Table I.B.4(2010) Number of part-time private-sector employees by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2010
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 23,291,032    3,928,494    2,651,984    3,557,323    3,843,161    9,310,070    8,353,185    14,937,847   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 291,918 * 108,465    44,484 * 50,978 * 83,158 * 4,832 * 175,392    116,526 *
Mining and manufacturing 385,245    107,438    72,224    64,031    62,337    79,215    217,483    167,763   
Construction 442,819    268,296    98,048    53,464    19,330 * 3,681 * 402,574    40,245   
Utilities and transp. 715,612    71,732    30,092    72,613 * 73,945 * 467,231    124,766    590,847   
Wholesale trade 371,905    122,716    58,480    66,832    55,864    68,013    224,340    147,566   
Fin. svs. and real estate 1,073,837    258,276    48,654    132,939    156,618    477,351    341,581    732,256   
Retail trade 4,585,712    558,601    289,249    336,427    366,469    3,034,966    1,042,167    3,543,544   
Professional services 5,868,527    920,845    526,423    876,237    1,261,842    2,283,181    1,817,609    4,050,919   
Other services 9,555,455    1,512,126    1,484,330    1,903,803    1,763,597    2,891,601    4,007,273    5,548,182   
For profit, incorporated 15,183,808    2,202,950    1,653,651    2,150,715    2,197,358    6,979,135    4,955,757    10,228,052   
For profit, unincorporated 4,217,223    1,250,818    644,035    775,397    658,985    887,987    2,295,134    1,922,088   
Nonprofit 3,890,001    474,726    354,298    631,212    986,818    1,442,947    1,102,294    2,787,707   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 1,743,549    742,741    415,560    363,775    151,247    70,226 * 1,388,189    355,360   
5-9 years 2,272,597    746,051    462,293    533,078    330,813    200,361    1,484,881    787,716   
10-19 years 4,094,270    931,431    609,660    827,267    933,898    792,015    1,933,602    2,160,668   
20 or more years 15,180,615    1,508,272    1,164,470    1,833,204    2,427,202    8,247,468    3,546,513    11,634,102   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 11,815,984    22,646    88,642    528,278    2,216,334    8,960,084    307,296    11,508,688   
1 location only 11,475,048    3,905,849    2,563,342    3,029,046    1,626,826    349,986    8,045,889    3,429,159   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 7,830,221    1,911,443    1,221,104    1,411,489    1,383,351    1,902,834    3,878,235    3,951,986   
25-49 % 5,278,461    717,289    523,498    918,630    868,143    2,250,900    1,683,739    3,594,722   
50-74 % 6,661,357    1,001,289    520,321    691,616    933,628    3,514,503    1,827,198    4,834,159   
75% or more 3,520,994    298,474    387,061    535,589    658,038    1,641,832    964,013    2,556,981   
Union presence
No union employees 18,289,188    3,703,359    2,504,169    3,292,270    3,380,085    5,409,306    7,912,702    10,376,486   
Has union employees 2,762,243    105,529    66,090    180,690    326,874    2,083,061    201,564    2,560,680   
Unknown 2,239,600    119,607    81,725    84,364 * 136,202    1,817,703    238,919    2,000,682   
Percent low-wage employees
50% or more low wage 13,182,641    2,151,137    1,649,685    2,064,757    2,368,814    4,948,248    4,870,572    8,312,070   
Less than 50% low wage 10,108,391    1,777,358    1,002,298    1,492,566    1,474,347    4,361,822    3,482,613    6,625,778   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.


Table I.B.4(2010) Standard error for number of part-time private-sector employees by firm size and selected characteristics: United States, 2010
Characteristics Total Less than 10 employees 10-24 employees 25-99 employees 100-999 employees 1000 or more employees Less than 50 employees 50 or more employees
United States 391,565    53,546    93,839    106,907    308,557    213,577    140,583    386,591   
Industry group **
Agric., fish., forest. 97,209 * 12,682    15,502 * 15,772 * 72,482 * 3,882 * 21,457    84,503 *
Mining and manufacturing 31,846    13,222    11,596    11,602    13,836    21,437    17,375    34,227   
Construction 16,820    15,479    13,102    15,624    9,820 * 1,763 * 18,717    10,171   
Utilities and transp. 107,649    9,016    5,911    26,209 * 29,014 * 96,665    12,735    105,552   
Wholesale trade 24,894    9,827    10,056    11,844    12,733    15,271    16,483    16,777   
Fin. svs. and real estate 61,676    15,462    8,301    20,738    28,099    53,299    17,351    63,442   
Retail trade 154,821    17,005    20,035    23,576    32,217    175,871    44,917    169,606   
Professional services 136,628    22,666    23,045    50,725    124,754    109,241    36,383    123,887   
Other services 417,726    38,497    66,529    101,093    174,846    221,436    102,032    402,527   
For profit, incorporated 278,560    63,756    56,897    92,151    222,242    119,078    82,496    278,107   
For profit, unincorporated 113,453    52,499    39,293    54,845    92,958    59,551    56,622    134,917   
Nonprofit 92,887    18,568    40,839    51,877    64,338    88,756    55,370    83,763   
Age of firm
Less than 5 years 50,159    26,472    35,847    37,757    38,274    22,079 * 36,260    52,939   
5-9 years 110,415    39,215    29,235    49,271    58,737    42,620    68,429    99,196   
10-19 years 262,235    7,896    42,179    81,270    156,055    102,750    65,913    220,928   
20 or more years 249,985    34,112    79,743    69,744    165,635    195,878    99,116    213,754   
Multi/single status
2 or more locations 226,343    4,862    10,730    42,035    140,656    215,607    28,016    238,111   
1 location only 307,856    52,023    94,213    116,412    186,300    51,659    133,860    260,312   
Percent full-time employees
Less than 25% 378,088    42,481    57,395    108,472    198,672    112,669    97,190    358,964   
25-49 % 154,203    27,791    49,608    37,105    106,139    129,356    86,293    178,686   
50-74 % 218,517    36,052    37,567    38,393    58,620    226,499    56,013    200,524   
75% or more 110,926    15,581    17,726    20,715    42,597    62,854    21,747    97,478   
Union presence
No union employees 361,142    59,819    95,366    126,501    252,861    161,285    150,354    369,103   
Has union employees 132,255    12,968    16,125    41,180    72,924    133,928    20,819    138,164   
Unknown 165,903    14,430    10,030    30,869 * 24,468    147,448    24,314    150,086   
Percent low-wage employees
50% or more low wage 331,982    53,715    79,423    87,997    243,897    169,159    132,342    314,927   
Less than 50% low wage 241,074    25,893    58,978    50,633    161,786    182,112    54,627    221,269   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.