Table I.B.1.a(2008) Percent of number of private-sector employees by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2008
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 116,141,515    11.4%    8.8%    14.2%    18.4%    47.2%    27.0%    73.0%   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 1,119,651    33.0%    14.1%    19.7% * 21.7% * 11.6% * 55.9%    44.1%   
Mining and manufacturing 13,646,689    4.3%    5.6%    15.4%    24.6%    50.2%    15.9%    84.1%   
Construction 6,417,332    25.0%    19.3%    27.0%    20.1%    8.6%    58.3%    41.7%   
Utilities and transp. 4,916,524    7.5%    5.6%    9.6%    13.2%    64.1%    17.3%    82.7%   
Wholesale trade 5,827,003    11.4%    11.5%    16.1%    24.1%    36.8%    31.6%    68.4%   
Fin. svs. and real estate 11,845,340    9.8%    4.5%    7.1%    13.7%    64.8%    17.3%    82.7%   
Retail trade 15,008,689    10.3%    6.7%    10.8%    8.9%    63.2%    23.0%    77.0%   
Professional services 29,470,330    11.7%    8.4%    12.4%    22.9%    44.7%    25.7%    74.3%   
Other services 27,889,958    12.6%    11.1%    17.6%    16.9%    41.8%    32.5%    67.5%   
For profit, incorporated 83,050,990    10.1%    9.1%    14.2%    16.7%    50.0%    26.2%    73.8%   
For profit, unincorporated 17,724,959    21.9%    10.0%    14.9%    16.1%    37.0%    38.9%    61.1%   
Nonprofit 15,365,566    6.6%    5.8%    13.6%    30.1%    43.9%    17.7%    82.3%   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 6,352,493    35.2%    18.8%    26.8%    12.2%    7.1%    68.9%    31.1%   
5-9 years 8,309,938    30.3%    18.6%    24.1%    16.0%    11.1%    61.6%    38.4%   
10-19 years 15,102,481    21.7%    16.5%    22.1%    22.6%    17.0%    49.5%    50.5%   
20 or more years 58,320,072    8.9%    8.5%    16.1%    25.3%    41.2%    24.5%    75.5%   
Unknown 28,056,531    0.2%    0.1% * 0.3%    3.8%    95.6%    0.3%    99.7%   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 67,239,678    0.2%    0.7%    3.9%    17.4%    77.8%    2.3%    97.7%   
1 location only 48,901,837    26.9%    19.9%    28.3%    19.7%    5.1%    61.0%    39.0%   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 8,397,293    20.5%    14.0%    16.7%    15.6%    33.2%    44.3%    55.7%   
25-49 % 9,323,341    12.1%    8.9%    16.1%    19.0%    43.9%    29.8%    70.2%   
50-74 % 17,506,656    13.6%    8.6%    11.9%    15.8%    50.2%    27.9%    72.1%   
75% or more 80,914,225    9.9%    8.3%    14.2%    19.2%    48.4%    24.7%    75.3%   
Union presence
No union employees 86,852,029    14.7%    11.2%    17.6%    20.7%    35.8%    34.4%    65.6%   
Has union employees 16,674,759    1.9%    2.1%    5.8%    16.1%    74.1%    6.4%    93.6%   
Unknown 12,614,727    1.4%    1.1%    1.9%    5.3%    90.3%    3.6%    96.4%   
Percent low-wage employees
50% or more low wage 32,750,170    12.8%    9.7%    15.6%    18.7%    43.2%    30.5%    69.5%   
Less than 50% low wage 83,391,346    10.9%    8.4%    13.6%    18.3%    48.8%    25.7%    74.3%   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.

Percents may not add to 100% because of rounding.


Table I.B.1.a(2008) Standard error for percent of number of private-sector employees by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2008
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 751,026    0.13%    0.16%    0.22%    0.31%    0.48%    0.16%    0.16%   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 104,943    5.73%    3.53%    5.92% * 6.56% * 4.56% * 4.65%    4.65%   
Mining and manufacturing 198,128    0.15%    0.38%    0.71%    1.42%    1.44%    0.69%    0.69%   
Construction 156,615    0.81%    1.29%    1.84%    2.39%    1.18%    1.60%    1.60%   
Utilities and transp. 342,714    0.75%    0.55%    0.87%    1.59%    2.11%    1.13%    1.13%   
Wholesale trade 237,067    0.43%    0.66%    1.62%    1.77%    1.68%    1.14%    1.14%   
Fin. svs. and real estate 549,619    0.47%    0.38%    0.72%    1.42%    2.04%    0.84%    0.84%   
Retail trade 296,488    0.53%    0.34%    0.77%    0.53%    0.97%    0.84%    0.84%   
Professional services 544,975    0.30%    0.39%    0.43%    0.55%    0.93%    0.71%    0.71%   
Other services 475,266    0.36%    0.52%    0.63%    0.48%    1.11%    0.52%    0.52%   
For profit, incorporated 889,795    0.17%    0.23%    0.31%    0.42%    0.47%    0.13%    0.13%   
For profit, unincorporated 259,576    0.71%    0.52%    0.80%    0.95%    1.33%    1.06%    1.06%   
Nonprofit 381,693    0.22%    0.31%    0.74%    1.41%    1.74%    0.72%    0.72%   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 205,257    0.86%    1.02%    1.20%    1.22%    1.21%    1.34%    1.34%   
5-9 years 254,179    0.75%    1.60%    1.32%    1.47%    2.41%    1.85%    1.85%   
10-19 years 301,063    0.54%    0.69%    0.93%    1.31%    1.60%    1.29%    1.29%   
20 or more years 661,504    0.24%    0.25%    0.48%    0.55%    1.23%    0.53%    0.53%   
Unknown 772,542    0.04%    0.04% * 0.08%    0.29%    0.29%    0.06%    0.06%   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 875,793    0.03%    0.06%    0.24%    0.40%    0.44%    0.19%    0.19%   
1 location only 518,792    0.28%    0.40%    0.26%    0.49%    0.64%    0.75%    0.75%   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 266,627    1.13%    1.08%    1.27%    1.59%    3.33%    1.89%    1.89%   
25-49 % 301,058    0.57%    0.39%    1.13%    1.60%    1.64%    1.19%    1.19%   
50-74 % 426,353    0.47%    0.36%    0.92%    1.02%    1.66%    0.77%    0.77%   
75% or more 870,532    0.18%    0.18%    0.31%    0.45%    0.62%    0.30%    0.30%   
Union presence
No union employees 493,628    0.16%    0.20%    0.22%    0.37%    0.52%    0.26%    0.26%   
Has union employees 376,975    0.16%    0.29%    0.59%    1.40%    1.64%    0.46%    0.46%   
Unknown 362,746    0.24%    0.28%    0.33%    0.89%    0.87%    0.44%    0.44%   
Percent low-wage employees
50% or more low wage 717,180    0.50%    0.52%    0.34%    0.78%    0.89%    0.82%    0.82%   
Less than 50% low wage 537,883    0.14%    0.27%    0.32%    0.40%    0.57%    0.27%    0.27%   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.

Percents may not add to 100% because of rounding.