Table V.C.1(2012) Average total single premium (in dollars) per enrolled employee at private-sector establishments that offer health insurance by industry groupings** and State: United States, 2012
Division and State Total Agri, fish., forestry
and construction
Mining and
Retail and
other services
All other
United States 5,384    5,102    5,086    5,027    5,797    5,452   
New England:
Connecticut 5,934    5,199    5,836    5,784    6,111    6,061   
Maine 5,692    5,209    5,647    5,264    6,475    4,928   
Massachusetts 6,121    7,212    5,575    5,273    6,785    5,941   
New Hampshire 5,688    5,855    5,860    4,861    6,041    5,749   
Rhode Island 5,870    6,912    5,668    5,872    5,924    5,828   
Vermont 5,580    5,216    4,658    4,883    6,347    5,847   
Middle Atlantic:
New Jersey 5,837    5,002    5,883    5,891    5,761    5,947   
New York 6,033    6,454    5,349    5,359    6,518    6,049   
Pennsylvania 5,385    4,883    5,809    4,891    5,634    5,342   
East North Central:
Illinois 5,404    6,425    5,029    5,147    5,790    5,182   
Indiana 5,504    5,834    5,224    5,128    6,574    5,079   
Michigan 5,365    6,942    5,059    4,773    6,075    5,213   
Ohio 5,081    3,603    4,887    4,700    5,513    5,292   
Wisconsin 5,737    4,450    5,567    5,114    6,440    5,920   
West North Central:
Iowa 5,141    4,336    5,125    4,731    5,310    5,515   
Kansas 4,968    3,930    4,906    4,755    5,454    5,116   
Minnesota 5,338    5,622    4,995    4,985    5,895    5,154   
Missouri 5,150    4,735    4,577    4,644    5,977    5,206   
Nebraska 5,101    4,694    4,715    4,970    5,474    5,237   
North Dakota 5,377    4,447    4,994    5,072    6,005    5,225   
South Dakota 5,409    5,487    5,005    4,939    5,880    5,454   
South Atlantic:
Delaware 5,583    7,170    4,541    5,101    5,971    5,721   
District of Columbia 5,581    6,214    6,480 * 5,313    5,790    5,569   
Florida 5,179    5,016    5,046    4,707    5,647    5,520   
Georgia 5,159    4,535    5,098    4,809    5,583    5,235   
Maryland 5,302    4,803    5,322    5,355    5,521    5,068   
North Carolina 5,632    4,713    5,161    6,422    5,506    5,446   
South Carolina 5,098    5,057    4,700    4,866    5,469    5,362   
Virginia 5,309    5,684    5,780    5,046    5,209    5,497   
West Virginia 5,884    5,177    6,007    5,037    6,775    5,354   
East South Central:
Alabama 4,961    3,970    4,721    4,931    5,150    5,430   
Kentucky 5,397    5,688    5,468    4,683    5,904    5,262   
Mississippi 4,713    3,299    4,171    4,889    5,406    4,905   
Tennessee 5,067    5,294    4,388    4,595    5,481    5,308   
West South Central:
Arkansas 4,459    3,613    4,180    3,985    5,226    4,355   
Louisiana 5,381    7,873    5,196    4,872    5,319    5,381   
Oklahoma 4,851    3,811    4,395    4,759    5,195    5,230   
Texas 5,124    4,711    4,953    4,669    5,224    5,662   
Arizona 5,196    4,571    5,346    4,776    5,368    5,365   
Colorado 5,275    5,627    6,226    4,851    5,515    5,245   
Idaho 4,439    4,297    4,218    4,435    4,538    4,520   
Montana 5,585    7,940    5,855    4,933    5,625    5,706   
Nevada 4,949    4,715    4,501    4,552    6,134    5,273   
New Mexico 5,035    4,801    5,031    4,694    5,395    5,137   
Utah 5,162    4,329    5,041    5,113    5,517    5,125   
Wyoming 5,861    5,628    5,900    5,574    6,128    6,051   
Alaska 7,420    10,184    5,614    6,726    8,557    7,516   
California 5,422    4,870    4,878    5,191    5,904    5,272   
Hawaii 5,076    4,618    4,491    4,932    5,525    5,051   
Oregon 5,460    5,194    4,890    5,260    5,937    5,362   
Washington 5,368    4,813    5,329    4,710    5,646    5,727   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.


Table V.C.1(2012) Standard error for average total single premium (in dollars) per enrolled employee at private-sector establishments that offer health insurance by industry groupings** and State: United States, 2012
Division and State Total Agri, fish., forestry
and construction
Mining and
Retail and
other services
All other
United States 27.83    124.95    56.44    71.79    39.40    40.09   
New England:
Connecticut 173.64    1,067.44    452.99    337.57    190.00    293.45   
Maine 116.69    863.61    378.90    234.87    91.54    300.16   
Massachusetts 144.61    1,674.93    218.77    320.27    158.88    187.16   
New Hampshire 111.40    835.68    265.77    311.90    311.55    467.51   
Rhode Island 124.29    1,455.74    228.65    204.16    167.25    201.50   
Vermont 209.18    869.84    791.42    133.63    265.03    279.30   
Middle Atlantic:
New Jersey 128.20    933.72    787.73    206.24    232.18    193.52   
New York 167.10    621.49    361.02    170.52    302.64    99.98   
Pennsylvania 110.13    392.39    198.99    136.03    200.89    126.71   
East North Central:
Illinois 96.61    1,353.25    128.29    195.39    107.10    256.59   
Indiana 123.83    1,048.80    321.82    236.23    318.64    422.63   
Michigan 134.09    1,306.40    586.41    137.01    210.10    228.37   
Ohio 135.87    765.78    148.00    132.49    303.49    212.47   
Wisconsin 137.31    575.82    205.80    224.30    312.63    274.54   
West North Central:
Iowa 140.53    515.53    305.10    187.29    161.09    179.95   
Kansas 114.89    312.60    304.50    281.31    172.96    143.82   
Minnesota 142.79    931.81    378.96    225.40    292.20    185.04   
Missouri 130.00    326.83    252.57    132.39    167.55    234.58   
Nebraska 171.05    915.24    341.79    273.98    315.62    259.50   
North Dakota 187.05    386.77    632.70    462.25    276.69    244.59   
South Dakota 97.51    671.35    235.59    322.69    183.83    132.51   
South Atlantic:
Delaware 142.08    1,397.95    474.47    163.37    182.84    204.68   
District of Columbia 77.03    1,819.98    2,049.16 * 152.50    153.38    377.08   
Florida 126.67    570.96    191.27    233.66    164.29    159.47   
Georgia 210.43    570.48    441.65    257.91    306.58    251.94   
Maryland 103.73    739.78    988.09    203.78    169.49    339.48   
North Carolina 336.01    909.38    232.90    619.99    198.98    211.36   
South Carolina 112.23    852.13    212.89    337.51    133.74    290.60   
Virginia 160.68    458.32    1,009.10    231.70    184.42    215.93   
West Virginia 160.14    1,195.50    422.11    192.65    388.17    763.63   
East South Central:
Alabama 118.80    496.15    223.29    159.31    249.03    196.76   
Kentucky 165.16    1,450.56    360.49    224.80    201.59    180.77   
Mississippi 212.21    586.00    391.69    114.53    341.14    161.83   
Tennessee 98.34    890.60    247.06    250.54    193.68    173.54   
West South Central:
Arkansas 135.49    527.90    227.10    333.55    213.52    185.45   
Louisiana 189.41    1,173.92    284.08    267.20    210.20    76.03   
Oklahoma 83.67    493.56    163.60    205.75    248.07    217.43   
Texas 137.54    297.33    274.31    137.13    226.55    309.80   
Arizona 141.99    905.98    512.46    243.14    193.39    278.12   
Colorado 164.79    959.59    831.54    218.64    184.73    123.07   
Idaho 104.77    527.12    266.29    188.27    341.66    261.05   
Montana 159.46    1,626.69    603.99    197.71    311.03    315.55   
Nevada 137.38    626.54    1,035.08    191.79    451.52    283.81   
New Mexico 150.57    790.68    291.20    237.83    184.61    194.97   
Utah 104.94    732.55    223.76    180.20    249.00    412.20   
Wyoming 109.13    1,106.49    770.38    453.15    542.59    390.51   
Alaska 229.90    2,304.36    974.76    278.96    257.45    294.02   
California 67.26    542.36    118.32    195.61    98.23    89.03   
Hawaii 99.65    476.06    887.82    123.59    222.97    179.07   
Oregon 100.78    593.41    439.19    338.28    168.37    215.71   
Washington 132.22    681.01    345.41    325.38    173.63    198.05   

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

Note: Definitions and descriptions of the methods used for this survey can be found in the Technical Appendix.

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Definitions of industry groups and low-wage employees changed in 2000. These data are not comparable to IC data prior to 2000. See Technical Appendix.