Table 2. Total health servicesa�Median and mean expenses per person with expense and distribution of expenses by source of payment: United States, 2000
	Expense per person	Percent distribution of total expenses by source
	with an expense	of payment
		Percent			Total					
Population	Population	with 			expenses	Out of	Private			
characteristic	(in thousands)	expense	Median	Mean	(in millions)	pocket	insuranceb	Medicare	Medicaid	Otherc
Total	278,406	83.5	$721	$2,700	$627,897	19.4	40.5	20.9	9.8	9.5

Age in years
Under 65	243,624	81.8 	586	2,127	423,933	20.3 	52.8 	4.6	12.3	10.0
  Under 6 	24,126	86.7 	267	1,124	23,497	10.3 	51.3 	*0.3 	31.6	6.5
  6-17	48,405	80.0	335	1,117	43,241	27.7	49.1	*0.1	16.4 	6.7
  18-44	109,021	77.7 	575	1,905	161,419	19.9 	51.6 	*3.9	14.2 	10.4
  45-64	62,072	88.5	1,287	3,562	195,776	20.2	54.7	6.7	7.5	10.9
65 and over	34,782	95.5 	2,278	6,140	203,964	17.5 	15.0 	54.7 	4.5	8.3
Male	135,882	78.4 	580	2,633	280,592	16.8 	40.7	21.4	8.5	12.6
Female	142,524	88.4 	871	2,757	347,305	21.5 	40.4	20.5 	10.8 	6.9
White and other 	209,401	87.4 	833	2,832	518,202	20.3 	41.7	21.1 	7.8	9.0
Black	35,049	73.2 	411	2,647	67,926	12.2 	33.3 	22.1 	18.9 	13.5
Hispanic	33,955	70.3 	386	1,749	41,770	18.9 	37.4 	16.1 	19.3 	8.3
Health insurance statusd
Under age 65:
  Any private	182,658	85.9	638	2,042	320,512	21.0 	69.8 	1.5	1.7	6.0
  Public only	28,622	83.3	465	3,170	75,629	9.7	*0.0	19.7	61.8	8.7
  Uninsured	32,344	57.3 	305	1,500	27,793	40.4 	*0.0 	*0.0 	*0.0	59.6
Age 65 and over:
  Medicare only	11,515	94.7 	2,033	5,206	56,798	22.2 	*0.0	62.5	*0.0	15.3
  Medicare and private	19,570	95.9 	2,362	6,276	117,811	17.0	25.9	51.7	*0.5	 4.8
  Medicare and other public	3,568	96.4	3,094	8,324	28,624	10.4 	*0.0	53.1 	29.8 	6.7
Poverty statuse
Poor	32,053	77.3	524	3,173	78,641	13.9 	13.2 	26.0 	34.3 	12.6
Near-poor	12,196	78.1	729	2,967	 28,263	17.3 	11.3 	35.2 	27.2 	9.0
Low income	37,059	79.1 	690	3,134	91,838	17.7	25.4 	32.1 	14.7 	10.1
Middle income	90,343	82.7	664	2,555	190,908	19.0 	44.5 	20.5 	4.4	11.6 
High income	106,754	88.2 	815	2,529	238,247	22.3 	55.6 	13.5	*2.1	6.5

Table 2. Total health servicesa�Median and mean expenses per person with expense and distribution of expenses by source of payment: United States, 2000 (continued)
	Expense per person	Percent distribution of total expenses by source
	with an expense	of payment
		Percent			Total					
Population	Population	with 			expenses	Out of	Private			
characteristic	(in thousands)	expense	Median	Mean	(in millions)	pocket	insuranceb	Medicare	Medicaid	Otherc
Metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
MSA	226,861	83.3	$702	$2,641	$498,915	19.2	40.6 	20.4	9.8	9.9
Non-MSA	51,545	84.6 	816	2,958	128,982	19.9	40.0	22.9	9.5	7.8
Census region
Northeast	52,636	86.5	802	2,716 	123,622	19.0	40.9	22.1	10.7	7.2
Midwest	64,536	86.2	737	2,900	161,354	18.5 	39.3 	22.2	8.6	11.4
South	97,373	81.6 	727	2,747	218,206	20.3 	39.7 	21.2 	9.0	9.7
West	63,861	81.3	646	2,402	124,715	19.2	43.0	17.4	11.8	8.7
Perceived health status
Excellent	87,890	79.3	416	1,281	89,341	26.3	52.9	7.5	6.7	6.6
Very good	93,499	83.6	650 	1,901	148,573	24.4	48.5	12.2	6.2	8.7
Good	67,922	84.5	 994	2,856	163,835	19.7 	44.7 	16.9 	9.4	9.4
Fair	20,666	93.3 	2,432	6,689	128,956	14.8 	29.5 	33.6 	14.0	8.1
Poor	7,720	97.0 	5,129	12,051	90,204	11.5 	23.3 	36.4 	13.8 	*14.9
aInpatient hospital and physician services, ambulatory physician and nonphysician services, prescribed medicines, home health services, dental services, and various other medical equipment and services that were purchased or rented during the year are included. Over-the-counter medications, alternative care services, and telephone contacts are excluded. 
bPrivate insurance includes TRICARE (Armed-Forces-related coverage). 
cOther includes payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs (except TRICARE); other Federal sources (Indian Health Service, military treatment facilities, and other care provided by the Federal Government); various State and local sources (community and neighborhood clinics, State and local health departments, and State programs other than Medicaid); Workers� Compensation; various unclassified sources (e.g., automobile, homeowner�s, or other liability insurance, and other miscellaneous or unknown sources); Medicaid payments reported for persons who were not reported as enrolled in the Medicaid program at any time during the year; and private insurance payments reported for persons without any reported private health insurance coverage during the year.
dUninsured refers to persons uninsured during the entire year. Public and private health insurance categories refer to individuals with public or private insurance at any time during the period; individuals with both public and private insurance and those with TRICARE (Armed-Forces-related coverage) are classified as having private insurance. 
ePoor�persons in families with income less than 100 percent of the poverty line, including those whose losses exceeded their earnings, resulting in negative income; near-poor�persons in families with income from 100 percent to less than 125 percent of the poverty line; low income�persons in families with income from 125 percent to less than 200 percent of the poverty line; middle income�persons in families with income from 200 percent to less than 400 percent of the poverty line; high income�persons in families with income at or over 400 percent of the poverty line.
*Relative standard error equal to or greater than 30 percent.
Note: Restricted to civilian noninstitutionalized population. Percents may not add to 100 because of rounding.
Source: Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2000.