These tables contain preliminary estimates that are likely to change substantially when weights from the full-year file become available. The estimates are not 'point-in-time' estimates, but rather are estimates of the proportion of the population that reports being uninsured from January first through the time of the interview, and that many of the interviews were conducted during the first quarter, prior to the end of open enrollment of the Affordable Care Act. Because these estimates are expected to change substantially when full year weights are available, and because of the variable time period that the estimates cover and the many transitions in coverage during the early part of 2014, we recommend using the full year files to estimate changes in coverage from 2013 to 2014.
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Complete Set of Health Insurance Coverage Series in PDF Format, 2014 PDF (225 KB)
Table 1.a
Health insurance coverage of the civilian noninstitutionalized population: Percent by type of coverage and selected population characteristics, United States, 2014 HTMLPDF (95 KB)
Table 2.a
Health insurance coverage of the civilian noninstitutionalized population under age 65: Percent by type of coverage and selected population characteristics, United States, 2014 HTMLPDF (58 KB)
Table 3.a
Health insurance coverage of the civilian noninstitutionalized population: Percent by type of coverage and perceived health status, United States, 2014 HTMLPDF (52 KB)
Table 4.a
Total population and uninsured persons under age 65: Percent by selected population characteristics, United States, 2014 HTMLPDF (68 KB)
Table 5.a
Health insurance coverage of the civilian noninstitutionalized population: Population estimates by type of coverage and selected population characteristics, United States, 2014 HTMLPDF (58 KB)