Table I.C.2.a(2008) Average total employee contribution (in dollars) for exclusive-provider plans per enrolled employee for single coverage at private-sector establishments that offer health insurance by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2008
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 880    542    846    941    888    943    774    924   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 1,232 * --    --    --    --    --    495 * 1,456 *
Mining and manufacturing 861    443 * 881    773    879    993    796    879   
Construction 918    665    970    1,145    901    536 * 958    853   
Utilities and transp. 974    1,619 * 613 * 931 * 1,015    968    941 * 983   
Wholesale trade 754    499    739    769    736    920    742    761   
Fin. svs. and real estate 967    299    1,042    990    682    1,115    761    1,025   
Retail trade 810    724    756    1,003    945    711    738    836   
Professional services 825    494    744    762    826    956    663    885   
Other services 971    549    956    1,065    1,116    977    843    1,025   
For profit, incorporated 903    550    864    987    957    937    802    951   
For profit, unincorporated 983    641    950    1,098    1,006    1,104    818    1,073   
Nonprofit 734    199    532 * 663    706    877    506    774   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 869    417    870 * 1,109    1,010 * 1,314 * 799    1,011   
5-9 years 900    627    944    964    1,213    1,104    785    1,097   
10-19 years 816    575    936    762    926    818    813    817   
20 or more years 884    518    788    976    869    950    752    933   
Unknown 924    --    --    609    540    946    --    925   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 937    525 * 1,026    959    903    946    979    936   
1 location only 822    542    838    938    873    883    764    896   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 715    518 * 692 * 1,218    1,245    425 * 791    694   
25-49 % 1,163    380 * 1,074 * 1,194    998    1,554    885    1,276   
50-74 % 892    569    853    940    1,073    862    696    961   
75% or more 873    541    840    925    840    960    781    911   
Union presence
No union employees 890    552    876    936    911    990    780    950   
Has union employees 791    171 * 328 * 1,000    751    818    677 * 799   
Unknown 946    30 * 369 * 1,146    941 * 965    571 * 965   
Percent low wage employees
50% or more low wage 993    595    974    1,221    1,088    825    880    1,028   
Less than 50% low wage 858    534    828    876    827    961    758    901   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

-- Data suppressed due to high standard errors or no reported values in cell.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.


Table I.C.2.a(2008) Standard error for average total employee contribution (in dollars) for exclusive-provider plans per enrolled employee for single coverage at private-sector establishments that offer health insurance by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2008
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 20.69    20.21    87.08    63.63    45.88    18.58    47.92    20.45   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 390.50 * --    --    --    --    --    161.63 * 474.47 *
Mining and manufacturing 54.69    236.49 * 223.33    87.95    83.08    67.74    116.54    48.20   
Construction 129.41    176.61    205.01    217.34    192.10    175.39 * 163.68    148.09   
Utilities and transp. 110.71    728.48 * 204.65 * 353.66 * 187.80    83.08    423.31 * 110.89   
Wholesale trade 69.39    102.82    182.59    111.79    133.14    116.50    141.45    72.82   
Fin. svs. and real estate 47.83    65.56    309.32    192.09    121.31    61.17    166.18    32.21   
Retail trade 33.18    144.59    208.69    121.62    150.60    64.38    51.26    68.83   
Professional services 29.87    57.48    98.87    65.17    102.36    54.61    36.39    32.46   
Other services 20.11    49.89    121.88    95.07    109.16    55.08    72.46    43.76   
For profit, incorporated 27.05    37.69    91.17    78.43    42.12    26.15    53.78    27.52   
For profit, unincorporated 63.06    89.20    175.00    154.30    170.50    134.18    91.79    128.95   
Nonprofit 41.56    43.98    206.88 * 120.77    133.45    53.97    107.47    48.97   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 77.03    101.23    278.59 * 135.31    405.85 * 627.32 * 96.24    134.60   
5-9 years 62.75    35.81    197.57    113.21    122.30    222.33    87.42    109.88   
10-19 years 39.31    46.20    125.33    116.82    134.57    90.87    65.15    82.45   
20 or more years 29.12    53.52    124.28    65.76    46.49    42.84    62.98    31.84   
Unknown 40.29    --    --    176.29    101.36    39.83    --    40.22   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 21.04    185.08 * 227.62    122.74    58.06    21.43    126.76    19.95   
1 location only 36.43    21.02    78.38    64.93    69.50    78.71    47.60    48.73   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 137.83    178.55 * 388.95 * 210.59    166.72    136.94 * 236.00    115.74   
25-49 % 118.54    129.60 * 486.13 * 300.38    140.31    122.20    119.12    142.47   
50-74 % 41.27    101.48    131.12    131.79    90.17    74.08    58.95    50.24   
75% or more 24.81    28.09    93.96    58.41    51.74    20.03    54.75    23.67   
Union presence
No union employees 28.21    20.14    86.88    65.72    30.73    38.45    47.56    32.16   
Has union employees 65.06    82.32 * 366.97 * 237.46    172.70    59.04    209.82 * 74.77   
Unknown 81.20    101.01 * 318.36 * 289.34    316.26 * 81.48    237.57 * 78.88   
Percent low wage employees
50% or more low wage 54.32    103.96    192.10    179.00    72.60    67.80    146.28    69.87   
Less than 50% low wage 18.84    27.20    78.32    57.27    52.48    22.92    47.58    14.81   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

-- Data suppressed due to high standard errors or no reported values in cell.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.