Table III.B.4(2000) Number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 2000
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 4,423,395    1,253,648    737,890    830,134    920,354    225,550    455,819   
Census division:
New England 207,518    68,371    45,195    54,120    31,215    6,668 * 1,948   
Middle Atlantic 479,711    119,645    89,511    110,472    64,397    12,625    83,061   
East North Central 895,964    222,663    210,431    235,161    144,538    44,770 * 38,401   
West North Central 414,257    113,846    146,881    81,095    51,234 * 12,899    8,303   
South Atlantic 625,152    184,859    51,283    58,510    137,495    64,064    128,942   
East South Central 209,224    69,585 * 26,041    41,552    57,403 * 6,674 * 7,970   
West South Central 397,137    129,021    57,394    50,356    102,602 * 26,560    31,204   
Mountain 329,393    106,061    37,957    63,815    68,787    20,663    32,111   
Pacific 865,038    239,596    73,197    135,054    262,683    30,629    123,879   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2000 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.


Table III.B.4(2000) Standard error for number of part-time State and local government employees by government type and size and census division: United States, 2000
Division All State and local governments State governments Local governments
Less than 250 employees 250-999 employees 1,000-4,999 employees 5,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees
United States 96,214    0    51,101    28,178    67,086    26,057    0   
Census division:
New England 11,788    0    9,791    10,101    6,485    2,287 * 0   
Middle Atlantic 14,590    0    9,085    6,362    12,411    0    0   
East North Central 66,644    0    53,281    25,107    33,449    25,998 * 0   
West North Central 17,557    0    14,085    14,068    20,503 * 3,603    0   
South Atlantic 22,553    0    14,718    9,954    15,921    7,236    0   
East South Central 18,433    0 * 2,316    5,867    18,091 * 4,532 * 0   
West South Central 41,681    0    10,426    6,908    40,202 * 4,424    0   
Mountain 11,068    0    6,541    7,727    12,252    0    0   
Pacific 29,869    0    11,633    16,506    35,082    6,821    0   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2000 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

Standard errors of zero indicate that all governments in the category are in the survey.

Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.