Table III.B.4(1998) Number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 1998
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 4,164,432    1,243,321    786,696    762,169    795,871    203,413    372,962   
Census division:
New England 173,608    55,095    33,697    46,137 * 33,333 * 3,591    1,755   
Middle Atlantic 491,193    89,628    106,935    125,541    54,385 * 38,579 * 76,125   
East North Central 785,634    228,243    217,936    184,424    130,468    7,492    17,070   
West North Central 386,202    103,426    126,954    73,276    64,342 * 11,084    7,119   
South Atlantic 630,426    221,739    29,694    53,673    138,396    64,383    122,541   
East South Central 219,591    101,430    15,686    46,530    37,090    8,593    10,262   
West South Central 343,872    116,758    53,722    60,459    66,008 * 19,661    27,264   
Mountain 327,912    107,920    54,692    48,643    69,801 * 27,267    19,589   
Pacific 805,995    219,082    147,380 * 123,486    202,048    22,764    91,236   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 1998 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.


Table III.B.4(1998) Standard error for number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 1998
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 126,537    0    125,203    56,556    56,273    27,750    0   
Census division:
New England 16,743    0    9,089    14,504 * 12,332 * 0    0   
Middle Atlantic 44,244    0    19,912    26,772    18,725 * 25,162 * 0   
East North Central 43,752    0    19,768    27,810    35,512    0    0   
West North Central 24,058    0    5,256    13,036    22,606 * 2,240    0   
South Atlantic 29,980    0    5,307    7,054    24,432    8,393    0   
East South Central 12,603    0    2,518    10,580    10,853    0    0   
West South Central 24,895    0    9,990    9,378    19,842 * 1,623    0   
Mountain 23,471    0    9,433    8,496    23,886 * 4,455    0   
Pacific 107,758    0    102,091 * 26,045    37,534    3,708    0   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 1998 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Standard errors of zero indicate that all governments in the category are in the survey.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.