2023 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Insurance Component

Plan Information Questionnaire

OMB No. 0935-0110: Approval Expires 01/31/2026



Please use photocopies of this MEPS-10(S) form if sufficient copies were not included in this reporting package.


If a plan name is preprinted in the Question 1 answer line, below, answer for the plan specified. Otherwise, complete this Plan Information Questionnaire for the plan with the largest (or next largest) enrollment of active employees.

  1. For 2023, what was the name of the health insurance plan with the largest (or next largest) enrollment of ACTIVE employees?

    • Blue Cross Blue Shield, High Option
    • Option A
    • Aetna HMO

    Name of Plan ____________________________________

  2. Which type of health care provider arrangement was available through this plan?

    Exclusive providers - Enrollees must go to "in-network" providers associated with the plan for all non-emergency care in order for the costs to be covered.

    Any providers - Enrollees may go to providers of their choice with no cost incentives to use a particular group of providers. This is also known as an indemnity plan.

    Mixture of preferred and any providers - Enrollees may go to any provider, but there is a cost incentive to use a particular group of providers.

    1 Exclusive providers

    2 Any providers

    3 Mixture of preferred providers and any providers

  3. Did this plan REQUIRE that the enrollee see a gatekeeper or primary-care physician in order to be referred to a specialist?

    For plans with multiple options, answer for the "in-network" option.

    1 Yes

    2 No

    3 Don't know

  4. Whas this plan offered through a union (multi-employer health plan) or a trade or business association (Association Health Plan(AHP))?

    Multi-employer Health Plan - An employee health benefit plan maintained pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement that includes employees of two or more employers.

    Any providers - Enrollees may go to providers of their choice with no cost incentives to use a particular group of providers. This is also known as an indemnity plan.

    1 Union (multi-employer health plan

    2 Trade or business association (AHP)

    3 Neither

  5. Was this plan purchased from an insurance underwriter or was it self-insured?

    Purchased from an insurance underwriter - (Fully-insured) Coverage is purchased from an insurance company or other underwriter who assumes the risk for the enrollees' medical expenses.

    Self-insured - Your government unit assumes the risk for the enrollees' medical expenses and may charge a premium to employees. This plan may be administered by a third party and may employ supplemental stop-loss insurance to limit unanticipated losses.

    1 Purchased - SKIP to 7

    2 Self-insured - Continue with 6a

    3 Don't know - SKIP to 7


  1. a. Did your organization employ a third party administrator (TPA) or purchase administrative services only (ASO) from an insurer for this self-insured plan?

    1 Yes - Used a TPA or ASO

    2 No - Self-administered the plan

    3 Don't know

    b. Did your organization purchase stop-loss coverage for this plan?

    See definition sheet MEPS-20(D) for more information.

    1 Yes - Continue with 6c

    2 No - SKIP to 7

    3 Don't know - SKIP to 7

    c. What was the stop-loss amount PER ENROLLEE?

    $ _________.00

    Don't know


  1. Was this plan a level-funded plan?

    Level-funded plan - In a level-funded plan, your organization makes a set payment each month to an insurer or third-party administrator which funds a reserve account for claims, administrative costs, and premiums for stop-loss coverage. When claims are lower than expected, surplus payments may be refunded at the end of the contract. These arrangements may also be referred to as balanced funding or alternative funding.

    1 Yes

    2 No

    3 Don't know


  1. What was this plan's actuarial value AND/OR metal level?

    Actuarial Value is the average percentage of total enrollee medical expenses for plan covered benefits paid by the plan, rather than by enrollee cost sharing, for a typical group of enrollees.

    Metal Levels are labels for insurance plans that describe the level of benefits and cost-sharing provisions.

    Actuarial Value:

    _____% of medical expenses paid by plan


    Metal Level:

    1 Bronze

    2 Silver

    3 Gold

    4 Platinum


    Don't know actuarial value or metal level

  2. Was this a grandfathered health plan as defined by the Affordable Care Act?

    See the definition sheet MEPS-20(D) included with this package for an explanation.

    1 Yes

    2 No

    3 Don't know


Estimates are acceptable for all enrollment figures.

For Questions 10a through 10d, if the answer is NONE, please enter "0".



  1. a. How many active employees were enrolled in this plan at this location during a typical pay period?

    __________ Active employees enrolled in plan

    b. How many of these active employees were enrolled in SINGLE coverage during a typical pay period?

    __________ Active employees enrolled in single coverage

    c. If this plan had EMPLOYEE-PLUS-ONE coverage, how many active employees were enrolled during a typical pay period?

    Include enrollment for both employee-plus-spouse and employee-plus-child coverage.

    __________ Active employees enrolled in employee-plus-one coverage

    d. How many active employees were enrolled in FAMILY coverage during a typical pay period?

    __________ Active employees enrolled in family coverage


  1. How many FORMER employees were enrolled in this plan through COBRA or state continuation-of-benefits laws during a typical pay period? Exclude retirees.

    __________ Former employees enrolled in plan, excluding retirees


Report for TYPICAL situations and enrollees. If premiums varied, report for a TYPICAL employee.

If this was a self-insured plan, report the premium equivalent.

Report employer/employee contributions and total premium for the same period in 2023.

  1. The following questions, 13a through 15e, refer to plan premium amounts. For which time period will you be reporting?

    Mark (X) only one.

    1 Weekly

    2 Every 2 weeks

    3 Monthly

    5 Quarterly

    4 Yearly


  1. a. Was SINGLE coverage offered under this plan?

    1 Yes - Continue with 13b

    2 No - SKIP to 14a

    b. For this plan, how much did the EMPLOYER contribute toward the plan premium of one typical employee with single coverage?

    $ _________.00 Employer contribution for single premium

    c. How much did this typical EMPLOYEE with single coverage contribute toward his/her own premium?

    $ _________.00 Employee contribution for single premium

    d. What was the TOTAL premium for this typical employee with single coverage?

    $ _________.00 Total single premium


If employee-plus-one premiums were different for employee-plus-child and employee-plus-spouse coverages, report for employee-plus-one child. If premiums varied for other reasons, report for a TYPICAL employee.

  1. a. Was EMPLOYEE-PLUS-ONE coverage offered under this plan?

    1 Yes - Continue with 14b

    2 No - SKIP to 15a

    b. For this plan, how much did the EMPLOYER contribute toward the plan premium of one typical employee with employee-plus-one coverage?

    $ _________.00 Employer contribution for employee-plus-one premium

    c. How much did this typical EMPLOYEE with employee-plus-one coverage contribute toward his/her own premium?

    $ _________.00 Employee contribution for employee-plus-one premium

    d. What was the TOTAL premium for this typical employee with employee-plus-one coverage?

    $ _________.00 Total employee-plus-one premium


If premium varied by family size, report for a family of four.

  1. a. Was FAMILY coverage offered under this plan?

    1 Yes - Continue with 15b

    2 No - SKIP to 16a

    b. For this plan, how much did the EMPLOYER contribute toward the plan premium of one typical employee with family coverage?

    $ _________.00 Employer contribution for family premium

    c. How much did this typical EMPLOYEE with family coverage contribute toward his/her own premium?

    $ _________.00 Employee contribution for family premium

    d. What was the TOTAL premium for this typical employee with family coverage?

    $ _________.00 Total family premium

    e. Did the TOTAL premium for family coverage vary depending on the number of family members covered by the plan?

    1 Yes

    2 No

    3 Don't know


  1. a. Did the amount individual EMPLOYEES contributed toward their single coverage premium vary by any of these characteristics?

    Do not include incentive programs that do not impact contributions.
    Participation in a fitness/weight loss program 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Participation in a smoking cessation program 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Wellness/Health monitoring 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Age 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Wage or Salary levels 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    b. Was the TOTAL PREMIUM for an employee with single coverage higher for older workers?

    1 Yes

    2 No

    3 Don't know


  1. Did this plan have a deductible?

    1 Yes - Continue with 18

    2 No - SKIP to 22

  2. What were the annual deductibles in this plan for different levels of coverage?

    Report "in-network" deductibles (if applicable).

    If deductible was per overnight hospital stay, it is not an annual deductible and should be reported under Question 24b.

    If prescription drugs had a separate deductible, it should be reported under Question 26c.

    $ _________.00 Individual annual deductible

    $ _________.00 Employee-plus-one annual deductible

    Employee-plus-one coverage not offered.

    $ _________.00 Family annual deductible

    Family coverage not offered.

  3. a. Did this plan require that a specific number of family members meet their individual deductibles before the family deductible was met?

    1 Yes - Continue with 19b

    2 No - SKIP to 20

    3 Family coverage not offered - SKIP to 20

    b. How many family members were required to meet their individual deductibles before the family deductible was met?

    Report for a family of four.

    ____ Number of family members


Complete only if the deductibles for this plan were $1,500 or higher for single coverage and/or $3,000 or higher for employee-plus-one or family coverage, otherwise skip to Question 22.

  1. Did your organization contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA) for the plan enrollees?

    1 Yes, contributed to an HSA

    2 No, did not contribute to an HSA - SKIP to 22

    4 Don't know - SKIP to 22

  2. a. What was the MONTHLY contribution your organization made to the HSA for a typical employee with single coverage for this plan?

    This amount should NOT include the amount your organization contributed toward the plan premium.

    $ _________.00 Monthly HSA contribution for single coverage

    b. What was the MONTHLY contribution your organization made to the HSA for a typical employee with employee-plus-one coverage for this plan?

    This amount should NOT include the amount your organization contributed toward the plan premium.

    $ _________.00 Monthly HSA contribution for employee-plus-one coverage

    c. What was the MONTHLY contribution your organization made to the HSA for a typical employee with family coverage for this plan?

    This amount should NOT include the amount your organization contributed toward the plan premium.

    Report for a family of four.

    $ _________.00 Monthly HSA contribution for family coverage


  1. Did your organization contribute to a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) associated with this plan?

    An employer can offer an HRA by setting up an account to reimburse employees for medical expenses not covered by health insurance.

    DO NOT report ICHRA or QSEHRA here.

    HRAs are NOT Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). See definition sheet MEPS-20(D) for more information.

    1 Yes, contributed to an HRA

    2 No, did not contribute to an HRA - SKIP to 24a

    3 Don't know - SKIP to 24a

  2. a. Up to what dollar amount did your organization contribute ANNUALLY to a typical employee's HRA for single coverage for this plan?

    This amount should NOT include the amount your organization contributed toward the plan premium.

    $ _________.00 Annual HRA contribution for single coverage

    b. Up to what dollar amount did your organization contribute ANNUALLY to a typical employee's HRA for employee-plus-one coverage for this plan?

    This amount should NOT include the amount your organization contributed toward the plan premium.

    $ _________.00 Annual HRA contribution for employee-plus-one coverage

    c. Up to what dollar amount did your organization contribute ANNUALLY to a typical employee's HRA for family coverage for this plan?

    This amount should NOT include the amount your organization contributed toward the plan premium.

    Report for a family of four.

    $ _________.00 Annual HRA contribution for family coverage


  1. a. Was hospital care covered under this plan?

    1 Yes - Continue with 24b

    2 No - SKIP to 25a

    b. How much and/or what percentage of the total bill did an enrollee pay out-of-pocket for an inpatient hospital admission after any annual deductible was met?

    Report for precertified hospital admissions (if applicable).

    Report for an admission at an "in-network"/participating hospital (if applicable).

    Do not include any physician charges incurred during the hospital admission.

    $ _________.00 Copayment paid by enrollee for hospital admission

    1 Per day

    2 Per stay


    ____ % Coinsurance paid by enrollee

  2. a. Was physician care covered under this plan?

    1 Yes - Continue with 25b

    2 No - SKIP to 26a

    b. How much and/or what percentage of the total bill did an enrollee pay out-of-pocket for a General Practitioner office visit, with a participating physician, after any annual deductible was met?

    Report for an "in-network"/participating general practitioner, excluding preventive care visits.

    $ _________.00 Copayment paid by enrollee for General Practitioner office visit


    ____ % Coinsurance paid by enrollee

    c. How much and/or what percentage of the total bill did an enrollee pay out-of-pocket for a Specialist Physician office visit after any annual deductible was met?

    Report for an "in-network"/participating specialist, excluding preventive care visits.

    $ _________.00 Copayment paid by enrollee for Specialist Physician office visit


    ____ % Coinsurance paid by enrollee

  3. a. Were prescription drugs covered under this health plan?

    1 Yes - Continue with 26b

    2 No - SKIP to 27

    3 Don't know - SKIP to 27

    b. Did this plan have a SEPARATE ANNUAL deductible that applies only to prescription drugs?

    1 Yes - Continue with 26c

    2 No - SKIP to 26d

    3 Don't know - SKIP to 26d

    c. What was the SEPARATE ANNUAL deductible for prescription drugs for single coverage in this plan?

    Report "in-network" prescription deductibles for participating pharmacies (if applicable).

    $ _________.00 Separate individual prescription drug deductible

    d. How much and/or what percentage did an enrollee pay out-of-pocket for each type of prescription drug covered after any annual deductible was met?


    $ ______.00 Copayment


    _____ % Coinsurance

    Generic not covered

    Preferred brand name

    $ ______.00 Copayment


    _____ % Coinsurance

    Preferred brand name not covered

    Non-preferred brand name

    $ ______.00 Copayment


    _____ % Coinsurance

    Non-preferred brand name not covered


    Specialty drugs are prescription medications that are used to treat complex, chronic and often costly conditions.

    See definition sheet MEPS-20(D) for more information.

    $ ______.00 Copayment


    _____ % Coinsurance

    Specialty not covered

  4. Include all copayments, coinsurance and deductibles.

  5. What was the overall MAXIMUM ANNUAL out-of-pocket expense?

    This is often referred to as a catastrophic limit.

    Report "in-network" maximum out-of-pocket expense (if applicable).

    $ _________.00 Maximum out-of-pocket expense for an individual


    No individual maximum

    $ _________.00 Maximum out-of-pocket expense for employee-plus-one


    No employee-plus-one maximum

    $ _________.00 Maximum out-of-pocket expense for a family


    No family maximum


  1. Did this plan cover any of the services listed?

    Chiropractic care 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Routine vision care for children 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Routine vision care for adults 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Routine dental care for children 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Routine dental care for adults 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Mental health care 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Substance abuse treatment 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know

  2. a. Did this plan cover TELEMEDICINE?

    1 Yes

    2 No - SKIP to 30

    3 Don't know - SKIP to 30

    b. Did this plan cover either of these treatments by TELEMEDICINE?

    Mental health care 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know
    Substance abuse treatment 1 Yes 2 No 3 Don't know


  1. Does this plan cover any of the costs of non-emergency out-of-network care?

    1 Yes

    2 No - SKIP to the end of this survey for instructions.

    3 Don't know - SKIP to the end of this survey for instructions.

  2. If this plan had an out-of-network deductible, continue with Question 31, otherwise skip to Question 32.

  3. What was the annual deductible an enrollee paid out-of-pocket for care provided by an out-of-network provider for different levels of coverage?

    If deductible was per overnight hospital stay, it is not an annual deductible and should be reported under Question 32.

    $ _________.00 Out-of-network individual annual deductible

    $ _________.00 Out-of-network employee-plus-one annual deductible

    Employee-plus-one coverage not offered.

    $ _________.00 Out-of-network family annual deductible

    Family coverage not offered.

  4. If this plan offered hospital care, continue with Question 32, otherwise skip to Question 33.

  5. For an out-of-network provider, how much and/or what percentage of the total bill did an enrollee pay out-of-pocket for an inpatient hospital admission after any annual deductible was met?

    Report for precertified hospital admissions (if applicable).

    Do not include any physician charges incurred during the hospital admission.

    $ _________.00 Copayment paid by enrollee for out-of-network hospital admission

    1 Per day

    2 Per stay


    $ _________.00 Coinsurance paid by the enrollee for out-of-network hospital admission

  6. Include all copayments, coinsurance and deductibles.

  7. What was the maximum annual out-of-pocket expense for care provided by an out-of-network provider?

    This is often referred to as a catastrophic limit.

    $ _________.00 Out-of-network maximum out-of-pocket expense for an individual


    No individual maximum

    $ _________.00 Out-of-network maximum out-of-pocket expense for employee-plus-one


    No employee-plus-one maximum

    $ _________.00 Out-of-network maximum out-of-pocket expense for a family


    No family maximum


If your organization offered only one health insurance plan, you have completed your response to this survey.

If your organization offered MORE THAN ONE health insurance plan, please complete a Plan Information Questionnaire for each plan that was offered.

To supplement your response, you may include Summary of Benefits and Coverage or other materials describing plan benefits and premiums in your return packet or fax to 1-800-447-4615.