Table III.B.4(1999) Number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 1999
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 4,176,275    1,254,778    663,337    741,663    888,139    235,946    392,412   
Census division:
New England 191,937    66,846    37,189    45,062    34,520    6,499    1,821   
Middle Atlantic 476,622    114,206    90,706    113,505    53,550 * 22,701 * 81,954   
East North Central 790,954    226,827    197,734    173,816    156,276    13,240 * 23,060   
West North Central 428,140    105,885    145,986    78,931    81,114 * 7,573    8,651   
South Atlantic 643,588    211,665    40,421    62,723    148,985    67,029    112,765   
East South Central 194,220    68,377    22,173    34,321    46,379    12,030 * 10,941   
West South Central 340,851    128,593    42,091    51,292    64,657    31,416    22,801   
Mountain 317,881    103,303    37,100    41,606    81,884    27,021 * 26,966   
Pacific 792,081    229,075    49,936    140,407    220,774    48,436    103,453   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 1999 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.


Table III.B.4(1999) Standard error for number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 1999
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 62,822    0    18,909    26,978    62,872    21,156    0   
Census division:
New England 11,650    0    8,344    6,268    6,275    1,815    0   
Middle Atlantic 13,179    0    11,200    16,383    16,157 * 11,271 * 0   
East North Central 27,506    0    16,908    13,669    34,928    4,911 * 0   
West North Central 23,464    0    10,251    16,660    29,343 * 0    0   
South Atlantic 20,278    0    5,909    10,370    18,203    7,459    0   
East South Central 11,599    0    3,110    3,151    10,036    9,031 * 0   
West South Central 18,533    0    8,301    7,533    12,441    7,543    0   
Mountain 21,939    0    6,336    6,921    16,783    9,048 * 0   
Pacific 16,979    0    5,937    19,310    33,353    7,803    0   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 1999 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Standard errors of zero indicate that all governments in the category are in the survey.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.