Update Notes
HC-013: 1999 P4R1 Population Characteristics
Update #4: 11/22/13
SPSS and STATA Programming Statements have been added.
Update #3: 04/30/13
For clarification, there is one record where the construction of the activity-specific limitation variables
(WRKLIM1, HSELIM1, and SCHLIM1) deviates from the established method of construction. These variables are
constructed, in part, using the variable ACTLIM1 (general activity limitations). If ACTLIM1 is “Refused” (-7),
then these three variables should be set to “Refused” as well. Data users can identify the affected records by
selecting records where ACTLIM1 = -7 and (WRKLIM1 = -1 or HSELIM1 = -1 or SCHLIM1 = -1).
Update #2: 02/28/03
The other public coverage variable (OTPUB1X) also includes those
identified as covered by State Children’s Health Insurance
Program (SCHIP).
Update #1: 08/29/02
The marital status variable in the HC-013
file documentation has been updated to clarify the procedure
for coding rounds. This correction in the documentation did not
affect the data, thus there has been no change to the data file.
The clarification for this variable is as follows:
When marital status was missing in the
preceding round and provided in the current round, then the person
was coded to the "in round" marital state. For example,
if marital status was not available from the National Health
Interview Survey, and the person's marital status was reported
as married in round 1 of MEPS, then the person would be coded
as "7 married in round"; for round 1 of MEPS.