Table V.B.4(2010) Number of part-time private-sector employees by industry groupings** and State: United States, 2010
Division and State Total Agri, fish., forestry
and construction
Mining and
Retail and
other services
All other
United States 23,291,032    734,737    385,245    14,141,167    5,868,527    2,161,355   
New England:
Connecticut 299,457    6,274    5,305    178,090    91,812    17,976   
Maine 117,671    3,896    1,979 * 69,945    34,621    7,231 *
Massachusetts 620,782    13,951 * 6,786 * 361,115    209,555    29,375   
New Hampshire 121,364    2,891    1,591    68,183    42,095    6,603   
Rhode Island 94,361    1,790 * 1,169    44,159    40,773 * 6,470 *
Vermont 63,493    2,040    2,030 * 39,937    15,024    4,461   
Middle Atlantic:
New Jersey 668,225    12,668    10,284 * 381,947    213,740    49,587 *
New York 1,514,854    25,002    15,258    849,204    491,448    133,943   
Pennsylvania 1,182,601    41,098 * 12,666    615,761    330,193    182,883   
East North Central:
Illinois 1,058,565    45,717    15,321 * 649,335    251,953    96,239   
Indiana 528,852    10,854    16,290    348,336    91,600    61,771   
Michigan 871,764    33,960    12,848 * 540,626    219,188    65,142   
Ohio 1,020,670    16,115 * 15,050    513,513    256,759    219,234 *
Wisconsin 638,501    21,110    12,201    380,970    145,794    78,427   
West North Central:
Iowa 329,691    12,818    4,085 * 194,654    92,144    25,990   
Kansas 254,315    8,500    3,140    136,304    55,909    50,462 *
Minnesota 614,722    18,653 * 13,754 * 335,610    202,383    44,322 *
Missouri 499,349    9,242    8,457 * 273,618    163,561    44,471   
Nebraska 163,399    7,670    1,226 * 110,769    31,935    11,799   
North Dakota 85,139    4,577 * 1,505 * 47,801    23,074    8,181   
South Dakota 86,558    4,281    1,267 * 50,952    22,863    7,194   
South Atlantic:
Delaware 74,506    1,390 * 307 * 50,475    15,301 * 7,032   
District of Columbia 56,977    0    52 * 39,971    13,015    3,939 *
Florida 1,231,720    18,660    17,845 * 830,309    226,827    138,078   
Georgia 654,441    18,004 * 7,883 * 446,057    152,240    30,257   
Maryland 406,522    6,933 * 6,480 * 270,000    99,135    23,973   
North Carolina 648,800    12,650 * 29,444 * 379,600    146,539    80,566   
South Carolina 289,914    5,568    1,268 * 230,502    38,863    13,712   
Virginia 668,275    14,966    15,011 * 423,551    186,556    28,191   
West Virginia 141,317    3,382    1,010 * 78,013    52,368 * 6,544   
East South Central:
Alabama 237,242    2,616 * 4,084 * 148,162    58,011 * 24,369 *
Kentucky 253,596    6,502 * 3,559    159,684    63,490    20,362   
Mississippi 136,215    4,449    2,279 * 99,955    24,356    5,177   
Tennessee 350,279    5,206    3,822 * 224,319    87,370    29,562   
West South Central:
Arkansas 167,718    4,466    1,643 * 98,439    45,381    17,789 *
Louisiana 305,171    3,935 * 2,060 * 215,723    68,630    14,824   
Oklahoma 217,340    7,032    6,850 * 128,324    53,955    21,179   
Texas 1,737,418    27,102    17,874    1,132,554    428,925    130,963   
Arizona 398,087    9,752    5,606 * 251,311    85,317    46,102   
Colorado 374,910    9,866    12,628 * 230,278    91,639    30,499   
Idaho 113,415    9,842    2,564 * 61,217    30,405    9,387 *
Montana 95,235    6,374    915 * 59,048    19,232    9,666 *
Nevada 182,099    5,281 * 1,689 * 133,052    32,117    9,961   
New Mexico 128,600    8,083 * 1,894 * 69,947    40,300    8,376 *
Utah 203,298    10,620 * 4,409    126,695    43,742    17,831   
Wyoming 47,963    5,041 * 612 * 29,577    8,286    4,447 *
Alaska 49,809    3,627    5,238 * 26,946    9,940    4,058   
California 2,444,545    166,765 * 47,651 * 1,522,178    479,372    228,579   
Hawaii 78,318    1,392 * 440 * 53,718    16,881    5,887   
Oregon 259,337    15,101    8,867 * 156,517    64,895    13,957   
Washington 503,633    37,023 * 9,048 * 274,216    159,018 * 24,328   
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.
Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.
* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.
** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.
Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.


Table V.B.4(2010) Standard error for number of part-time private-sector employees by industry groupings** and State: United States, 2010
Division and State Total Agri, fish., forestry
and construction
Mining and
Retail and
other services
All other
United States 391,565    109,488    31,846    365,537    136,628    119,275   
New England:
Connecticut 22,947    1,645    1,487    21,221    10,603    3,232   
Maine 11,286    823    705 * 7,571    6,156    2,924 *
Massachusetts 70,484    6,710 * 2,633 * 74,019    35,116    3,851   
New Hampshire 8,970    712    382    4,237    7,660    1,861   
Rhode Island 17,620    790 * 338    4,588    17,364 * 2,366 *
Vermont 5,058    398    659 * 2,841    2,755    1,025   
Middle Atlantic:
New Jersey 45,758    3,792    4,467 * 27,884    36,059    17,624 *
New York 68,686    5,062    4,225    37,771    48,014    18,731   
Pennsylvania 112,414    14,847 * 2,325    80,098    54,472    52,816   
East North Central:
Illinois 71,645    12,796    7,023 * 71,780    39,310    17,817   
Indiana 47,978    2,596    3,865    52,389    12,837    15,754   
Michigan 59,295    7,556    4,281 * 51,279    41,629    14,384   
Ohio 82,014    5,065 * 3,171    65,466    28,545    76,251 *
Wisconsin 48,987    4,651    3,579    39,675    23,854    14,504   
West North Central:
Iowa 52,001    1,959    1,722 * 45,086    15,836    4,367   
Kansas 23,187    1,365    788    13,570    10,797    18,816 *
Minnesota 47,468    6,312 * 8,538 * 21,244    39,225    13,924 *
Missouri 24,845    2,400    4,183 * 26,377    13,534    7,586   
Nebraska 13,980    989    707 * 9,757    5,735    2,602   
North Dakota 6,144    1,513 * 642 * 4,165    5,082    2,249   
South Dakota 7,134    827    427 * 3,436    4,995    1,453   
South Atlantic:
Delaware 5,602    418 * 205 * 5,817    4,815 * 1,946   
District of Columbia 10,079    0    52 * 8,080    2,479    1,418 *
Florida 117,557    5,098    12,733 * 98,706    23,508    38,305   
Georgia 57,842    8,478 * 3,537 * 55,302    36,996    6,045   
Maryland 51,102    3,958 * 2,263 * 32,540    24,548    3,889   
North Carolina 66,993    3,860 * 15,724 * 55,079    24,253    19,768   
South Carolina 26,363    1,596    611 * 26,242    6,637    2,516   
Virginia 93,962    3,604    9,409 * 72,811    33,337    7,491   
West Virginia 20,166    567    385 * 7,582    15,813 * 1,344   
East South Central:
Alabama 27,724    1,236 * 1,244 * 19,637    17,787 * 12,500 *
Kentucky 18,987    2,034 * 992    23,443    14,038    6,037   
Mississippi 16,901    1,109    1,137 * 14,925    5,286    1,315   
Tennessee 31,041    1,137    2,213 * 25,014    16,486    5,777   
West South Central:
Arkansas 15,451    1,175    643 * 15,717    11,449    7,106 *
Louisiana 58,003    1,465 * 998 * 42,421    19,403    2,413   
Oklahoma 18,685    1,753    4,237 * 11,845    14,928    3,905   
Texas 113,723    5,082    5,089    106,753    91,977    38,733   
Arizona 27,161    2,762    1,738 * 28,884    14,212    11,488   
Colorado 38,799    1,568    5,897 * 41,751    14,302    7,912   
Idaho 5,985    1,233    865 * 4,907    3,812    3,371 *
Montana 7,801    1,480    438 * 4,561    5,004    3,152 *
Nevada 27,951    2,935 * 710 * 24,015    7,924    2,689   
New Mexico 15,237    4,152 * 648 * 7,120    7,627    2,559 *
Utah 18,470    4,263 * 1,232    15,280    8,665    3,173   
Wyoming 2,798    1,545 * 229 * 2,621    1,032    1,508 *
Alaska 3,640    825    2,957 * 2,092    1,914    782   
California 162,185    93,645 * 15,253 * 126,225    35,813    44,393   
Hawaii 7,536    454 * 422 * 7,369    1,850    772   
Oregon 18,920    3,939    3,270 * 17,640    7,640    2,256   
Washington 72,450    11,120 * 3,850 * 27,315    62,132 * 6,072   
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.
Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.
* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.
** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.
Totals may not sum exactly because of rounding.