/*****************************************************************************/ /* SPSS User Files are being provided for the convenience of analysts who */ /* may wish to use SPSS to analyze the MEPS data. However, users are */ /* cautioned that SPSS does not currently have the capability to produce */ /* appropriate standard errors for estimates from a survey with a complex */ /* sample design like the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). The */ /* annual national probability sample of households selected for the MEPS */ /* is a subsample of those participating in the National Health Interview */ /* Survey (NHIS) for the previous calendar year. The NHIS, an ongoing */ /* general health survey of the civilian noninstitutionalized population, */ /* is conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for */ /* Disease Control and Prevention. The NHIS sample design, and thus that */ /* of the MEPS, uses complex sampling techniques including */ /* stratification, clustering, and differential sampling rates for the */ /* oversampling of selected subgroups of the population. Because of this */ /* sampling structure, software that accounts for this complex sample */ /* design must be used. Without the use of appropriate software that */ /* accounts for the complex sample design of the MEPS in conjunction with */ /* the survey's sampling weights (reflecting the survey's sample */ /* selection probabilities and nonresponse and other adjustments), the */ /* estimated standard errors of survey point estimates will generally be */ /* underestimated, and, thus, the inferential conclusions in an analysis */ /* (descriptive or analytical) may be misleading. It is recommended that */ /* sample survey software be used to analyze the MEPS data. Software for */ /* analysis of complex survey data include, for example, SUDAAN (Research */ /* Triangle Institute), STATA (Stata Corporation), VPLX (U.S. Bureau of */ /* the Census), and WESVAR (Westat, Inc.). A more comprehensive summary */ /* of software for the analysis of data from surveys with complex sample */ /* designs can be accessed through the website for the American */ /* Statistical Association's Survey Research Methods Section. Users may */ /* also reference the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) */ /* web document "Computing Standard Errors for Medical Expenditure Panel */ /* Survey (MEPS) Estimates." */ /*****************************************************************************/ FILE HANDLE INFILE NAME="H231.DAT" /LRECL=113. DATA LIST FILE=INFILE / DUID 1-7 (A) PID 8-10 DUPERSID 11-20 (A) CONDN 21-23 CONDIDX 24-36 (A) PANEL 37-38 CONDRN 39-39 AGEDIAG 40-42 CRND1 43-44 CRND2 45-46 CRND3 47-48 CRND4 49-50 CRND5 51-52 CRND6 53-54 CRND7 55-56 CRND8 57-58 CRND9 59-60 INJURY 61-61 ACCDNWRK 62-64 ICD10CDX 65-72 (A) CCSR1X 73-78 (A) CCSR2X 79-84 (A) CCSR3X 85-90 (A) HHCOND 91-91 IPCOND 92-92 OPCOND 93-93 OBCOND 94-94 ERCOND 95-95 RXCOND 96-96 PERWT21F 97-108 (6) VARSTR 109-112 VARPSU 113-113 . VARIABLE LABEL DUID "PANEL # + ENCRYPTED DU IDENTIFIER" PID "PERSON NUMBER" DUPERSID "PERSON ID (DUID + PID)" CONDN "CONDITION NUMBER" CONDIDX "CONDITION ID" PANEL "PANEL NUMBER" CONDRN "CONDITION ROUND NUMBER" AGEDIAG "AGE WHEN DIAGNOSED" CRND1 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 1" CRND2 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 2" CRND3 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 3" CRND4 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 4" CRND5 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 5" CRND6 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 6" CRND7 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 7" CRND8 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 8" CRND9 "HAS CONDITION INFORMATION IN ROUND 9" INJURY "WAS CONDITION DUE TO ACCIDENT/INJURY" ACCDNWRK "DID ACCIDENT OCCUR AT WORK" ICD10CDX "ICD-10-CM CODE FOR CONDITION - EDITED" CCSR1X "CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION REFINED CODE 1- EDITED" CCSR2X "CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION REFINED CODE 2- EDITED" CCSR3X "CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION REFINED CODE 3- EDITED" HHCOND "ANY HOME HEALTH EVENTS ASSOC. W/ CONDITION?" IPCOND "ANY INPATIENT EVENTS ASSOC. W/ CONDITION?" OPCOND "ANY OUTPATIENT EVENTS ASSOC. W/ CONDITION?" OBCOND "ANY OFFICE-BASED EVENTS ASSOC W/ CONDITION?" ERCOND "ANY ER EVENTS ASSOC. W/ CONDITION?" RXCOND "ANY PRESCRIBED MEDICINES ASSOC. W/ COND.?" PERWT21F "EXPENDITURE FILE PERSON WEIGHT, 2021" VARSTR "VARIANCE ESTIMATION STRATUM, 2021" VARPSU "VARIANCE ESTIMATION PSU, 2021" . VALUE LABELS ACCDNWRK -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" 3 "3 DOES NOT WORK" / AGEDIAG -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" / CCSR1X '-1' "-1 INAPPLICABLE" '-15' "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" / CCSR2X '-1' "-1 INAPPLICABLE" '-15' "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" / CCSR3X '-1' "-1 INAPPLICABLE" '-15' "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" / CONDRN 1 "1 ROUND 1" 2 "2 ROUND 2" 3 "3 ROUND 3" 4 "4 ROUND 4" 5 "5 ROUND 5" 6 "6 ROUND 6" 7 "7 ROUND 7" 8 "8 ROUND 8" 9 "9 ROUND 9" / CRND1 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND2 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND3 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND4 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND5 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND6 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND7 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND8 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / CRND9 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / ERCOND 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / HHCOND 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / ICD10CDX '-1' "-1 INAPPLICABLE" '-15' "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" / INJURY -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / IPCOND 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / OBCOND 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / OPCOND 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / PANEL 23 "23 PANEL 23" 24 "24 PANEL 24" 25 "25 PANEL 25" 26 "26 PANEL 26" / RXCOND 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" . EXECUTE.