1                                        The SAS System          13:11 Sunday, November 21, 2004


NOTE: Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.

NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 8.2 (TS2M0)

      Licensed to AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH & QUALITY, Site 0040776001.

NOTE: This session is executing on the WIN_PRO  platform.




1          options ls=120 ps=79 nodate;

2          ods noproctitle;

3          /************************************************************************************\

4          Program:      c:\meps\prog\Example_L3.sas


6          Description:  This example shows how to:

7                        (1) Aggregate event records to the person level

8                        (2) Make 1 annual variable from 3 round variables

9                        (3) Make a categorical variable from a continuous variable

10                       (4) Use SUDAAN to calculate standard errors


12         Input Files:  c:\meps\data\h59g.sas7bdat (2001 Office-Based Visits)

13                       c:\meps\data\h60.sas7bdat (2001 Full-Year File)

14         \************************************************************************************/


16         libname hc 'c:\meps\data';


NOTE: Libref HC was successfully assigned as follows:

      Engine:        V8

      Physical Name: c:\meps\data



19         title2 'Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Events File';


21         proc format;

22           value inscov  1='1 Any Private'  2='2 Public Only'  3='3 Uninsured';

NOTE: Format INSCOV has been output.

23           value insured  1='1 Insured'  2='2 Uninsured';

NOTE: Format INSURED has been output.

24           value agecat

25             1='1. 0-3'

26             2='2. 4-7'

27             3='3. 8-11'

28             4='4. 12-15'

29             5='5. 16-17'

30             6='6. 18+';

NOTE: Format AGECAT has been output.

31           value genckup  1='1 General Checkup'  2='2 No General Checkup';

NOTE: Format GENCKUP has been output.

32         run;




34                  /* 2001 Office-based medical provider visits                                 */

35                  /* Identify persons with a visit for a general check-up & their expenditures */


37         title3 "# Persons with a General Checkup in a Provider's Office";

38         data h59g;   set hc.h59g(keep=dupersid vstctgry obxp01x obsf01x);   by dupersid;

39           if first.dupersid then do;

40             genckup=.;

41             ambtotpd=0;

42             ambfampd=0;

43           end;

44           retain genckup ambtotpd ambfampd;

45           if vstctgry = 1 then do;

46              genckup = 1;

47              ambtotpd + obxp01x;

48              ambfampd + obsf01x;

49           end;

50           if last.dupersid;

51           label

52             genckup ='Had Office-Based General Checkup'

53             ambtotpd='Total Amount Paid'

54             ambfampd='Amount Paid by Family';

55           keep  dupersid genckup ambtotpd ambfampd;

56         run;


NOTE: There were 147490 observations read from the data set HC.H59G.

NOTE: The data set WORK.H59G has 23286 observations and 4 variables.


57         proc freq;   tables genckup/missing;   run;


2                                                    The SAS System



NOTE: There were 23286 observations read from the data set WORK.H59G.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed page 1.



59         title3 'Variables from Full-Year File (Persons w/ Positive Weight)';

60         data h60;  set hc.h60(keep=dupersid perwt01f varstr01 varpsu01 age31x--age53x inscov01);

61           by dupersid;

62                  /* subset to positive weight persons */

63           if perwt01f > 0;

64                  /* define AGE as last nonmissing age in 2001 */

65           if age53x ge 0 then age=age53x;

66             else if age42x ge 0 then age=age42x;

67             else if age31x ge 0 then age=age31x;

68                  /* make age category variable */

69           agecat = (age ge 0) + (age gt 3) + (age gt 7) + (age gt 11) + (age gt 15) + (age gt 17);

70                  /* make insurance status variable */

71           if inscov01>2 then insured=2;   else insured=1;

72           label insured='Had Health Insurance in 2001';

73         run;


NOTE: There were 33556 observations read from the data set HC.H60.

NOTE: The data set WORK.H60 has 32122 observations and 11 variables.


74         proc freq;   tables

75           insured*inscov01

76           agecat/list missing;

77           format  insured insured.  inscov01 inscov.  agecat agecat.;

78         run;


NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.H60.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed page 2.


79         proc means nmiss min max maxdec=0;   class agecat;   var age;   format agecat agecat.;   run;


NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.H60.


NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS printed page 3.



81         title3 'Link Person-Level File from Events File with Full-Year Person File';

82         data pers;   merge

83           h59g

84           h60(drop=age31x--age53x inscov01 in=a);   by dupersid;   if a;

85           if genckup = . then genckup=2;

86         run;


NOTE: There were 23286 observations read from the data set WORK.H59G.

NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.H60.

NOTE: The data set WORK.PERS has 32122 observations and 10 variables.


87         proc freq;   tables genckup;   format genckup genckup.;   run;


NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed page 4.



89                  /* sort for SUDAAN */

90         proc sort;   by varstr01 varpsu01;   run;


NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

NOTE: The data set WORK.PERS has 32122 observations and 10 variables.



92         title3 'Persons Age 18+';

93         proc crosstab data=pers filetype=sas design=wr notot norow;

94           subpopn  agecat=6;

95           nest  varstr01 varpsu01/missunit;

96           weight  perwt01f;

97           subgroup  genckup insured;

98           levels  2 2;

99           tables  genckup genckup*insured;

100          print  nsum colper secol / style=box wsumfmt=f15.0 nodate notime;

101          rformat  genckup genckup.;

102          rformat  insured insured.;

103        run;




3                                                    The SAS System



Opened SAS data file PERS for reading.



NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE CROSSTAB printed pages 5-7.



105        title3 'Persons Age 18+ with a General Checkup';

106        proc means data=pers(where=(agecat=6 & genckup=1)) n mean maxdec=2;

107          class  insured;

108          format  insured insured.;

109          var  ambtotpd ambfampd;

110          weight perwt01f;

111        run;


NOTE: There were 9369 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

      WHERE (agecat=6) and (genckup=1);

NOTE: The PROCEDURE MEANS printed page 8.


NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                1

                                     Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Events File

                                # Persons with a General Checkup in a Provider's Office


                                            Had Office-Based General Checkup


                                                                  Cumulative    Cumulative

                              genckup    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                                    .       10859       46.63         10859        46.63 

                                    1       12427       53.37         23286       100.00 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                2

                                     Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Events File

                               Variables from Full-Year File (Persons w/ Positive Weight)


                                                                            Cumulative    Cumulative

                       insured         INSCOV01    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                   1 Insured      1 Any Private       21127       65.77         21127        65.77 

                   1 Insured      2 Public Only        6410       19.96         27537        85.73 

                   2 Uninsured    3 Uninsured          4585       14.27         32122       100.00 



                                                                  Cumulative    Cumulative

                               agecat    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                             1. 0-3          1847        5.75          1847         5.75 

                             2. 4-7          2096        6.53          3943        12.28 

                             3. 8-11         2122        6.61          6065        18.88 

                             4. 12-15        2103        6.55          8168        25.43 

                             5. 16-17         989        3.08          9157        28.51 

                             6. 18+         22965       71.49         32122       100.00 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                3

                                     Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Events File

                               Variables from Full-Year File (Persons w/ Positive Weight)


                                                Analysis Variable : age



                               agecat      N Obs     Miss         Minimum         Maximum


                               1. 0-3       1847        0               0               3


                               2. 4-7       2096        0               4               7


                               3. 8-11      2122        0               8              11


                               4. 12-15     2103        0              12              15


                               5. 16-17      989        0              16              17


                               6. 18+      22965        0              18              85



                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                4

                                     Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Events File

                           Link Person-Level File from Events File with Full-Year Person File


                                            Had Office-Based General Checkup


                                                                        Cumulative    Cumulative

                                    genckup    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                       1 General Checkup          12161       37.86         12161        37.86 

                       2 No General Checkup       19961       62.14         32122       100.00 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                5

                                     Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Events File

                                                    Persons Age 18+




                                  S U D A A N

            Software for the Statistical Analysis of Correlated Data

           Copyright      Research Triangle Institute      January 2002

                                 Release 8.0.1



Number of observations read    :  32122    Weighted count :284247327

Observations in subpopulation  :  22965    Weighted count:211917458

Denominator degrees of freedom :    412





                                               Research Triangle Institute                                  Page  : 1 

                                                 The CROSSTAB Procedure                                     Table : 1 


Variance Estimation Method: Taylor Series (WR)                                                                         

For Subpopulation: AGECAT = 6                                                                                         

by: Had Office-Based General Checkup.                                                                                  



|                 |                  |                                                                                

|                 |                  | Had Office-Based General                                                       

|                 |                  | Checkup                                                                        

|                 |                  | Total    | 1        | 2 No     |                                               

|                 |                  |          | General  | General  |                                               

|                 |                  |          | Checkup  | Checkup  |                                               


|                 |                  |          |          |          |                                               

|                 | Sample Size      |    22965 |     9369 |    13596 |                                               

|                 | Col Percent      |   100.00 |    42.53 |    57.47 |                                               

|                 | SE Col Percent   |     0.00 |     0.52 |     0.52 |                                                






                                               Research Triangle Institute                                  Page  : 2 

                                                 The CROSSTAB Procedure                                     Table : 2 


Variance Estimation Method: Taylor Series (WR)                                                                        

For Subpopulation: AGECAT = 6                                                                                          

by: Had Office-Based General Checkup, Had Health Insurance in 2001.                                                   



|                 |                  |                                                                                 

| Had Office-     |                  | Had Health Insurance in 2001                                                   

| Based General   |                  | Total    | 1        | 2        |                                                

| Checkup         |                  |          | Insured  | Uninsur- |                                               

|                 |                  |          |          | ed       |                                                


|                 |                  |          |          |          |                                                

| Total           | Sample Size      |    22965 |    19315 |     3650 |                                               

|                 | Col Percent      |   100.00 |   100.00 |   100.00 |                                               

|                 | SE Col Percent   |     0.00 |     0.00 |     0.00 |                                               


|                 |                  |          |          |          |                                               

| 1 General       | Sample Size      |     9369 |     8739 |      630 |                                               

| Checkup         | Col Percent      |    42.53 |    46.12 |    17.86 |                                               

|                 | SE Col Percent   |     0.52 |     0.54 |     0.78 |                                               


|                 |                  |          |          |          |                                               

| 2 No General    | Sample Size      |    13596 |    10576 |     3020 |                                               

| Checkup         | Col Percent      |    57.47 |    53.88 |    82.14 |                                               

|                 | SE Col Percent   |     0.52 |     0.54 |     0.78 |                                                



                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                8

                                     Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Events File

                                         Persons Age 18+ with a General Checkup


                   Had Health


                   in 2001        N Obs    Variable    Label                        N            Mean


                   1 Insured       8739    ambtotpd    Total Amount Paid         8739          271.70

                                           ambfampd    Amount Paid by Family     8739           38.73


                   2 Uninsured      630    ambtotpd    Total Amount Paid          630          204.03

                                           ambfampd    Amount Paid by Family      630           83.54
