Table III.B.4(1996) Number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 1996
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 3,680,519    1,243,889    538,378    667,651    754,142    161,263    315,196   
Census division:
New England 172,789    64,401    35,908    42,951 * 22,022 * 5,968    1,540   
Middle Atlantic 426,634    115,069    78,558    90,537    68,850    9,510    64,110   
East North Central 709,475    233,286    166,486    177,240    108,885 * 5,518    18,060   
West North Central 338,138    120,812    96,083    65,387    38,244    14,022    3,591   
South Atlantic 546,475    201,552    23,097    50,684    121,078    49,797    100,267   
East South Central 180,806    79,154    16,129    35,872    35,931    5,285 * 8,435   
West South Central 295,534    109,218    27,342    56,902    58,321    24,422    19,329   
Mountain 279,579    106,140    35,166    45,186    46,409    25,295    21,384   
Pacific 731,090    214,257    59,609    102,893    254,402    21,447    78,481   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.


Table III.B.4(1996) Standard error for number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 1996
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 71,649    0    41,020    34,497    57,047    13,140    0   
Census division:
New England 19,536    0    6,740    15,602 * 10,518 * 597    0   
Middle Atlantic 16,895    0    10,913    14,254    13,469    0    0   
East North Central 43,647    0    17,159    23,614    44,384 * 0    0   
West North Central 14,180    0    9,718    11,272    9,379    2,759    0   
South Atlantic 11,360    0    3,668    8,647    10,910    4,197    0   
East South Central 7,610    0    2,599    3,077    4,251    2,899 * 0   
West South Central 11,744    0    3,257    8,165    10,092    6,897    0   
Mountain 16,878    0    6,633    6,537    11,324    7,025    0   
Pacific 41,197    0    13,670    24,477    29,551    5,069    0   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Standard errors of zero indicate that all governments in the category are in the survey.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.