Table I.B.1(2008) Number of private-sector employees by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2008
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 116,141,515    13,273,104    10,199,219    16,489,281    21,368,386    54,811,525    31,372,909    84,768,606   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 1,119,651    369,357    157,354    220,416 * 243,155 * 129,368 * 625,628    494,022   
Mining and manufacturing 13,646,689    588,052    760,807    2,099,368    3,350,886    6,847,575    2,172,189    11,474,500   
Construction 6,417,332    1,607,016    1,235,622    1,732,951    1,290,311    551,433    3,740,770    2,676,562   
Utilities and transp. 4,916,524    369,405    276,672    471,470    648,941    3,150,035    848,834    4,067,690   
Wholesale trade 5,827,003    666,896    668,538    939,208    1,407,137    2,145,224    1,838,714    3,988,288   
Fin. svs. and real estate 11,845,340    1,160,870    537,123    839,152    1,627,167    7,681,028    2,046,442    9,798,898   
Retail trade 15,008,689    1,553,083    1,006,620    1,623,797    1,340,313    9,484,874    3,458,712    11,549,977   
Professional services 29,470,330    3,458,009    2,466,656    3,642,181    6,740,116    13,163,367    7,568,957    21,901,373   
Other services 27,889,958    3,500,415    3,089,825    4,920,738    4,720,360    11,658,620    9,072,662    18,817,296   
For profit, incorporated 83,050,990    8,379,262    7,530,881    11,751,733    13,890,110    41,499,003    21,757,514    61,293,476   
For profit, unincorporated 17,724,959    3,878,339    1,778,326    2,645,285    2,860,454    6,562,555    6,892,143    10,832,816   
Nonprofit 15,365,566    1,015,502    890,012    2,092,262    4,617,822    6,749,967    2,723,252    12,642,314   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 6,352,493    2,236,730    1,191,511    1,702,857    773,311    448,084    4,378,500    1,973,993   
5-9 years 8,309,938    2,521,347    1,542,028    1,999,023    1,328,449    919,091    5,121,851    3,188,087   
10-19 years 15,102,481    3,281,112    2,499,245    3,344,736    3,408,692    2,568,697    7,476,633    7,625,848   
20 or more years 58,320,072    5,182,624    4,950,052    9,363,898    14,783,044    24,040,454    14,300,626    44,019,446   
Unknown 28,056,531    51,291    16,384 * 78,768    1,074,890    26,835,199    95,299    27,961,232   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 67,239,678    114,602    458,580    2,625,715    11,727,421    52,313,361    1,518,909    65,720,769   
1 location only 48,901,837    13,158,502    9,740,639    13,863,566    9,640,966    2,498,164    29,854,000    19,047,837   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 8,397,293    1,723,309    1,173,681    1,398,518    1,314,000    2,787,786    3,719,637    4,677,657   
25-49 % 9,323,341    1,126,438    833,732    1,498,341    1,775,923    4,088,908    2,777,134    6,546,207   
50-74 % 17,506,656    2,373,458    1,509,270    2,077,849    2,762,460    8,783,618    4,891,652    12,615,004   
75% or more 80,914,225    8,049,899    6,682,535    11,514,573    15,516,003    39,151,214    19,984,487    60,929,738   
Union presence
No union employees 86,852,029    12,777,729    9,706,564    15,275,540    18,019,218    31,072,979    29,858,545    56,993,484   
Has union employees 16,674,759    316,919    352,964    970,547    2,682,776    12,351,554    1,060,216    15,614,543   
Unknown 12,614,727    178,457    139,691    243,194    666,392    11,386,993    454,148    12,160,579   
Percent low-wage employees
50% or more low wage 32,750,170    4,207,031    3,168,236    5,113,599    6,114,240    14,147,063    9,980,044    22,770,126   
Less than 50% low wage 83,391,346    9,066,073    7,030,983    11,375,681    15,254,146    40,664,462    21,392,866    61,998,480   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.


Table I.B.1(2008) Standard error for number of private-sector employees by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2008
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 751,026    143,509    173,254    281,188    362,224    754,329    152,751    694,634   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 104,943    26,374    42,328    69,311 * 97,190 * 63,012 * 37,478    92,254   
Mining and manufacturing 198,128    23,740    53,071    93,599    175,032    260,140    95,731    204,744   
Construction 156,615    41,053    79,610    126,549    174,810    79,206    95,562    151,429   
Utilities and transp. 342,714    27,489    30,594    46,586    79,079    287,542    54,668    314,984   
Wholesale trade 237,067    25,202    39,790    84,252    108,946    177,018    79,373    198,943   
Fin. svs. and real estate 549,619    37,303    46,109    78,529    144,381    585,757    83,001    541,256   
Retail trade 296,488    64,291    45,825    115,559    73,686    322,475    109,267    314,056   
Professional services 544,975    59,459    124,971    125,752    195,346    440,004    184,669    541,176   
Other services 475,266    106,036    126,594    194,139    125,793    445,583    146,385    419,849   
For profit, incorporated 889,795    157,644    170,593    298,263    386,495    625,448    185,395    728,354   
For profit, unincorporated 259,576    91,189    90,685    129,896    181,404    305,265    150,556    302,781   
Nonprofit 381,693    44,422    43,109    137,280    238,480    311,757    123,829    338,579   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 205,257    54,869    76,380    92,754    98,205    76,645    120,466    131,210   
5-9 years 254,179    59,711    108,482    109,789    112,897    240,489    130,646    230,236   
10-19 years 301,063    53,732    123,857    125,122    215,312    268,196    164,308    301,890   
20 or more years 661,504    104,922    129,828    255,447    255,411    949,343    253,690    731,418   
Unknown 772,542    10,458    10,956 * 22,101    79,180    756,540    16,133    774,949   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 875,793    21,106    42,812    156,980    236,651    863,720    122,182    903,241   
1 location only 518,792    131,868    176,008    168,669    277,099    328,626    160,260    563,425   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 266,627    67,197    66,954    116,390    126,376    346,449    95,510    294,595   
25-49 % 301,058    31,028    32,059    110,025    159,760    240,731    81,896    296,051   
50-74 % 426,353    60,588    80,505    121,816    198,080    439,307    103,337    400,093   
75% or more 870,532    129,716    137,150    247,627    338,924    856,374    155,521    860,288   
Union presence
No union employees 493,628    140,417    152,464    228,618    355,556    494,382    159,816    503,894   
Has union employees 376,975    21,005    48,532    106,568    249,705    400,819    71,799    379,517   
Unknown 362,746    29,901    36,285    42,075    122,587    286,398    55,561    359,183   
Percent low-wage employees
50% or more low wage 717,180    107,149    134,704    167,162    302,388    524,256    177,460    699,478   
Less than 50% low wage 537,883    88,447    202,514    276,166    363,547    615,722    180,625    570,329   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.