synchronous and asynchronous content. During the June attrition training, trainees were given the weekend off to attend to asynchronous content that had not been completed and address personal needs that were impacted by the remote approach. Any synchronous content accommodated trainees from the East Coast to the West Coast; therefore, the training day hours were from 12 PM through 5:30 PM EST for synchronous content.

Training sessions used a “block” approach to the training, with each training day consisting of a block of synchronous training and a block of asynchronous training. Trainees had synchronous training for some portion of each training day. Trainees completed required asynchronous blocks prior to the corresponding synchronous blocks.

For the 8½ days of project-specific training, each trainee was assigned to one of seven training classrooms (three for the June attrition training) staffed by a primary and support trainer, one or two classroom runners, and a Zoom host. The selection of trainers for the 2021 new hire trainings was based on several criteria including experience training with the CAPI instrument, overall project knowledge, and prior training experience. Prior to remote training, all training and support staff received a training on the remote platform; the associated technologies; and the content, activities, and procedures associated with remote training.

The training sessions used a variety of formats for presenting material, including lecture, question-and-answer interactions, written exercises, group discussion of problems and resolutions, and activities in which trainees were required to seek answers by consulting project resource materials. In addition, full and “mini” mock interviews (or “mocks”) and dyad role-plays were used throughout the training, and were central to training on both the mechanics and substance of the CAPI instrument.

Mocks are scripted interviews usually led by a classroom trainer who serves as both trainer and “respondent” while trainees take turns as the interviewer. Full mocks present the entire interview from Re-enumeration through Closing, while a “mini” mock relies on preloaded data to allow the training to begin at the desired questionnaire section. For the remote training, the mocks were delivered in one of three ways: demonstration, simulation, and teleconference.

Mock 1 (Round 1) was demonstrated in a synchronous session, with trainers displaying the CAPI screens and trainees reading the questions from the screen and calling out the appropriate keyboard response to the questions.

Mock 2 (Round 3) was posted on the LMS as an interactive CAPI simulation, with respondent answers coded into the simulation. Although the simulation looked and behaved like the CAPI instrument, corrective feedback was given immediately when the trainee coded incorrectly.

Mock 3 (Round 5) was administered via teleconference call led by an experienced trainer with additional support for troubleshooting. Teleconference allowed for additional hands-on CAPI practice for trainees and gave the trainer the opportunity to evaluate trainee performance.

Mini-mocks and materials on the IMS were presented in one of three modes: synchronous training in the virtual classroom, CAPI simulation hosted on the LMS, and independent practice from hard-copy materials to allow for hands-on CAPI/IMS practice.

Dyads paired trainees in a virtual breakout room to conduct an interview with one trainee playing the role of interviewer, and the other using a script to play the respondent. Each dyad pair was observed by a dyad observer, either a field supervisor or other training staff. Dyads are an effective tool for reinforcing questionnaire concepts and building interviewer confidence in administering the instrument. They also provide trainers with an opportunity to assess each trainee’s interviewing skills and mastery of the questionnaire application.

The remote training component maintained the emphasis on interviewer behaviors and interviewing techniques that facilitate complete and accurate reporting. Trainers were instructed to reinforce good interviewing behaviors during mock interviews. Good interviewing behaviors include reading questions verbatim, training respondents to use records to aid recall, actively engaging respondents in the use of show cards, and using active listening and probing skills. Trainers called attention to instances in which interviewers demonstrated such behaviors. To enhance trainee awareness of behaviors that affect data quality, dyad scripts included instructions to take a “time-out” at certain items in the interview to highlight relevant data quality issues.

In the past, scripted lab material had been provided to trainers and trainees for in-person lab practice. Often, trainees who wanted additional CAPI practice would take the scripts with them to work on independently. For the remote training, Westat offered some hard-copy scripted materials to all trainees as required independent practice.

  1. Westat offered “office hours” for trainees to connect by video with experienced MEPS staff who could answer questions and address concerns.

  2. Similar to in-person labs, Westat had a sign-up method (CVENT) for trainees to attend sessions for targeted review of concepts. Westat had the trainee share the screen for trainers to watch. Since the majority of help for trainees during the remote session labs was one-on-one practice, rather than using scripted materials, trainers spoke with the training team lead as well as the trainee themselves to get a feel for where extra practice was needed. The trainer then customized the one-on-one instruction to meet the needs of the trainee.

  3. When a trainer or field management staff identified a trainee as needing one-on-one help, a member of the training floater team was assigned to work with the trainee.

One hundred eleven new hires successfully completed the main training, and 36 successfully completed the attrition training.

Bilingual training followed a similar format to in-person training. Bilingual trainees participated in a 4-hour block of training on the last half-day of training. Trainees completed a Round 3 dyad in Spanish. The same format for dyads used in the main training was applied to bilingual training. Trainees divided into breakout rooms to complete the dyad with training staff visiting the breakout rooms to ensure good interviewing behaviors and an understanding of the CAPI instrument. Additionally, trainees used the breakout room approach to practice refusal conversion in Spanish. Eight new interviewers successfully completed 2021 bilingual training and four new interviewers completed the bilingual attrition training.

Post-Remote Training Activities. The post-classroom home study was administered in two parts for the main training and combined into one part for the attrition training (to allow trainees to complete the home study prior to launch of the fall rounds). The first component was distributed on the last day of remote training, and new interviewers had to have successfully completed it before beginning fieldwork. It contained an interactive exercise in BFOS Secure Messaging (BSM) and completion of a mini-mock with a proxy respondent.

The home study also included a memo from the Field Director reviewing their tasks in preparation to interview, and it provided an “early work period” documentation form to assist them in setting up a work plan with their supervisor and completing tasks in a timely manner. At the same time, all field supervisors received a memo from the Field Director outlining their role in the post-classroom training through the setting of clear expectations, support, and ongoing training to their interviewers.

In addition to the home study, field supervisors engaged in additional post-training activities with new hires. New hires sat in on the report call of an experienced field interviewer and also reviewed assigned cases to report to their supervisor the best contact strategy for each. Field managers and field supervisors coordinated and implemented a mentoring/buddy plan that paired new hires with experienced FIs.

The new interviewers received the second component of the post-classroom home study about 6 weeks after the remote training. This component included both hard-copy materials as well as modules in the electronic LMS. This last component provided interviewers with additional training on respondent cooperation and participation in record-keeping activities. It also provided training on several important Re-enumeration topics and student Rus, and it reinforced interviewer practices related to collecting quality data.

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3.2.1 Experienced Interviewer Training

Spring 2021 Round 1/3/5/7 Home Study. The Round 1/3/5/7 home study in December 2020 followed established formats but was expanded to accommodate the introduction of the MEPS iPhone and mFOS (mobile Field Operating System), the extension of the rounds, telephone interviewing procedures, COVID-19 Mitigation protocols, the SDOH SAQ, and the new telehealth event type. The 3-hour self-paced program contained an instructional memo, independent CAPI practice, iPhone training, and a quiz.

In-Person Refresher Training. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the refresher training scheduled for August 2021 was canceled.

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3.2.2 Continuing Education for All Interviewers

Fall 2021 Round 2/4/6/8 Home Study. The Round 2/4/6/8 home study in July 2021 followed established formats. The 1½-hour self-paced program contained an instructional memo, example materials, and a quiz. Topics included the extension of the rounds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, additional training on telephone interviewing and the use of the telephone-interviewing website for respondents, COVID mitigation protocols, and follow-up cost-sharing document collection. New interviewers hired in the spring were required to complete a mock interview with their supervisor, field manager, or designated senior interviewer before beginning the fall rounds of data collection.

Weekly Newsletter. In 2021, MEPS continued offering its field interviewer newsletter in a weekly format. The newsletter allows for additional training opportunities in a concise format and the ability to deliver content as needed to the field. Topics include CAPI questionnaire topics, procedural content, and answers to field interviewer questions.

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4. Data Collection

This chapter describes the MEPS-HC data collection operations and provides selected results for the eight rounds of MEPS-HC interviewing conducted in 2021. Selected comparisons to results of prior years are also presented. Tables showing results for all years of the study are provided in the Appendix.

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4.1 Data Collection Procedures

MEPS data collection management relies on a set of interrelated systems and procedures designed to accomplish three goals: efficiency, data quality, and cost containment. The systems include the Basic Field Operating System (BFOS), which facilitates case management through case assignment, case status and hours reporting, data quality reporting, and interviewer efficiency. Related systems include the computer-assisted recorded interview (CARI) system and the MEPS supervisor dashboard, which was placed into production in 2018. The CARI system allows for review of recordings for selected interview items to assist in the assessment of interviewer performance and question assessment. The MEPS supervisor dashboard provides views into daily and weekly management tasks related to the tracking of hours per complete, key alerts from casework in the field, the management of weekly production goals, and a number of metrics designed to facilitate weekly field calls with interviewers regarding hours worked, production, and interview quality. These tools, along with the implementation of models designed to identify cases with a higher propensity for completion, as well as on-hold procedures designed to prevent the overwork of cases in the field, form a comprehensive framework for the management of MEPS data collection.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the procedures followed in the 2021 data collection differed greatly than those of years prior to 2020.

As in prior years, respondent contact materials provided respondents with the link to the MEPS website (; a toll-free number to Alex Scott, a study representative at Westat; and the link to the Westat website ( Calls received from the Alex Scott line were logged into the call-tracking system and the appropriate supervisor notified so that he/she could take the proper course of action.

The advance contact calls to Panel 26 Round 1 households were made by a subset of the experienced MEPS interviewers.

Typically, for Round 1 households, interviewers are instructed, with few exceptions, to make initial contact with the household in-person. For later rounds, interviewers are allowed to make initial contacts to set appointments by telephone, so long as the household had been cooperative in prior rounds. In response to COVID-19, all in-person interviewing ceased on March 17, 2020, and all contacts and interviews were conducted over the telephone. Prior to 2020, interviews conducted on the telephone represented only 5-8 percent of interviews. Procedures for telephone and text contacts were developed and implemented in 2020. These were adjusted in 2021 to instruct in-person contact where community spread was below a reasonable threshold. After initial contact, an in-person interview proceeded as scheduled when both parties agreed; otherwise, a telephone interview was scheduled.

Procedures for collecting the medical and pharmacy authorization forms for the Medical Provider Component (MPC) and self-administered questionnaires (SAQs) underwent significant changes due to the pandemic. In 2020, interviewers mailed authorization forms to respondents and had them return them to the home office via business reply envelope (BRE). After the in-person interview, the forms were generated and mailed by the interviewer from home shortly after the interview was completed, along with a BRE and the incentive check. The interviewer made a phone call to follow up within several days.

In 2021, the protocols from fall 2020 were expanded to address the steep decline in returned signed authorization forms experienced in 2020, including instituting a procedure for interviewers to place up to three reminder calls to ensure AFs were completed and returned or ready for pickup.

MEPS also continued the 2020 practice of contactless AF pickup instituted in the fall field period. MEPS continued a re-mail effort started in late fall 2020, mailing new sets of AFs to RUs where AFs were expected but not received. This was paired with the reminder calls for RUs with a larger number of AFs or hospital visits.

MEPS field managers, field directors, and the task leader for field operations continued to manage the field data collection in collaboration with the field supervisors, reinforcing the importance of balancing data quality with production and cost goals across regions. Field staff referred to this collaborative effort as the “No Region Left Behind” approach.

Throughout the year Westat continued to review data for all respondents reported to have been institutionalized in order to identify any individuals who might have been inappropriately classified and, as a result, treated as out of scope for MEPS data collection.

Data Collection Schedule. The sequence for beginning the spring rounds of data collection, most recently adjusted in 2014, was maintained for the spring round of 2021. Data collection began with Round 5, followed by Round 3, and then Round 1. For the Round 1 respondents, the later starting date allowed several additional weeks of elapsed time in which respondents could experience healthcare events to report in their Round 1 interview, with these additional events giving them a more realistic understanding of what to expect in the subsequent rounds of the study. To maintain the highest levels of quality of MEPS data, a decision was made to extend Panels 23 and 24 to nine rounds; therefore, there was no exit round in 2021.

The field period dates for the eight rounds conducted in 2021 are shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Data collection schedule and number of weeks per round of data collection, 2021

Round Dates No. of weeks in round
1 January 24 � July 14 24
2 July 28 � December 7 19
3 January 17 � June 15 21
4 July 21 � December 7 20
5 January 10 � May 15 18
6 July 28 � December 7 19
7 January 10 � May 15 18
8 July 21 � December 7 20

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Data Quality (DQ) Monitoring. The MEPS DQ field monitoring system and procedures allowed supervisors and field managers to identify interviewers whose work deviated from quality standards and who might need additional coaching on methods for getting respondents to more completely report their healthcare events. CARI review was further integrated into weekly monitoring activities with supervisors listening to portions of roughly 1,000 interviews per field period. These reviews were used to reinforce positive interviewing behaviors and techniques; in addition, listening to CARI gave field supervisors direct exposure to interviewing behaviors that needed to be addressed. In some cases, CARI recording results were such that interviewers were instructed to stop working until they could receive some re-training, including administering a practice interview to their field supervisor. This effort was supported by DQ alerts built into the supervisor dashboard to identify possible DQ issues related to record use and event entry. Supervisors investigated these issues and retrained when necessary.

Case Potential Listing. The project continued the use of a model predicting a completed interview from a given case (“propensity to complete”) relative to other pending cases in a region. The model is designed to identify cases with a high likelihood of completion at that point in the field period relative to other pending cases. The model is dynamic and is updated weekly based on the specific conditions for pending cases at that time. The model was tested in 2019 to determine if updates were necessary to better fit the data; however, the existing model remains well-suited to current interview conditions and remains in effect even for telephone interviews.

Information from this model is integrated into BFOS (the system used for case management), providing propensity to complete as part of a comprehensive view of a case for a given week. Supervisors were to instruct interviewers�in the absence of other field information that would dictate otherwise�to attempt these cases during the next production week. Table 4-2 illustrates the potential categories used to classify cases on a weekly basis to promote field efficiency.

Table 4-2. Case potential categories for classifying and prioritizing case work, spring 2021

Potential categories for pending MEPS cases
High potential (unworked)
High potential (worked)
Low potential
Low potential refusal

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4.2 Data Collection Results: Interviewing

Table 4-3 provides an overview of the data collection results for Panels 20 through 26, showing sample sizes, average interviewer hours per completed interview, and response rates. Table 4-4 shows the final response rates a second time, reformatted to facilitate by-round comparisons across Panels and years. Both tables display the additional Round 7 and 8 data new for 2021.

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Table 4-3. MEPS HC data collection results, panels 20 through 26

Panel/round Original sample Split cases (movers) Student cases Out-of-scope cases Net sample Completes Average interviewer hours/complete Response rate (%) Response rate goal
Panel 20 Round 1 10,854 496 85 117 11,318 8,318 12.5 73.5 80
Round 2 8,301 243 39 22 8,561 7,998 8.3 93.4 95
Round 3 7,987 173 17 26 8,151 7,753 6.8 95.1 96
Round 4 7,729 161 19 31 7,878 7,622 7.2 96.8 97
Round 5 7,611 99 13 23 7,700 7,421 6.0 96.4 98
Panel 21 Round 1 9,851 462 92 89 10,316 7,674 5.9 74.4 80
Round 2 7,661 207 32 17 7,883 7,327 8.5 92.9 95
Round 3 7,327 166 14 19 7,488 7,043 7.2 94.1 96
Round 4 7,025 119 14 20 7,138 6,907 7.0 96.8 97
Round 5 6,914 42 8 34 6,930 6,778 5.9 97.8 98
Panel 22 Round 1 9,835 352 68 86 10,169 7,381 12.8 72.6 80
Round 2 7,371 166 19 11 7,545 7,039 8.5 93.3 95
Round 3 7,071 100 12 19 7,164 6,808 6.7 95.0 96
Round 4 6,815 91 13 18 6,901 6,672 6.8 96.7 97
Round 5 6,670 35 7 12 6,700 6,584 5.3 98.3 98
Panel 23 Round 1 9,960 193 46 110 10,089 7,351 12.5 72.9 80
Round 2 7,387 106 14 15 7,492 6,960 8.2 92.9 95
Round 3 6,987 102 11 18 7,082 6,703 6.1 94.6 96
Round 4 6,704 74 10 12 6,776 6,522 6.6 96.2 97
Round 5 6,503 34 4 5 6,536 6,383 5.3 97.7 98
Round 6 6,498 90 10 18 6,480 5,120 4.8 79.0 90
Round 7 5,176 36 5 6 5,170 4,513 5.2 87.3 85
Round 8 4,558 27 3 10 4,548 3,984 5.8 87.6 80
Round 9                 90
Panel 24 Round 1 9,976 153 43 82 10,090 7,186 11.8 71.2 80
Round 2 7,211 98 19 5 7,323 6,777 7.9 92.5 95
Round 3 6,812 76 9 7 6,890 6,289 6.0 91.3 96
Round 4 6,335 44 4 13 6,370 5,446 5.1 85.5 97
Round 5 5,510 31 4 15 5,495 4,770 5.3 86.8 85
Round 6 4,816 22 8 8 4,808 3,959 5.7 82.3 80
Round 7                 87
Panel 25 Round 1 10,008 184 38 78 10,152 6,265 9.6 61.7 80
Round 2 5,907 49 14 12 5,958 4,677 5.5 78.5 95
Round 3 5,191 38 5 2 5,189 4,230 6.1 81.5 80
Round 4 4,314 40 10 7 4,307 3,685 7.3 85.6 97
Round 5                 85
Panel 26 Round 1 9,674 160 29 68 9,795 5,882 11.1 60.1 70
Round 2 6,047 83 11 2 6,045 4,799 9.0 79.4 95
Round 3                 83

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Table 4-4. Response rates by data collection year, 2012-2021

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8
Panel 17 78.2 94.2
Panel 16 96.1 97.3
Panel 15 98.2
Panel 18 74.2 92.9
Panel 17 95.2 95.5
Panel 16 97.6
Panel 19 71.8 93.6
Panel 18 94.5 97.1
Panel 17 98.5
Panel 20 73.5 93.4
Panel 19 94.7 96.7
Panel 18 98.4
Panel 21 74.4 93.0
Panel 20 95.1 96.8
Panel 19 98.3
Panel 22 72.6 93.3
Panel 21 94.1 96.8
Panel 20 96.4
Panel 23 72.9 92.9
Panel 22   95.0 96.7
Panel 21   97.8
Panel 24 71.2 92.5
Panel 23   94.6 96.2
Panel 22   98.3
Panel 25 61.7 78.5
Panel 24   91.3 85.5
Panel 23   97.7 79.0
Panel 26 60.1 79.4
Panel 25 81.5 85.6
Panel 24 86.8 82.3
Panel 23 87.3 87.6

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Of the data collection rounds conducted in 2021, the response rates for most rounds showed a similar pattern to 2020, a decline when compared to the rates from 2018 and 2019. With the shift to telephone data collection continuing throughout 2021, the Round 1 response rate was seriously impacted.

Other rounds suffered similar relative declines based on the lack of in-person opportunity. Because of this decline, a decision was made to extend Panels 23 and 24 to nine rounds to maintain the sample.

While not as extensive as in 2020, hours per complete across each Panel/round were lower than pre-pandemic years due to the large amount of telephone work. The biggest impact was seen in Round 1, where the average was 11.1 hours per complete compared with 11.7 hours (over the prior 4 years prior to the pandemic).

Components of Response and Nonresponse

Table 4-5 summarizes components of nonresponse associated with the Round 1 households by Panel beginning in 2016. As the table shows, prior to 2020 the components of nonresponse other than refusals�the “not located” and “out of scope” categories�remained relatively stable; however, in 2021, the “other nonresponse” and “not located” categories showed a significant increase. While there have been relative decreases in these categories in 2021, they remain elevated in comparison to 2019 and earlier. The larger year-to-year changes are reflected in the percentage of refusals, whereby increases and decreases in the percentage of refusals align closely with corresponding decreases and increases in the completion rate.

Table 4-5. Summary of MEPS Round 1 response and nonresponse, 2016�2021 Panels

Total sample 10,405 10,255 10,199 10,172 10,230 9,863
Out of scope (%) 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.7
Complete (%) 74.4 72.6 72.9 70.6 61.2 59.6
Nonresponse (%) 25.6 27.4 27.1 28.6 38.0 39.7
Refusal (%) 20.2 21.8 22.4 24.0 28.7 31.2
Not located (%) 3.7 3.9 3.1 3.1 3.2 4.3
Other nonresponse (%) 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 6.1 4.2

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Tables 4-6 through 4-13 summarize results for additional aspects of the 2021 data collection. Because Round 1 is the most difficult of all the rounds, the presentation focuses primarily on Panel 26, Round 1.

Table 4-6. Summary of MEPS Round 1 response, 2016�2021 Panels, by NHIS completion status

Original NHIS sample (N) 9,851 9,835 9,839 9,864 9,866 9,509
Percent complete in NHIS 77.6 81.0 80.4 84.2 89.3 85.3
Percent partial complete in NHIS 22.4 19.0 19.6 15.8 10.7 14.7
Percent complete for NHIS completes 77.3 75.4 75.4 73.5 63.5 63.1
Percent complete for NHIS partial completes 64.8 62.0 63.6 60.3 46.8 44.1

Note: Figures shown are based on original NHIS sample and exclude RUs added to the sample as “splits” and “students.”

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NHIS Completion Status

Each year the MEPS sample includes a number of households classified in the NHIS as “partial completes,” in which the interviewer was able to complete part, but not all, of the full NHIS interview. Given the NHIS redesign implemented in 2018, the partial completes included in the 20 MEPS sample included some cases that completed only the roster module of the NHIS. The MEPS experience has been that for many of these NHIS cases, the difficulty experienced by the NHIS interviewer carries over to the MEPS interview: the MEPS response rate for the NHIS partial completes is substantially lower than for the NHIS completes. As noted in Chapter 1, for the 2021 sample, AHRQ repeated the step taken since 2012 of sampling the NHIS partial completes in the “White/other” category at a lower rate than the NHIS completes.

The upper portion of Table 4-6 shows the proportion of partial completes in the sample over recent years. Across all domains, the proportion of the 2021 sample classified as partial complete was significantly lower than all the previous years shown on the table. The lower portion of the table shows the persistent and substantial difference in response rate between these two components of the sample. Among the cases originally delivered from the NHIS (that is, with new reporting units discovered during the MEPS interviewing excluded from the counts), the response rate for the NHIS partial completes has been around 12 percentage points fewer or less than that for the NHIS completes. In 2020, that difference jumped up to 16.7 percentage points, and there is a 19-point difference in 2021. In 2021, the proportion of partial completes is higher than 2020’s was, at 14.7 percent, which is closer to the 2019 level.

Sample Domain

Table 4-7 breaks out response information for the NHIS completes and partial completes by sample domain categories, including the veterans domain introduced in Panel 24. Table 4-7, unlike Table 4-6, does include reporting units added to the sample during Round 1 data collection; it shows the differential in response rates between the NHIS partial completes and full completes persisting across all of the domains. The difference across the full 2021 sample was 18.2 percentage points, with NHIS partial completes responding at a lower rate in all domains. Within the individual domains the difference between the response rate for the NHIS completes and the NHIS partials was greatest for the White/other domain � 22 percentage points.

Table 4-7. Summary of MEPS panel 26 round 1 response rates, by sample domain by NHIS completion status

Domain/NHIS status Net sample (N) Complete (%) Refusal (%) Not located (%) Other nonresponse (%)
Asian 638 54.9 34.7 5.5 3.9
NHIS complete 523 57.6 33.8 5.2 3.4
NHIS partial complete 115 42.6 44.3 7.0 6.1
Black 1,173 67.3 24.7 5.2 2.8
NHIS complete 961 70.1 23.3 11.9 2.4
NHIS partial complete 212 54.2 31.1 9.9 4.7
Hispanic 1,483 65.1 26.6 4.7 3.6
NHIS complete 1,192 67.6 24.7 4.4 3.4
NHIS partial complete 291 54.6 34.4 6.2 4.8
White/other 6,501 58.1 33.3 4.0 4.6
NHIS complete 5,658 61.0 30.7 3.8 4.5
NHIS partial complete 843 39.0 50.5 5.1 5.3
All groups 9,795 60.0 31.4 4.4 4.2
NHIS complete 8,334 62.8 29.2 4.0 4.0
NHIS partial complete 1,461 44.6 44.0 6.2 5.2

Note: Includes reporting units added to sample as “splits” and “students” from original NHIS households, which were given the same “complete” or “partial complete” designation as the original household.

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Refusals and Refusal Conversion

Table 4-8 summarizes the results of refusal conversion efforts by Panel. The rate of “ever refused” for RUs in Panel 26 increased to its highest level to 5.6 percent. The percentage of converted RUs for Round 1 rebounded slightly to 19.3 percent of cases converted from a low of 12.3 percent in 2020.

Table 4-8. Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for RUs who ever refused, Panels 20-26

Panel Net sample (N) Ever refused (%) Converted (%) Final refusal rate (%) Final response rate (%)
Panel 20 11,318 30.1 29.2 21.0 73.5
Panel 21 10,316 29.1 29.0 20.2 74.4
Panel 22 10,169 30.1 27.6 21.8 72.6
Panel 23 10,089 31.3 25.6 22.4 72.9
Panel 24 10,090 32.6 23.4 24.2 71.2
Panel 25 10,152 34.8 12.3 28.9 61.7
Panel 26 9,795 40.4 19.3 31.4 60.0

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Tracing and Locating

Table 4-9 shows results of locating efforts for households that required tracking during the Round 1 field period by Panel. The percent of households that required some tracing in 2021 (11.3%) dropped 0.4 percent from 2020; the final rate of households that were not located after tracing efforts was its highest point since 2015, although the 2021 “not located” rate was still within the range of 3.0-4.3 percent for the 7-year period shown in the table.

Table 4-9. Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for RUs who were ever traced, Panels 20-26

Panel Total sample (N) Ever traced (%) Not located (%)
Panel 20 11,435 14.0 4.3
Panel 21 10,405 12.8 3.7
Panel 22 10,228 13.0 3.9
Panel 23 10,199 12.7 3.0
Panel 24 10,172 12.6 3.0
Panel 25 10,230 11.7 3.2
Panel 26 9,863 11.3 4.3

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Interview Length

Table 4-10 shows the mean length (in minutes) for interviews conducted without interruption in a single session in Panels 20-26. Starting in 2020, with the pandemic shutdown, everything moved to telephone interviews; in 2021, a large number of interviews were still conducted by telephone, which took longer as interviewers had to read the show cards aloud, thus adding time to the interview.

Table 4-10. Interview timing comparison, Panels 20 through 26 (mean minutes per interview, single-session interviews)

Round Panel 20 Panel 21 Panel 22 Panel 23 Panel 24 Panel 25 Panel 26
Round 1 76.4 75.5 79.9 78.1 79.5 89.0 92.9
Round 2 86.3 85.3 88.8 88.2 87.0 89.7 93.3
Round 3 89.7 93.4 93.0 92.6 98.5 100.0
Round 4 80.5 82.7 84.3 86.8 86.2 93.2
Round 5 85.3 76.0 78.8 78.7 97.1
Round 6 88.4 89.7
Round 7 96.6
Round 8 90.1

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Mean Contact Attempts Per Case

Table 4-11 shows mean contact attempts, by mode and NHIS completion status, for all cases in Round 1 of Panels 24-26. Overall, the number of contacts required per case in Panel 26 remains elevated compared to 2019 and earlier. The 2021 number of contacts is one attempt lower than in 2020. This increase is chiefly attributed to the challenges incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to telephone interviewing. As in prior years, in Panel 26 the NHIS partial complete cases required substantially greater effort than the NHIS completes, roughly 0.8 additional in-person contacts per household.

Table 4-11. Mean contact attempts by NHIS completion status, round 1 of panels 24-26

Contact type Panel 24, Round 1 Panel 25, Round 1 Panel 26, Round 1
All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial
N 9,864 8,306 1,558 9,866 8,814 1,052 9,509 8,113 1,396
% of all RUs 100 84.2 15.8 100 89.3 10.7 100 85.3 14.7
In-person 5.5 5.4 6.3 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.3 3.1
Telephone 1.3 1.2 1.6 9.7 9.5 11.6 8.8 8.7 9.8
Total 7.3 7.1 8.5 14.4 14.1 17.0 13.1 12.8 14.9

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4.3 Data Collection Results: Authorization Form Signing Rates

During the Respondent Forms section of the MEPS CAPI interview, interviewers are prompted to ask respondents to sign the authorization forms (AFs) needed to conduct the MPC of MEPS. Authorization forms are requested for each unique person-provider pairing identified during the interviews as a source of care to a key member of the household. Medical provider AFs are requested for physicians seen in an office-based setting; for inpatient, outpatient, or emergency room care received in a hospital; for care received from a home health agency; for telehealth; and for certain stays in long-term care institutions. Pharmacy AFs are requested for each pharmacy from which a household member obtained prescription medicines.

Table 4-12 shows round-by-round signing rates for the medical provider AFs for Panels 19 through 26. Signing rates increased from 2020 but remained lower than in previous years.

Table 4-12. Signing rates for medical provider authorization forms for panels 19 through 26

Panel/round Authorization forms requested Authorization forms signed Signing rate (%)
Panel 19 Round 1 2,189 1,480 67.6
Round 2 22,671 17,190 75.8
Round 3 20,582 14,534 70.6
Round 4 17,102 13,254 77.5
Round 5 15,330 11,425 74.5
Panel 20 Round 1 2,354 1,603 68.1
Round 2 25,334 18,479 72.9
Round 3 22,851 15,862 69.4
Round 4 18,234 14,026 76.9
Round 5 16,274 12,100 74.4
Panel 21 Round 1 2,037 1,396 68.5
Round 2 22,984 17,295 75.2
Round 3 20,802 14,898 71.6
Round 4 16,487 13,110 79.5
Round 5 20,443 16,247 79.5
Panel 22 Round 1 2,274 1,573 69.2
Round 2 22,913 17,530 76.5
Round 3 26,436 19,496 73.7
Round 4 23,249 18,097 77.8
Round 5 17,171 12,168 70.9
Panel 23 Round 1 1,982 1,533 77.3
Round 2 29,576 21,850 73.9
Round 3 23,365 14,575 62.4
Round 4 19,220 13,483 70.2
Round 5 17,569 10,903 62.1
Round 6 12,701 8,002 63.0
Round 7 13,254 8,108 61.2
Round 8 11,589 7,624 65.8
Panel 24 Round 1 2,285 1,306 57.2
Round 2 24,755 15,865 64.1
Round 3 22,657 11,522 50.9
Round 4 14,612 7,716 52.8
Round 5 15,992 8,941 55.9
Round 6 11,366 6,658 58.6
Panel 25 Round 1 3,110 1,242 39.9
Round 2 15,259 7,292 47.8
Round 3 15,932 8,100 50.8
Round 4 11,252 7,204 64.0
Panel 26 Round 1 2,432 1,151 47.3
Round 2 17,765 10,564 59.5

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Calculation of the round-by-round collection rate for the medical provider authorization forms is based on all forms requested during a round. The rates calculated for Rounds 2-8 include forms fielded but not signed in an earlier round (nonresponse). Included as well were forms that were fielded in an earlier round and signed but rendered obsolete because the person had another health event with the provider after the date on which the original form was signed.

Table 4-13 shows signing rates for pharmacy authorization forms for Panels 19 through 26. Pharmacy authorization forms are requested in Rounds 2 through 9, with follow-up for nonresponse in subsequent rounds similar to that for medical provider authorization forms. The decline in signing rates for 2020 can be attributed to the move to telephone interviewing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As with the medical provider authorizations forms, there was a slight increase in signing rate in 2021, but it remained lower than years prior to 2020.

Table 4-13. Signing rates for pharmacy authorization forms for panels 19 through 26

Panel/round Authorization forms requested Authorization forms signed Signing rate (%)
Panel 19 Round 2 10,749 8,261 76.9
Round 3 9,618 6,902 71.8
Round 4 8,557 6,579 76.9
Round 5 7,767 5,905 76.0
Panel 20 Round 2 12,074 8,796 72.9
Round 3 10,577 7,432 70.3
Round 4 9,099 6,945 76.3
Round 5 8,312 6,339 76.3
Panel 21 Round 2 10,783 7,985 74.1
Round 3 9,540 6,847 71.8
Round 4 8,172 6,387 78.2
Round 5 6,684 5,336 79.8
Panel 22 Round 2 10,510 7,919 75.4
Round 3 8,053 5,953 73.9
Round 4 7,284 5,670 77.8
Round 5 8,048 5,726 71.1
Panel 23 Round 2 8,834 6,514 73.8
Round 3 9,614 6,205 64.5
Round 4 8,486 5,900 69.5
Round 5 8,067 5,101 63.2
Round 6 5,668 3,418 60.3
Round 7 5,417 3,345 61.8
Round 8 5,182 3,341 64.5
Panel 24 Round 2 10,265 6,676 65.0
Round 3 9,096 4,831 53.1
Round 4 7,100 3,636 51.2
Round 5 6,528 3,682 56.4
Round 6 4,783 2,663 55.7
Panel 25 Round 2 6,783 3,180 46.9
Round 3 6,114 3,146 51.5
Round 4 4,640 2,888 62.2
Panel 26 Round 2 6,961 4,105 59.0

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4.4 Data Collection Results: Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ), Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS), and Collection Rates

Self-administered questionnaires (SAQs) are requested from key adult household members in Rounds 2 and 4. Forms that are not collected in Rounds 2 and 4 are requested again in Rounds 3 and 5. In fall 2021, SAQs were requested from Panel 24 Round 8 and Panel 24 Round 6 respondents as well. Table 4-14 shows both the round-specific response rates and the combined rates after the follow-up round was completed. See Section 4.5 for information about the Social Determinants of Health Self-Administered Questionnaire (SDOH SAQ) methodology and results.

Response rates have been declining over time, however. Notably, 2020 saw a significant drop in response rate as a result of telephone interviewing due to COVID-19. There was a slight increase for initial requests in 2021, but it remained relatively low. Overall procedures for the distribution and collection of hard-copy materials have not changed with the exception of additional concentrated follow-up. Additional evaluation is underway to understand and attempt to improve the hard-copy collection rates.

Table 4-14. Results of Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ) collection for panels 20 through 26

Panel/round SAQs requested SAQs completed SAQs refused Other nonresponse Response rate (%)
Panel 20 Round 2 14,077 10,885 1,223 1,966 77.3
Round 3 2,899 1,329 921 649 45.8
Combined, 2015 14,077 12,214 2,144 2,615 86.8
Round 4 13,068 10,572 1,127 1,371 80.9
Round 5 2,262 1,001 891 370 44.3
Combined, 2016 13,068 11,573 2,018 1,741 88.6
Panel 21 Round 2 13,143 10,212 1,170 1,761 77.7
Round 3 2,585 1,123 893 569 43.4
Combined, 2016 13,143 11,335 2,063 2,330 86.2
Round 4 12,021 9,966 1,149 906 82.9
Round 5 2,078 834 884 360 40.1
Combined, 2017 12,021 10,800 2,033 1,266 89.8
Panel 22 Round 2 12,304 9,929 1,086 1,289 80.7
Round 3 2,287 840 749 698 36.7
Combined, 2017 12,304 10,769 1,835 1,987 87.5
Round 4 11,333 8,341 1,159 1,833 73.6
Round 5 2,090 811 896 383 38.8
Combined, 2018 11,333 9,152 2,055 2,216 80.8
Panel 23 Round 2 12,349 8,711 1,364 1,289 70.5
Round 3 2,364 819 907 638 34.6
Combined, 2018 12,349 9,530 2,271 1,927 77.2
Round 4 11,290 8,554 1,515 1,221 75.8
Round 5 2,711 983 923 805 36.3
Combined, 2019 11,290 9,537 2,438 2,026 84.5
Round 6 8,537 4,732 682 3,123 55.4
Round 7 3,229 1,123 707 1,399 34.8
Combined, 2020 8,537 5,855 1,389 4,522 68.6
Round 8 6,446 3,377 799 2,270 52.4
Panel 24 Round 2 12,027 8,726 1,641 1,660 72.6
Round 3 2,810 860 832 1,118 30.6
Combined, 2019 12,027 9,586 2,473 2,778 79.7
Round 4 9,257 4,247 786 4,224 45.9
Round 5 4,224 1,476 838 1,910 34.9
Combined, 2020 9,257 5,723 1,624 6,134 61.8
Round 6 6,440 3,196 819 2,425 49.6
Panel 25 Round 2 8,109 3,555 529 4,025 43.8
Round 3 4,016 1,322 717 1,977 32.9
Combined, 2020 8,109 4,877 1,246 6,002 60.1
Round 4 6,089 3,309 850 1,930 54.3
Panel 26 Round 2 8,419 4,609 1,009 2,801 54.7

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In Rounds 3 and 5, key adult household members who are reported as having been diagnosed with diabetes were asked to complete a short SAQ, the Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS). Forms not completed for pickup at the time of the interviewer’s visit were followed up by telephone in the latter stages of Rounds 3 and 5, but unlike the SAQ, there was no follow-up in the subsequent round for forms not collected in the round when first requested. Response rates for the DCS for Panels 18 through 25 are shown in Table 4-15. Completion rates for the DCS showed a modest but relatively steady decline over time. 2021 experienced a noticeable drop, both in requests and response rate.

Table 4-15. Results of Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS) collection for panels 18 through 25

Panel/round DCSs requested DCSs completed Response rate (%)
Panel 18 Round 3 1,362 1,182 86.8
Round 5 1,342 1,187 88.5
Panel 19 Round 3 1,272 1,124 88.4
Round 5 1,316 1,144 87.2
Panel 20 Round 3 1,412 1,190 84.5
Round 5 1,386 1,174 84.9
Panel 21 Round 3 1,422 1,170 82.5
Round 5 1,481 1,123 75.8
Panel 22 Round 3 1,453 1,074 73.9
Round 5 1,348 1,018 75.5
Panel 23 Round 3 1,464 1,101 75.2
Round 5 1,350 933 69.1
Round 7 1,018 648 63.7
Panel 24 Round 3 1,350 843 62.4
Round 5 1,082 599 55.4
Panel 25 Round 3 963 514 53.4

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4.5 Social Determinants of Health Self-Administered Questionnaire (SDOH SAQ): Methods and Results

There is an increasing policy and research focus in the United States on determinants of health other than use of healthcare services. The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) study was developed so that AHRQ could create a robust and readily available database. This data would contribute to the larger understanding of trends, and provide health system leaders, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders with data and information to improve health care quality and population health outcomes.

Social and behavioral factors play important roles in physical and mental health, though they have not been traditionally taken into account in the health care system. Some provider groups are now collecting information on these social and behavioral factors in order to understand determinants of health and design appropriate interventions. Adding measures of social and behavioral determinants of health to the MEPS will allow researchers to investigate the relationship between these measures and measures of healthcare use and health expenditures in a nationally representative sample of adults. The SDOH SAQ is a short supplemental survey about these social, environmental, and behavioral influences on health.

In developing this SAQ, AHRQ consulted with several experts in the area and used their expertise to identify questions that had already been tested and widely accepted. There was a total of 55 items in the SDOH supplement, all drawn from Federal surveys or from instruments that had been carefully validated. It was estimated that the survey would take 7 minutes to complete.

All cohorts of the MEPS Panel were included in this study�some were in their first round of data collection, whereas others were in later rounds. In addition to the MEPS household respondent, most other adults ages 18+ in the household were eligible to participate.

In spring 2021, the questions in the CAPI instrument for round 1, 3, 5, and 7 interviews identified RU members who were eligible to participate in the SDOH survey. This included most RU members age 18 or older or in age category 4, which includes people with an estimated age of 16 to 23 years old. This selection process resulted over 33,451 individuals across more than 19,300 households being invited to participate in SDOH.

A multimode web and paper approach was primarily selected for the SDOH SAQ to further protect respondents’ privacy due to the sensitive nature of some of the items, especially those about adverse childhood experiences. Web completion was the main mode with paper offered to those with barriers to internet access.

Contact Modes. During the spring 2021 CAPI interview, the respondent was asked to provide contact information for each RU member who was eligible to complete the SDOH SAQ. The CAPI interviewer requested each eligible person’s cell phone number, permission to send short message service (SMS) text messages, email address, first and last name if an alias was provided in the re-enumeration interview section, and the person’s preferred language for communications about the SDOH SAQ (i.e., English or Spanish). Depending on the information provided, we assigned each person to receive their survey invitation and reminders using that mode or combination of modes. Based on the information collected, each eligible person was assigned to one of five contact modes and protocols for receiving information about the SDOH SAQ, as displayed in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1. SDOH contact mode determination flowchart

Figure 4-1 shows the SDOH contact mode determination flowchart.

If both an email and permission to text were provided, SDOH SAQ respondents would receive both an email and a SMS text message each time we prompted for survey completion. SDOH SAQ respondents for whom the respondent provided only SMS or email information received electronic invitations and reminders via that one contact mode. If the CAPI respondent did not provide either cell phone or email information, then the respondent was asked if that person had access to the internet. If the respondent indicated the person had the ability to access the internet, that person was assigned to receive a USPS mailing containing the study URL and a unique login. Interviewers provided a paper copy of the SDOH SAQ to the eligible persons whom the household respondent said could not or would not use the internet to complete a survey.

While all other supplements have been administered by paper, this approach was minimized for the SDOH SAQ due to the sensitive nature of some of the questions, such as domestic violence, and the possibility that one household member might see the responses of another member. Dashboard alerts enabled field supervisors and project management staff to monitor the degree to which interviewers were providing paper questionnaires to household members. Supervisors counseled outliers on the standard protocol for presenting paper as a last resort. The goal was to try to direct approximately 80 percent of potential SDOH SAQ respondents to the web. A $20 token of appreciation was offered for each RU member who completed the SDOH survey, regardless of the person’s contact mode or survey completion mode.

Communication Protocol. The SDOH survey communication protocol included several scheduled contacts, which ceased after a selected person submitted a completed web survey or the MEPS receipt staff received a completed paper survey. Figure 4-2 displays the schedule and types of communications for each contact mode.

Figure 4-2. Communication protocol for SDOH contact modes

Figure 4-2 shows the communication protocol for the SDOH contact modes

For persons for whom SMS and email information was available, email was sent in the morning, and SMS in the evening on days 1, 3, and 7. Nonrespondents for the SDOH survey received a postcard reminder with the URL and PIN on day 14, and then if there was still no response, a paper version of the questionnaire was mailed on Day 28. A similar approach was followed if only SMS or only email was provided.

For those who had no email or SMS recorded but had internet access, we mailed a push to web letter on day 1, a postcard reminder on day 7, a reminder letter on day 14, and a final mailing with the paper questionnaire on day 28. If a paper copy of the questionnaire had been sent via FedEx after a telephone interview or left in the household during an in-person interview, a replacement paper questionnaire was sent on day 28.

Reduced staffing at Westat’s offices affected the schedule for mailings related to the survey. The campus was closed except for essential services, so mailings were prepared and sent out 3 days per week rather than 5 days per week. This had a small impact on the number of days between scheduled reminder mailings.

Contact Mode Assignment Results and Spring 2021 SDOH SAQ Response Rates. Figure 4-3 displays the differing response rates broken down by contact mode and interview number. Overall, we were able to collect both a cell phone number (with permission to send SMS messages) and an email for 47 percent of the sample. The longer a household had been participating in MEPS rounds, the more likely the respondent was to provide both pieces of information. Either email only or SMS only were collected for an additional quarter of the sample. There were few differences by Panel round. Only 2 percent of participants had no email or SMS provided, but the household respondent indicated that they had internet access. Finally, 24 percent of the SDOH SAQ sample received only a paper questionnaire. Those in their first round of interviewing were significantly more likely to be assigned to a paper version of the questionnaire than those in their last round. This may have been because they were less familiar with MEPS so the respondents were more reluctant to provide contact information, especially for other household members. Overall, we achieved a 66 percent conditional response rate (using the AAPOR 3 response rate). Response rates increased with each round of the interview, with the SDOH SAQ respondents belonging to the first round less likely to respond than those in their last round.

Figure 4-3. Response rate by contact mode and interview number

Figure 4-3 is a vertical bar chart depicting the SDOH response rate by contact mode and interview number.
Figure 4-3 detailed description.

* p<.0001 � Participants contacted by SMS+Email, Email only, and SMS only were significantly more likely to complete the SDOH than those only receiving the Paper questionnaire.

** p<.0005 � Participants contacted by Letter w/URL were significantly less likely to complete the SDOH than those only receiving the Paper questionnaire.

A nearly 80 percent response rate was achieved when the CAPI respondent provided a person’s SMS and email information, highest among the Panels in later rounds. Response rates were lower when we had only one method of contact. Email performed better than SMS (66.2% vs. 55.6%), and less than a 40 percent response rate was achieved for the small number of SDOH respondents who were only sent USPS mailings. Finally, for cases where the interviewer either left behind a paper questionnaire or shipped it to the household via FedEx, we achieved only a 45 percent response rate, which is much lower than the usual MEPS SAQ.

Nonrespondent Follow-up During Fall 2021 and Overall Response Rate. Paper-only nonresponse follow-up took place during the fall data collection cycle in July through December 2021. The follow-up phase did not include any additional household members. We followed up with 8,379 people who were eligible to complete SDOH SAQ during the spring data collection but who did not do so.

For each SDOH SAQ nonrespondent, the interviewer either distributed a paper questionnaire during an in-person interview or shipped a paper questionnaire to the household via FedEx after a telephone interview. Respondents were offered a $20 per person, post-collection incentive, just as was done during the spring cycle. During the fall, there were 2,856 completed paper SDOH SAQs, which was a 34 percent completion rate. Table 4-16 displays the total number and percentage of SDOH SAQs completed during the spring versus fall cycles, and the impact of the fall follow-up on the overall response rate for the SDOH supplemental survey.

Table 4-16. Impact of fall follow-up on total completed SDOH SAQs

Completed SDOH SAQs % of completed SDOH SAQs Overall response rate
Spring 2021 completed SDOH SAQs (web and paper) 22,037 88.50% 65.90%
Fall 2021 completed SDOH SAQs (paper) 2,856 11.50% ----*
Total completed SDOH SAQs (web and paper) 24,893 100.00% 74.40%

* Of the 8,379 eligible SDOH SAQs distributed in the fall, the response rate was 34 percent.

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4.6 Quality Control

Interviewer performance was monitored through validation case review using GPS, CARI, and telephone interviews. The purpose of validation was to verify that the correct individual was contacted for the interview and that the interview was conducted according to MEPS-approved procedures.

Generally, all completed cases were validated by first examining the GPS data stored and encrypted on the laptop. Then, if the case could not be properly validated due to missing data or the GPS information could not be verified to show the interviewer at the respondent address or another documented location at the time of the interview, the case was then reviewed in the CARI system.

However, beginning in mid-March of 2020 and continuing throughout much of 2021, the majority of cases were completed by telephone due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, GPS data could not be relied on as heavily for validation and CARI review became the main mode of validation in 2021. If a case could not be validated in CARI due to poor quality or missing CARI data, the case was referred for telephone validation. All interviews completed in less than 30 minutes were referred for telephone validation.

In the spring 2021 rounds, 18,037 cases (93 percent of the completed cases) were validated: 84.1 percent of the cases were validated using CARI and only 2.6 percent of cases were validated with GPS due to minimal in-person interviews. In spring 2021,. a minimum of 41 percent of an interviewer’s completes were validated, with an average of 75 percent of each interviewer’s completes validated. In the fall 2021 rounds, 16,144 cases (98.3 percent of the completed cases) were validated: 82.2 percent of cases were validated by CARI and telephone and 15.8 percent were validated with GPS due to increased in-person activity. Staff validated an average of 89 percent of an interviewer’s completes.

In addition to validating cases, MEPS field supervisors and managers typically conduct observations as part of a comprehensive mentoring process. Generally, MEPS uses technical solutions in place of in-person observations; however, there are specific needs met by specialized observation. As much as possible, observations are conducted in the early weeks of data collection so that problems can be detected and corrected as quickly as possible and interviewers are given feedback on ways to improve specific interviewing skills. While CARI offers a high-quality portal for evaluating interviewers on question administration, observations are still a critical tool, particularly of newly hired staff. Compared with the observation process, CARI and other report mechanisms do not allow for assessment of the full range of interviewer skills, including respondent contact, trip planning, gaining cooperation, and interviewer-respondent interactions. In addition, the observer serves as an on-site resource in situations where remedial training is necessary. Observation forms are processed and reviewed at the home office to determine the need for individual and field-wide follow-up on specific skills. In 2021, in-person observations were suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For quality control, additional CARI related to data quality and follow-up with field interviewers regarding COVID-19 specific procedures were effective alternatives.

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4.7 Security Incidents

To comply with the requirement of reporting incidents involving loss or theft of hard-copy materials with respondent personally identifiable information (PII) or laptops, field staff continued to use an automated loss reporting system (ILRS) to report incidents. Incidents were investigated, updates were sent to AHRQ and MEPS staff who received the initial automated ILRS notification, and results were recorded in an annual MEPS PII Log. A security incident report was submitted to the Westat IRB for each confirmed incident.

A total of 25 incidents of lost or stolen laptops/iPhones or hard-copy PII were reported in 2021. Of those reported incidents, two involved MEPS laptops and iPhones that were reported stolen or lost. In one case, the laptop and iPhone were eventually returned by the interviewer; in the other case, the Portland, Oregon, Police Department never recovered the laptop and iPhone that were stolen from a rental car when a MEPS interviewer was on a production travel trip. The password-protected laptops were shut down at the time of the loss. Since MEPS laptops are full disc encrypted, respondent identity was not at risk.

Twenty-three incidents reported suspected or confirmed loss of hard-copy materials with respondent PII loss or breach of confidentiality. Thirteen of the 23 reported hard-copy losses were located: hard-copy documents in nine incidents were intact and uncompromised; in the other four incidents, the hard-copy documents were intact but there had been a breach of confidentiality. Following extensive searches, no documents were recovered in the other 10 reported losses. Included among the PII hard-copy losses were AFs, SAQs, Preventive Care Self-Administered Questionnaires (PSAQs), Diabetes Care Supplements, and SDOH SAQs. All households with PII loss were notified. The AHRQ Information Security Manager alerted the HHS Privacy Incident Response Team (PIRT) of all MEPS-reported PII incidents.

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5. Home Office Support of Field Activities

The home office supports the data collection effort in several important ways. One phase of activity supports the launch of each new round of data collection; another phase supports the field operation while data collection is in progress. These two phases of activity are described in this chapter.

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5.1 Preparation for Field Activities

Hard-copy materials were assembled prior to data collection for cases being fielded in Rounds 2 through 8. Clerical staff created an RU folder for each case being fielded and inserted any authorization forms and SAQs that were printed for the case. There are no hard-copy case materials generated for Round 1 cases so RU folders were not created prior to data collection for Round 1 cases.

Supervisors received a Supervisor Assignment Log listing all of the cases to be released in their region for each wave of cases. For the first wave of each round, supervisors used this log to assign cases to their interviewers. They entered the ID of the interviewer to be assigned each case and sent the log back to the home office. Home office staff then shipped the RU folders directly to the interviewers for the first wave and to regional clerks to distribute to the FIs in later waves. A file with the assignments was also sent to programming staff to make the electronic assignments in the BFOS field management system.

For later waves, the prepared RU folders were sent to the field supervisors, who made the electronic assignments in their Supervisor Management System (SMS) and shipped the hard-copy materials to their interviewers.

Prior to the start of data collection for each period, interviewers connected remotely to the home office to download the CAPI software update for the upcoming rounds and received a home study training package to prepare them for interviewing. Field interviewers also received a replenishment of supplies at the start of the rounds.

Advance mailings to all respondent households were prepared and mailed by the home office staff. Addresses were first standardized and sent through the National Change of Address (NCOA) database to obtain the most current addresses for mailing. Any mail returned as undeliverable was recorded and the appropriate supervisor was notified. Requests to re-mail the Round 1 advance package to households who reported not receiving it were prepared and mailed by home office staff.

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5.2 Support During Data Collection

Respondent Contacts. Respondent contacts are an important component of home office support for the MEPS data collection effort. Printed materials mailed to respondents contain an email address and toll-free telephone number that respondents can use to contact the project with questions, with requests to make or to cancel interview appointments, or to decline participation in the study. Home office staff received and initiated the response to all respondent contacts. They forward information received from respondent calls to the field supervisors, who initiated the appropriate follow-up and informed the home office of the results of their follow-up within 24 hours of notification. Table 5-1 shows the number and percent of RUs who made calls to the respondent hotline in the spring and fall rounds of 2017�2021. There was a significantly higher percentage of calls to the hotline in both spring and fall 2020. In spring 2021, the percentage of calls to the hotline was more in line with years prior to 2020. The percentage of calls dropped in fall 2021 compared to fall 2020 but was still higher than in previous years.

Table 5-1. Number and percent of respondents who called the respondent information line, 2017-2021

Original sample size Number of calls Calls as a percent of sample size
Round 1
2017 – Panel 22 Round 1 9,835 346 3.5
2018 – Panel 23 Round 1 9,846 383 3.9
2019 – Panel 24 Round 1 9,864 343 3.5
2020 – Panel 25 Round 1 9,880 586 5.9
2021 – Panel 26 Round 1 9,509 335 3.5
Rounds 3/5
2017 – Panel 20 Round 5/Panel 21 Round 3 14,939 533 3.6
2018 – Panel 21 Round 5/Panel 22 Round 3 13,922 467 3.4
2019 – Panel 22 Round 5/Panel 23 Round 3 13,594 486 3.6
2020 – Panel 23 Round 5/Panel 24 Round 3 13,241 592 4.5
2021 – Panel 23 Round 7/Panel 24 Round 5/Panel 25 Round 3 15,616 555 3.6
Rounds 2/4
2017 – Panel 21 Round 4/Panel 22 Round 2 14,395 518 3.6
2018 – Panel 22 Round 4/Panel 23 Round 2 14,123 524 3.7
2019 – Panel 23 Round 4/Panel 24 Round 2 13,844 531 3.8
2020 – Panel 23 Round 6/Panel 24 Round 4/Panel 25 Round 2 18,480 1,163 6.3
2021 – Panel 23 Round 8/Panel 24 Round 6/Panel 25 Round 4/Panel 26 Round 2 19,339 848 4.4

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Table 5-2 shows the number and types of calls received on the respondent hotline during 2020 and 2021. As in prior years, a substantial portion of the Round 1 calls was from refusals, with a much smaller proportion of refusals and a higher proportion of appointment requests in the later rounds.

Table 5-2. Calls to the respondent information line, 2020 and 2021

Reason for call Spring 2020(Panel 25 Round 1, Panel 24 Round 3, Panel 23 Round 5) Fall 2020 (Panel 25 Round 2, Panel 24 Round 4, Panel 23, Round 6)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2, 4, and 6
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 5 0.9 37 6.3 28 2.4
Appointment 142 24.2 332 56.1 278 23.9
Request callback 102 17.4 121 20.4 276 23.7
No message 22 3.8 18 3.0 60 5.2
Other 2 0.3 5 0.8 5 0.4
Proxy needed 6 1.0 3 0.5 10 0.9
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 1 0.2 35 3.0
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.1
Special needs 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.1
Refusal 209 35.7 62 10.5 203 17.5
Willing to participate 98 16.7 13 2.2 266 22.9
Total 586 592 1,163

Reason for call Spring 2021(Panel 26 Round 1, Panel 25 Round 3, Panel 24 Round 5, Panel 23 Round 7) Fall 2021(Panel 26 Round 2, Panel 25 Round 4, Panel 24 Round 6, Panel 23 Round 8)
Round 1 Rounds 3, 5, 7 Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 2 0.6 19 3.4 59 7.0
Appointment 27 8.1 76 13.7 233 27.5
Request callback 101 30.1 240 43.2 287 33.8
No message 34 10.1 21 3.8 41 4.8
Other 8 2.4 48 8.6 8 0.9
Proxy needed 0 0.0 7 1.3 13 1.5
Request SAQ help 3 0.9 17 3.1 15 1.8
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 1 0.2 0 0.0
Special needs 0 0.0 2 0.4 1 0.1
Refusal 87 26.0 87 15.7 176 20.8
Willing to participate 73 21.8 37 6.7 15 1.8
Total 335 555 848

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Monitoring Production. Home office staff monitored production, cost, and data quality, and they provided reports and feedback to field managers and supervisors for review and follow-up. Each week they generated and distributed reports to AHRQ showing weekly and cumulative figures on field production, response rate, and costs.

Home Office Support. Refusal letters were generated and mailed by home office staff as requested by the field. Home office staff also responded to supply requests from the field, replenishing interviewer and supervisor stocks of materials as needed.

Receipt Control. As interviewers completed cases, they transmitted the data electronically and shipped the case folders containing any hard-copy documents to the home office receipt operation. Interviewers shipped all material containing PII via Federal Express, which facilitates tracking of late or lost shipments. When preparing a shipment to the home office receipt department, interviewers used the Ship to Receipt module to indicate exactly what materials were included in the package and recorded the FedEx tracking number. This information was sent directly to the receipt control system so it was known what materials were expected. For interviews completed by phone due to the COVID-19 pandemic and for which contactless pickup of hard-copy documents could not be arranged, interviewers provided a BRE for the respondent to send their documents directly to the home office. Contents of the cases received at the home office were reviewed and recorded in the receipt system. Authorization forms were edited for completeness and scanned into an image database. When a problem was found in an authorization form, the problem was documented and feedback was sent to the field supervisor to review with the interviewer. All self-administered questionnaires, including SAQs/PSAQs, and DCSs, were receipted and sent out for TeleForm scanning.

Helpdesk Support. The MEPS CAPI Helpdesk continued to provide technical support for field interviewing activities during 2021. Helpdesk staff were available 7 days a week to help field staff resolve CAPI, Field Management System, transmission, laptop, and iPhone problems. Incoming calls were documented for follow-up as needed to resolve individual issues and to identify issues reported by multiple interviewers. The CAPI Helpdesk served as the coordinating point for tracking and shipping all field laptops, monitoring field laptop assignment, and coordinating laptop and phone repairs.

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6. Data Processing and Data Delivery

This chapter briefly describes the activities that supported Westat’s data delivery work during the year and identifies the principal files related to data year 2018 delivered in 2021.

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6.1 Processing to Support Data Delivery

6.1.1 Schedules for Data Delivery

Adhering to the schedule for delivery of the key MEPS public use files is of paramount importance to the project. Throughout 2021, data processing activities to support the major file deliveries for the year proceeded simultaneously along several different delivery paths, with activity focused separately on each of the Panels for the annual Full Year Files. As in past years, the project used a set of comprehensive data delivery schedules to guide management of the effort. The schedules integrate key dates for the data collection, data capture, coding, editing and imputation, weights construction, and documentation production tasks. These schedules provide a framework for assessing the potential impact of proposed changes at the start of each processing cycle and for coordinating the succession of processes that comprise the delivery effort.

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6.1.2 Data Quality Control System

The data quality control (DQC) system consists of both a consolidated database that preserves data as returned from the field, and a DQC-specific database that shows the current values of data following any required updates. DQC technicians access the data through a secure portal.

Technicians review and edit the data using the Blaise database model that is used in the field for data collection. All DQC work occurs at a “case” level. The DQC system automatically creates a unique “issue” for each instance of text entered as a comment and includes the comment category selected by the field interviewer associated with the text entry. As cases are loaded into DQC, each comment and category is checked by a Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithm that identifies the most likely category. During processing, data technicians have the opportunity to accept or update this category. Technicians then follow standardized procedures for data review and editing based on the comment category.

The DQC system also runs a series of programmatic checks and assigns a new “issue” for each instance that triggers a consistency or edit check. These checks are designed to ensure that data changed during editing conform fully to the rules of the CAPI instrument before the data are released. During spring 2021, 14.2 percent of cases received from the field included a comment (Table 6-1). Cases with any issue, a field comment, or a consistency check totaled 29.9 percent. For fall 2021, 12.7 percent of cases received from the field included a comment while cases with any issue totaled 25.7 percent.

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Table 6-1. 2021 cases with comments or data check issues

Field period Cases processed Cases with at least 1 comment % cases with comments Cases with at least 1 issue % cases with issues Not actionable (comments) % NA comments
Spring 2021 19,412 2,760 14.2 5,890 29.9 2,592 54.6
Fall 2021 16,442 2,094 12.7 4,233 25.7 1,691 49.7

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Field interviewers must select one of 10 categories for each comment text string; after selecting a category, CAPI provides category-specific guidance on information to include in the comment (e.g., RU member name, event date, etc.). They receive training to help identify the most meaningful category and avoid over-use of the category “Other.” Table 6-2 shows the number of comments made in each category as assigned by the NLP algorithm and confirmed by the data technicians.

Table 6-2. Total number of comments by category

Total number of comments by category # %
1. RU/RU Member 485 5.9
2. RU Member Refusal 197 2.4
3. Condition 182 2.2
4. Health Care Events 4,410 54.1
5. Glasses/Contact Lenses 61 0.7
6. Other Medical Expenses 81 1.0
7. Prescribed Medicines 864 10.6
8. Employment 528 6.5
9. Health Insurance 684 8.4
10. Other 665 8.2
Total 8,157

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6.1.3 Transformation

Transformation is the process of extracting data from the Blaise data models optimized for data collection and writing them to the data exchange format (Dex) required by the data delivery teams. The transformation has two logical activities: First is transforming the structure of the data from data collection to Dex and then transforming the format of the data from Blaise to Oracle. The resulting data, now stored in Oracle using the Dex structure, serves as input to the analytic editing, variable construction, public use files (PUFs), and other file deliveries. The goal is to dislocate the delivery activities as little as possible in order to provide data of the highest quality as efficiently as possible.

As shown in Figure 6-1, data transformation has four distinct layers. The metadata layer contains all the variable definitions�including names, tables, or segments or blocks�and transformation logic, sometimes known as plain-language transformation specifications. The analytic group leads at Westat are typically responsible for the metadata and the transformation logic.

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Figure 6-1. Blaise to Dex transformation

Figure 6-1 shows the four components (layers) for the Blaise to DEX transformation process.

Based on the metadata, two specifications are developed. The first describes the Dex structure using a formal schema, which is expressed as a set of SQL statements to create the empty Oracle Dex database. The second specification is the detailed transformation specification. Each variable is assigned to a set of similar variables called a transformation class. A unique transformation class is defined by the information needed to specify the transformation. For instance, some variables simply need to be copied to an appropriate location in the Dex. These are known as passthrough variables and belong to the Passthrough class. Code All That Apply variables are transformed based on the value selected by the interviewer, so the specification requires an additional Dex variable for each possible value. Code All That Apply is another transformation class. All of the classes are developed through discussions with AHRQ and are sent to AHRQ for approval.

The third layer is the transformation (or programming) layer. Using the specifications just described, the data are read from the Blaise database in the data collection structure, the transformation logic is applied, and a data file for each Dex table is written. The Dex tables are generally identical to the legacy Cheshire segments, such as BASE, HOME, or PERS. This set of intermediate data files is known as pre-Dex and has the same structure as the Dex database, but all files are in the Blaise format. Next, the format is transformed from the Blaise format to Oracle, writing to the Single- Round Database (SRD). The single-round structure is necessary because the data collection instrument does not contain all data for all rounds for a given case; rather, only the data required to field the case in that specific round are included. The SRD data are then merged into the existing data, yielding a cumulative Multi-Round Database (MRD).

The final layer relates the different databases to selected key deliverables. This layer is intentionally general. For example, while the MRD is the source for the PUF deliveries, there are many additional steps to edit the data, construct variables, and deliver a data file and codebook.

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6.1.4 TeleForm/Data Editing of Scanned Forms

TeleForm, a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software system for intelligent data capture and image processing, was used in 2021 to capture data collected in the DCS and the SAQ. TeleForm software reads the form image files and extracts data according to the project specifications. Supporting software checks the data for conformity with project specifications and flags data values that violate the validation rules for review and resolution.

As SAQs evolve to be multimode (web and paper), we will update this section to discuss data harmonization and web data collection.

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6.1.5 Coding

Coding refers to the process of converting data items collected in text format to pre-specified numeric codes. The plan for the 2021 coding effort (for items collected during the calendar years 2019 and early 2020) was described in Deliverables 20.506, .507, and .508. For the MEPS-HC, five types of information require coding:

Condition and Prescribed Medicine Coding

In 2021, coding was performed on the conditions and prescribed medicine text strings reported by household respondents for calendar year 2020. An automated system enabled coders to easily search for and assign the appropriate ICD-10-CM code (for conditions) or Generic Product Identifier (GPI) code (for medicines). The system supports the verifier’s review of all codes and, as needed, correction of the coder’s initial decision. For the prescribed medicine coding, a pharmacist provided a further review of text strings questioned by the verifier, uncodable text strings, foreign medicines, and compound drugs. All coding actions are tracked in the system and error rates calculated weekly. Both the condition and prescribed medicine coding efforts were staffed by three coders.

During the 2021 coding cycle, coding managers continued to refine a number of new and revised procedures and processes implemented for the coding of 2018 data in 2019. These revisions were a result of many months of collaboration between AHRQ and Westat in evaluating all aspects of the coding processes for household reported conditions, prescribed medicines, and sources of payment, including updating and maintaining the authority tables and the development of tools and resource documents to facilitate the execution of these tasks. Also in 2019, Westat deployed a new web-based coding system for condition and prescribed medicine coding to replace the Access database previously used. The new system better supports downstream-processing activities and aligns with other web-based systems used across other components of MEPS. All aspects of coding work are supported by a number of scheduled quality control checks before, during, and after each coding cycle.

In 2021, medical conditions were coded to include the greatest specificity indicated by the text string. The fully specified ICD-10 code is needed to accurately match to the CCS. A total of 2,750 unique strings were manually coded and the authority table was constructed with AHRQ-approved code assignments. This represented a 73 percent reduction in the number of strings needing manual review due to the implementation of a condition pick list and search tool integrated into the CAPI instrument. The overall error rate for coders was 1 percent, below the contractual error rate goal of 2 percent.

Prescription medicine text strings for data year 2021 were coded to the set of GPI codes, associated with the Master Drug Data Base (MDDB) maintained by Medi-Span, a part of Wolters Kluwer. The codes characterize medicines by therapeutic class, form, and dosage. To augment the assignment of codes to less specified and ambiguous text strings, AHRQ developed procedures for assigning partial GPI codes and higher-level drug categories that were implemented in 2017 and continued through subsequent coding cycles. AHRQ also developed a set of exact and inexact matching programs to reduce the number of prescribed medicine strings sent for manual coding. Westat’s implementation of these matching programs reduces the number of prescribed medicine text strings sent for manual coding by approximately 40 percent each year. The matching programs are reviewed and approved each year. A total of 9,413 strings were manually coded from 2021 data. In a process similar to condition text strings, the prescription medicine text strings undergo two rounds of unduplication to identify the unique strings to be coded. AHRQ’s exact and inexact matching programs are then run to further reduce the number of strings to be coded. The overall coding error rate (across all coders) was 1 percent, 1 percent lower than the contractual goal of 2 percent. As with conditions, all prescription text strings/codes were reviewed by a verifier, with additional review of selected strings provided by a pharmacist.

Source of Payment Coding

Source of payment information (SOP) is collected in both the household and the medical provider components. In the HC charge payment section of the CAPI instrument, the names of the sources of payment are collected in three places: when the bill was paid by a source identified in response to a direct question about payment (REIMNAM); when the bill was sent to a source other than the respondent and the respondent names that source (WHOBILL#); and in response to a question about a direct payment source for prescription medicines (SRCNAME). The responses are coded to one of the sources of payment options in which healthcare expenditures are reported in the MEPS PUFs. These payment sources include:

The SOP Coding Guidelines is a manual updated each year before the start of the annual coding cycle, submitted for AHRQ approval, and distributed to the coders. Health insurance show cards and data from the health insurance planfill file for CAPI are available to coders as resource materials. Since the Medical Provider Component (MPC) of MEPS uses the same set of source of payment codes as the Household Component, coding rules and decisions are coordinated with the MPC contractor (RTI) to ensure consistency in the coding. Before the start of the coding cycle, Westat compares RTI’s authority tables with its own to identify any inconsistencies. AHRQ adjudicates these to ensure the authority tables from each contractor are aligned.

Each year, the source of payment text strings extracted from the reference year data is matched to a historical file of previously coded SOP text strings to create a file of matched strings with suggested or “matched” codes. These match-coded strings are reviewed by coders and verified or modified as needed. This review is required because insurance companies change their product lines and coverage offerings very frequently, and as a result, the source of payment code for a given text string (e.g., the name of an insurance company or plan) can change from year to year. For example, from one year to the next an insurer or insurance product may participate in or drop out of state exchanges; may offer Medicare Part D or dental or vision insurance or may drop it; may add Medicare Advantage plans in addition to Medicaid HMOs; or may gain or lose state contracts as Medicaid service providers. As a result of these changes, the appropriate code for a company or specific plan may also change from year to year. Strings that do not match to a string in the history table are researched and have an appropriate SOP code assigned by coding staff.

SOP coding during 2021 was for the payment sources reported for 2020 events. For cases when the bill was paid by a source identified in response to a direct question about payment (REIMNAM), a total of 756 previously coded sources of payment text strings were reviewed and updated as needed. After unduplication of the strings reported for 2020, coders reviewed and coded 2,064 strings. If the bill was sent to a source other than the respondent and the respondent names that source (WHOBILL#), coders reviewed and coded 3,145 strings. For text strings reported as direct payers for prescription medicine (SRCNAME), 506 new text strings were reviewed and coded by coders.

Industry and Occupation Coding

Industry and Occupation coding is performed for MEPS by the Census Bureau using the Census Bureau’s Demographic Surveys Division’s (DSD’s) computer-assisted industry and occupation (I&O) codes, which can be cross-walked to the 2007 North American Industrial Classification (NAIC) coding system, and the 2010 Standard Occupational Classifications (SOC). The codes characterize the jobs reported by household respondents and are released annually on the FY JOBS file. During 2021, 12,756 jobs were coded for the 2020 JOBS file.

During the 2021 coding cycle, AHRQ again expanded the scope of work to include coding data year 2020 text strings to multiple versions of the NAICS and SOCS; specifically, the data runs included 2007 NAICS and 2000 SOCS, 2012 NAICS and 2010 SOCS, and 2017 NAICS and 2018 SOCS.

Additionally, AHRQ requested that Westat have the 17,605 text strings for data year 2009 coded to:

This was a one-time request.

GEO Coding

The Westat Geographic Information Systems (GIS) division GEO-codes household addresses, assigning the latitude and longitude coordinates, as well as other variables such as county and state Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) status, Designated Market Area, Census Place, and county. RU-level data are expanded to the person level and delivered to AHRQ as part of the set of “Master Files” sent yearly. These data are not included in a PUF, but some variables are used for the FY weights processing.

During the calendar year 2021 coding cycle, 20,258 unique address records for full-year reporting units were processed.

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6.2 Data Delivery

The primary objective of MEPS is to produce a series of data files for public release each calendar year. The inter-round processing, editing, and variable construction tasks all serve to prepare these PUFs. Each file addresses one or more aspects of the U.S. civilian non-institutional population’s access to, use of, and payments for healthcare.

The Oracle system has a separate database for each data year. This is a recent departure from having individual databases for each Panel/year combination. The goal of this is to make data processing more streamlined, and this was necessitated by the extension Panels 23 and 24 to collect data through nine rounds.

Due to the pandemic, Panels 23 and 24 are being extended through Round 9. The MEPS 2020 database contains Panels 23 through 25, and the MEPS 2021 database contains Panels 23 through 26. The remainder of this section focuses on the 2021 database.

After the data are in the Oracle delivery database, each analytical team performs basic edit checks on the data to begin the process. These edits ensure the data conform to the CAPI instrument’s flow as well as to AHRQ’s analytical needs. These edits can be run in SAS, using SAS datasets extracted from the delivery database, or in SQL directly on the delivery database. Problems identified through the basic edits process may require updates to the data. If updating is required, these updates may be accomplished in one of two ways:

  1. Programmatic updates can correct problems affecting a large volume of cases that fail a basic edit.

  2. Manual updates can be set up with audit trails maintained to correct data anomalies.

Once all the edits have been completed for an analytical team, and QC frequencies and univariates have been approved, notification is sent to all other analytical teams so that work can be coordinated in those areas.

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6.2.1 Variable Construction

Analytical groups at AHRQ work with Westat analysts to define the variables of interest for inclusion on the PUF and other key data deliveries. Variables are named according to standard naming conventions, and once the list is approved, descriptive specifications are written to define each variable and to provide detailed information for programming.

Specifications are written at two levels. The high-level specification is a descriptive specification intended to document the concept of the variable and provide high-level information regarding the variable construction requirements. The detailed-level specifications contain the details required to develop programming code for building the variables. Specifications are written and sent to AHRQ for approval. Once approval is received for the specification, program development can proceed for that variable.

Specifications guide programming development, and once programs have been written, code reviews compare newly developed code against specifications to identify problems in either code or specifications. This program development process includes a number of steps and checkpoints to ensure that all new programs meet all specification requirements:

  1. Review approved high- and detailed-level specifications.

  2. Write programs for each specification using SAS or SQL.

  3. Test all programmed code for accuracy.

  4. Conduct detailed code reviews to review specifications and code.

  5. Test code on SAS production files or Oracle database without committing.

  6. Construct variables either in SAS (and either load variables to Oracle or continue development in SAS, depending on the file) or directly in the Oracle production database.

  7. Review frequencies and cross-tabulations for accuracy.

This model is followed for the development of all new programs required for data delivery. For mature programs that are re-used in subsequent deliveries with only minor modifications, the process is appropriately streamlined to ensure both accuracy and efficiency on all programs.

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6.2.2 File Deliveries

Public Use File Deliveries

The principal files delivered during calendar year 2021 are listed below:

Ancillary File Deliveries

In addition to the principal data files delivered for public release each year, the project also produces a number of ancillary files for delivery to AHRQ. These include an extensive series of person- and family-level weights, “raw” data files reflecting MEPS data at intermediate stages of capture and editing, and files generated at the end of each round or as needed to support analysis of both substantive and methodological topics. A comprehensive list of the files delivered during 2021 appears in the Appendix.

Medical Provider Component (MPC) Files

During each year’s processing cycle, Westat also creates files for the MPC contractor and, in turn, receives data files back from the MPC. As in prior years, Westat provided sample files for the MPC in three waves, with the first two waves delivered while HC data collection was still in progress. In preparing the sample files to be delivered in 2021 for MPC collection of data about 2020 health events, Westat again applied the program developed in 2014 for de-duplicating the sample of providers. This process, developed in consultation with AHRQ, was designed to reduce the number of duplicate providers reported from the household data collection.

Early in 2021, following completion of MPC data collection and processing for 2020 events, Westat received the files containing data collected in the MPC with linkages to matching events collected in the MPC with events collected in the HC. In processing at Westat, matched events from the MPC served as the primary source for imputing expenditure variables for the 2019 events. A similar file of prescribed medicines was also delivered to support matching and imputation of expenditures for the prescribed medicines at AHRQ. Timely and well-coordinated data handoffs between Westat and the MPC are critical to the timely delivery of the full year expenditure files. With each additional year of interaction and cooperation, the handoffs between the MPC and HC have gone more and more smoothly.

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Appendix A
Comprehensive Tables – Household Survey

Table A-1. Data collection periods and starting RU-level sample sizes, all panels

Data collection period RU-level sample size*
January-June 1996 10,799
Panel 1 Round 1 10,799
July-December 1996 9,485
Panel 1 Round 2 9,485
January-June 1997 15,689
Panel 1 Round 3 9,228
Panel 2 Round 1 6,461
July-December 1997 14,657
Panel 1 Round 4 9,019
Panel 2 Round 2 5,638
January-June 1998 19,269
Panel 1 Round 5 8,477
Panel 2 Round 3 5,382
Panel 3 Round 1 5,410
July-December 1998 9,871
Panel 2 Round 4 5,290
Panel 3 Round 2 4,581
January-June 1999 17,612
Panel 2 Round 5 5,127
Panel 3 Round 3 5,382
Panel 4 Round 1 7,103
July-December 1999 10,161
Panel 3 Round 4 4,243
Panel 4 Round 2 5,918
January-June 2000 15,447
Panel 3 Round 5 4,183
Panel 4 Round 3 5,731
Panel 5 Round 1 5,533
July-December 2000 10,222
Panel 4 Round 4 5,567
Panel 5 Round 2 4,655
January-June 2001 21,069
Panel 4 Round 5 5,547
Panel 5 Round 3 4,496
Panel 6 Round 1 11,026
July-December 2001 13,777
Panel 5 Round 4 4,426
Panel 6 Round 2 9,351
January-June 2002 21,915
Panel 5 Round 5 4,393
Panel 6 Round 3 9,183
Panel 7 Round 1 8,339
July-December 2002 15,968
Panel 6 Round 4 8,977
Panel 7 Round 2 6,991
January-June 2003 24,315
Panel 6 Round 5 8,830
Panel 7 Round 3 6,779
Panel 8 Round 1 8,706
July-December 2003 13,814
Panel 7, Round 4 6,655
Panel 8, Round 2 7,159
January-June 2004 22,552
Panel 7 Round 5 6,578
Panel 8 Round 3 7,035
Panel 9 Round 1 8,939
July-December 2004 14,068
Panel 8, Round 4 6,878
Panel 9, Round 2 7,190
January-June 200522,548
Panel 8 Round 5 6,795
Panel 9 Round 3 7,005
Panel 10 Round 1 8,748
July-December 2005 13,991
Panel 9, Round 4 6,843
Panel 10, Round 2 7,148
January-June 2006 23,278
Panel 9 Round 5 6,703
Panel 10 Round 3 6,921
Panel 11 Round 1 9,654
July-December 2006 14,280
Panel 10 Round 4 6,708
Panel 11 Round 2 7,572
January-June 2007 21,326
Panel 10 Round 5 6,596
Panel 11 Round 3 7,263
Panel 12 Round 1 7,467
July-December 2007 12,906
Panel 11 Round 4 7,005
Panel 12 Round 2 5,901
January-June 2008 22,414
Panel 11 Round 5 6,895
Panel 12 Round 3 5,580
Panel 13 Round 1 9,939
July-December 2008 13,384
Panel 12 Round 4 5,376
Panel 13 Round 2 8,008
January-June 2009 22,960
Panel 12 Round 5 5,261
Panel 13 Round 3 7,800
Panel 14 Round 1 9,899
July-December 2009 15,339
Panel 13 Round 4 7,670
Panel 14 Round 2 7,669
January-June 2010 23,770
Panel 13 Round 5 7,576
Panel 14 Round 3 7,226
Panel 15 Round 1 8,968
July-December 2010 13,785
Panel 14 Round 4 6,974
Panel 15 Round 2 6,811
January-June 2011 23,693
Panel 14 Round 5 6,845
Panel 15 Round 3 6,431
Panel 16 Round 1 10,417
July-December 2011 14,802
Panel 15 Round 4 6,254
Panel 16 Round 2 8,548
January-June 2012 24,247
Panel 15 Round 5 6,156
Panel 16 Round 3 8,160
Panel 17 Round 1 9,931
July-December 2012 16,161
Panel 16 Round 4 8,048
Panel 17 Round 2 8,113
January-June 2013 25,788
Panel 16 Round 5 7,969
Panel 17 Round 3 7,869
Panel 18 Round 1 9,950
July-December 2013 15,347
Panel 17 Round 4 7,656
Panel 18 Round 2 7,691
January-June 2014 24,857
Panel 17 Round 5 7,485
Panel 18 Round 3 7,402
Panel 19 Round 1 9,970
July-December 2014 14,665
Panel 18 Round 4 7,203
Panel 19 Round 2 7,462
January-June 2015 25,185
Panel 18 Round 5 7,163
Panel 19 Round 3 7,168
Panel 20 Round 1 10,854
July-December 2015 15,247
Panel 19 Round 4 6,946
Panel 20 Round 2 8,301
January-June 2016 24,694
Panel 19 Round 5 6,856
Panel 20 Round 3 7,987
Panel 21 Round 1 9,851
July-December 2016 15,390
Panel 20 Round 4 7,729
Panel 21 Round 2 7,661
January-June 2017 24,774
Panel 20 Round 5 7,611
Panel 21 Round 3 7,327
Panel 22 Round 1 9,835
July-December 2017 14,396
Panel 21 Round 4 7,025
Panel 22 Round 2 7,371
January-June 2018 23,768
Panel 21 Round 5 6,899
Panel 22 Round 3 7,023
Panel 23 Round 1 9,846
July-December 2018 14,123
Panel 22 Round 4 6,788
Panel 23 Round 2 7,335
January-June 2019 23,458
Panel 22 Round 5 6,653
Panel 23 Round 3 6,941
Panel 24 Round 1 9,864
July-December 2019 13,847
Panel 23 Round 4 6,679
Panel 24 Round 2 7,168
January-June 2020 23,122
Panel 23 Round 5 6,488
Panel 24 Round 3 6,753
Panel 25 Round 1 9,881
July-December 2020 18,480
Panel 23 Round 6 6,373
Panel 24 Round 4 6,278
Panel 25 Round 2 5,829
January-June 2021 25,126
Panel 23 Round 7 5,096
Panel 24 Round 5 5,426
Panel 25 Round 3 5,094
Panel 26 Round 1 9,510
July-December 2021 19,340
Panel 23 Round 8 4,492
Panel 24 Round 6 4,753
Panel 25 Round 4 4,222
Panel 26 Round 2 5,873

* RU-level sample size for this table derived from field management system counts and operational reports detailing fielded sample.

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Table A-2. MEPS household survey data collection results, all panels*

Panel/round Original sample Split cases (movers) Student cases Out-of-scope cases Net sample Completes Average interviewer hours/ complete Response rate (%)
Panel 1 Round 1 10,799 675 125 165 11,434 9,496 10.4 83.1
Round 2 9,485 310 74 101 9,768 9,239 8.7 94.6
Round 3 9,228 250 28 78 9,428 9,031 8.6 95.8
Round 4 9,019 261 33 89 9,224 8,487 8.5 92.0
Round 5 8,477 80 5 66 8,496 8,369 6.5 98.5
Panel 2 Round 1 6,461 431 71 151 6,812 5,660 12.9 83.1
Round 2 5,638 204 27 54 5,815 5,395 9.1 92.8
Round 3 5,382 166 15 52 5,511 5,296 8.5 96.1
Round 4 5,290 105 27 65 5,357 5,129 8.3 95.7
Round 5 5,127 38 2 56 5,111 5,049 6.7 98.8
Panel 3 Round 1 5,410 349 44 200 5,603 4,599 12.7 82.1
Round 2 4,581 106 25 39 4,673 4,388 8.3 93.9
Round 3 4,382 102 4 42 4,446 4,249 7.3 95.5
Round 4 4,243 86 17 33 4,313 4,184 6.7 97.0
Round 5 4,183 23 1 26 4,181 4,114 5.6 98.4
Panel 4 Round 1 7,103 371 64 134 7,404 5,948 10.9 80.3
Round 2 5,918 197 47 40 6,122 5,737 7.2 93.7
Round 3 5,731 145 10 39 5,847 5,574 6.9 95.3
Round 4 5,567 133 35 39 5,696 5,540 6.8 97.3
Round 5 5,547 52 4 47 5,556 5,500 6.0 99.0
Panel 5 Round 1 5,533 258 62 103 5,750 4,670 11.1 81.2
Round 2 4,655 119 27 27 4,774 4,510 7.7 94.5
Round 3 4,496 108 17 24 4,597 4,437 7.2 96.5
Round 4 4,426 117 20 41 4,522 4,396 7.0 97.2
Round 5 4,393 47 12 32 4,420 4,357 5.5 98.6
Panel 6 Round 1 11,026 595 135 200 11,556 9,382 10.8 81.2
Round 2 9,351 316 49 50 9,666 9,222 7.2 95.4
Round 3 9,183 215 23 41 9,380 9,001 6.5 96.0
Round 4 8,977 174 32 66 9,117 8,843 6.6 97.0
Round 5 8,830 94 14 46 8,892 8,781 5.6 98.8
Panel 7 Round 1 8,339 417 76 122 8,710 7,008 10.0 80.5
Round 2 6,991 190 40 24 7,197 6,802 7.2 94.5
Round 3 6,779 169 21 32 6,937 6,673 6.5 96.2
Round 4 6,655 133 17 34 6,771 6,593 7.0 97.4
Round 5 6,578 79 11 39 6,629 6,529 5.7 98.5
Panel 8 Round 1 8,706 441 73 175 9,045 7,177 10.0 79.3
Round 2 7,159 218 52 36 7,393 7,049 7.2 95.4
Round 3 7,035 150 13 33 7,165 6,892 6.5 96.2
Round 4 6,878 149 27 53 7,001 6,799 7.3 97.1
Round 5 6,795 71 8 41 6,833 6,726 6.0 98.4
Panel 9 Round 1 8,939 417 73 179 9,250 7,205 10.5 77.9
Round 2 7,190 237 40 40 7,427 7,027 7.7 94.6
Round 3 7,005 189 24 31 7,187 6,861 7.1 95.5
Round 4 6,843 142 23 44 6,964 6,716 7.4 96.5
Round 5 6,703 60 8 43 6,728 6,627 6.1 98.5
Panel 10 Round 1 8,748 430 77 169 9,086 7,175 11.0 79.0
Round 2 7,148 219 36 22 7,381 6,940 7.8 94.0
Round 3 6,921 156 10 31 7,056 6,727 6.8 95.3
Round 4 6,708 155 13 34 6,842 6,590 7.3 96.3
Round 5 6,596 55 9 38 6,622 6,461 6.2 97.6
Panel 11 Round 1 9,654 399 81 162 9,972 7,585 11.5 76.1
Round 2 7,572 244 42 24 7,834 7,276 7.8 92.9
Round 3 7,263 170 15 25 7,423 7,007 6.9 94.4
Round 4 7,005 139 14 36 7,122 6,898 7.2 96.9
Round 5 6,895 51 7 44 6,905 6,781 5.5 98.2
Panel 12 Round 1 7,467 331 86 172 7,712 5,901 14.2 76.5
Round 2 5,901 157 27 27 6,058 5,584 9.1 92.2
Round 3 5,580 105 13 12 5,686 5,383 8.1 94.7
Round 4 5,376 102 12 16 5,474 5,267 8.8 96.2
Round 5 5,261 50 8 21 5,298 5,182 6.4 97.8
Panel 13 Round 1 9,939 502 97 213 10,325 8,017 12.2 77.6
Round 2 8,008 220 47 23 8,252 7,809 9.0 94.6
Round 3 7,802 204 14 38 7,982 7,684 7.2 96.2
Round 4 7,670 162 17 40 7,809 7,576 7.5 97.0
Round 5 7,576 70 15 38 7,623 7,461 6.1 97.9
Panel 14 Round 1 9,899 394 74 140 10,227 7,650 12.3 74.8
Round 2 7,669 212 29 27 7,883 7,239 8.3 91.8
Round 3 7,226 144 23 34 7,359 6,980 7.3 94.9
Round 4 6,974 112 23 30 7,079 6,853 7.7 96.8
Round 5 6,845 55 9 30 6,879 6,761 6.2 98.3
Panel 15 Round 1 8,968 374 73 157 9,258 6,802 13.2 73.5
Round 2 6,811 171 19 21 6,980 6,435 8.9 92.2
Round 3 6,431 134 23 22 6,566 6,261 7.2 95.4
Round 4 6,254 116 15 26 6,359 6,165 7.8 97.0
Round 5 6,156 50 5 19 6,192 6,078 6.0 98.2
Panel 16 Round 1 10,417 504 98 555 10,940 8,553 11.4 78.2
Round 2 8,353 248 40 32 8,821 8,351 7.6 94.7
Round 3 8,160 223 19 27 8,375 8,236 6.4 96.1
Round 4 8,048 151 16 13 8,390 8,162 6.6 97.3
Round 5 7,969 66 13 25 8,198 7,998 5.5 97.6
Panel 17 Round 1 9,931 490 92 127 10,386 8,121 11.7 78.2
Round 2 8,113 230 35 19 8,359 7,874 7.9 94.2
Round 3 7,869 180 15 15 8,049 7,663 6.3 95.2
Round 4 7,656 199 19 30 7,844 7,494 7.4 95.5
Round 5 7,485 87 10 23 7,559 7,445 6.1 98.5
Panel 18 Round 1 9,950 435 83 111 10,357 7,683 12.3 74.2
Round 2 7,691 264 32 16 7,971 7,402 9.2 92.9
Round 3 7,402 235 21 22 7,635 7,213 7.6 94.5
Round 4 7,203 189 14 22 7,384 7,172 7.5 97.1
Round 5 7,163 94 12 15 7,254 7,138 6.2 98.4
Panel 19 Round 1 9,970 492 70 115 10,417 7,475 13.5 71.8
Round 2 7,460 222 23 24 7,681 7,188 8.4 93.6
Round 3 7,168 187 12 17 7,350 6,962 7.0 94.7
Round 4 6,946 146 20 23 7,089 6,858 7.4 96.7
Round 5 6,856 75 7 24 6,914 6,794 5.9 98.3
Panel 20 Round 1 10,854 496 85 117 11,318 8,318 12.5 73.5
Round 2 8,301 243 39 22 8,561 7,998 8.3 93.4
Round 3 7,987 173 17 26 8,151 7,753 6.8 95.1
Round 4 7,729 161 19 31 7,878 7,622 7.2 96.8
Round 5 7,611 99 13 23 7,700 7,421 6.0 96.4
Panel 21 Round 1 9,851 462 92 89 10,316 7,674 12.6 74.4
Round 2 7,661 207 32 17 7,883 7,327 8.5 93.0
Round 3 7,327 166 14 19 7,488 7,043 7.2 94.1
Round 4 7,025 119 14 20 7,138 6,907 7.0 96.8
Round 5 6,914 42 8 34 6,930 6,778 5.9 97.8
Panel 22 Round 1 9,835 352 68 86 10,169 7,381 12.8 72.6
Round 2 7,371 166 19 11 7,545 7,039 8.5 93.3
Round 3 7,071 100 12 19 7,164 6,808 6.7 95.0
Round 4 6,815 91 13 18 6,901 6,672 6.8 96.7
Round 5 6,670 35 7 12 6,700 6,584 5.3 98.3
Panel 23 Round 1 9,960 1,931 46 110 10,089 7,351 12.5 72.9
Round 2 7,387 106 14 15 7,492 6,960 8.2 92.9
Round 3 6,987 102 11 18 7,082 6,703 6.1 94.6
Round 4 6,704 74 10 12 6,776 6,522 6.6 96.2
Round 5 6,503 34 4 5 6,536 6,383 5.3 97.7
Round 6 6,498 90 10 18 6,480 5,120 4.8 79.0
Round 7 5,176 36 5 6 5,170 4,513 5.2 87.3
Round 8 4,558 27 3 10 4,548 3,984 5.8 87.6
Panel 24 Round 1 9,976 153 43 82 10,090 7,186 11.8 71.2
Round 2 7,211 98 19 5 7,323 6,777 7.9 92.5
Round 3 6,812 76 9 7 6,890 6,289 6.0 91.3
Round 4 6,335 44 4 13 6,370 5,446 5.1 85.5
Round 5 5,510 31 4 15 5,495 4,770 5.3 86.8
Round 6 4,816 22 8 8 4,808 3,959 5.7 82.3
Panel 25 Round 1 10,008 184 38 78 10,152 6,265 10.8 61.7
Round 2 5,907 49 14 12 5,958 4,677 5.5 78.5
Round 3 5,191 38 5 2 5,189 4,230 6.1 81.5
Round 4 4,314 40 10 7 4,307 3,685 7.3 85.6
Round 5                
Panel 26 Round 1 9,674 160 29 68 9,795 5,882 11.1 60.1
Round 2 6,047 83 11 2 6,045 4,799 9.0 79.4
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

* Figures in the table are weighted to reflect results of the interim nonresponse subsampling procedure implemented in the first round of Panel 16.

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Table A-3. Response rates by data collection year

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8
Panel 15 73.5 92.2
Panel 14 94.9 96.8
Panel 13 97.9
Panel 16 78.2 94.8
Panel 15 95.4 97.0
Panel 14 98.3
Panel 17 78.2 94.2
Panel 16 96.1 97.3
Panel 15 98.2
Panel 18 74.2 92.9
Panel 17 95.2 95.5
Panel 16 97.6
Panel 19 71.8 93.6
Panel 18 94.5 97.1
Panel 17 98.5
Panel 20 73.5 93.4
Panel 19 94.7 96.7
Panel 18 98.4
Panel 21 74.4 93.0
Panel 20 95.1 96.8
Panel 19 98.3
Panel 22 72.6 93.3
Panel 21 94.1 96.8
Panel 20 96.4
Panel 23 72.9 92.9
Panel 22 95.0 96.7
Panel 21 97.8
Panel 24 71.2 92.5
Panel 23 94.6 96.2
Panel 22 98.3
Panel 25 61.7 78.5
Panel 24 91.3 85.5
Panel 23 97.7 79.0
Panel 26 60.1 79.4
Panel 25 81.5 85.6
Panel 24 86.8 82.3
Panel 23 87.3 87.6

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Table A-4. Summary of MEPS Round 1 response and nonresponse

Total Sample 10,468 10,532 11,435 10,405 10,255 10,199 10,172 10,230 9,863
Out of scope (%) 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.7
Complete (%) 74.2 71.8 73.5 74.4 72.6 72.1 70.6 61.2 59.6
Nonresponse (%) 25.8 28.2 26.5 25.6 27.4 26.9 28.6 38.0 39.7
Refusal (%) 20.1 22.4 21.0 20.2 21.8 22.1 24.0 28.7 31.2
Not located (%) 4.3 4.2 4.3 3.7 3.9 3.1 3.1 3.2 4.3
Other nonresponse (%) 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 6.1 4.2

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Table A-5. Summary of Round 1 response by NHIS completion status

Original NHIS sample (N) 9,951 9,970 10,854 9,851 9,835 9,839 9,864 9,866 9,509
Percent complete in NHIS 78.1 81.9 80.6 77.6 81.0 80.4 84.2 89.3 85.3
Percent partial complete in NHIS 21.9 18.1 19.4 22.4 19.0 19.6 15.8 10.7 14.7
MEPS Round 1 response rate:
Percent complete for NHIS completes 76.9 74.5 75.9 77.3 75.4 75.4 73.5 63.5 63.1
Percent complete for NHIS partial completes 64.5 58.9 63.1 64.8 62.0 63.6 60.3 46.8 44.1

Note: Figures shown are based on original NHIS sample and exclude reporting units added to the sample as “splits” and “students.”

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Table A-6. Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for all RUs who ever refused

Panel Net sample (N) Ever refused (%) Converted (%) Final refusal rate (%) Final response rate (%)
Panel 15 9,258 29.4 26.6 21.0 73.5
Panel 16 10,940 26.3 30.9 17.6 78.2
Panel 17 10,386 25.3 30.2 17.2 78.2
Panel 18 10,357 25.5 25.0 18.1 74.2
Panel 19 10,418 30.1 23.3 22.4 71.8
Panel 20 11,318 30.1 29.2 21.0 73.5
Panel 21 10,316 29.1 29.0 20.2 74.4
Panel 22 10,169 30.1 27.6 21.8 72.6
Panel 23 10,089 31.3 25.6 22.4 72.9
Panel 24 10,090 32.6 23.4 24.2 71.2
Panel 25 10,152 34.8 12.3 28.9 61.7
Panel 26 9,795 40.4 19.3 31.4 60.0

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Table A-7. Summary of MEPS Round 1 results for RUs who were ever traced, Panels 15-26

Panel Total sample (N) Ever traced (%) Not located (%)
Panel 15 9,415 16.7 4.1
Panel 16 11,019 18.2 3.0
Panel 17 10,513 18.7 3.6
Panel 18 10,468 16.0 4.3
Panel 19 10,532 19.5 4.1
Panel 20 11,435 14.0 4.3
Panel 21 10,405 12.8 3.7
Panel 22 10,228 13.0 3.9
Panel 23 10,199 12.7 3.0
Panel 24 10,172 12.6 3.0
Panel 25 10,230 11.7 3.2
Panel 26 9,863 11.3 4.3

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Table A-8. Interview timing comparison (mean minutes per interview, single-session interviews)

Round Panel 16 Panel 17 Panel 18 Panel 19 Panel 20 Panel 21 Panel 22 Panel 23 Panel 24 Panel 25 Panel 26
Round 1 74.0 67.8 78.0 85.5 76.4 75.5 79.9 78.1 79.5 89.0 92.9
Round 2 88.1 90.2 102.9 92.3 86.3 85.3 88.8 88.2 87.0 89.7 93.3
Round 3 87.2 94.3 103.1 94.5 89.7 93.4 93.0 92.6 98.5 100.0
Round 4 85.9 99.6 89.0 84.6 80.5 82.7 84.3 86.8 86.2 93.2
Round 5 85.4 92.2 87.4 84.1 85.3 77.4 78.8 78.7 97.1
Round 6 88.4 89.7
Round 7 96.6
Round 8 90.1

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Table A-9. Mean contact attempts by NHIS completion status, Round 1

Contact type Panel 20, Round 1 Panel 21, Round 1 Panel 22, Round 1 Panel 23, Round 1 Panel 24, Round 1 Panel 25, Round 1 Panel 26, Round 1
All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial All RUs Complete Partial
N 10,854 8,751 2,103 9,851 7,645 2,206 9,835 7,963 1,872 9,839 7,913 1,926 9,864 8,306 1,558 9,866 8,814 1,052 9,509 8,113 1,396
% of all RUs 100 81.0 19.0 100 77.6 22.4 100 81.0 19.0 100 80.4 19.6 100 84.2 15.8 100 89.3 10.7 100 85.3 14.7
In-person 7.2 6.9 8.5 7.0 6.9 8.3 6.3 6.1 7.3 6.2 6.0 7.2 5.5 5.4 6.3 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.3 3.1
Telephone 2.1 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.9 2.4 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.6 9.7 9.5 11.6 8.8 8.7 9.8
Total 9.6 9.2 11.4 9.3 8.9 11.0 8.4 8.1 9.6 8.2 7.9 9.5 7.3 7.1 8.5 14.4 14.1 17.0 13.1 12.8 14.9

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Table A-10 Signing rates for medical provider authorization forms

Panel/round Authorization forms requested Authorization forms signed Signing rate (%)
Panel 1 Round 1 3,562 2,624 73.7
Round 2 19,874 14,145 71.2
Round 3 17,722 12,062 68.1
Round 4 17,133 10,542 61.5
Round 5 12,544 6,763 53.9
Panel 2 Round 1 2,735 1,788 65.4
Round 2 13,461 9,433 70.1
Round 3 11,901 7,537 63.3
Round 4 11,164 6,485 58.1
Round 5 8,104 4,244 52.4
Panel 3 Round 1 2,078 1,349 64.9
Round 2 10,335 6,463 62.5
Round 3 8,716 4,797 55.0
Round 4 8,761 4,246 48.5
Round 5 6,913 2,911 42.1
Panel 4 Round 1 2,400 1,607 67.0
Round 2 12,711 8,434 66.4
Round 3 11,078 6,642 60.0
Round 4 11,047 6,888 62.4
Round 5 8,684 5,096 58.7
Panel 5 Round 1 1,243 834 67.1
Round 2 14,008 9,618 68.7
Round 3 12,869 8,301 64.5
Round 4 13,464 9,170 68.1
Round 5 10,888 7,025 64.5
Panel 6 Round 1 2,783 2,012 72.3
Round 2 29,861 22,872 76.6
Round 3 26,068 18,219 69.9
Round 4 27,146 20,082 74.0
Round 5 21,022 14,581 69.4
Panel 7 Round 1 2,298 1,723 75.0
Round 2 22,302 17,557 78.7
Round 3 19,312 13,896 72.0
Round 4 16,934 13,725 81.1
Round 5 14,577 11,099 76.1
Panel 8 Round 1 2,287 1,773 77.5
Round 2 22,533 17,802 79.0
Round 3 19,530 14,064 72.0
Round 4 19,718 14,599 74.0
Round 5 15,856 11,106 70.0
Panel 9 Round 1 2,253 1,681 74.6
Round 2 22,668 17,522 77.3
Round 3 19,601 13,672 69.8
Round 4 20,147 14,527 72.1
Round 5 15,963 10,720 67.2
Panel 10 Round 1 2,068 1,443 69.8
Round 2 22,582 17,090 75.7
Round 3 18,967 13,396 70.6
Round 4 19,087 13,296 69.7
Round 5 15,787 10,476 66.4
Panel 11 Round 1 2,154 1,498 69.5
Round 2 23,957 17,742 74.1
Round 3 20,756 13,400 64.6
Round 4 21,260 14,808 69.7
Round 5 16,793 11,482 68.4
Panel 12 Round 1 1,695 1,066 62.9
Round 2 17,787 12,524 70.4
Round 3 15,291 10,006 65.4
Round 4 15,692 10,717 68.3
Round 5 12,780 8,367 65.5
Panel 13 Round 1 2,217 1,603 72.3
Round 2 24,357 18,566 76.2
Round 3 21,058 14,826 70.4
Round 4 21,673 15,632 72.1
Round 5 17,158 11,779 68.7
Panel 14 Round 1 2,128 1,498 70.4
Round 2 23,138 17,739 76.7
Round 3 19,024 13,673 71.9
Round 4 18,532 12,824 69.2
Round 5 15,444 10,201 66.1
Panel 15 Round 1 1,680 1,136 67.6
Round 2 18,506 13,628 73.6
Round 3 16,686 11,652 69.8
Round 4 16,260 11,139 68.5
Round 5 13,443 8,420 62.6
Panel 16 Round 1 1,811 1,223 67.5
Round 2 23,718 17,566 74.1
Round 3 21,780 14,828 68.1
Round 4 21,537 16,329 75.8
Round 5 16,688 12,028 72.1
Panel 17 Round 1 1,655 1,117 67.5
Round 2 21,749 17,694 81.4
Round 3 19,292 15,125 78.4
Round 4 20,086 15,691 78.1
Round 5 15,064 11,873 78.8
Panel 18 Round 1 1,677 1,266 75.5
Round 2 22,714 18,043 79.4
Round 3 20,728 15,827 76.4
Round 4 17,092 13,704 80.2
Round 5 15,448 11,796 76.4
Panel 19 Round 1 2,189 1,480 67.6
Round 2 22,671 17,190 75.8
Round 3 20,582 14,534 70.6
Round 4 17,102 13,254 77.5
Round 5 15,330 11,425 74.5
Panel 20 Round 1 2,354 1,603 68.1
Round 2 25,334 18,479 72.9
Round 3 22,851 15,862 69.4
Round 4 18,234 14,026 76.9
Round 5 16,274 12,100 74.4
Panel 21 Round 1 2,037 1,396 68.5
Round 2 22,984 17,295 75.2
Round 3 20,802 14,898 71.6
Round 4 16,487 13,110 79.5
Round 5 20,443 16,247 79.5
Panel 22 Round 1 2,274 1,573 69.2
Round 2 22,913 17,530 76.5
Round 3 26,436 19,496 73.7
Round 4 23,249 18,097 77.8
Round 5 17,171 12,168 70.9
Panel 23 Round 1 1,982 1,533 77.3
Round 2 29,576 21,850 73.9
Round 3 23,365 14,475 62.4
Round 4 19,220 13,483 70.2
Round 5 17,569 10,903 62.1
Round 6 12,701 8,002 63.0
Round 7 13,254 8,108 61.2
Round 8 11,589 7,624 65.8
Panel 24 Round 1 2,285 1,306 57.2
Round 2 24,755 15,865 64.1
Round 3 22,657 11,522 50.9
Round 4 14,612 7,716 52.8
Round 5 15,992 8,941 55.9
Round 6 11,366 6,658 58.6
Panel 25 Round 1 3,110 1,242 39.9
Round 2 15,259 7,292 47.8
Round 3 15,932 8,100 50.8
Round 4 11,252 7,204 64.0
Panel 26 Round 1 2,432 1,151 47.3
Round 2 17,765 10,564 59.5

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Table A-11 Signing rates for pharmacy authorization forms

Panel/round Permission forms requested Permission forms signed Signing rate (%)
Panel 1 Round 3 19,913 14,468 72.7
Round 5 8,685 6,002 69.1
Panel 2 Round 3 12,241 8,694 71.0
Round 5 8,640 6,297 72.9
Panel 3 Round 3 9,016 5,929 65.8
Round 5 7,569 5,200 68.7
Panel 4 Round 3 11,856 8,280 69.8
Round 5 10,688 8,318 77.8
Panel 5 Round 3 9,248 6,852 74.1
Round 5 8,955 7,174 80.1
Panel 6 Round 3 19,305 15,313 79.3
Round 5 17,981 14,864 82.7
Panel 7 Round 3 14,456 11,611 80.3
Round 5 13,428 11,210 83.5
Panel 8 Round 3 14,391 11,533 80.1
Round 5 13,422 11,049 82.3
Panel 9 Round 3 14,334 11,189 78.1
Round 5 13,416 10,893 81.2
Panel 10 Round 3 13,928 10,706 76.9
Round 5 12,869 10,260 79.7
Panel 11 Round 3 14,937 11,328 75.8
Round 5 13,778 11,332 82.3
Panel 12 Round 3 10,840 8,242 76.0
Round 5 9,930 8,015 80.7
Panel 13 Round 3 15,379 12,165 79.1
Round 4 10,782 7,795 72.3
Round 5 9,451 6,635 70.2
Panel 14 Round 2 11,841 9,151 77.3
Round 3 9,686 7,091 73.2
Round 4 9,298 6,623 71.2
Round 5 8,415 6,011 71.4
Panel 15 Round 2 9,698 7,092 73.1
Round 3 8,684 6,189 71.3
Round 4 8,163 5,756 70.5
Round 5 7,302 4,485 66.9
Panel 16 Round 2 12,093 8,892 73.5
Round 3 10,959 7,591 69.3
Round 4 10,432 8,194 78.6
Round 5 8,990 6,928 77.1
Panel 17 Round 2 14,181 12,567 88.6
Round 3 9,715 7,580 78.0
Round 4 9,759 7,730 79.2
Round 5 8,245 6,604 80.1
Panel 18 Round 2 10,977 8,755 79.8
Round 3 9,757 7,573 77.6
Round 4 8,526 6,858 80.4
Round 5 7,918 6,173 78.0
Panel 19 Round 2 10,749 8,261 76.9
Round 3 9,618 6,902 71.8
Round 4 8,557 6,579 76.9
Round 5 7,767 5,905 76.0
Panel 20 Round 2 12,074 8,796 72.9
Round 3 10,577 7,432 70.3
Round 4 9,0994 6,945 76.3
Round 5 8,312 6,339 76.3
Panel 21 Round 2 10,783 7,985 74.1
Round 3 9,540 6,847 71.8
Round 4 8,172 6,387 78.2
Round 5 6,684 5,336 79.8
Panel 22 Round 2 10,510 7,919 75.4
Round 3 8,053 5,953 73.9
Round 4 7,284 5,670 77.8
Round 5 5,726 71.1
Panel 23 Round 2 8,834 6,514 73.8
Round 3 9,614 6,205 64.5
Round 4 8,486 5,900 69.5
Round 5 8,067 5,101 63.2
Round 6 5,668 3,418 60.3
Round 7 5,417 3,345 61.8
Round 8 5,182 3,341 64.5
Panel 24 Round 2 10,265 6,676 65.0
Round 3 9,096 4,831 53.1
Round 4 7,100 3,636 51.2
Round 5 6,528 3,682 56.4
Round 6 4,783 2,663 55.7
Panel 25 Round 2 6,783 3,180 46.9
Round 3 6,114 3,146 51.5
Round 4 4,640 2,888 62.2
Panel 26 Round 2 6,961 4,105 59.0

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Table A-12 Results of Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ) collection

Panel/round SAQs requested SAQs completed SAQs refused Other nonresponse Response rate (%)
Panel 1 Round 2 16,577 9,910 - - 59.8
Round 3 6,032 1,469 840 3,723 24.3
Combined, 1996 16,577 11,379 - - 68.6
Panel 4* Round 4 13,936 12,265 288 1,367 87.9
Round 5 1,683 947 314 422 56.3
Combined, 2000 13,936 13,212 - - 94.8
Panel 5* Round 2 11,239 9,833 191 1,213 86.9
Round 3 1,314 717 180 417 54.6
Combined, 2000 11,239 10,550 - - 93.9
Round 4 7,812 6,790 198 824 86.9
Round 5 1,022 483 182 357 47.3
Combined, 2001 7,812 7,273 380 1,181 93.1
Panel 6 Round 2 16,577 14,233 412 1,932 85.9
Round 3 2,143 1,213 230 700 56.6
Combined, 2001 16,577 15,446 642 2,632 93.2
Round 4 15,687 13,898 362 1,427 88.6
Round 5 1,852 967 377 508 52.2
Combined, 2002 15,687 14,865 739 1,935 94.8
Panel 7 Round 2 12,093 10,478 196 1,419 86.6
Round 3 1,559 894 206 459 57.3
Combined, 2002 12,093 11,372 402 1,878 94.0
Round 4 11,703 10,125 285 1,292 86.5
Round 5 1,493 786 273 434 52.7
Combined, 2003 11,703 10,911 558 1,726 93.2
Panel 8 Round 2 12,533 10,765 203 1,565 85.9
Round 3 1,568 846 234 488 54.0
Combined, 2003 12,533 11,611 437 2,053 92.6
Round 4 11,996 10,534 357 1,105 87.8
Round 5 1,400 675 344 381 48.2
Combined, 2004 11,996 11,209 701 1,486 93.4
Panel 9 Round 2 12,541 10,631 381 1,529 84.8
Round 3 1,670 886 287 496 53.1
Combined, 2004 12,541 11,517 668 2,025 91.9
Round 4 11,913 10,357 379 1,177 86.9
Round 5 1,478 751 324 403 50.8
Combined, 2005 11,913 11,108 703 1,580 93.2
Panel 10 Round 2 12,360 10,503 391 1,466 85.0
Round 3 1,626 787 280 559 48.4
Combined, 2005 12,360 11,290 671 2025 91.3
Round 4 11,726 10,081 415 1,230 86.0
Round 5 1,516 696 417 403 45.9
Combined, 2006 11,726 10,777 832 1,633 91.9
Panel 11 Round 2 13,146 10,924 452 1,770 83.1
Round 3 1,908 948 349 611 49.7
Combined, 2006 13,146 11,872 801 2,381 90.3
Round 4 12,479 10,771 622 1,086 86.3
Round 5 1,621 790 539 292 48.7
Combined, 2007 12,479 11,561 1,161 1,378 92.6
Panel 12 Round 2 10,061 8,419 502 1,140 83.7
Round 3 1,460 711 402 347 48.7
Combined, 2007 10,061 9,130 904 1,487 90.7
Round 4 9,550 8,303 577 670 86.9
Round 5 1,145 541 415 189 47.3
Combined, 2008 9,550 8,844 992 859 92.6
Panel 13 Round 2 14,410 12,541 707 1,162 87.0
Round 3 1,630 829 439 362 50.9
Combined, 2008 14,410 13,370 1,146 1,524 92.8
Round 4 13,822 12,311 559 952 89.1
Round 5 1,364 635 476 253 46.6
Combined, 2009 13,822 12,946 1,705 1205 93.7
Panel 14 Round 2 13,335 11,528 616 1,191 86.5
Round 3 1,542 818 426 298 53.1
Combined, 2009 13,335 12,346 1042 1,489 92.6
Round 4 12,527 11,041 644 839 88.1
Round 5 1,403 645 497 261 46.0
Combined, 2010 12,527 11,686 1,141 1,100 93.3
Panel 15 Round 2 11,857 10,121 637 1,096 85.4
Round 3 1,491 725 425 341 48.6
Combined, 2010 11,857 10,846 1,062 1,437 91.5
Round 4 11,311 9,804 572 935 86.7
Round 5 1,418 678 461 279 47.8
Combined, 2011 11,311 10,482 1,033 1,214 92.6
Panel 16 Round 2 15,026 12,926 707 1393 86.0
Round 3 1,863 949 465 449 50.9
Combined, 2011 15,026 13,875 1,172 728 92.3
Round 4 13,620 12,415 582 623 91.2
Round 5 1,112 516 442 154 46.4
Combined, 2012 13,620 12,931 1,024 777 94.9
Panel 17 Round 2 14,181 12,567 677 937 88.6
Round 3 1,395 690 417 288 49.5
Combined, 2012 14,181 13,257 1,094 1,225 93.5
Round 4 13,086 11,566 602 918 88.4
Round 5 1,429 655 504 270 45.8
Combined, 2013 13,086 12,221 1,106 1,188 93.4
Panel 18 Round 2 13,158 10,805 785 1,568 82.1
Round 3 2,066 1,022 547 497 48.5
Combined, 2013 13,158 11,827 1,332 2,065 89.9
Round 4 12,243 10,050 916 1,277 82.1
Round 5 2,063 936 721 406 45.4
Combined, 2014 12,243 10,986 1,637 1,683 89.7
Panel 19 Round 2 12,664 10,047 1,014 1,603 79.3
Round 3 2,306 1,050 694 615 44.5
Combined, 2014 12,664 11,097 1,708 2,218 87.6
Round 4 11,782 9,542 1,047 1,175 81.0
Round 5 2,131 894 822 414 42.0
Combined, 2015 11,782 10,436 1,869 1,589 88.6
Panel 20 Round 2 14,077 10,885 1,223 1,966 77.3
Round 3 2,899 1,329 921 649 45.8
Combined, 2015 14,077 12,214 2,144 2,615 86.8
Round 4 13,068 10,572 1,127 1,371 80.9
Round 5 2,262 1,001 891 370 44.3
Combined, 2016 13,068 11,573 2,018 1,741 88.6
Panel 21 Round 2 13,143 10,212 1,170 1,761 77.7
Round 3 2,585 1,123 893 569 43.4
Combined, 2016 13,143 11,335 2,063 2,330 86.2
Round 4 12,021 9,966 1,149 906 82.9
Round 5 2,078 834 884 360 40.1
Combined, 2017 12,021 10,800 2,033 1,266 89.8
Panel 22 Round 2 12,304 9,929 1,086 1,289 80.7
Round 3 2,287 840 749 698 36.7
Combined, 2017 12,304 10,769 1,835 1,987 87.5
Round 4 11,333 8,341 1,159 1,833 73.6
Round 5 2,090 811 896 383 38.8
Combined, 2018 11,333 9,152 2,055 2,216 80.8
Panel 23 Round 2 12,349 8,711 1,364 1,289 70.5
Round 3 2,364 819 907 638 34.6
Combined, 2018 12,369 9,530 2,271 1,927 77.2
Round 4 11,290 8,554 1,515 1,221 75.8
Round 5 2,711 983 923 805 36.3
Combined, 2019 11,290 9,537 2,438 2,026 84.5
Round 6 8,537 4,732 682 3,123 55.4
Round 7 3,229 1,123 707 1,399 34.8
Combined, 2020 8,537 5,855 1,389 4,522 68.6
Round 8 6,446 3,377 799 2,270 52.4
Panel 24 Round 2 12,027 8,726 1,641 1,660 72.6
Round 3 2,810 860 832 1,118 30.6
Combined, 2019 12,027 9,586 2,473 2,778 79.7
Round 4 9,257 4,247 786 4,224 45.9
Round 5 4,224 1,476 838 1,910 34.9
Combined, 2020 9,257 5,723 1,624 6,134 61.8
Round 6 6,440 3,196 819 2,425 49.6
Panel 25 Round 2 8,109 3,555 529 4,025 43.8
Round 3 4,016 1,322 717 1,977 32.9
Combined, 2020 8,109 4,877 1,246 6,002 60.1
Round 4 6,089 3,309 850 1,930 54.3
Panel 26 Round 2 8,419 4,609 1,009 2,801 54.7

* Totals represent combined collection of the SAQ and the parent-administered questionnaire (PAQ).

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Table A-13 Results of Diabetes Care Supplement (DCS) collection*

Panel/round DCSs requested DCSs completed Response rate (%)
Panel 4 Round 5 696 631 90.7
Panel 5 Round 3 550 508 92.4
Round 5 570 500 87.7
Panel 6 Round 3 1,166 1,000 85.8
Round 5 1,202 1,166 97.0
Panel 7 Round 3 870 848 97.5
Round 5 869 820 94.4
Panel 8 Round 3 971 885 91.1
Round 5 977 894 91.5
Panel 9 Round 3 1,003 909 90.6
Round 5 904 806 89.2
Panel 10 Round 3 1,060 939 88.6
Round 5 1,078 965 89.5
Panel 11 Round 3 1,188 1,030 86.7
Round 5 1,182 1,053 89.1
Panel 12 Round 3 917 825 90.0
Round 5 883 815 92.3
Panel 13 Round 3 1,278 1,182 92.5
Round 5 1,278 1,154 90.3
Panel 14 Round 3 1,174 1,048 89.3
Round 5 1,177 1,066 90.6
Panel 15 Round 3 1,117 1,000 89.5
Round 5 1,097 990 90.3
Panel 16 Round 3 1,425 1,283 90.0
Round 5 1,358 1,256 92.5
Panel 17 Round 3 1,315 1,177 89.5
Round 5 1,308 1,174 89.8
Panel 18 Round 3 1,362 1,182 86.8
Round 5 1,342 1,187 88.5
Panel 19 Round 3 1,272 1,124 88.4
Round 5 1,316 1,144 87.2
Panel 20 Round 3 1,412 1,190 84.5
Round 5 1,386 1,174 84.9
Panel 21 Round 3 1,422 1,170 82.5
Round 5 1,481 1,177 81.0
Panel 22 Round 3 1,453 1,074 73.9
Round 5 1,348 1,018 75.5
Panel 23 Round 3 1,464 1,101 75.2
Round 5 1,350 933 69.1
Round 7 1,018 648 63.7
Panel 24 Round 3 1,350 843 62.4
Round 5 1,082 599 55.4
Panel 25 Round 3 963 514 53.4

Tables represent combined DCS/proxy DCS collection.

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Table A-14. Results of patient profile collection

Pharmacy Total number Total received Percent received Total complete Completes as a percent of total
2019 � P22R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 921 173 18.8% 125 13.6%
Total Pairs 1,387 199 14.3% 183 13.2%
2018 � P21R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 2,920 417 20.7% 316 15.6%
Total Pairs 4,116 486 16.6% 425 14.5%
2017 � P20R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 1,953 342 17.5% 254 13.0%
Total Pairs 2,723 372 13.7% 326 12.0%
2016 � P19R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 2,038 374 18.4% 285 14.0%
Total Pairs 2,854 430 15.1% 394 13.8%
2015 � P18R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 1,404 260 18.5% 186 13.2%
Total Pairs 2,042 289 14.2% 255 12.5%
2014 � P17R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 2,230 372 16.7% 269 12.1%
Total Pairs 3,233 443 13.7% 386 11.9%
2013 � P16R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 2,014 417 20.7% 316 15.6%
Total Pairs 2,911 486 16.6% 425 14.5%
2012 � P15R5 all mail collection
Total RUs 1,390 290 20.8% 203 14.6%
Total Pairs 1,990 348 17.4% 290 14.5%

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Table A-15. Calls to respondent information line

Reason for call Spring 2000 (Panel 5 Round 1, Panel 4 Round 3, Panel 3 Round 5) Fall 2000 (Panel 5 Round 2, Panel 4 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address change 23 4.0 13 8.3 8 5.7
Appointment 37 6.5 26 16.7 28 19.9
Request callback 146 25.7 58 37.2 69 48.9
Refusal 183 32.2 20 12.8 12 8.5
Willing to participate 10 1.8 2 1.3 0 0.0
Other 157 27.6 35 22.4 8 5.7
Report a respondent deceased 5 0.9 1 0.6 0 0.0
Request a Spanish-speaking interview 8 1.4 1 0.6 0 0.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 16 11.3
Total 569 156 141

Reason for call Spring 2001 (Panel 6 Round 1, Panel 5 Round 3, Panel 4 Round 5) Fall 2001 (Panel 6 Round 2, Panel 5 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 27 3.7 17 12.7 56 15.7
Appointment 119 16.2 56 41.8 134 37.5
Request callback 259 35.3 36 26.9 92 25.8
No message 8 1.1 3 2.2 0 0.0
Other 29 4.0 7 5.2 31 8.7
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 2 1.5 10 2.8
Special needs 5 0.7 3 2.2 0 0.0
Refusal 278 37.9 10 7.5 25 7.0
Willing to participate 8 1.1 0 0.0 9 2.5
Total 733 134 357

Reason for call Spring 2002 (Panel 7 Round 1, Panel 6 Round 3, Panel 5 Round 5) Fall 2002 (Panel 7 Round 2, Panel 6 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 28 4.5 29 13.9 66 16.7
Appointment 77 12.5 71 34.1 147 37.1
Request callback 210 34.0 69 33.2 99 25.0
No message 6 1.0 3 1.4 5 1.3
Other 41 6.6 17 8.2 10 2.5
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 30 7.6
Special needs 1 0.2 0 0.0 3 0.8
Refusal 232 37.6 14 6.7 29 7.3
Willing to participate 22 3.6 5 2.4 7 1.8
Total 617 208 396

Reason for call Spring 2003 (Panel 8 Round 1, Panel 7 Round 3, Panel 6 Round 5) Fall 2003 (Panel 8 Round 2, Panel 7 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 20 4.2 33 13.7 42 17.9
Appointment 83 17.5 87 36.1 79 33.8
Request callback 165 34.9 100 41.5 97 41.5
No message 16 3.4 7 2.9 6 2.6
Other 9 1.9 8 3.3 3 1.3
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.4
Special needs 5 1.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 158 33.4 6 2.5 6 2.6
Willing to participate 17 3.6 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 473 241 234

Reason for call Spring 2004 (Panel 9 Round 1, Panel 8 Round 3, Panel 7 Round 5) Fall 2004 (Panel 9 Round 2, Panel 8 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 8 1.6 26 13.2 42 10.9
Appointment 67 13.3 76 38.6 153 39.7
Request callback 158 31.5 77 39.1 139 36.1
No message 9 1.8 5 2.5 16 4.2
Other 8 1.6 5 2.5 5 1.3
Proxy needed 5 1.0 2 1.0 0 0.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.5
Special needs 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 228 45.4 6 3.0 27 7.0
Willing to participate 19 3.8 0 0.0 1 0.3
Total 502 197 385

Reason for call Spring 2005 (Panel 10 Round 1, Panel 9 Round 3, Panel 8 Round 5) Fall 2005 (Panel 10 Round 2, Panel 9 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 16 3.3 23 8.7 27 6.8
Appointment 77 15.7 117 44.3 177 44.4
Request callback 154 31.4 88 33.3 126 31.6
No message 14 2.9 11 4.2 28 7.0
Other 13 2.7 1 0.4 8 2.0
Proxy needed 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.3
Special needs 1 0.2 1 0.4 0 0.0
Refusal 195 39.8 20 7.6 30 7.5
Willing to participate 20 4.1 3 1.1 2 0.5
Total 490 264 399

Reason for call Spring 2006 (Panel 11 Round 1, Panel 10 Round 3, Panel 9 Round 5) Fall 2006 (Panel 11 Round 2, Panel 10 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 7 1.3 24 7.5 11 4.1
Appointment 61 11.3 124 39.0 103 38.1
Request callback 146 27.1 96 30.2 101 37.4
No message 72 13.4 46 14.5 21 7.8
Other 16 3.0 12 3.8 8 3.0
Proxy needed 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 4 0.7 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 216 40.1 15 4.7 26 9.6
Willing to participate 17 3.2 1 0.3 0 0.0
Total 539 318 270

Reason for call Spring 2007 (Panel 12 Round 1, Panel 11 Round 3, Panel 10 Round 5) Fall 2007 (Panel 12 Round 2, Panel 11 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 8 2.1 21 7.3 23 7.6
Appointment 56 14.6 129 44.8 129 42.6
Request callback 72 18.8 75 26.0 88 29.0
No message 56 14.6 37 12.8 33 10.9
Other 20 5.2 15 5.2 6 2.0
Proxy needed 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 5 1.3 0 0.0 1 0.3
Refusal 160 41.8 10 3.5 21 6.9
Willing to participate 6 1.6 1 0.3 2 0.7
Total 383 288 303

Reason for call Spring 2008 (Panel 13 Round 1, Panel 12 Round 3, Panel 11 Round 5) Fall 2008 (Panel 13 Round 2, Panel 12 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 20 3.4 12 4.7 21 5.7
Appointment 92 15.5 117 45.9 148 39.9
Request callback 164 27.6 81 31.8 154 41.5
No message 82 13.8 20 7.8 22 5.9
Other 13 2.2 12 4.7 8 2.2
Proxy needed 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 4 0.7 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 196 32.9 13 5.1 18 4.9
Willing to participate 24 4.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 595 255 371

Reason for call Spring 2009 (Panel 14 Round 1, Panel 13 Round 3, Panel 12 Round 5) Fall 2009 (Panel 14 Round 2, Panel 13 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 10 2.2 13 4.3 19 5.1
Appointment 49 10.8 87 29.0 153 41.1
Request callback 156 34.4 157 52.3 153 41.1
No message 48 10.6 23 7.7 20 5.4
Other 3 0.7 8 2.7 3 0.8
Proxy needed 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 4 0.9 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 183 40.3 11 3.7 24 6.5
Willing to participate 1 0.2 1 0.3 0 0.0
Total 454 300 372

Reason for call Spring 2010 (Panel 15 Round 1, Panel 14 Round 3, Panel 13 Round 5) Fall 2010 (Panel 15 Round 2, Panel 14 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 2 0.8 42 8.2 25 5.3
Appointment 44 18.0 214 41.6 309 66.0
Request callback 87 35.7 196 38.1 46 9.8
No message 17 7.0 33 6.4 17 3.6
Other 7 2.9 8 1.6 14 3.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 0 0.0 12 2.6
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.2
Special needs 1 0.4 1 0.2 1 0.2
Refusal 86 35.2 20 3.9 43 9.2
Willing to participate 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 244 514 468

Reason for call Spring 2011 (Panel 16 Round 1, Panel 15 Round 3, Panel 14 Round 5) Fall 2011 (Panel 16 Round 2, Panel 15 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 16 3.4 46 8.0 72 9.8
Appointment 175 37.6 407 71.0 466 63.5
Request callback 81 17.4 63 11.0 69 9.4
No message 24 5.2 26 4.5 23 3.1
Other 12 2.6 8 1.4 25 3.4
Request SAQ help 1 0.2 2 0.3 32 4.4
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 46 6.3
Special needs 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.1
Refusal 157 33.7 21 3.7 0 0.0
Willing to participate 0 0.0 0 0 0.0
Total 466 573 734

Reason for call Spring 2012 (Panel 17 Round 1, Panel 16 Round 3, Panel 15 Round 5) Fall 2012 (Panel 17 Round 2, Panel 16 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 18 5.0 107 13.4 108 12.2
Appointment 130 36.1 517 64.9 584 65.8
Request callback 60 16.7 94 11.8 57 6.4
No message 21 5.8 17 2.1 18 2.0
Other 10 2.8 25 3.1 16 1.8
Proxy needed 0 0.0 1 0.1 2 0.2
Request SAQ help 2 0.6 6 0.8 42 4.7
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 117 32.5 30 3.8 60 6.8
Willing to participate 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 360 797 887

Reason for call Spring 2013 (Panel 18 Round 1, Panel 17 Round 3, Panel 16 Round 5) Fall 2013 (Panel 18 Round 2, Panel 17 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 18 4.4 82 10.8 53 9.0
Appointment 143 35.0 558 73.0 370 62.6
Request callback 71 17.4 88 11.5 70 11.8
No message 8 2.0 11 1.4 16 2.8
Other 2 0.5 4 .5 5 0.9
Proxy needed 1 0.2 1 0.1 1 0.2
Request SAQ help 1 0.2 0 0.0 31 5.3
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 2 0.5 0 0.0 2 0.3
Refusal 162 39.5 19 2.5 43 7.3
Willing to participate 1 0.2 1 0.1 0 0.0
Total 409 764 591

Reason for call Spring 2014 (Panel 19 Round 1, Panel 18 Round 3, Panel 17 Round 5) Fall 2014 (Panel 19 Round 2, Panel 18 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 11 3.2 71 11.1 62 8.4
Appointment 75 22.1 393 61.5 490 66.5
Request callback 70 20.6 113 17.7 70 9.5
No message 11 3.2 12 1.9 28 3.9
Other 0 0.0 5 0.8 7 0.9
Proxy needed 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.1
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 1 0.2 4 0.5
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 165 48.5 44 6.9 74 10.0
Willing to participate 8 2.4 0 0.0 1 0.1
Total 340 639 737

Reason for call Spring 2015 (Panel 20 Round 1, Panel 19 Round 3, Panel 18 Round 5) Fall 2015 (Panel 20 Round 2, Panel 19 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 10 2.3 61 8.8 55 9.6
Appointment 95 21.8 438 63.4 346 60.7
Request callback 85 19.5 112 16.2 52 9.1
No message 14 3.2 17 2.5 4 0.7
Other 2 0.5 3 0.4 3 0.5
Proxy needed 1 0.2 7 1.0 8 1.4
Request SAQ help 1 0.2 3 0.4 11 1.9
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 206 47.2 47 6.8 91 16.0
Willing to participate 22 5.0 3 0.4 0 0.0
Total 436 691 570

Reason for call Spring 2016 (Panel 21 Round 1, Panel 20 Round 3, Panel 19 Round 5) Fall 2016 (Panel 21 Round 2, Panel 20 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 8 2.7 64 11.7 48 7.9
Appointment 93 30.9 362 66.2 373 61.7
Request callback 47 15.6 59 10.8 83 13.7
No message 1 0.3 7 1.3 6 1.0
Other 2 0.7 1 0.2 3 0.5
Proxy needed 0 0.0 5 0.9 6 1.0
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 3 0.5 11 1.8
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 139 46.2 46 8.4 75 12.4
Willing to participate 10 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 301 547 605

Reason for call Spring 2017 (Panel 22 Round 1, Panel 21 Round 3, Panel 20 Round 5) Fall 2017 (Panel 22 Round 2, Panel 21 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 10 2.9 51 9.6 35 6.8
Appointment 86 24.9 355 66.6 318 61.4
Request callback 59 17.1 90 16.9 64 12.4
No message 1 0.3 2 0.4 5 1.0
Other 2 0.6 3 0.6 4 0.8
Proxy needed 1 0.3 7 1.3 5 1.0
Request SAQ help 1 0.3 0 0.0 15 2.9
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 0 0.0 1 0.2 1 0.2
Refusal 172 49.7 23 4.3 70 13.5
Willing to participate 14 4.0 1 0.2 1 0.2
Total 346 533 518

Reason for call Spring 2018 (Panel 23 Round 1, Panel 22 Round 3, Panel 21 Round 5) Fall 2018 (Panel 23 Round 2, Panel 22 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 5 1.3 37 7.9 38 7.3
Appointment 59 15.4 318 68.1 335 63.9
Request callback 50 13.1 50 10.7 60 11.5
No message 4 1.0 5 1.1 1 0.2
Other 0 0.0 1 0.2 3 0.6
Proxy needed 2 0.5 4 0.9 6 1.1
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 1 0.2 15 2.9
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Special needs 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 211 55.1 46 9.9 61 11.6
Willing to participate 51 13.3 5 1.1 5 1.0
Total 383 467 524

Reason for call Spring 2019 (Panel 24 Round 1, Panel 23 Round 3, Panel 22 Round 5) Fall 2019 (Panel 24 Round 2, Panel 23 Round 4)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2 and 4
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 5 1.5 36 7.4 30 5.6
Appointment 59 17.2 328 67.5 344 64.8
Request callback 39 11.4 56 11.5 56 10.5
No message 2 0.6 4 0.8 7 1.3
Other 2 0.6 4 0.8 0 0.0
Proxy needed 2 0.6 6 1.2 11 2.1
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 2 0.4 5 0.9
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 48 9.9 0 0.0
Special needs 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Refusal 185 53.9 0 0.0 78 14.7
Willing to participate 49 14.3 2 0.4 0 0.0
Total 353 486 531

Reason for call Spring 2020 (Panel 25 Round 1, Panel 24 Round 3, Panel 23 Round 5) Fall 2020 (Panel 25 Round 2, Panel 24 Round 4, Panel 23 Round 6)
Round 1 Rounds 3 and 5 Rounds 2, 4, and 6
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 5 0.9 37 6.3 28 2.4
Appointment 142 24.2 332 56.1 278 23.9
Request callback 102 17.4 121 20.4 276 23.7
No message 22 3.8 18 3.0 60 5.2
Other 2 0.3 5 0.8 5 0.4
Proxy needed 6 1.0 3 0.5 10 0.9
Request SAQ help 0 0.0 1 0.2 35 3.0
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.1
Special needs 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.1
Refusal 209 35.7 62 10.5 203 17.5
Willing to participate 98 16.7 13 2.2 266 22.9
Total 586 592 1,163

Reason for call Spring 2021 (Panel 26 Round 1, Panel 25 Round 3, Panel 24 Round 5, Panel 23 Round 7) Fall 2021 (Panel 26 Round 2, Panel 25 Round 4, Panel 24 Round 6, Panel 23 Round 8)
Round 1 Rounds 3, 5, 7 Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8
N % N % N %
Address/telephone change 2 0.6 19 3.4 59 7.0
Appointment 27 8.1 76 13.7 233 27.5
Request callback 101 30.1 240 43.2 287 33.8
No message 34 10.1 21 3.8 41 4.8
Other 8 2.4 48 8.6 8 0.9
Proxy needed 0 0.0 7 1.3 13 1.5
Request SAQ help 3 0.9 17 3.1 15 1.8
SAQ refusal 0 0.0 1 0.2 0 0.0
Special needs 0 0.0 2 0.4 1 0.1
Refusal 87 26.0 87 15.7 176 20.8
Willing to participate 73 21.8 37 6.7 15 1.8
Total 335 555 848

Return To Table Of Contents

Table A-16. Files delivered during 2021

Date Description
1/4/2021 DOCM0692.01: Delivery of the 2021 NPI Provider Directory from the Panel 26 MEPS Laptop
1/4/2021 PCND016101: 2019 Person-Level Priority Conditions Cross-Tabulations
1/4/2021 PRPL0151.01: Output from 2019 PRPL Program #1
1/4/2021 UEGN 2841.01: 2019 Specifications to apply expenditure allocation scheme to a provider-reported lump sum payment
1/4/2021 UEGN 2815.01: 2019 Specs for initializing MPSAMTs
1/4/2021 UEGN3591.02: Deliver to AHRQ for approval variable lists for the PUF non-MPC (DN, OM, and HH) Expenditure Event files (Completed 01/15/21)
1/5/2021 UEGN3595.01: The 2019 Utilization Standard Error Benchmarking Tables Using Person Use PUF Weights - PERWT19P
1/6/2021 GNRL4026.02 and GNRL4027.02: Delivery of End-Of-Round files (Person-Level and RU Level) -P25R1 Spring & Fall
1/6/2021 GNRL3042.01: List of CAPI Supplemental Sections and Round-Specific Forms
1/6/2021 UEGN 2818.01: 2019 Specifications for Last Step Edits
1/8/2021 ADMN0919.01: Delivery of 2019 FAMID Variables and CPS Family Identifier
1/8/2021 GNRL4026.03 and GNRL4026.04: Delivery of End-Of-Round Person-Level Files - P24R4 & P25R2
1/8/2021 GNRL4027.03 and GNRL4027.04: Delivery of End-Of-Round RU-Level Files - P24R4 & P25R2
1/8/2021 GNRL4028.02: Delivery of the EVNT, PMED, EPCP, EPRS and HOME Tables for Fall 2020
1/11/2021 DOCM0689.02: Delivery of the 2020 MPC files for Sample selection - Wave 1
1/11/2021 DOCM0690.02: Delivery of the 2020 PC Sample file - Wave 1
1/11/2021 DOCM0691.02: Delivery of the 2020 Provider file for NPI coding - Wave 1
1/11/2021 UEGN3596.01: Westat’s Comments on the RTI’s FY2019 MPC Test Files
1/12/2021 GNRL3043.01: NCHS Checklist and FY 2019 Use PUF Preliminary Delivery Document
1/12/2021 GNRL3044.01: NCHS Checklist and Preliminary Version of the 2019 JOBS File Delivery Document for Review
1/12/2021 PRPL0149.01: Findings from Test Runs of Revised 2019 Program 3a
1/13/2021 GNRL4024.01: FY 2019 (Panel 23 and Panel 24) Snapshots of HC Source Tables Including the CONDX, JOBSX, SAQ, and DCS Tables
1/13/2021 UEGN 2818.03: 2019 Specifications for Last Step Edits
1/14/2021 PRPL0149.07: Findings from Test Runs of Revised 2019 Program 3a
1/15/2021 DEMO1017.02: Delivery of the Output Listings for Final Case Review of the MOPID and DAPID Variables’ Construction for FY2019
1/15/2021 PRPL0152.01: FY19 PRPL Specifications for the OOPELIG, Imputation, and Final file creation programs
1/15/2021 UEPD1216.05: 2019 INSURC19 variable for use in the Prescribed Medicines Imputation
1/15/2021 UEGN2818.08: 2019 Specifications for Last Step Edits
1/18/2021 UEGN2813.01: 2019 Specs for Mom-baby Linking; and UEGN 2814.01 2019 Post-edit Rollup Specs
1/18/2021 UEGN2819.01 2019 Specifications for household discount adjustment
1/18/2021 UEGN2821.01: 2019 Specs for preparing SBDs for editing (PREPSBD)
1/18/2021 UEGN2822.01: 2019 Specs for attaching SBDs to MPC events (SBDATTCH)
1/19/2021 PRPL0149.09: Findings from Test Runs of Revised 2019 Program 3a
1/20/2021 GNRL3045.01: Preliminary Version of the 2019 JOBS File Codebook and Delivery Document for AHRQ and NCHS Review
1/20/2021 GNRL3046.01: Preliminary Versions of the Codebook and Delivery Document of the FY 2019 Use PUF for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
1/20/2021 PRPL0149.13: Findings from Test Runs of Revised 2019 Program 3a
1/21/2021 PRPL0149.24: Findings from Test Runs of Revised 2019 Program 3a
1/22/2021 PRPL0149.27: Findings from Test Runs of Revised 2019 Program 3a
1/25/2021 CODE0922.02: Redelivery of NAICS and SOCS Files with Variable DUPERSID Added
1/26/2021 GNRL3045.02: Final Version of the 2019 JOBS File Codebook and Delivery Document for AHRQ and NCHS Review
1/26/2021 GNRL3046.02: Final Versions of the Codebook and Delivery Document of the FY 2019 Use PUF for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
1/28/2021 GNRL3046.03: Final Versions of the Updated Codebook and Delivery Document of the FY 2019 Use PUF for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
1/29/2021 UEGN3598.01: The FY2020 Design Change Memo for the UEGN Group
2/1/2021 ADMN0920.01: FY20 Design changes for ADMN/DEMO
2/1/2021 EMPL2236.01: Summary of the MEPS Household Component CAPI for FY2020 (P23 R5-7, P24 R3-5, P25 R1-3) and Potential Effect on 2020 Data Delivery Content � EMPLOYMENT
2/2/2021 PRPL0153.01: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program #3a for P2419
2/2/2021 WGTS5024.01: Delivery of MSA variables for FY13
2/3/2021 ADMN0921.01: FY20 Basic Edit Specs
2/3/2021 DEMO1017.03: Delivery of the MOPID and DAPID Variables for FY2019
2/4/2021 PRPL0152.04: FY19 PRPL Specifications for the OOPELIG, Imputation, and Final file creation programs
2/4/2021 PRPL0154.01: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program #3a for P2319
2/5/2021 GNRL4031.01: Delivery of the NHIS Nonresponse Pilot Data
2/8/2021 UEGN3598.02: The FY2020 Design Change Memo for the UEGN Group
2/8/2021 UEGN3594.02: Deliver to AHRQ for approval variable list for the PUF MPC (OP, ER, OB and IP) Expenditure Event files (Completed 02/22/21)
2/9/2021 UEGN 2858.01: 2019 MPC provider-reported low charge events
2/10/2021 UEGN 2858.09: 2019 MPC provider-reported low charge events
2/10/2021 UEGN 2858.12: 2019 MPC provider-reported low charge events
2/11/2021 PRPL0153.10: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program #3a for P2419
2/11/2021 PRPL0153.11: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program #3a for P2419
2/11/2021 WGTS2010.01: Panel 24 Full Year 2019: Derivation of Eligibility and Response Indicators for the CPS-like Families
2/12/2021 GNRL3047.01: HC-212: Delivery of the Full Year 2019 Use PUF for Web Release
2/12/2021 PRPL0153.17: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program #3a for P2419
2/15/2021 DOCM0689.03: Revoking AF authorizations from the wave 1 of 2020 sample delivery
2/16/2021 GNRL3048.01: HC-211: 2019 Jobs Public Use File Delivery for Web Release
2/16/2021 HLTH1055.01: Full- Year 2020 HLTH Basic Edit Specifications
2/17/2021 CODE0928.01: PRODDESC Inconsistencies in the MDDB Master File
2/18/2021 ACCS0193.01: Summary of the MEPS Household Component CAPI for FY2021 and Potential Effect on 2021 Data Delivery Content � ACCESS TO CARE
2/18/2021 PRPL0155.01: Official Re-Run of Program #3a � Both Panels
2/25/2021 PRPL0157.01: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program # 3b
2/26/2021 EMPL2237.01: Employment Person-Level Variable & Related Process Specifications for the Full Year 2020 Population Characteristics/Consolidated PUFs
2/26/2021 GNRL3049.01: FY 2019 Person-Level Consolidated PUF Variable List Changes for AHRQ Review
2/26/2021 UEGN 2859.01: 2019 MPC provider-reported payments from four or more sources
2/26/2021 WGTS5025.01: Delivery of preliminary version of the P25R1 final person weight
3/1/2021 PRPL0157.04: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program # 3b
3/2/2021 UEGN2860.01: 2019 Benchmark Tables: Initial Delivery
3/2/2021 UEGN3599.01: The 2019 DN/HHP/OM/HHA Events Final Imputation Files
3/3/2021 PRPL0155.07: Official Re-Run of Program #3a � Both Panels
3/3/2021 PRPL0158.01: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program #4
3/4/2021 Memo UEPD1218.01
3/5/2021 CODE0929.01: 2019 File of GEO Coded Addresses for the MEPS Master Files
3/8/2021 EMPL2238.01: Preload Insurance Status where Partial Coverage is Reported in Prior Round
3/9/2021 PRPL0159.01: FY2019 COVRUNOS = 91 & PHLDRCHNG = -5 Editing Decisions
3/10/2021 COND0989.01: FY 2019 Preliminary Conditions File Preview
3/10/2021 UEGN2860.02: 2019 Benchmark Tables: Second Delivery
3/10/2021 UEGN3599.02: The 2019 MVN Final Imputation File
3/12/2021 PRPL0158.04: Output and Frequencies from 2019 PRPL Program #4
3/15/2021 DSDY0064.01: Delivery of the Specifications for the FY 2020 DSDY variables
3/15/2021 EMPL2237.08: Employment Person-Level Variable & Related Process Specifications for the Full Year 2020 Population Characteristics/Consolidated PUFs
3/16/2021 EMPL2237.11: Employment Person-Level Variable & Related Process Specifications for the Full Year 2020 Population Characteristics/Consolidated PUFs
3/17/2021 ACCS0194.01: 2020 ACCS and COVID Constructed Variable Specifications
3/17/2021 EMPL2237.14: Employment Person-Level Variable & Related Process Specifications for the Full Year 2020 Population Characteristics/Consolidated PUFs
3/18/2021 EMPL2237.18: memo comments
3/19/2021 EMPL2237.21: Employment Person-Level Variable & Related Process Specifications for the Full Year 2020 Population Characteristics/Consolidated PUFs
3/25/2021 WGTS2012.01: FY2019 combined Panels expenditure person weight review output
3/29/2021 DSDY0065.01: FY 2020 Disability Days Basic Edit Specifications
3/30/2021 PCND0162.01: 2020 PCND Constructed Variable Specifications
4/4/2021 ADMN0922.01: FY20 Constructed Variable Specs
4/5/2021 EMPL2239.01: Full Year 2020 Employment Source Variable Editing Specifications
4/5/2021 WGTS5026.01: Delivery of the FY 2019 Expenditure File Original Person Weight
4/6/2021 UEGN2860.03: 2019 Benchmark Tables: Third Delivery
4/6/2021 UEGN3599.03: The 2019 Final Imputation Files: ER, HS, MVE, OP and SBD
4/7/2021 CODE0931.01: FY2019 Census Files -- Uncoded and Coded
4/8/2021 DOCM0689.04: Delivery of the 2020 MPC files for Sample selection - Wave 2
4/8/2021 DOCM0690.03: Delivery of the 2020 PC Sample file - Wave 2
4/8/2021 DOCM0691.03: Delivery of the 2020 Provider file for NPI coding - Wave 2
4/8/2021 EMPL2240.01: Delivery of 2019 Covered Person Records for Employment Variable Imputation
4/8/2021 PRPL0160.01: Delivery of the FY 2019 OOPELIG2 Dataset for Approval
4/9/2021 DSDY0065.03: FY 2020 Disability Days Basic Edit Specifications
4/12/2021 DSDY0065.04: FY 2020 Disability Days Basic Edit Specifications
4/12/2021 HLTH1057.06: Full-Year 2020 SDOH Basic Edit Specifications
4/13/2021 CODE0931.02: FY2019 Census Files -- Uncoded and Coded � Redelivery
4/13/2021 EMPL2241.01: Comments and “Other Specify” Values Regarding COVID-19
4/13/2021 GNRL3050.01: NCHS Checklist and Preliminary Version of the 2019 Conditions File Delivery Document and Recode Materials for Review
4/13/2021 GNRL3052.01: NCHS Checklists and Preliminary Versions of Documents for the FY 2019 Non-MPC Event (DV, OM, and HH) PUFs
4/13/2021 GNRL4037.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 22 Round 4
4/13/2021 GNRL4038.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 22 Round 5
4/13/2021 HLTH1058.01: Full-Year 2020 HLTH Constructed Variable Specifications
4/14/2021 GNRL4036.01: AHRQ Confidentiality reports 2021
4/15/2021 GNRL4039.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 23 Round 1
4/15/2021 GNRL4040.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 23 Round 2
4/15/2021 PCND0162.04: 2020 PCND Constructed Variable Specifications
4/16/2021 GNRL4035.01: Delivery of the File Containing Variables Recoded or Dropped from the USE PUF Due to DRB Review � P23/P24
4/16/2021 GNRL4041.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 23 Round 3
4/16/2021 GNRL4042.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 23 Round 4
4/19/2021 UEGN3595.02: The 2019 Utilization Standard Error Benchmarking Tables Using the Person-level Poverty-Adjusted Weight- PERWT19F
4/19/2021 GNRL4043.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 23 Round 5
4/19/2021 GNRL4044.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 24 Round 1
4/20/2021 CODE0934.01: The updated Specifications for the FY 2020 GEO Coded Address File
4/20/2021 GNRL4045.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 24 Round 2
4/20/2021 GNRL4046.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 24 Round 3
4/20/2021 UEPD1220.01: Delivery of 2020 PMED Basic Edits Spec
4/20/2021 UEGN3600.01: The FY2020 UEGN Basic Edit Specifications - P23/P24/P25
4/21/2021 GNRL3051.01: FY 2019 Preliminary Conditions File, Codebook, and Delivery Document
4/21/2021 GNRL3053.01: Preliminary Versions of the 2019 Non-MPC Event (DV, OM, and HH) PUF Codebooks and Final Documents for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
4/22/2021 GNRL4047.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 23 Round 6
4/22/2021 GNRL4048.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 24 Round 4
4/22/2021 PCND0162.06: 2020 PCND Constructed Variable Specifications
4/22/2021 PRPL0161.05: Delivery of the FY 2019 PRPL Hot Deck Imputation Results for Approval
4/23/2021 GNRL3054.01: 2019 Preliminary Non-MPC Event (DV, OM, and HH) PUF Data Sets
4/23/2021 GNRL4050.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 25 Round 1F
4/23/2021 UEPD1220.04: Delivery of 2020 PMED Basic Edits Spec
4/26/2021 GNRL4049.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 25 Round 1
4/26/2021 GNRL4051.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 25 Round 2
4/27/2021 GNRL3053.02: Final Versions of the 2019 Non-MPC Event (DV, OM, and HH) PUF Codebooks and Final Documents for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
4/29/2021 COND0987.17: Applying FY18 Masking Rules to FY16 and FY17 Preliminary Conditions Data � Redelivery
4/30/2021 WGTS2014.01: Full Year 2019 Panel 23 SAQ Expenditure person weight review output
4/30/2021 WGTS2015.01: Full Year 2019 Panel 24 SAQ Expenditure person weight review output
5/3/2021 HLTH1058.04: Full-Year 2020 HLTH Constructed Variable Specifications
5/3/2021 PCND0163.01: 2020 PCND Basic Edit Specifications
5/4/2021 COND0990.01: Delivery: 2020 Conditions Basic Edit Specifications
5/5/2021 HLTH1059.01: Full-Year 2020 SDOH Constructed Variable Specifications
5/6/2021 ACCS0195.01: 2020 ACCS and COVID Basic Edit Specifications
5/7/2021 COND0991.01: 2019 Conditions PUF Specifications
5/11/2021 GNRL3055.01: NCHS Checklists and Preliminary Versions of Documents for the FY 2019 MPC Event (IP, ER, OP, OB) PUFs
5/11/2021 UEGN2863.01: 2019 Predictive Mean Matching Imputation Method Applied to the Expenditure Imputation of the non-MPC Event Types
5/12/2021 COND0990.04: Delivery: 2020 Conditions Basic Edit Specifications
5/12/2021 HLTH1060.01: Full-Year 2020 SDOH Web-Based Response Rates
5/12/2021 HLTH1060.03: Full-Year 2020 SDOH Web-Based Response Rates
5/12/2021 UEGN2864.01: 2019 Predictive Mean Matching Imputation Method Applied to the Expenditure Imputation of the MPC Event Types
5/13/2021 HLTH1060.09: Full-Year 2020 SDOH Web-Based Response Rates
5/13/2021 UEPD1221.02: Delivery of the 2019 PMED PUF (RX19V01 and RX19V02)
5/13/2021 UEPD1221.03: Delivery of 2019 PMED PUF (TC19XTABS.lst, TC19XTABS.xml)
5/14/2021 GNRL3056.01: HC-213b, HC-213c, and HC-213h: 2019 Expenditure Event PUFs for Non-MPC Event Types (DV, OM, and HH) and All Related Files for Web Release
5/17/2021 WGTS2017.01: FY2019 Consolidated PUF Family Weights review output
5/18/2021 WGTS2020.01: Full Year 2019 combined Panels SAQ expenditure person weight for the Consolidated PUF review output
5/19/2021 COND0992.01: FY 2019 Preliminary CLNK File
5/19/2021 GNRL3057.01: Preliminary Versions of the 2019 MPC Event (IP, ER, OP, OB) PUF Codebooks and Documents for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
5/20/2021 GNRL3058.01: Preliminary Versions of the 2019 MPC Event (IP, ER, OP, OB) PUF Data Sets
5/20/2021 WGTS2010.02: Panel 24 Full Year 2019: Derivation of Eligibility and Response Indicators for the CPS-like Families
5/20/2021 WGTS2018.01: FY2019 individual Panel expenditure person weights review output
5/20/2021 WGTS1990.01: Deriving Location Variables (Region and MSA) for Panels 23 and 24, Full Year 2019, based on GEO FIPS Codes, using OMB MSA definitions of both Year 2019 and the Current (2020) Year
5/20/2021 WGTS2016.01: Creation of CPS Control Total Files Containing the Raking Dimensions for the Full Year 2019 Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ) Expenditure Person Weight
5/21/2021 UEPD1221.04: Delivery of 2019 PMED PUF: question regarding PRODUCT NAMEs indicate stores
5/27/21 COND0993.01: FY 2016/17 COND Re-Release Masking steps 1-5
5/28/2021 UEPD1221.05: Delivery of the 2019 PMED PUF (RX19V05.PDF, RX19V06.PDF, RX19V05X.PDF, TOP10RX19_USE.PDF, TOP10TC19_USE.PDF, TOP10TC19_EXP.PDF, TOP25RX19_EXP.PDF)
5/28/2021 WGTS2021.01: FY2019 DCS Expenditure weight review output
5/28/2021 WGTS5027.01: Delivery of the Individual Panel Raked Person Weights for P23/P24 FY19
6/1/2021 WGTS5028.01: Delivery of FY19 Veteran Self-Administered Questionnaire Weight, VSAQW19F, for Expenditure Files
6/4/2021 PRPL0162.01: Delivery of the FY 2019 OOPELIG3 Dataset, Benchmarking results, POSTIMPFIN results for final approval of OOPPREM variables, the Preliminary Encrypted Delivery Dataset, and the Preliminary Unencrypted Delivery Dataset
6/4/2021 UEPD1221.19: Delivery of 2019 PMED PUF (RX19V05X) SAS dataset and the format files (RX19V05X.sas7bcat, and
6/4/2021 WGTS5029.01: Delivery of the Individual Panel 23 and Panel 24 SAQ Expenditure Weight for FY2019
6/7/2021 GNRL4024.02: Addendum to the FY 2019 (Panel 23 & Panel 24) Delivery Database Snapshots: Edited Segments since the Previous Delivery of 1/13/21
6/8/2021 GNRL3056.02: HC-213b, HC-213c, and HC-213h: 2019 Expenditure Event PUFs for Non-MPC Event Types (DV, OM, and HH) and All Related Files for Web Release � Updated
6/8/2021 GNRL3059.01: NCHS Checklist and Preliminary Version of Delivery Document for the FY 2019 Prescribed Medicines (PMED) PUF
6/8/2021 UEPD1221.24: Redelivery of 2019 PMED PUF format files (RX19V05X.sas7bcat and
6/9/2021 WGTS5030.01: Delivery of the Poverty-Adjusted Family-Level Weight, CPS-Like Family-Level Weight, Poverty-Adjusted DCS and SAQ Weights for FY2019
6/11/2021 GNRL3060.01: HC-213d, HC-213e, HC-213f, and HC-213g: 2019 Expenditure Event PUFs for MPC Event Types (IP, ER, OP, and OB) and All Related Files for Web Release
6/11/2021 GNRL4056.01: Delivery of Panel 23 and Panel P24 EVNT, PMED, EPRS, and EPCP Tables
6/11/2021 PCND0164.01: 2019 Priority Conditions Benchmarking Table
6/11/2021 UEPD1221.26: Deliver the 2019 PMED PUF data (RX19V06.sas7bdat) and the format files ((RX19V06.sas7bcat, and
6/14/2021 WGTS5031.01: Delivery of the FY 2019 Expenditure File Final Person Weight � PERWT19F
6/15/2021 GNRL3061.01: FY2020 Person-Level Use PUF Variable List Changes for AHRQ Review
6/16/2021 GNRL3062.01: Preliminary Versions of the 2019 Prescribed Medicines (PMED) Event PUF Codebook and Delivery Document for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
6/16/2021 GNRL3063.01: Preliminary Version of the 2019 PMED Event PUF Data Set
6/17/2021 UEGN3601.01: Delivery of the Dropped Variables Due to DRB Review � FY19 EXP PUFs for ER, OP, OB, IP, DV and RX
6/21/2021 CODE0935.01: PMED Matching Programs LOG and LST Files for FY20 Wave 1
6/22/2021 GNRL3062.02: Final Versions of the 2019 Prescribed Medicines (PMED) Event PUF Codebook and Delivery Document for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
6/25/2021 GNRL3061.02: FY2020 Person-Level Use PUF Variable List Changes for AHRQ Review
6/25/2021 WGTS5032.01: Delivery of the Alternative variance structure file for FY2019
6/28/2021 GNRL4053.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 23 Round 7
6/28/2021 GNRL4054.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 24 Round 5
6/28/2021 GNRL4058.01 and GNRL4058.02: Delivery of End-Of-Round Person-Level Files - P23R7 & P24R5
6/28/2021 GNRL4059.01 and GNRL4059.02: Delivery of End-Of-Round RU-Level Files - P23R7 & P24R5
7/7/2021 GNRL3064.01: HC-213a: Delivery of the 2019 Prescribed Medicines (PMED) PUF and all Related Files for Web Release
7/8/2021 EMPL2242.01: Adjusting Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Jobs Using Round 5 Interview Date
7/9/2021 GNRL4060.01: Delivery of Panel P25 Round 3 EVNT, PMED, EPRS, and EPCP Tables
7/9/2021 HLTH1061.01: FY 2018 SAQ Cross-tabs including recoded sex-specific variables
7/12/2021 UEGN3603.01: The Telehealth Visit Type Other Specify Text Strings Recoding for FY2020
7/13/2021 GNRL3065.01: NCHS Checklist and Preliminary Version of the Delivery Document for the FY 2019 Consolidated Data PUF
7/13/2021 GNRL3066.01: NCHS Checklist and Preliminary Version of Delivery Document for the FY 2019 Person-Round-Plan (PRPL) PUF
7/13/2021 UEGN3602.01: The 2019/2018 QC Finding Tables of the PUF Event Expenditures
7/14/2021 EMPL2242.04: Adjusting Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Jobs Using Round 5 Interview Date
7/16/2021 DOCM0690.04: Delivery of the 2020 PC Sample file - Wave 3
7/16/2021 DOCM0691.04: Delivery of the 2020 Provider file for NPI coding - Wave 3
7/16/2021 GNRL3067.01: HC216: Preliminary Version of the 2019 Consolidated File
7/19/2021 EMPL2242.08: Adjusting Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Jobs Using Round 5 Interview Date
7/21/2021 GNRL3068.01: Preliminary Version of the 2019 Appendix to the Event PUFs Delivery Document, and Codebooks for Review
7/21/2021 GNRL3069.01: FY 2019 Conditions PUF Preliminary Versions of Codebook and Delivery Document for Use in AHRQ Review
7/21/2021 GNRL3070.01: FY 2019 Person-Round-Plan PUF Preliminary Versions of Codebook and Delivery Document for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
7/21/2021 GNRL3071.01: Preliminary versions of the Codebook and Document for the FY 2019 Consolidated Data PUF for Use in AHRQ and NCHS Review
7/21/2021 GNRL3072.01: Preliminary Version of the 2019 Person-Round-Plan (PRPL) PUF Data Set
7/21/2021 GNRL3073.01: HC214: Preliminary Version of the 2019 Conditions Data Set
7/21/2021 GNRL3074.01: HC213I: Preliminary Versions of the 2019 Appendix to the Event PUFs Data Sets
7/23/2021 UEGN3604.01: The FY2020 Initial Variable Construction Specifications
7/26/2021 COND0994.01: 2020 Preliminary Conditions File Specifications
7/26/2021 EMPL2243.01: Employment Coverage Reported Subsequent to Direct Purchase Coverage � Identical Establishment and Policyholder
7/27/2021 GNRL3070.02: FY 2019 Person-Round-Plan PUF Final Versions of Codebook and Delivery Document
7/27/2021 GNRL3071.02: Final Versions of the Codebook and Delivery Document for the FY 2019 Consolidated Data PUF
7/27/2021 GNRL3075.01: Final Versions of the 2019 Conditions PUF Codebook and Delivery Document for AHRQ Review
7/27/2021 GNRL3076.01: Final Versions of the 2019 Appendix to the Event Files PUF Codebooks and Delivery Document for AHRQ Review
7/28/2021 DEMO1018.01: FY20 MOPID and DAPID Variable Construction Plan
7/28/2021 GNRL3071.03: Final Versions of the Codebook and Delivery Document for the FY 2019 Consolidated Data PUF
7/28/2021 GNRL4058.03 and GNRL4059.03: Delivery of End-Of-Round files (Person-Level and RU Level) � P25R3
7/28/2021 GNRL4062.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 25 Round 3
7/29/2021 GNRL3070.03: FY 2019 Person-Round-Plan PUF Final Versions of Codebook and Delivery Document
7/29/2021 UEGN3605.01: The ICU indicator for Hospital events 2018-2019
7/30/2021 HLTH1062.01: FY 2018 SAQ Constructed Variables Dataset
8/2/2021 COND0993.23: FY 2016/17 COND Re-Release Masking steps 1-5
8/2/2021 FOOD0006.01: FY 2020 Food Security Basic Edit Specifications
8/3/2021 UEGN3606.01: The DN Text Strings Recoding for FY2020
8/6/2021 DOCM0693.01: File of Provider Names for FY 2020
8/6/2021 HLTH1063.01: Full-Year 2020 SDOH Hard-copy Response Rates
8/9/2021 CODE0936.01: MEPS Delivery of the ICD-10-CM/CCSR Crosswalk and COND Coding Uncodeable Text Strings for FY20
8/9/2021 CODE0936.01: MEPS Delivery of the ICD-10-CM/CCSR Crosswalk and COND Coding Uncodeable Text Strings for FY20
8/10/2021 EMPL2243.07: Employment Coverage Reported Subsequent to Direct Purchase Coverage � Identical Establishment and Policyholder
8/12/2021 EMPL2244.01: Adjusted 2020 Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Population Characteristics Variable Specifications for Select Variables � Set 1
8/13/2021 CODE0937.01: pmed coding report - week #1
8/13/2021 GNRL3077.01: HC-213I: Delivery of the Final Appendix to the 2019 Event Files and all Related Files for Web Release
8/13/2021 GNRL3078.01: HC-214: Delivery of the Final 2019 Conditions File and All Related Files for Web Release
8/13/2021 GNRL3079.01: HC-216: Full Year 2019 Consolidated Use, Expense, and Insurance PUF Delivery for Web Release
8/13/2021 GNRL3080.01: HC-215: Delivery of the 2019 Person Round Plan (PRPL) PUF and Related Files for Web Release
8/16/2021 EMPL2244.02: Adjusted 2020 Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Population Characteristics Variable Specifications for Select Variables � Set 2
8/16/2021 HLTH1062.08: FY 2018 SAQ
8/20/2021 CODE0937.02: pmed coding report - week #2
8/26/2021 GNRL4063.01: Delivery of the Single-Round Data Exchange (SRD) for Panel 26 Round 1
8/26/2021 GNRL4058.04 and GNRL4059.04: Delivery of End-Of-Round files (RU level and Person level) - P26R1
8/26/2021 WGTS 2017.01: New Weighting Memo #2017.01: Derivation of the 2019 Full Year Expenditure Family Weight, MEPS and CPS-Like, for Panel 23 and Panel 24 Combined
8/30/2021 CODE0937.03: pmed coding report - week #3
8/30/2021 EMPL2244.03: Adjusted 2020 Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Population Characteristics Variable Specifications for Select Variables � Set 3
8/31/2021 DOCM0694.01: MEPS � 2020 Conditions Authority File After the 2020 HC Condition Coding
8/31/2021 UEGN3607.01: Specifications for the 2020 Pre-Imputation UEGN Files
9/1/2021 HINS1335.01: Editing Panel 23 Rounds 6 and 7 � Correcting Non-Reviewed Coverage
9/2/2021 COND0994.04: 2020 Preliminary Conditions File Specifications
9/2/2021 HINS1335.05: Editing Panel 23 Rounds 6 and 7 � Correcting Non-Reviewed Coverage
9/10/2021 CODE0937.05: pmed coding report - week #5
9/10/2021 COND0993.02: FY 2016/17 COND Re-Release Masking steps 1-5
9/10/2021 HINS1336.01: Delivery of the P2520 EPCP Cross-tabs, with additional requested tables
9/10/2021 HLTH1062.02: Redelivery: FY 2018 SAQ Constructed Variables Dataset
9/13/2021 EMPL2244.04: Adjusted 2020 Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Population Characteristic Variable Specifications for Select Variables � Set 4
9/14/2021 DEMO1018.02: FY20 MOPID and DAPID related variables delivery plan
9/14/2021 EMPL2245.01: FY2020 JOBS File Specifications for Approval
9/14/2021 UEGN3607.02: Deliver updated specifications for the 2020 Pre-Imputation UEGN Files
9/14/2021 UEGN3568.01: Delivery of the 2020 Utilization Count Variables Construction Specification
9/15/2021 EMPL2244.05: Adjusted 2020 Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Population Characteristic Variable Specifications for Select Variables � Set 5
9/15/2021 UEPD1222.01: Delivery of 2020 PMED Pre-imp files spec
9/15/2021 WGTS2020.01: P23P24 FY2019 Person-level SAQ Expenditure Weights
9/15/2021 WGTS2021.01: Developing Sample Weights for the MEPS Diabetes Questionnaire Component (DCS) for the Panels 23 and 24 Full Year 2019 Expenditure File (PUF)
9/16/2021 COND0994.07: 2020 Preliminary Conditions File Specifications
9/20/2021 COND0994.10: 2020 Preliminary Conditions File Specifications
9/20/2021 UEGN 2871.01: 2020 HHA Duplicate Rollups
9/21/2021 PRPL0163.01: Full Year 2020 PRPL File Revisions to Coverage Record and HMO Variables, JOBS Linking, and Post-Linking Editing
9/24/2021 CODE0938.01: Delivery of the Coded FY2020 Industry and Occupation Files
9/24/2021 CODE0939.01: Delivery of the Specially Coded FY2009 Industry and Occupation Files
9/27/2021 EMPL2244.15: Adjusted 2020 Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Population Characteristic Variable Specifications for Select Variables � Set 5
9/27/2021 PRPL0163.05: Full Year 2020 PRPL File Revisions to Coverage Record and HMO Variables, JOBS Linking, and Post-Linking Editing
9/27/2021 PRPL0163.01_AHRQ_sn: Full Year 2020 PRPL File Revisions to Coverage Record and HMO Variables, JOBS Linking, and Post-Linking Editing
10/1/2021 CODE0940.01: MEPS 2020 Delivery of PMED Final Reports for Uncodeable, Compounds, Foreign Meds, No-MDDB, Drug Groupings
10/1/2021 UEGN 2867.01: 2020 Mom-Baby Linking Specs
10/4/2021 DOCM0695.01: Delivery of 2020 Static Tables for SOP After the 2020 HC SOP Coding
10/4/2021 EMPL2244.05: Adjusted 2020 Panel 23 Round 5 and Round 6 Population Characteristic Variable Specifications for Select Variables - Set 5
10/6/2021 HINS 1337.01, HINS 1338.01: Delivery of the P2320 and P2420 EPCP Cross-tabs, with additional requested tables
10/12/2021 COND0993.03: FY 2016/17 COND Re-Release Masking steps 1-5
10/12/2021 HLTH1064.01: Delivery of FY19 VSAQ Disability Variables
10/14/2021 HINS1339.01: HINS - Resource Heavy Tasks, 2021 data
10/14/2021 WGTS5033.01: Delivery of the ADMN/DEMO Variables Used for Weights Development for FY20 (P23, P24, and P25)
10/15/2021 CODE0941.01: Special Delivery of FY2019 Conditions Data for AHRQ’s Internal Analysis
10/15/2021 DOCM0697.01: Delivery of 2020 Static Tables for SRCS After the 2020 HC SRCS Coding
10/18/2021 DOCM0696.01: Delivery of the 2020 MPC Pre-Matching Household Component Production File
10/25/2021 COND0995.01: FY 2016/17 COND Re-Release Masking steps 6 & 7
10/29/2021 CODE0942.01: MEPS 2020 Delivery of Authority File after PMED Coding and Files for Matching Programs
10/29/2021 CODE0943.01: Delivery of 2020 Static Table for WHOBILL - After the 2020 HC WHOBILL Coding
11/2/2021 EMPL2245.02: FY 2020 Wage Imputation Specification � Review and Approval Requested
11/3/2021 EMPL2246.01: Wage Outlier Editing Flag
11/4/2021 DOCM0699.01: Delivery of Person-Level Base and Family Pseudo Weight for FY20
11/4/2021 WGTS5034.01: Delivery of Person-Level Base Weight, Individual Panel Base Weight, Family Membership Flag, and MSA variables for FY20 (P23, P24, and P25)
11/5/2021 CODE0943.02: Redelivery of 2020 Static Table for WHOBILL - After the 2020 HC WHOBILL Coding
11/5/2021 DOCM0698.01: MEPS - Data Destruction - NHIS 2017 Sample Files
11/5/2021 DOCM0697.02: Redelivery of 2020 Static Tables for SRCS After the 2020 HC SRCS Coding
11/5/2021 DOCM0695.02: Redelivery of 2020 Static Tables for SOP After the 2020 HC SOP Coding
11/9/2021 EMPL2247.01: Approval of Weighted NUMEMP Medians for Panel 23 Round 5-7, Panel 24 Round 3-5 and Panel 25 Round 1-3 of FY 2020
11/9/2021 UEGN3610.01: The Decision for the HS Events Deletion
11/10/2021 UEGN3610.03: The Decision for the HS Events Deletion
11/12/2021 COND0996.01: MEPS FY20 CLNK and RXLK specs
11/15/2021 WGTS2030.01: MEPS Computation of the Person and Family Poststratification Control Totals for December 2020 from the March 2021 CPS (including the poverty level variable)
11/16/2021 HINS1340.01: HINS Panel 25 Rounds 1-3 At Any Time/At Interview Date/At 12/31/20 Variables
11/16/2021 WGTS2030.01: March 2021 CPS (ASEC) estimates and December 2020 control totals output, digital delivery
11/17/2021 GNRL3081.01: Full-Year 2019 CAPI Specifications in HTML Format for Web Release
11/19/2021 HINS1341.01: HINS Panel 23 Rounds 6-7 At Any Time/At Interview Date/At 12/31/20 Variables
11/19/2021 HINS1341.04: HINS Panel 23 Rounds 6-7 At Any Time/At Interview Date/At 12/31/20 Variables
11/22/2021 GNRL3035.02: HC-209: Full Year 2018 Consolidated Use, Expense, and Insurance PUF Delivery for Web Release � Updated
11/22/2021 PRPL0164.01: FY20 PRPL Specifications Coverage Record and HMO Variables and Variable Editing: Post JOBS Linking
11/22/2021 UEGN3611.01: Deliver to AHRQ for approval specifications for the non-MPC (DN, OM, and HH) Expenditure Event files
11/23/2021 FOOD0007.01: FY2020 Food Security PUF Constructed Variables and Labels
11/23/2021 HINS1342.01: HINS Panel 24 Rounds 3-5 At Any Time/At Interview Date/At 12/31/20 Variables
11/23/2021 UEPD1222.02: 2020 (Panel 23 & 24 & 25) Household Prescribed Medicine and Associated Files - Set 1
11/23/2021 WGTS2029.01: MEPS Computation of the Person and Family Poststratification Control Totals for March 2021 from the March 2021 CPS (including the poverty level variable).
11/29/2021 ADMN0923.01: Weighted Cross-tabs delivery of ADMN and DEMO variables
11/29/2021 COND0996.05: MEPS FY20 CLNK and RXLK specs
11/29/2021 EMPL2245.07: FY 2020 Wage Imputation Specification � Review and Approval Requested
11/29/2021 UEGN#s 2873.01, 2874.01 and 2874.01; A 2020 Specs for Total Charge and Payment Imputation Class Variables
12/1/2021 EMPL2249.01: Recommendation for Resetting Select Panel 23 Adjusted EMPST31 Records
12/1/2021 GNRL3082.01: Full-Year 2019 CAPI Help Text in HTML Format for Web Release
12/1/2021 PRPL0164.04: FY20 PRPL Specification JOBS Link and Variable Editing
12/1/2021 UEGN#s 2876.01, 2876.01A, 2877.01 and 2877.01A: 2020 Specifications for Processing Flat-Fee Bundles and Creating an ER-HS Link on Unmatched HC Events
12/1/2021 WGTS2028.01: Panel 23 Full Year 2020 Use person weight digital review output
12/2/2021 HINS1343.01: Resource Heavy Tasks, 2021 data
12/2/2021 UEGN 2878.01: 2020 Listing of High Charge Events
12/3/2021 DSDY0066.01: FY 2020 Delivery of the DSDY “Missed Days” top code values for AHRQ approval
12/3/2021 HINS1344.01: Results of the QC Cross-Tabs for the HINS 2020/Gatekeeper FY variables
12/6/2021 DEMO1019.01: Delivery of the Output Listings for Case Review of the MOPID and DAPID Variables’ Construction for FY2020
12/7/2021 PRPL0164.10: FY20 PRPL Specifications Coverage Record and HMO Variables and Variable Editing: Post JOBS Linking
12/8/2021 GNRL3061.03: FY2020 Person-Level Use PUF Variable List Changes for AHRQ Review
12/8/2021 PRPL0164.12: FY20 PRPL Specifications Coverage Record and HMO Variables and Variable Editing: Post JOBS Linking
12/9/2021 EMPL2251.01: Panel 23 EMPST31 - Cross-Year Comparisons and Setting Differences between Unadjusted data/spec and Adjusted data/spec
12/9/2021 UEGN3613.01: Delivery of the FY20 Pre-Imputation files
12/10/2021 DOCM0700.01: 2021 MPC sample file specs
12/10/2021 DOCM0701.01: 2021 PC sample file specs
12/10/2021 DOCM0702.01: 2021 provider file for NPI coding specs
12/10/2021 EMPL2250.01: Editing Extreme High Wage Outliers
12/10/2021 UEGN2880.01: 2020 Specifications for Initializing MPSAMTs
12/11/2021 EMPL2251.04: Panel 23 EMPST31 - Cross-Year Comparisons and Setting Differences between Unadjusted data/spec and Adjusted data/spec
12/13/2021 GNRL3083.01: Delivery of Data Reference Year PowerPoint Slide (2018 � 2020)
12/13/2021 UEGN3612.01: Delivery of the 2019 Post-Imputation Files for the MEPS Master Files
12/13/2021 UEGN 2868.01: 2020 Specifications for Expenditure Allocation of Provider-Reported Lump Sum Payment from 2 Sources
12/14/2021 EMPL2250.05: Editing Extreme High Wage Outliers
12/14/2021 EMPL2251.06: Panel 23 EMPST31 - Cross-Year Comparisons and Setting Differences between Unadjusted data/spec and Adjusted data/spec
12/14/2021 WGTS2026.01: Panel 25 Full Year 2020 Use person weight digital review output
12/14/2021 WGTS2012.02: Delivery of the FY2020 Variance strata from WGTS to DDG
12/15/2021 EMPL2251.09: Panel 23 EMPST31 - Cross-Year Comparisons and Setting Differences between Unadjusted data/spec and Adjusted data/spec
12/15/2021 UEGN2881.01: 2020 Specifications for MPC Rolling Event Edits
12/15/2021 WGTS5036.01: Delivery of the Variance Strata and PSU Variables for FY2020
12/16/2021 DSDY0067.01: FY2020 Variable File Request
12/16/2021 UEPD1222.03: 2020 (Panel 23 & 24 & 25) PMED Supplemental File - Set 2: Person-Level File and Additional 3 Segment Variable Files
12/16/2021 WGTS2024.01: Panel 24 Full Year 2020 Use person weight digital review output
12/17/2021 UEGN2882.01: 2020 Specifications for HHA Rolling Event Edits
12/20/2021 UEGN2870.01: Specifications to Re-allocate Equally Distributed Imputed Expenditures
12/20/2021 WGTS2040.01: Full Year 2020 Nursing Home and Mortality adjustments for the Population Characteristics weights review output to AHRQ
12/20/2021 WGTS2026.02: Panel 25 Full Year 2020 Use person weight digital review output
12/21/2021 WGTS2044.01: Full Year 2020 Population Characteristics PUF, combined Panels person weights review output
12/22/2021 HINS1345.01: Delivery of the HINS Ever Insured in FY 2020 variables LASTAGE and INSCV920 to be added to the internal “MEPS Master Files”
12/22/2021 HINS1348.01: Delivery of the FY 2020 HINS Medicare Part D supplemental variables
12/22/2021 HLTH1066.01: 2020 BMI Cross-tabulations and Frequencies
12/22/2021 UEGN2872.01: 2020 Specifications for Preparing Prior-Year Donors
12/22/2021 UEGN2883.01: 2020 Specifications for Total Charge Imputation
12/22/2021 WGTS5037.01: Delivery of Person-Level Use PUF Weight, Single Panel Person Weight, and MSA20_13 Variables for FY20
12/23/2021 GNRL3084.01: Delivery of Consolidated Documentation of Changes made to the MEPS Programming Specifications - Through 2020 - in Electronic Format
12/23/2021 HINS1346.01: Delivery of the 2020 HINS Month-by-Month, Tricare plan, Private, Medicare, and Medicaid HMO/Gatekeeper, and PMEDIN/DENTIN Variables
12/23/2021 HINS1347.01: Delivery of the 2020 HINS Building Block Variables and COVERM Tables for Panel 23 Rounds 6 � 7, Panel 24 Rounds 3 � 5, and Panel 25 Rounds 1 � 3
12/23/2021 UEPD1222.04: 2020 (Panel 23 & 24 & 25) PMED Supplemental File - set 3: Person/Round-Level Files
12/27/2021 UEGN2869.01: 2020 Specifications for Post-PMM Expenditure Imputation
12/27/2021 UEGN2884.01: 2020 Specifications for Last Step Edits
12/27/2021 UEGN3615.01: Deliver to AHRQ for approval specifications for the MPC (OB, OP, ER, and IP) Expenditure Event files
12/30/2021 EMPL2246.02: Wage Outlier Editing Flag � revision and unspecified pattern
12/31/2021 EMPL2246.07: Wage Outlier Editing Flag � revision and unspecified pattern

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