1                                        The SAS System          13:01 Sunday, November 21, 2004


NOTE: Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.

NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 8.2 (TS2M0)

      Licensed to AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH & QUALITY, Site 0040776001.

NOTE: This session is executing on the WIN_PRO  platform.




1          options ls=120 ps=79 nodate;

2          ods noproctitle;


4          /************************************************************************************\

5          Program:      c:\meps\prog\Example_L1.sas


7          Description:  This example shows how to:

8                        (1) Identify jobs in first part of 2001

9                        (2) Count the numbers of each type of job for each person

10                       (3) Merge JOBS and FY files

11                       (4) Use SUDAAN to calculate standard errors

12                       (5) Use SAS to calculate relative standard errors from SUDAAN output


14         Input Files:  c:\meps\data\h56.sas7bdat (2001 Jobs)

15                       c:\meps\data\h60.sas7bdat (2001 Full-Year Persons)

16         \************************************************************************************/


18         libname hc 'c:\meps\data';

NOTE: Libref HC was successfully assigned as follows:

      Engine:        V8

      Physical Name: c:\meps\data



21         title2 '2001 JOBS';

22         title3 'Types and Numbers of Jobs at Beginning of Year';


24         proc format;

25           value subtype

26             1='1 Current Main'

27             2='2 Current Miscellaneous'

28             3='3 Former Main'

29             4='4 Former Miscellaneous'

30             5='5 Last Job Outside Rn'

31             6='6 Retirement';

NOTE: Format SUBTYPE has been output.

32           value age  -1='-1'  0-15='0-15'  16-17='16-17'  18-high='18+';

NOTE: Format AGE has been output.

33         value pos  0<-high='>0';

NOTE: Format POS has been output.

34         run;




36                  /* Subset JOBS file to first-round  records */

37         data;  set hc.h56;   by dupersid;

38           if (panel=5 & rn=3) | (panel=6 & rn=1);

39         run;


NOTE: There were 61265 observations read from the data set HC.H56.

NOTE: The data set WORK.DATA1 has 22662 observations and 83 variables.



41         title4 'All Jobs at Beginning of Year';

42         proc freq;   tables subtype;   format subtype subtype.;   run;


NOTE: There were 22662 observations read from the data set WORK.DATA1.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed page 1.



44                  /* Get person-level counts of each type of job from first-round JOBS records */

45         data jobsper;  set _last_;   by dupersid;

46           if first.dupersid then do;                       /* initialize count variables */

47             n1=0;   n2=0;   n3=0;   n4=0;   n5=0;   n6=0;   totjobs=0;

48           end;

49           if subtype=1 then n1+1;

50             else if subtype=2 then n2+1;

51             else if subtype=3 then n3+1;

52             else if subtype=4 then n4+1;

53             else if subtype=5 then n5+1;

54             else if subtype=6 then n6+1;


2                                                    The SAS System


55           totjobs+1;

56           if last.dupersid;

57           keep dupersid totjobs n1-n6;

58           label

59             totjobs='Total # Jobs in Rn 1/3'

60             n1     ='# Current Main Jobs in Rn 1/3'

61             n2     ='# Current Miscellaneous Jobs in Rn 1/3'

62             n3     ='# Former Main Jobs in Rn 1/3'

63             n4     ='# Former Miscellaneous Jobs in Rn 1/3'

64             n5     ='# Last Jobs Outside Rn 1/3'

65             n6     ='# Retirement Jobs in Rn 1/3';

66         run;


NOTE: There were 22662 observations read from the data set WORK.DATA1.

NOTE: The data set WORK.JOBSPER has 19634 observations and 8 variables.



68         title4 'Persons w/ a First-Round JOBS Record';

69         proc freq;   tables

70           totjobs n1-n6

71           totjobs*n1*n2*n3*n4*n5*n6/list missing;

72         run;


NOTE: There were 19634 observations read from the data set WORK.JOBSPER.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed pages 2-3.



74                  /* Combine new person-level file w/ full-year PUF */

75         data allper;   merge

76           hc.h60(keep=dupersid panel01 age31x perwt01f varstr01 varpsu01)

77           jobsper;   by dupersid;

78         run;


NOTE: There were 33556 observations read from the data set HC.H60.

NOTE: There were 19634 observations read from the data set WORK.JOBSPER.

NOTE: The data set WORK.ALLPER has 33556 observations and 13 variables.



80         title3 'Persons Age 18+: # of Current Main & Miscellaneous Jobs at Beginning of Year';

81         data curr;   set allper;

82                  /* Get count of current main or miscellaneous jobs in Rn 1/3 */

83                  /*   & collapse into categories                              */

84                  /* New var must begin w/ 1 for SUDAAN                        */

85           numcurr=n1+n2;

86           ncurr=numcurr+1;

87           if ncurr>3 then ncurr=4;

88         run;


NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values.

      Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).

      13922 at 85:13   13922 at 86:16  

NOTE: There were 33556 observations read from the data set WORK.ALLPER.

NOTE: The data set WORK.CURR has 33556 observations and 15 variables.



90                  /* Sort by the Stratum & PSU variables for SUDAAN */

91         proc sort;   by varstr01 varpsu01;   run;


NOTE: There were 33556 observations read from the data set WORK.CURR.

NOTE: The data set WORK.CURR has 33556 observations and 15 variables.



93         proc crosstab data=curr filetype=sas design=wr noprint;

94           subpopn  age31x >= 18;

95           nest varstr01 varpsu01;

96           weight  perwt01f;

97           subgroup  ncurr;

98           levels  4;

99           tables  ncurr;

100          output  nsum wsum sewgt colper secol / filename=x;

101        run;






3                                                    The SAS System






Opened SAS data file CURR for reading.

Opened SAS data file X for writing.


 25 records written to file X



NOTE: There were 33556 observations read from the data set WORK.CURR.

NOTE: The data set WORK.X has 5 observations and 8 variables.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE CROSSTAB printed page 4.



103                 /* Calculate relative standard errors (RSE) */

104        data y;   set x;

105          if wsum > 0 then rsewgt = sewgt / wsum;       /* only if denominator > 0 */

106          if colper > 0 then rsecol = secol / colper;

107          if rsewgt > .3 or rsecol > .3 then flag = '*';

108        run;


NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set WORK.X.

NOTE: The data set WORK.Y has 5 observations and 11 variables.



110        proc format;

110      !                value ncurr

111          0='TOTAL'

112          1='None'

113          2=' 1'

114          3=' 2'

115          4=' 3+';

NOTE: Format NCURR has been output.

116        run;



117        proc print l split='*';   id ncurr;

118          var  nsum wsum sewgt rsewgt colper secol rsecol flag;

119          format  ncurr ncurr.  nsum comma6.  wsum comma11.  sewgt comma9.  rsewgt rsecol 5.3

120            colper 6.2  secol 4.2;

121          label

122            ncurr ='# Curr*Jobs'

123            nsum  ='Sample'

124            wsum  ='Population'

125            sewgt ='SE*Pop'

126            rsewgt='RSE*Pop'

127            colper='Column*%'

128            secol ='SE*Col %'

129            rsecol='RSE*Col %';

130        run;


NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set WORK.Y.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 5.


NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                1

                                                       2001 JOBS

                                     Types and Numbers of Jobs at Beginning of Year

                                             All Jobs at Beginning of Year


                                                      JOB SUB-TYPE


                                                                          Cumulative    Cumulative

                                      SUBTYPE    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                      1 Current Main                15204       67.09         15204        67.09 

                      2 Current Miscellaneous        1429        6.31         16633        73.40 

                      3 Former Main                  1425        6.29         18058        79.68 

                      4 Former Miscellaneous          210        0.93         18268        80.61 

                      5 Last Job Outside Rn          3798       16.76         22066        97.37 

                      6 Retirement                    596        2.63         22662       100.00 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                2

                                                       2001 JOBS

                                     Types and Numbers of Jobs at Beginning of Year

                                          Persons w/ a First-Round JOBS Record


                                                 Total # Jobs in Rn 1/3


                                                                  Cumulative    Cumulative

                              totjobs    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                    1       16930       86.23         16930        86.23 

                                    2        2415       12.30         19345        98.53 

                                    3         257        1.31         19602        99.84 

                                    4          30        0.15         19632        99.99 

                                    5           1        0.01         19633        99.99 

                                    6           1        0.01         19634       100.00 



                                             # Current Main Jobs in Rn 1/3


                                                               Cumulative    Cumulative

                                n1    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                 0        4430       22.56          4430        22.56 

                                 1       15204       77.44         19634       100.00 



                                         # Current Miscellaneous Jobs in Rn 1/3


                                                               Cumulative    Cumulative

                                n2    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                 0       18305       93.23         18305        93.23 

                                 1        1242        6.33         19547        99.56 

                                 2          77        0.39         19624        99.95 

                                 3           8        0.04         19632        99.99 

                                 4           1        0.01         19633        99.99 

                                 5           1        0.01         19634       100.00 



                                              # Former Main Jobs in Rn 1/3


                                                               Cumulative    Cumulative

                                n3    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                 0       18263       93.02         18263        93.02 

                                 1        1317        6.71         19580        99.72 

                                 2          54        0.28         19634       100.00 



                                         # Former Miscellaneous Jobs in Rn 1/3


                                                               Cumulative    Cumulative

                                n4    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                 0       19432       98.97         19432        98.97 

                                 1         194        0.99         19626        99.96 

                                 2           8        0.04         19634       100.00 



                                               # Last Jobs Outside Rn 1/3


                                                               Cumulative    Cumulative

                                n5    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                 0       15836       80.66         15836        80.66 

                                 1        3798       19.34         19634       100.00 



                                              # Retirement Jobs in Rn 1/3


                                                               Cumulative    Cumulative

                                n6    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                 0       19100       97.28         19100        97.28 

                                 1         478        2.43         19578        99.71 

                                 2          50        0.25         19628        99.97 

                                 3           6        0.03         19634       100.00 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                3

                                                       2001 JOBS

                                     Types and Numbers of Jobs at Beginning of Year

                                          Persons w/ a First-Round JOBS Record


                                                                                    Cumulative    Cumulative

            totjobs    n1    n2    n3    n4    n5    n6    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                  1     0     0     0     0     0     1           5        0.03             5         0.03 

                  1     0     0     0     0     1     0        3581       18.24          3586        18.26 

                  1     0     0     1     0     0     0         573        2.92          4159        21.18 

                  1     1     0     0     0     0     0       12771       65.05         16930        86.23 

                  2     0     0     0     0     0     2           4        0.02         16934        86.25 

                  2     0     0     0     0     1     1         191        0.97         17125        87.22 

                  2     0     0     1     0     0     1           6        0.03         17131        87.25 

                  2     0     0     1     1     0     0          19        0.10         17150        87.35 

                  2     0     0     2     0     0     0          24        0.12         17174        87.47 

                  2     1     0     0     0     0     1         244        1.24         17418        88.71 

                  2     1     0     0     0     1     0           2        0.01         17420        88.72 

                  2     1     0     0     1     0     0         115        0.59         17535        89.31 

                  2     1     0     1     0     0     0         648        3.30         18183        92.61 

                  2     1     1     0     0     0     0        1162        5.92         19345        98.53 

                  3     0     0     0     0     0     3           2        0.01         19347        98.54 

                  3     0     0     0     0     1     2          23        0.12         19370        98.66 

                  3     0     0     1     0     0     2           1        0.01         19371        98.66 

                  3     0     0     2     1     0     0           1        0.01         19372        98.67 

                  3     1     0     0     0     0     2          19        0.10         19391        98.76 

                  3     1     0     0     0     1     1           1        0.01         19392        98.77 

                  3     1     0     0     1     0     1           1        0.01         19393        98.77 

                  3     1     0     0     2     0     0           5        0.03         19398        98.80 

                  3     1     0     1     0     0     1           6        0.03         19404        98.83 

                  3     1     0     1     1     0     0          28        0.14         19432        98.97 

                  3     1     0     2     0     0     0          27        0.14         19459        99.11 

                  3     1     1     0     0     0     1          21        0.11         19480        99.22 

                  3     1     1     0     1     0     0          24        0.12         19504        99.34 

                  3     1     1     1     0     0     0          29        0.15         19533        99.49 

                  3     1     2     0     0     0     0          69        0.35         19602        99.84 

                  4     1     0     0     0     0     3           4        0.02         19606        99.86 

                  4     1     0     1     2     0     0           2        0.01         19608        99.87 

                  4     1     0     2     1     0     0           2        0.01         19610        99.88 

                  4     1     1     0     0     0     2           3        0.02         19613        99.89 

                  4     1     1     0     1     0     1           1        0.01         19614        99.90 

                  4     1     1     0     2     0     0           1        0.01         19615        99.90 

                  4     1     1     1     1     0     0           1        0.01         19616        99.91 

                  4     1     2     0     0     0     1           2        0.01         19618        99.92 

                  4     1     2     0     1     0     0           2        0.01         19620        99.93 

                  4     1     2     1     0     0     0           4        0.02         19624        99.95 

                  4     1     3     0     0     0     0           8        0.04         19632        99.99 

                  5     1     4     0     0     0     0           1        0.01         19633        99.99 

                  6     1     5     0     0     0     0           1        0.01         19634       100.00 



                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                4

                                                       2001 JOBS

                      Persons Age 18+: # of Current Main & Miscellaneous Jobs at Beginning of Year




                                  S U D A A N

            Software for the Statistical Analysis of Correlated Data

           Copyright      Research Triangle Institute      January 2002

                                 Release 8.0.1



Number of observations read    :  32122    Weighted count :284247327

Number of observations skipped :   1434

(WEIGHT variable nonpositive)

Observations in subpopulation  :  22501    Weighted count:208016743

Denominator degrees of freedom :    412


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                5

                                                       2001 JOBS

                      Persons Age 18+: # of Current Main & Miscellaneous Jobs at Beginning of Year


               # Curr                                    SE      RSE    Column     SE       RSE

                Jobs     Sample     Population          Pop      Pop      %       Col %    Col %    flag


               TOTAL     18,788    177,412,325    3,573,971    0.020    100.00    0.00     0.000       

               None       4,253     38,532,837      993,424    0.026     21.72    0.50     0.023       

                1        13,238    125,450,809    2,903,682    0.023     70.71    0.54     0.008       

                2         1,211     12,379,554      506,889    0.041      6.98    0.24     0.034       

                3+           86      1,049,126      112,259    0.107      0.59    0.06     0.105