1                                        The SAS System          13:16 Sunday, November 21, 2004


NOTE: Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.

NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 8.2 (TS2M0)

      Licensed to AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH & QUALITY, Site 0040776001.

NOTE: This session is executing on the WIN_PRO  platform.




1          options ls=120 ps=79 nodate;

2          ods noproctitle;

3          /************************************************************************************\

4          Program:      c:\meps\prog\Example_L4.sas


6          Description:  This example shows how to:

7                        (1) Identify persons with specific condition(s)

8                        (2) Subset condition file to person level

9                        (3) Make one variable from five variables

10                       (4) Use SUDAAN to calculate standard errors


12         Input Files:  c:\meps\data\h61.sas7bdat (2001 Conditions)

13                       c:\meps\data\h60.sas7bdat (2001 Full-Year Persons)

14         \************************************************************************************/


16         libname hc 'c:\meps\data';

NOTE: Libref HC was successfully assigned as follows:

      Engine:        V8

      Physical Name: c:\meps\data



19         title2 'Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Conditions File';


21         proc format;

22            value ovr  1-4='1-4';

NOTE: Format OVR has been output.

23            value overall

24              1='1 Very Serious'

25              2='2 Somewhat Serious'

26              3='3 Not Very Serious'

27              4='4 Not at All'

28              5='5 Missing'

29              6='6 Not Have Asthma';

NOTE: Format OVERALL has been output.

30           value asthma

31             1='1 Has Asthma'

32             2='2 No Asthma';

NOTE: Format ASTHMA has been output.

33           value agecat  1='1. 0-17'  2='2. 18+';

NOTE: Format AGECAT has been output.

34         run;




36                  /* Identify persons with asthma */

37         title3 'Persons with Asthma';

38         data;   set hc.h61(where=(icd9codx='493') keep=dupersid panel01 condrn icd9codx

39           ovrall1-ovrall5);

40         run;


NOTE: There were 1695 observations read from the data set HC.H61.

      WHERE icd9codx='493';

NOTE: The data set WORK.DATA1 has 1695 observations and 9 variables.



42                  /* Keep first-reported asthma record for person */

43         proc sort data=_last_;   by dupersid condrn;   run;


NOTE: There were 1695 observations read from the data set WORK.DATA1.

NOTE: The data set WORK.DATA1 has 1695 observations and 9 variables.


44         data;   set _last_;   by dupersid;   if first.dupersid;   run;


NOTE: There were 1695 observations read from the data set WORK.DATA1.

NOTE: The data set WORK.DATA2 has 1644 observations and 9 variables.



46         proc freq;   tables

47           panel01*condrn*ovrall1*ovrall2*ovrall3*ovrall4*ovrall5/list missing;

48           format  ovrall1-ovrall5 ovr.;


2                                                    The SAS System


49         run;


NOTE: There were 1644 observations read from the data set WORK.DATA2.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed page 1.



51                  /* Assign first-reported OVRALLi to OVERALL */

52         data asthma;   set _last_;   by dupersid;

53           if ovrall1 > -1 then overall = ovrall1;

54             else if ovrall2 > -1 then overall = ovrall2;

55             else if ovrall3 > -1 then overall = ovrall3;

56             else if ovrall4 > -1 then overall = ovrall4;

57             else if ovrall5 > -1 then overall = ovrall5;

58           if overall=. then overall=5;

59         run;


NOTE: There were 1644 observations read from the data set WORK.DATA2.

NOTE: The data set WORK.ASTHMA has 1644 observations and 10 variables.



61         proc freq;   tables

62           overall

63           overall*ovrall1*ovrall2*ovrall3*ovrall4*ovrall5/list missing;

64           format  ovrall1-ovrall5 ovr.  overall overall.;

65         run;


NOTE: There were 1644 observations read from the data set WORK.ASTHMA.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed pages 2-3.



67         title3 'All Persons (with Positive Weight)';

68         data pers;   merge

69           hc.h60(keep=dupersid perwt01f varstr01 varpsu01 age31x age42x age53x)

70           asthma(in=a drop=panel01 condrn icd9codx ovrall1-ovrall5);   by dupersid;

71           if perwt01f > 0;

72           if a then asthma=1;   else asthma=2;

73           if overall=. then overall=6;


74           if age53x ge 0 then age=age53x;

75             else if age42x ge 0 then age=age42x;

76             else if age31x ge 0 then age=age31x;

77           if  0 le age < 18 then agecat=1;

78             else if age ge 18 then agecat=2;

79           drop age31x age42x age53x;

80           label

81             overall='How Asthma Affects Overall Health'

82             asthma ='1 if P Has Asthma'

83             agecat ='Age 0-17, 18+';

84         run;


NOTE: There were 33556 observations read from the data set HC.H60.

NOTE: There were 1644 observations read from the data set WORK.ASTHMA.

NOTE: The data set WORK.PERS has 32122 observations and 8 variables.


85         proc sort;   by varstr01 varpsu01;   run;


NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

NOTE: The data set WORK.PERS has 32122 observations and 8 variables.



87         proc freq;   tables

88           asthma (asthma overall)*agecat/missing;

89           format  asthma asthma.  overall overall.  agecat agecat.;

90         run;


NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE FREQ printed page 4.



92                  /* Output on asthma */

93         proc crosstab data=pers filetype=sas design=wr notot norow;

94           nest  varstr01 varpsu01/missunit;

95           weight  perwt01f;

96           subgroup  asthma;

97           levels  2;

98           tables  asthma;

99           print / style=nchs wsumfmt=f15.0 nodate notime;

100          rformat  asthma asthma.;


3                                                    The SAS System


101        run;







Opened SAS data file PERS for reading.



NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE CROSSTAB printed pages 5-6.



103                 /* How asthma affects health */

104        proc crosstab data=pers filetype=sas design=wr notot norow;

105          nest  varstr01 varpsu01/missunit;

106          weight  perwt01f;

107          subgroup  overall agecat;

108          levels  5 2;

109          subpopn  asthma=1;

110          tables  overall overall*agecat;

111          print / style=nchs wsumfmt=f15.0 nodate notime;

112          rformat  overall overall.;

113          rformat  agecat agecat.;

114        run;





This copy of SAS-Callable Single-User SUDAAN, serial number A0000039, for Windows is licensed to Social & Scientific

Systems (The Sudaan Administrator). It expires on November 04, 2004.








Your annual SUDAAN license has expired.  SUDAAN will no longer execute after January 31, 2005.  Please contact the

SUDAAN representative at your site to have your license renewed.  You may also call the SUDAAN Product Coordinator at

919-541-6602 or send e-mail toSUDAAN@RTI.ORG for further assistance.



Opened SAS data file PERS for reading.



NOTE: There were 32122 observations read from the data set WORK.PERS.

NOTE: The PROCEDURE CROSSTAB printed pages 7-9.


NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                1

                                   Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Conditions File

                                                  Persons with Asthma


                                                                                              Cumulative   Cumulative

  PANEL01   CONDRN   OVRALL1   OVRALL2   OVRALL3   OVRALL4   OVRALL5   Frequency    Percent    Frequency     Percent


        5        1    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1             73       4.44           73        4.44 

        5        1    -1        -1        -1        -1       1-4             10       0.61           83        5.05 

        5        1    -1        -1        -1       1-4        -1             14       0.85           97        5.90 

        5        1    -1        -1        -1       1-4       1-4             14       0.85          111        6.75 

        5        1    -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1             17       1.03          128        7.79 

        5        1    -1        -1       1-4        -1       1-4              9       0.55          137        8.33 

        5        1    -1        -1       1-4       1-4        -1             23       1.40          160        9.73 

        5        1    -1        -1       1-4       1-4       1-4             88       5.35          248       15.09 

        5        2    -1        -1        -1        -9        -1              1       0.06          249       15.15 

        5        2    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1             40       2.43          289       17.58 

        5        2    -1        -1        -1        -1       1-4              9       0.55          298       18.13 

        5        2    -1        -1        -1       1-4        -1              1       0.06          299       18.19 

        5        2    -1        -1        -1       1-4       1-4              5       0.30          304       18.49 

        5        2    -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1              2       0.12          306       18.61 

        5        2    -1        -1       1-4        -1       1-4              1       0.06          307       18.67 

        5        2    -1        -1       1-4       1-4        -1              9       0.55          316       19.22 

        5        2    -1        -1       1-4       1-4       1-4             14       0.85          330       20.07 

        5        3    -1        -1        -9        -1        -1              1       0.06          331       20.13 

        5        3    -1        -1        -9        -1       1-4              1       0.06          332       20.19 

        5        3    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1             11       0.67          343       20.86 

        5        3    -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1             26       1.58          369       22.45 

        5        3    -1        -1       1-4        -1       1-4             10       0.61          379       23.05 

        5        3    -1        -1       1-4       1-4        -1              6       0.36          385       23.42 

        5        3    -1        -1       1-4       1-4       1-4             23       1.40          408       24.82 

        5        4    -1        -1        -1        -8        -1              1       0.06          409       24.88 

        5        4    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1             11       0.67          420       25.55 

        5        4    -1        -1        -1       1-4        -1             23       1.40          443       26.95 

        5        4    -1        -1        -1       1-4       1-4             26       1.58          469       28.53 

        5        5    -1        -1        -1        -1        -9              1       0.06          470       28.59 

        5        5    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1             18       1.09          488       29.68 

        5        5    -1        -1        -1        -1       1-4             44       2.68          532       32.36 

        6        1    -9        -1        -1        -1        -1              1       0.06          533       32.42 

        6        1    -9       1-4        -1        -1        -1              1       0.06          534       32.48 

        6        1    -9       1-4       1-4        -1        -1              4       0.24          538       32.73 

        6        1    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1            114       6.93          652       39.66 

        6        1   1-4        -9       1-4        -1        -1              1       0.06          653       39.72 

        6        1   1-4        -8        -1        -1        -1              1       0.06          654       39.78 

        6        1   1-4        -1        -9        -1        -1              3       0.18          657       39.96 

        6        1   1-4        -1        -8        -1        -1              1       0.06          658       40.02 

        6        1   1-4        -1        -1        -1        -1            144       8.76          802       48.78 

        6        1   1-4        -1       1-4        -1        -1             59       3.59          861       52.37 

        6        1   1-4       1-4        -8        -1        -1              1       0.06          862       52.43 

        6        1   1-4       1-4        -7        -1        -1              1       0.06          863       52.49 

        6        1   1-4       1-4        -1        -1        -1             95       5.78          958       58.27 

        6        1   1-4       1-4       1-4        -1        -1            288      17.52         1246       75.79 

        6        2    -1        -9        -1        -1        -1              4       0.24         1250       76.03 

        6        2    -1        -8        -1        -1        -1              2       0.12         1252       76.16 

        6        2    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1             50       3.04         1302       79.20 

        6        2    -1       1-4        -9        -1        -1              1       0.06         1303       79.26 

        6        2    -1       1-4        -1        -1        -1             83       5.05         1386       84.31 

        6        2    -1       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             90       5.47         1476       89.78 

        6        3    -1        -1        -9        -1        -1              2       0.12         1478       89.90 

        6        3    -1        -1        -1        -1        -1             44       2.68         1522       92.58 

        6        3    -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1            122       7.42         1644      100.00 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                2

                                   Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Conditions File

                                                  Persons with Asthma


                                                                       Cumulative    Cumulative

                                   overall    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                        1 Very Serious             219       13.32           219        13.32 

                        2 Somewhat Serious         456       27.74           675        41.06 

                        3 Not Very Serious         445       27.07          1120        68.13 

                        4 Not at All               150        9.12          1270        77.25 

                        5 Missing                  374       22.75          1644       100.00 



                                                                                               Cumulative   Cumulative

            overall   OVRALL1   OVRALL2   OVRALL3   OVRALL4   OVRALL5   Frequency    Percent    Frequency     Percent


 1 Very Serious        -9       1-4        -1        -1        -1              1       0.06            1        0.06 

 1 Very Serious        -9       1-4       1-4        -1        -1              2       0.12            3        0.18 

 1 Very Serious        -1        -1        -1        -1       1-4              8       0.49           11        0.67 

 1 Very Serious        -1        -1        -1       1-4        -1              5       0.30           16        0.97 

 1 Very Serious        -1        -1        -1       1-4       1-4              7       0.43           23        1.40 

 1 Very Serious        -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1             14       0.85           37        2.25 

 1 Very Serious        -1        -1       1-4       1-4        -1             11       0.67           48        2.92 

 1 Very Serious        -1        -1       1-4       1-4       1-4             29       1.76           77        4.68 

 1 Very Serious        -1       1-4        -1        -1        -1              7       0.43           84        5.11 

 1 Very Serious        -1       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             13       0.79           97        5.90 

 1 Very Serious       1-4        -1        -1        -1        -1             22       1.34          119        7.24 

 1 Very Serious       1-4        -1       1-4        -1        -1              8       0.49          127        7.73 

 1 Very Serious       1-4       1-4        -1        -1        -1             16       0.97          143        8.70 

 1 Very Serious       1-4       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             76       4.62          219       13.32 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -9       1-4       1-4        -1        -1              1       0.06          220       13.38 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1        -9        -1       1-4              1       0.06          221       13.44 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1        -1        -1       1-4             23       1.40          244       14.84 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1        -1       1-4        -1             10       0.61          254       15.45 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1        -1       1-4       1-4             24       1.46          278       16.91 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1             65       3.95          343       20.86 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1       1-4        -1       1-4              6       0.36          349       21.23 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1       1-4       1-4        -1             11       0.67          360       21.90 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1        -1       1-4       1-4       1-4             49       2.98          409       24.88 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1       1-4        -9        -1        -1              1       0.06          410       24.94 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1       1-4        -1        -1        -1             15       0.91          425       25.85 

 2 Somewhat Serious    -1       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             28       1.70          453       27.55 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4        -8        -1        -1        -1              1       0.06          454       27.62 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4        -1        -9        -1        -1              1       0.06          455       27.68 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4        -1        -8        -1        -1              1       0.06          456       27.74 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4        -1        -1        -1        -1             50       3.04          506       30.78 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4        -1       1-4        -1        -1             19       1.16          525       31.93 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4       1-4        -7        -1        -1              1       0.06          526       32.00 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4       1-4        -1        -1        -1             41       2.49          567       34.49 

 2 Somewhat Serious   1-4       1-4       1-4        -1        -1            108       6.57          675       41.06 

 3 Not Very Serious    -9       1-4       1-4        -1        -1              1       0.06          676       41.12 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1        -1        -1        -1       1-4             26       1.58          702       42.70 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1        -1        -1       1-4        -1             14       0.85          716       43.55 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1        -1        -1       1-4       1-4              8       0.49          724       44.04 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1             72       4.38          796       48.42 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1        -1       1-4        -1       1-4              9       0.55          805       48.97 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1        -1       1-4       1-4        -1             13       0.79          818       49.76 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1        -1       1-4       1-4       1-4             34       2.07          852       51.82 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1       1-4        -1        -1        -1             48       2.92          900       54.74 

 3 Not Very Serious    -1       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             38       2.31          938       57.06 

 3 Not Very Serious   1-4        -9       1-4        -1        -1              1       0.06          939       57.12 

 3 Not Very Serious   1-4        -1        -9        -1        -1              1       0.06          940       57.18 

 3 Not Very Serious   1-4        -1        -1        -1        -1             50       3.04          990       60.22 

 3 Not Very Serious   1-4        -1       1-4        -1        -1             25       1.52         1015       61.74 

 3 Not Very Serious   1-4       1-4        -1        -1        -1             31       1.89         1046       63.63 

 3 Not Very Serious   1-4       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             74       4.50         1120       68.13 

 4 Not at All          -1        -1        -1        -1       1-4              6       0.36         1126       68.49 

 4 Not at All          -1        -1        -1       1-4        -1              9       0.55         1135       69.04 

 4 Not at All          -1        -1        -1       1-4       1-4              6       0.36         1141       69.40 

 4 Not at All          -1        -1       1-4        -1        -1             16       0.97         1157       70.38 

 4 Not at All          -1        -1       1-4        -1       1-4              5       0.30         1162       70.68 

 4 Not at All          -1        -1       1-4       1-4        -1              3       0.18         1165       70.86 

 4 Not at All          -1        -1       1-4       1-4       1-4             13       0.79         1178       71.65 

 4 Not at All          -1       1-4        -1        -1        -1             13       0.79         1191       72.45 

 4 Not at All          -1       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             11       0.67         1202       73.11 

 4 Not at All         1-4        -1        -9        -1        -1              1       0.06         1203       73.18 

 4 Not at All         1-4        -1        -1        -1        -1             22       1.34         1225       74.51 

 4 Not at All         1-4        -1       1-4        -1        -1              7       0.43         1232       74.94 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                3

                                   Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Conditions File

                                                  Persons with Asthma


                                                                                               Cumulative   Cumulative

            overall   OVRALL1   OVRALL2   OVRALL3   OVRALL4   OVRALL5   Frequency    Percent    Frequency     Percent


 4 Not at All         1-4       1-4        -8        -1        -1              1       0.06         1233       75.00 

 4 Not at All         1-4       1-4        -1        -1        -1              7       0.43         1240       75.43 

 4 Not at All         1-4       1-4       1-4        -1        -1             30       1.82         1270       77.25 

 5 Missing             -9        -1        -1        -1        -1              1       0.06         1271       77.31 

 5 Missing             -1        -9        -1        -1        -1              4       0.24         1275       77.55 

 5 Missing             -1        -8        -1        -1        -1              2       0.12         1277       77.68 

 5 Missing             -1        -1        -9        -1        -1              3       0.18         1280       77.86 

 5 Missing             -1        -1        -1        -9        -1              1       0.06         1281       77.92 

 5 Missing             -1        -1        -1        -8        -1              1       0.06         1282       77.98 

 5 Missing             -1        -1        -1        -1        -9              1       0.06         1283       78.04 

 5 Missing             -1        -1        -1        -1        -1            361      21.96         1644      100.00 


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                4

                                   Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Conditions File

                                           All Persons (with Positive Weight)


                                                   1 if P Has Asthma


                                                                    Cumulative    Cumulative

                                 asthma    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent


                           1 Has Asthma        1584        4.93          1584         4.93 

                           2 No Asthma        30538       95.07         32122       100.00 



                                               Table of asthma by agecat


                                        asthma(1 if P Has Asthma)

                                                      agecat(Age 0-17, 18+)

                                        Frequency    |

                                        Percent      |

                                        Row Pct      |

                                        Col Pct      |1. 0-17 |2. 18+  |  Total


                                        1 Has Asthma |    638 |    946 |   1584

                                                     |   1.99 |   2.95 |   4.93

                                                     |  40.28 |  59.72 |

                                                     |   6.97 |   4.12 |


                                        2 No Asthma  |   8519 |  22019 |  30538

                                                     |  26.52 |  68.55 |  95.07

                                                     |  27.90 |  72.10 |

                                                     |  93.03 |  95.88 |


                                        Total            9157    22965    32122

                                                        28.51    71.49   100.00



                                               Table of overall by agecat


                                      overall(How Asthma Affects Overall Health)

                                                        agecat(Age 0-17, 18+)

                                      Frequency        |

                                      Percent          |

                                      Row Pct          |

                                      Col Pct          |1. 0-17 |2. 18+  |  Total


                                      1 Very Serious   |     59 |    153 |    212

                                                       |   0.18 |   0.48 |   0.66

                                                       |  27.83 |  72.17 |

                                                       |   0.64 |   0.67 |


                                      2 Somewhat Serio |    183 |    258 |    441

                                      us               |   0.57 |   0.80 |   1.37

                                                       |  41.50 |  58.50 |

                                                       |   2.00 |   1.12 |


                                      3 Not Very Serio |    191 |    238 |    429

                                      us               |   0.59 |   0.74 |   1.34

                                                       |  44.52 |  55.48 |

                                                       |   2.09 |   1.04 |


                                      4 Not at All     |     54 |     92 |    146

                                                       |   0.17 |   0.29 |   0.45

                                                       |  36.99 |  63.01 |

                                                       |   0.59 |   0.40 |


                                      5 Missing        |    151 |    205 |    356

                                                       |   0.47 |   0.64 |   1.11

                                                       |  42.42 |  57.58 |

                                                       |   1.65 |   0.89 |


                                      6 Not Have Asthm |   8519 |  22019 |  30538

                                      a                |  26.52 |  68.55 |  95.07

                                                       |  27.90 |  72.10 |

                                                       |  93.03 |  95.88 |


                                      Total                9157    22965    32122

                                                          28.51    71.49   100.00


                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                5

                                   Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Conditions File

                                           All Persons (with Positive Weight)




                                  S U D A A N

            Software for the Statistical Analysis of Correlated Data

           Copyright      Research Triangle Institute      January 2002

                                 Release 8.0.1



Number of observations read    :  32122    Weighted count :284247327

Denominator degrees of freedom :    412





                                               Research Triangle Institute                                   Page  : 1 

                                                 The CROSSTAB Procedure                                      Table : 1 


Variance Estimation Method: Taylor Series (WR)                                                                         

by: 1 if P Has Asthma.                                                                                                 



1 if P Has Asthma                                                                                                      

                       Sample                       SE           Col        SE Col                                     

                       Size         Weighted Size   Weighted     Percent    Percent                                    


Total                     32122         284247327   5547456.33     100.00       0.00                                   

1 Has Asthma               1584          13352919    517338.63       4.70       0.14                                   

2 No Asthma               30538         270894408   5235504.11      95.30       0.14                                   



                                AHRQ MEPS DATA USERS WORKSHOP (LINKING) -- NOV/DEC 2004                                7

                                   Link 2001 Household File and 2001 Conditions File

                                           All Persons (with Positive Weight)




                                  S U D A A N

            Software for the Statistical Analysis of Correlated Data

           Copyright      Research Triangle Institute      January 2002

                                 Release 8.0.1



Number of observations read    :  32122    Weighted count :284247327

Observations in subpopulation  :   1584    Weighted count: 13352919

Denominator degrees of freedom :    412





                                               Research Triangle Institute                                   Page  : 1 

                                                 The CROSSTAB Procedure                                      Table : 1 


Variance Estimation Method: Taylor Series (WR)                                                                         

For Subpopulation: ASTHMA = 1                                                                                           

by: How Asthma Affects Overall Health.                                                                                 



How Asthma Affects                                                                                                      

  Overall Health       Sample                       SE           Col        SE Col                                     

                       Size         Weighted Size   Weighted     Percent    Percent                                     


Total                      1584          13352919    517338.63     100.00       0.00                                    

1 Very Serious              212           1586408    124844.38      11.88       0.89                                   

2 Somewhat Serious          441           3743390    236614.66      28.03       1.27                                   

3 Not Very Serious          429           3675241    228900.38      27.52       1.39                                   


4 Not at All                146           1267870    133836.21       9.50       0.93                                   

5 Missing                   356           3080010    220302.46      23.07       1.36                                   






                                               Research Triangle Institute                                   Page  : 2 

                                                 The CROSSTAB Procedure                                      Table : 2 


Variance Estimation Method: Taylor Series (WR)                                                                          

For Subpopulation: ASTHMA = 1                                                                                          

by: How Asthma Affects Overall Health, Age 0-17, 18+.                                                                   



How Asthma Affects                                                                                                     

  Overall Health       Sample                       SE           Col        SE Col                                      

   Age 0-17, 18+       Size         Weighted Size   Weighted     Percent    Percent                                    



   Total                   1584          13352919    517338.63     100.00       0.00                                   

   1. 0-17                  638           4915235    283712.67     100.00       0.00                                   

   2. 18+                   946           8437683    385883.91     100.00       0.00                                   

1 Very Serious                                                                                                          

   Total                    212           1586408    124844.38      11.88       0.89                                   

   1. 0-17                   59            362945     53864.21       7.38       1.09                                   

   2. 18+                   153           1223463    114693.22      14.50       1.24                                   

2 Somewhat Serious                                                                                                      

   Total                    441           3743390    236614.66      28.03       1.27                                   

   1. 0-17                  183           1398136    124503.56      28.44       1.90                                   

   2. 18+                   258           2345254    178058.01      27.79       1.56                                   

3 Not Very Serious                                                                                                      

   Total                    429           3675241    228900.38      27.52       1.39                                   

   1. 0-17                  191           1514348    135810.12      30.81       2.21                                    

   2. 18+                   238           2160893    170910.52      25.61       1.72                                   

4 Not at All                                                                                                            

   Total                    146           1267870    133836.21       9.50       0.93                                   

   1. 0-17                   54            419114     74586.24       8.53       1.36                                   

   2. 18+                    92            848756    109466.56      10.06       1.21                                   

5 Missing                                                                                                              

   Total                    356           3080010    220302.46      23.07       1.36                                   

   1. 0-17                  151           1220693    124876.98      24.83       2.05                                   

   2. 18+                   205           1859317    169381.22      22.04       1.71                                   
