/*****************************************************************************/ /* SPSS User Files are being provided for the convenience of analysts who */ /* may wish to use SPSS to analyze the MEPS data. However, users are */ /* cautioned that SPSS does not currently have the capability to produce */ /* appropriate standard errors for estimates from a survey with a complex */ /* sample design like the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). The */ /* annual national probability sample of households selected for the MEPS */ /* is a subsample of those participating in the National Health Interview */ /* Survey (NHIS) for the previous calendar year. The NHIS, an ongoing */ /* general health survey of the civilian noninstitutionalized population, */ /* is conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for */ /* Disease Control and Prevention. The NHIS sample design, and thus that */ /* of the MEPS, uses complex sampling techniques including */ /* stratification, clustering, and differential sampling rates for the */ /* oversampling of selected subgroups of the population. Because of this */ /* sampling structure, software that accounts for this complex sample */ /* design must be used. Without the use of appropriate software that */ /* accounts for the complex sample design of the MEPS in conjunction with */ /* the survey's sampling weights (reflecting the survey's sample */ /* selection probabilities and nonresponse and other adjustments), the */ /* estimated standard errors of survey point estimates will generally be */ /* underestimated, and, thus, the inferential conclusions in an analysis */ /* (descriptive or analytical) may be misleading. It is recommended that */ /* sample survey software be used to analyze the MEPS data. Software for */ /* analysis of complex survey data include, for example, SUDAAN (Research */ /* Triangle Institute), STATA (Stata Corporation), VPLX (U.S. Bureau of */ /* the Census), and WESVAR (Westat, Inc.). A more comprehensive summary */ /* of software for the analysis of data from surveys with complex sample */ /* designs can be accessed through the website for the American */ /* Statistical Association's Survey Research Methods Section. Users may */ /* also reference the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) */ /* web document "Computing Standard Errors for Medical Expenditure Panel */ /* Survey (MEPS) Estimates." */ /*****************************************************************************/ FILE HANDLE INFILE NAME="H242.DAT" /LRECL=230. DATA LIST FILE=INFILE / EPCPIDX 1-35 (A) DUPERSID 36-45 (A) PHLDRIDX 46-55 (A) ESTBIDX 56-66 (A) EPRSIDX 67-91 (A) InsurPrivIDEX 92-105 (A) PANEL 106-107 RN 108-108 JOBSIDX 109-122 (A) JOBSINFR 123-124 JOBSFILE 125-127 FYFLG 128-128 CMJINS 129-130 EMPLSTAT 131-133 PHOLDER 134-134 DEPNDNT 135-135 EVALCOVR 136-137 STAT1 138-139 STAT2 140-141 STAT3 142-143 STAT4 144-145 STAT5 146-147 STAT6 148-149 STAT7 150-151 STAT8 152-153 STAT9 154-155 STAT10 156-157 STAT11 158-159 STAT12 160-161 DECPHLDR 162-162 OUTPHLDR 163-163 NOPUFLG 164-164 COVROUT_M18 165-166 TYPEFLAG_M23 167-168 STEXCH 169-170 PrivateCat_M23 171-172 HOSPINSX 173-174 MSUPINSX 175-176 DENTLINS 177-178 DENTLINX 179-180 VISIONIN 181-182 PMEDINS 183-184 COBRA 185-187 PLANMETL 188-189 COVTYPIN 190-190 OOPELIG 191-191 OOPPREM 192-199 (2) OOPPREMX 200-206 (2) OOPX12X 207-214 (2) OOPFLAG 215-216 PREMLEVX 217-219 PREMSUBZ 220-221 ANNDEDCTP 222-223 HSAACCT 224-225 UPRHMO_M23 226-228 NAMECHNG 229-230 . VARIABLE LABEL EPCPIDX "Insurance source-phldr-dependent identifier" DUPERSID "Person identifier" PHLDRIDX "Policyholder person identifier" ESTBIDX "Insurance source identifier" EPRSIDX "Unique insurance policy-source" InsurPrivIDEX "Unique insurance plcy source-insurance identifier" PANEL "Panel number" RN "Round number" JOBSIDX "Policyholder job-round identifier" JOBSINFR "Job identifier inferred not reported" JOBSFILE "Jobs file containing job information" FYFLG "Person in full year file" CMJINS "Current main job is the source of plan" EMPLSTAT "Policyholder employment status" PHOLDER "Policy holder flag" DEPNDNT "Dependent of policy holder flag" EVALCOVR "Covered at interview or December 31st" STAT1 "Insurance active in January" STAT2 "Insurance active in February" STAT3 "Insurance active in March" STAT4 "Insurance active in April" STAT5 "Insurance active in May" STAT6 "Insurance active in June" STAT7 "Insurance active in July" STAT8 "Insurance active in August" STAT9 "Insurance active in September" STAT10 "Insurance active in October" STAT11 "Insurance active in November" STAT12 "Insurance active in December" DECPHLDR "Deceased policyholder flag" OUTPHLDR "Out-of-RU policyholder flag" NOPUFLG "Policyholder not in full year file" COVROUT_M18 "Policy covers person not in RU" TYPEFLAG_M23 "Type of insurance source" STEXCH "State exchange coverage" PrivateCat_M23 "Category of private coverage" HOSPINSX "Type health insurance received: hosp phys/HMO (ed)" MSUPINSX "Type health insurance received: Medigap (edited)" DENTLINS "Type health insurance received: dental" DENTLINX "Type health insurance received: dental (edited)" VISIONIN "Type health insurance received: vision" PMEDINS "Type health insurance received: prescription drug" COBRA "COBRA coverage" PLANMETL "Plan metal level" COVTYPIN "Single or family health insurance coverage plan" OOPELIG "Policyholder-insurance source has premium" OOPPREM "Monthly out-of-pocket premium" OOPPREMX "Monthly out-of-pocket premium (edited/imputed)" OOPX12X "Annual out-of-pocket premium (edited/imputed)" OOPFLAG "OOPPREMX edit/imputation flag" PREMLEVX "Portion of premium paid by family (edited)" PREMSUBZ "Cost of the premium subsidized" ANNDEDCTP "Plan deductible range estimate" HSAACCT "HSA with this plan" UPRHMO_M23 "HMO coverage (edited)" NAMECHNG "Plan name change" . VALUE LABELS ANNDEDCTP -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 5 "5 NO ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE" / CMJINS -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / COBRA -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / COVROUT_M18 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / COVTYPIN 1 "1 SINGLE" 2 "2 FAMILY" / DECPHLDR 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / DENTLINS -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / DENTLINX -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / DEPNDNT 0 "0 POLICYHOLDER" 1 "1 DEPENDENT" / EMPLSTAT -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 CURRENTLY EMPLOYED" 2 "2 RETIRED" 3 "3 PREVIOUSLY EMPLOYED" 4 "4 DECEASED" 91 "91 OTHER" / EVALCOVR -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / FYFLG 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / HOSPINSX -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / HSAACCT -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / JOBSFILE -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 211 "HC211 2019 JOBSFILE" 218 "HC218 2020 JOBSFILE" 227 "HC227 2021 JOBSFILE" 237 "HC237 2022 JOBSFILE" / JOBSINFR -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / MSUPINSX -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / NAMECHNG -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / NOPUFLG 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / OOPELIG 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / OOPFLAG -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO" 1 "1 YES" / OOPPREM -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 0 "0 NO PREMIUM CONTRIBUTION" / OOPPREMX -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO PREMIUM CONTRIBUTION" / OOPX12X -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 0 "0 NO PREMIUM CONTRIBUTION" / OUTPHLDR 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / PANEL 24 "24 PANEL 24" 26 "26 PANEL 26" 27 "27 PANEL 27" / PHOLDER 0 "0 DEPENDENT" 1 "1 POLICYHOLDER" / PLANMETL -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 PLATINUM PLAN" 2 "2 GOLD PLAN" 3 "3 SILVER PLAN" 4 "4 BRONZE PLAN" 5 "5 CATASTROPHIC PLAN" 6 "6 IF VOLUNTEERED: SOMETHING ELSE" / PMEDINS -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / PREMLEVX -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 FAMILY PAYS ALL PREMIUM COST" 2 "2 FAMILY PAYS SOME PREMIUM COST" 3 "3 FAMILY DOES NOT KNOW" 4 "4 FAMILY DOES NOT PAY PREMIUM COST" / PREMSUBZ -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / PrivateCat_M23 0 "0 NOT HOSP/PHYS OR MEDIGAP COVERAGE" 1 "1 EMPLOYER/UNION" 2 "2 NONGROUP" 3 "3 OTHER GROUP" 4 "4 ESI, PHOLDER OUTSIDE RU" 5 "5 NON-ESI, OUT OF RU PHOLDER" 6 "6 STATE EXCHANGE" 99 "99 DK TYPE OF PRIV COV" / RN 1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5" 7 "7" 8 "8" 9 "9" / STAT1 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT10 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT11 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT12 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT2 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT3 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT4 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT5 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT6 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT7 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT8 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STAT9 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" / STEXCH -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" 1 "1 YES, EXCHANGE COVERAGE" 2 "2 NO, NOT EXCHANGE COVERAGE" / TYPEFLAG_M23 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 EMPLOYER (THRU CURR/PREV JOB)" 10 "10 MILITARY" 11 "11 GHP" 12 "12 INDIAN HEALTH SVC" 13 "13 OTHER" 2 "2 UNION (THRU CURR/PREV JOB)" 3 "3 EMPLOYER/UNION COVG NOT REPORTED IN EMPL SECTION" 4 "4 STATE EXCH/MARKETPLACE" 5 "5 INS CO-FR AGNT/BROKER" 6 "6 GROUP/ASSOC" 7 "7 PLAN OF SOMEONE NOT LVNG HERE" 8 "8 MEDICARE" 9 "9 MEDICAID" / UPRHMO_M23 -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 PRIVATE PLAN IS HMO" 2 "2 PRIVATE PLAN IS NOT HMO" / VISIONIN -1 "-1 INAPPLICABLE" -15 "-15 CANNOT BE COMPUTED" -7 "-7 REFUSED" -8 "-8 DK" 1 "1 YES" 2 "2 NO" . EXECUTE.