SAS User File for H66 Data This file contains information and sample SAS programs to create a permanent SAS dataset, for users who want to use SAS in processing the MEPS data provided in this PUF release. There are two ways to create a permanent SAS dataset, using either the SAS transport data file (H66.SSP) or the ASCII data file (H66.DAT) supplied in this PUF release. Section A provides a sample SAS program for the first alternative, which is to convert the SAS transport data file to a regular SAS dataset, using the SAS PROCedure: XCOPY. Section B provides a sample SAS program for the second alternative, which is to read data from the ASCII data file, using a SAS DATA step with INFILE, INPUT, and LABEL statements. Section C explains format-related SAS statements that a user may optionally use when working with the SAS dataset. Examples of SAS programs (DATA step or PROC) are provided in all three sections, primarily for the benefit of inexperienced users. Section D contains complete SAS statements that must be used in the programs described in Sections B and C. INCLUDED BELOW ARE NOTES APPLICABLE TO USERS OF SAS VERSION 8. ****************************************************************************** The sample SAS programs provided in Sections A and B show how to create a permanent SAS dataset from the data files provided in this PUF release. A. A Sample SAS Program for Converting the SAS Transport File to a Permanent SAS Dataset The SAS PROCedure XCOPY will read a SAS transport data file and convert the data to regular SAS format, storing the output in a permanent SAS dataset. This permanent SAS dataset can then be used for all future processing and analyses. Below is a sample PC-SAS program that can be used to convert the SAS transport file to a permanent PC SAS dataset (in a Windows environment, with SAS V6.12). LIBNAME PUFLIB 'C:\MEPS'; FILENAME IN1 'C:\MEPS\H66.SSP'; PROC XCOPY IN=IN1 OUT=PUFLIB IMPORT; RUN; If the user wants a list of variables and a few sample records in the permanent SAS dataset, following are the SAS statements to accomplish these. PROC CONTENTS DATA=PUFLIB.H66; TITLE "List of Variables in MEPS H66 SAS Dataset"; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=PUFLIB.H66 (OBS=20); TITLE "First 20 Observations in MEPS H66 SAS Dataset"; RUN; The LIBNAME statement tells SAS the location (directory name) to store the permanent SAS dataset which is output by PROC XCOPY. The FILENAME statement tells SAS the location (complete directory and file name) of the input SAS transport data file. NOTES: 1) The names used in the LIBNAME and FILENAME statements shown above (i.e., PUFLIB, IN1) are arbitrary; they are only temporary aliases. 2) The directory and file names used in the LIBNAME and FILENAME statements shown above are Windows syntax and may need to be modified for other operating systems such as UNIX, MAC/OS, VMS, or OS/2. 3) H66 is the internal SAS dataset name (also the PC file name, without the extension) prior to the creation of the SAS transport data file. After running PROC XCOPY, the output SAS dataset assumes the same dataset name (or file name). Hence, in the example above, a file named H66.SD2 will be created under the C:\MEPS directory when PROC XCOPY runs successfully. 4) The SAS transport file H66.SSP was created from a PC-SAS Version 6.12 data file, using PROC COPY. This file has been tested for use with PC-SAS version 6.10 or higher, or with mainframe SAS version 6.08 or higher. This file may work with earlier versions of SAS, although it has not been tested with those versions. Users who are unable to use this SAS Transport file should instead convert the ASCII data file H66.DAT to a SAS data set as described in Section B. ADDITONAL NOTE TO USERS OF SAS VERSION 8: One of the following procedures should be used to avoid a SAS error when using the downloaded SAS Transport file: 1) Add V8 to LIBNAME statement - e.g., LIBNAME PUFLIB V8 'C:\MEPS'; OR 2) Output the SAS data set to a different library than the one which contains the downloaded SAS Transport file - e.g., LIBNAME PUFLIB 'C:\MEPS'; FILENAME IN1 'C:\DOWNLOAD\H66.SSP'; PROC XCOPY IN=IN1 OUT=PUFLIB IMPORT; RUN; B. A Sample SAS Program for Converting the ASCII Data File to a Permanent SAS Dataset The complete SAS statements (INPUT and LABEL) included in Section D are intended to save time for those users wishing to create a permanent SAS dataset from the H66.DAT ASCII data file. These statements must be used in combination with other SAS statements to create the appropriate SAS program, as shown below. To use the statements provided in Section D to create a SAS program, you will need an ASCII text editor. If you are using an interactive form of SAS (Windows, UNIX, OS2, etc.), use the editor provided as part of the SAS software. Following is a sample SAS program that will convert the ASCII data file to SAS format. LIBNAME PUFLIB 'C:\MEPS'; FILENAME IN1 'C:\MEPS\H66.DAT'; DATA PUFLIB.H66; INFILE IN1 LRECL=241; INPUT .....; * to user: insert the complete INPUT statement that is provided in Section D; LABEL .....; * to user: insert the complete LABEL statement that is provided in Section D; RUN; Here is an explanation of the SAS statements used in the program above. LIBNAME statement: This tells SAS the location (directory name) of the permanent SAS dataset. FILENAME statement: This tells SAS the location of the input ASCII data file. DATA statement: This signifies the beginning of a SAS DATA step and specifies describes the output SAS dataset, referencing the LIBNAME entry (PUFLIB) and assigning an internal SAS dataset name (H66). In the example, after the successful completion of the DATA step, a PC file named H66.SD2 would have been created in the C:\MEPS directory. INFILE statement: This tells SAS the location (directory and file name) of the input ASCII data file. Also provided is the logical record length (241 bytes), with the default of RECFM=V implied when this parameter is omitted. LRECL and RECFM are optional parameters in the INFILE statement. With regard to these options, please note the following: the ASCII data file H66.DAT contains a 2-byte carriage return/line feed at the end of each record. When converting to a PC-SAS file, the LRECL option should be used to specify the record length to avoid use of a default record length by PC-SAS. If the RECFM=V option is used, the LRECL option must be specified as the logical record length (e.g., 241 for H66.DAT). If RECFM=F is used, then the LRECL value must be specified as the logical record length plus 2 (243 for H66.DAT). Note that if the RECFM option is omitted, then the default option of RECFM=V is automatically used, and LRECL should be specified as the logical record (241 for H66.DAT). INPUT statement: This specifies the input record layout, giving names and the beginning and ending column positions for data items (which become SAS variables) in the ASCII data file (H66.DAT). Variable type (numeric or character) is also defined via the INPUT statement. LABEL statement: This associates descriptive names with the SAS variables. RUN statement: This tells SAS to execute all commands up to this point. ADDITONAL NOTE TO USERS OF SAS VERSION 8: One of the following procedures should be used to avoid a SAS error when using the downloaded ASCII data file: 1) Add V8 to LIBNAME statement - e.g., LIBNAME PUFLIB V8 'C:\MEPS'; OR 2) Output the SAS data set to a different library than the one which contains the downloaded ASCII data file - e.g., LIBNAME PUFLIB 'C:\MEPS'; FILENAME IN1 'C:\DOWNLOAD\H66.DAT'; DATA PUFLIB.H66; INFILE IN1 LRECL=241; C. Optional Format-related SAS Statements If a user wants to use formats for the SAS variables, a SAS format library must first be created. Below is a SAS program that will accomplish this. LIBNAME PUFLIB 'C:\MEPS'; PROC FORMAT LIBRARY=PUFLIB; VALUE .....; * to user: insert the complete set of VALUE statements found in Section D; VALUE .....; .......... ; RUN; Below is an example of how to use the SAS formats defined by the PROC FORMAT procedure. LIBNAME PUFLIB 'C:\MEPS'; OPTIONS FMTSEARCH=(PUFLIB); PROC FREQ DATA=PUFLIB.H66; TABLES .... / LIST MISSING; FORMAT varnam1 fmtnam1. Varnam2 fmtnam2. .... ; * to user: substitute varnami and fmtnami with actual variable names and format names; * Insert the FORMAT statement provided in Section D, if you are using all the variables; * in the TABLES statement; TITLE "Frequency Distributions ...."; RUN; Here is an explanation of the SAS statements used above. LIBNAME statement: This tells SAS the location (directory name) of the SAS format library. Please note that SAS datasets (file name extension is 'SD2') and format libraries (file name extension is 'SC2') can be stored under the same directory. OPTIONS FMTSEARCH=...: This specifies the SAS format library. PROC FORMAT statement: This identifies the SAS procedure that will make SAS formats according to VALUE statements. Formats will be stored in a file named FORMATS.SC2. Please note that the option 'LIBRARY=...' can be omitted, if the user does not want to create a permanent SAS format library. When simply 'PROC FORMAT;' is used, the formats are defined only for the duration of the batch SAS program or an interactive SAS session. VALUE statement: This gives a) names to formats; and b) descriptive labels for individual values, or range of values. The format names can then be invoked using a FORMAT statement, if desired. PROC FREQ statement: This identifies the SAS procedure that will generate frequency distributions of variables specified in the TABLES statement, formatted if a FORMAT statement is used. The input SAS dataset is specified in the 'DATA=' option. FORMAT statement: This associates existing formats with variables. When using this statement, the formats must have already been created with a PROC FORMAT procedure. RUN statement: This tells SAS to execute all commands up to this point. NOTES: 1) Use of formats is entirely optional, and depends on the type of analyses that you are doing. It is recommended that you create and use them as appropriate. 2) The names used in the LIBNAME and FILENAME statements shown above (i.e., PUFLIB, IN1) are arbitrary; they are only temporary aliases. 3) You only create the permanent SAS data set once. Additional analyses can be run using this permanent dataset. 4) The file and directory specifications in the LIBNAME and FILENAME statements are Windows syntax and may need to be modified for other operating systems such as UNIX, MAC/OS, VMS, or OS/2. D. SAS Statements This section contains SAS INPUT, LABEL, FORMAT and VALUE statements for use in converting the ASCII H66.DAT file into a SAS data set, and for creating SAS formats. * INPUT STATEMENTS; INFILE IN LRECL=241; INPUT @1 EPCPIDX $28.0 @29 DUPERSID $8.0 @37 PHLDRIDX $8.0 @45 ESTBIDX $11.0 @56 EPRSIDX $20.0 @76 PANEL 1.0 @77 RN 1.0 @78 JOBSIDX $11.0 @89 JOBSINFR 2.0 @91 PUF53FLG 1.0 @92 PUF62FLG 1.0 @93 CMJINS 2.0 @95 EMPLSTAT 2.0 @97 PHOLDER 1.0 @98 DEPNDNT 1.0 @99 EVALCOVR 2.0 @101 STATUS1 2.0 @103 STATUS2 2.0 @105 STATUS3 2.0 @107 STATUS4 2.0 @109 STATUS5 2.0 @111 STATUS6 2.0 @113 STATUS7 2.0 @115 STATUS8 2.0 @117 STATUS9 2.0 @119 STATUS10 2.0 @121 STATUS11 2.0 @123 STATUS12 2.0 @125 STATUS13 2.0 @127 STATUS14 2.0 @129 STATUS15 2.0 @131 STATUS16 2.0 @133 STATUS17 2.0 @135 STATUS18 2.0 @137 STATUS19 2.0 @139 STATUS20 2.0 @141 STATUS21 2.0 @143 STATUS22 2.0 @145 STATUS23 2.0 @147 STATUS24 2.0 @149 DECPHLDR 1.0 @150 OUTPHLDR 1.0 @151 NOPUFLG 1.0 @152 TYPEFLAG 2.0 @154 PRIVCAT 2.0 @156 HOSPINSX 2.0 @158 MSUPINSX 2.0 @160 DENTLINS 2.0 @162 VISIONIN 2.0 @164 PMEDINS 2.0 @166 COBRA 2.0 @168 COVTYPIN 1.0 @169 OOPELIG 1.0 @170 OOPPREM 8.2 @178 OOPPREMX 7.2 @185 OOPX12X 8.2 @193 OOPFLAG 2.0 @195 PREMLEVX 2.0 @197 BYFED 2.0 @199 BYSTATE 2.0 @201 BYLOCAL 2.0 @203 BYSOMGOV 2.0 @205 BYEMPL 2.0 @207 BYUNION 2.0 @209 BYOTHER 2.0 @211 UPRHMO 2.0 @213 UPRMNC 2.0 @215 DRLIST 2.0 @217 VISITPAY 2.0 @219 NAMECHNG 2.0 @221 SATELIG 1.0 @222 GTDOCPRB 2.0 @224 APRVTRET 2.0 @226 APRVDLAY 2.0 @228 LOOKINF 2.0 @230 PRBFDINF 2.0 @232 CUSTSERV 2.0 @234 PRBCSTSV 2.0 @236 PAPRWRK 2.0 @238 PRBPPRWK 2.0 @240 RATEPLAN 2.0 ; * FORMAT STATEMENTS; FORMAT EPCPIDX $ID. DUPERSID $ID. PHLDRIDX $ID. ESTBIDX $ID. EPRSIDX $ID. PANEL PANEL. RN RN. JOBSIDX $ID. JOBSINFR YESNO. PUF53FLG YESNO. PUF62FLG YESNO. CMJINS YESNO. EMPLSTAT EMPLSTAT. PHOLDER PHOLDER. DEPNDNT DEPNDNT. EVALCOVR EVALCOVR. STATUS1 YESNO. STATUS2 YESNO. STATUS3 YESNO. STATUS4 YESNO. STATUS5 YESNO. STATUS6 YESNO. STATUS7 YESNO. STATUS8 YESNO. STATUS9 YESNO. STATUS10 YESNO. STATUS11 YESNO. STATUS12 YESNO. STATUS13 YESNO. STATUS14 YESNO. STATUS15 YESNO. STATUS16 YESNO. STATUS17 YESNO. STATUS18 YESNO. STATUS19 YESNO. STATUS20 YESNO. STATUS21 YESNO. STATUS22 YESNO. STATUS23 YESNO. STATUS24 YESNO. DECPHLDR YESNO. OUTPHLDR YESNO. NOPUFLG YESNO. TYPEFLAG TYPEFLAG. PRIVCAT PRIVCAT. HOSPINSX YESNO. MSUPINSX YESNO. DENTLINS YESNO. VISIONIN YESNO. PMEDINS YESNO. COBRA YESNO. COVTYPIN COVTYPIN. OOPELIG YESNO. OOPPREM OOPPREM. OOPPREMX OOPPREMX. OOPX12X OOPX12X. OOPFLAG YESNO. PREMLEVX PREMLEVX. BYFED YESNO. BYSTATE YESNO. BYLOCAL YESNO. BYSOMGOV YESNO. BYEMPL YESNO. BYUNION YESNO. BYOTHER YESNO. UPRHMO UPRHMO. UPRMNC YESNO. DRLIST YESNO. VISITPAY YESNO. NAMECHNG YESNO. SATELIG YESNO. GTDOCPRB GTDOCPRB. APRVTRET YESNO. APRVDLAY APRVDLAY. LOOKINF YESNO. PRBFDINF PRB. CUSTSERV YESNO. PRBCSTSV PRB. PAPRWRK YESNO. PRBPPRWK PRB. RATEPLAN RATEPLAN. ; * LABEL STATEMENTS; LABEL EPCPIDX ='EPRSIDX + RN + DUPERSID' DUPERSID='PERSON CVRD BY POLCYHOLDR - ESTABLISHMENT' PHLDRIDX='POLICYHOLDER S DUPERSID' ESTBIDX ='ESTABLISHMEMT ID' EPRSIDX ='ESTABLISHMEMT ID + POLICYHOLDER ID' PANEL ='PANEL NUMBER' RN ='ROUND NUMBER' JOBSIDX ='JOB IDENTIFIER' JOBSINFR='JOBSIDX INFERRED RATHER THAN REPORTED ID' PUF53FLG='1=IN PUF 53, ELSE 0' PUF62FLG='1=IN PUF 62, ELSE 0' CMJINS ='CMJ AS THE SOURCE OF PLAN: 1 YES, 2 NO' EMPLSTAT='POLICYHOLDER EMPLOYMENT STATUS' PHOLDER ='POLICY HOLDER' DEPNDNT ='DEPENDENT OF POLICY HOLDER' EVALCOVR='COVERED @ INTERVIEW DATE OR 12/31' STATUS1 ='STATUS - MONTH 1' STATUS2 ='STATUS - MONTH 2' STATUS3 ='STATUS - MONTH 3' STATUS4 ='STATUS - MONTH 4' STATUS5 ='STATUS - MONTH 5' STATUS6 ='STATUS - MONTH 6' STATUS7 ='STATUS - MONTH 7' STATUS8 ='STATUS - MONTH 8' STATUS9 ='STATUS - MONTH 9' STATUS10='STATUS - MONTH 10' STATUS11='STATUS - MONTH 11' STATUS12='STATUS - MONTH 12' STATUS13='STATUS - MONTH 13' STATUS14='STATUS - MONTH 14' STATUS15='STATUS - MONTH 15' STATUS16='STATUS - MONTH 16' STATUS17='STATUS - MONTH 17' STATUS18='STATUS - MONTH 18' STATUS19='STATUS - MONTH 19' STATUS20='STATUS - MONTH 20' STATUS21='STATUS - MONTH 21' STATUS22='STATUS - MONTH 22' STATUS23='STATUS - MONTH 23' STATUS24='STATUS - MONTH 24' DECPHLDR='DECEASED POLICYHOLDER FLAG: 1 YES,2 NO' OUTPHLDR='OUT-OF-RU POLICYHOLDER FLAG: 1 YES,2 NO' NOPUFLG ='PHLDR NOT IN HC053 OR HC062, OTH REASON' TYPEFLAG='TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT' PRIVCAT ='CATEGORY OF PRIVATE COVERAGE' HOSPINSX='TYPE OF HI GOTTEN: HOSPITAL/HMO (EDITED)' MSUPINSX='TYPE OF HI GOTTEN: MEDIGAP (EDITED)' DENTLINS='TYPE OF HI GOTTEN: DENTAL' VISIONIN='TYPE OF HI GOTTEN: VISION' PMEDINS ='TYPE OF HI GOTTEN: PRESCRIPTION DRUG' COBRA ='COBRA COVERAGE: 1=YES, 2=NO' COVTYPIN='COVERAGE @INTVW: 1=SINGLE, 2=FAMILY' OOPELIG ='FLAG: POLICYHOLDER ESTB HAS PREMIUM' OOPPREM ='MONTHLY OUT-OF-POCKET PREMIUM' OOPPREMX='MONTHLY OUT-OF-POCKET PREMIUM (ED/IMP)' OOPX12X ='ANNUAL OUT-OF-POCKET PREMIUM (ED/IMP)' OOPFLAG ='1=OOPPREMX ED/IMP, ELSE 0' PREMLEVX='EDITED PREMLEVL' BYFED ='FEDERAL GOVT PAID FOR PRIV PLAN PREMIUM' BYSTATE ='STATE GOVT PAID FOR PRIV PLAN PREMIUM' BYLOCAL ='LOCAL GOVT PAID FOR PRIV PLAN PREMIUM' BYSOMGOV='SOME GOVT PAID FOR PRIV PLAN PREMIUM' BYEMPL ='EMPLOYER PAID FOR PRIV PLAN PREMIUM' BYUNION ='UNION PAID FOR PRIV PLAN PREMIUM' BYOTHER ='OTHER PAID FOR PRIV PLAN PREMIUM' UPRHMO ='HMO COVERAGE (FROM PRPL)' UPRMNC ='PLAN REQRD COVRD PERS USE GATEKEEPER' DRLIST ='DOES PLAN HAVE A BOOK/LIST OF DOCTORS?' VISITPAY='PLAN PAY FOR NON-REFER DR VISIT' NAMECHNG='HAS THERE BEEN A CHANGE IN PLAN NAME' SATELIG ='ELIG. FOR SATIS. PLAN QUEST: 1=YES, 2=NO' GTDOCPRB='HOW MUCH PROBLEM GETTING PERSONAL DOC' APRVTRET='NEED APPROVAL FOR TREATMENT' APRVDLAY='DELAY WAITING FOR APPROVAL' LOOKINF ='INFORMATION ON HOW PLAN WORKS' PRBFDINF='PROBLEM FINDING INFORMATION' CUSTSERV='HAS CALLED CUSTOMER SERVICE/ADMIN OFFICE' PRBCSTSV='PROBLEM GETTING HELP FROM CUST SERVICE' PAPRWRK ='FILL OUT ANY PAPERWORK FOR PLAN' PRBPPRWK='PROBLEM WITH PLAN PAPERWORK' RATEPLAN='RATE EXPERIENCE WITH PLAN' ; * VALUE STATEMENTS; VALUE APRVDLAY -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 A BIG PROBLEM' 2 = '2 A SMALL PROBLEM' 3 = '3 NOT A PROBELM' 95 = '95 NO VISITS IN LAST 12 MONTHS' ; VALUE COVTYPIN . = '.' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 SINGLE' 2 = '2 FAMILY' ; VALUE DEPNDNT 0 = '0 POLICYHOLDER' 1 = '1 DEPENDENT' ; VALUE EMPLSTAT . = '. MISSING' -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -2 = '-2 ED IN PREV RND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 CURRENTLY EMPLOYED' 2 = '2 RETIRED' 3 = '3 PREVIOUSLY EMPLOYED' 4 = '4 DECEASED' 91 = '91 OTHER' ; VALUE EVALCOVR . = '. MISSING' -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 YES' 2 = '2 NO' ; VALUE GTDOCPRB -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 A BIG PROBLEM' 2 = '2 A SMALL PROBLEM' 3 = '3 NOT A PROBLEM' 95 = "95 DON'T HAVE PERSONAL DOCTOR OR NURSE" ; VALUE $ID ' ' = 'BLANK' '-1' = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' '-3' = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' '-7' = '-7 REFUSED' '-8' = '-8 DK' '-9' = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' OTHER = 'VALID ID' ; VALUE OOPPREM . = '.' -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 0 = '0 NO PREMIUM CONTRIBUTION' 0.01 - 45.035 = '$0 - $45' 45.035 < - 100 = '$46 - $100' 100 < - 180 = '$101 - $180' 180 < - 80000 = '$181 - $80000' ; VALUE OOPPREMX . = '.' -9 = '-9 NOT ASERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 0 = '0' 0.87 - 55 = '$1 - $55' 55 < - 107 = '$56 - $107' 107 < - 193 = '$108 - $193' 193 < - 3130.04 = '$194 - $3130' ; VALUE OOPX12X . = '.' -9 = '-9 NOT ASERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 0 = '0' 10.44 - 660 = '$10 - $660' 660 < - 1284 = '$661 - $1284' 1284 < - 2316 = '$1285 - $2316' 2316 < - 37560.48 = '$2317 - $37560' ; VALUE PANEL 1 = '1' 2 = '2' 3 = '3' 4 = '4' 5 = '5' 6 = '6' 7 = '7' ; VALUE PHOLDER 0 = '0 DEPENDENT' 1 = '1 POLICYHOLDER' ; VALUE PRB -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 A BIG PROBLEM' 2 = '2 A SMALL PROBLEM' 3 = '3 NOT A PROBELM' ; VALUE PREMLEVX -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 FAMILY PAYS ALL PREMIUM COST' 2 = '2 FAMILY PAYS SOME PREMIUM COST' 3 = '3 FAMILY DOES NOT KNOW' 4 = '4 FAMILY DOES NOT PAY PREMIUM COST' ; VALUE PRIVCAT -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 0 = '0 NOT HOSP/PHYS OR MEDIGAP COVERAGE' 1 = '1 EMPLOYER/UNION' 2 = '2 NONGROUP' 3 = '3 OTHER GROUP' 4 = '4 OUT OF HOUSEHOLD' 5 = '5 SELF-EMPLOYED' 99 = '99 DONT KNOW WHAT KIND PRIV COV' ; VALUE RATEPLAN -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 0 = '0' 1 - 10 = '1 - 10' ; VALUE RN 1 = '1' 2 = '2' 3 = '3' 4 = '4' 5 = '5' 6 = '6' ; VALUE TYPEFLAG -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 0 = '0 SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT LIVE IN RU' 1 = '1 EMPLOYER' 2 = '2 UNION' 3 = '3 GROUP' 4 = '4 HEALTH ALLIANCE' 5 = '5 INSURANCE COMPANY- FROM AN AGENT' 6 = '6 INSURANCE COMPANY' 7 = '7 HMO' 8 = '8 COBRA' 9 = '9 PREVIOUS EMPLOYER- NOT COBRA' 10 = '10 SPOUSE PREVIOUS EMPLOYER' 11 = '11 SCHOOL' 12 = '12 UNKNOWN TYPE-OUTSIDE RU' 13 = '13 UNKNOWN TYPE-COLLECTED AT OTHER' 14 = '14 MEDICARE' 15 = '15 MEDICAID' 16 = '16 TRICARE/CHAMPUS/CHAMPVA' 17 = '17 GROUP 1 STATE SPECIFIC PLAN' 18 = '18 GROUP 2 STATE PLAN' 19 = '19 GOVT - HOSPITAL/PHYSICIAN' ; VALUE UPRHMO -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 1 = '1 PRIVATE PLAN IS HMO' 2 = '2 PRIVATE PLAN IS NOT HMO' ; VALUE YESNO . = '. MISSING' -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED' -8 = '-8 DK' -7 = '-7 REFUSED' -3 = '-3 NOT IN ROUND' -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE' 0 = '0 NO' 1 = '1 YES' 2 = '2 NO' 3 = '3' ;