Title |
Publication Type |
Author |
Year |
Using the MEPS-ICAR to Study Health Insurance Decisions By Small Firms |
Conference Proceedings |
Miller, Edward, Hegland, Thomas, Keenan, Patricia and Zawacki, Alice |
2023 |
Access to Employment-Based Health Benefits System Continues to Grow: Challenges May Be on the Horizon |
Working Papers |
Paul Fronstin |
2023 |
Effect of Increasing Healthcare Costs on Small Firms: Evidence from Private Equity Acquisitions of Hospitals |
Conference Proceedings |
Samantha Zeller |
2023 |
Potential Exposure of Enrollees in High Deductible Health Plans to Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Conference Proceedings |
Miller, Edward, Hegland, Thomas, Keenan, Patricia and Zawacki, Alice |
2022 |
State-Level Trends in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance, 2019-2021 |
Reports |
Hest, Robert |
2022 |
Employment-Based Health Benefits System Continues Its Resilience: Challenges May Be on the Horizon |
Working Papers |
Paul Fronstin |
2022 |
Introducing the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component with Administrative Records (MEPS-ICAR): Description, Data Construction Methodology, and Quality Assessment |
Working Papers |
Hegland, T.A., Zawacki, A., & Miller, E.G. |
2022 |
Telemedicine Coverage Under Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Plans |
Conference Proceedings |
Zawacki, Alice, Hegland, Thomas and Miller, G. Edward |
2021 |
The Underserved Have Less Access to Employer-Sponsored Telemedicine Coverage |
Conference Proceedings |
Zawacki, Alice, Hegland, Thomas and Miller, G. Edward |
2021 |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recent Federal Policies on Small Business Health Insurance |
Working Papers |
Wengle, Erik, Houston, Megan, Thomas, Tyler W., Corlette, Sabrina |
2021 |
Enrollment trends in employer-sponsored health plans that include dental benefits |
Working Papers |
Philip F. Cooper and Richard J. Manski |
2021 |
Trends in Self-Insured Health Plans Since the ACA |
Working Papers |
Paul Fronstin |
2021 |
A Buffeted Employer Health Care System Continues to Hold Firm: What Could Change That? More Employers Offering Health Benefits and More Workers Eligible for Them in 2020 |
Working Papers |
Paul Fronstin |
2021 |
Controlling Health Care Costs in Alaska |
Working Papers |
Benedic Ippolito |
2020 |
The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Michigan 2020 |
Working Papers |
Diana M. Pearce |
2020 |
Trends in Employer Health Care Coverage, 2008-2018: Higher Costs for Workers and Their Families |
Working Papers |
Sara R. Collins, David C. Radley, Jesse C. Baumgartner |
2019 |
excise tax on high-cost health plans: potential adjustments by policymakers,
employers and employees |
Journal Articles |
Miller, G.E. & Vistnes, J.P. |
2019 |
Changes in the Equity of U.S. Health Care Financing in the Period 2005-16 |
Journal Articles |
Paul D. Jacobs and Thomas M. Selden |
2019 |
Potential Exposure of Enrollees in Private-Sector Employer-Sponsored Insurance to Out-of-Pocket Costs, 2006 to 2017 |
Conference Proceedings |
Miller, Edward, Keenan, Patricia, Vistnes, Jessica |
2019 |
More Workers Eligible for Health Coverage Despite Lack of Growth in Employer Offer Rates |
Working Papers |
Paul Fronstin |
2019 |
The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Employer Provision of Health Insurance |
Journal Articles |
Jean M. Abraham, Anne B. Royalty, and Coleman Drake |
2019 |
How Is Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Changing in Response to an Aging Workforce? |
Conference Proceedings |
Alice Zawacki, Joelle Abramowitz, Kristin McCue, and Britni E. Wilcher |
2019 |
Children's Health Insurance Program Expansions: What Works for Families? |
Journal Articles |
E. Kathleen Adams, Emily M. Johnston, Gery Guy, Peter Joski, Patricia Ketsche |
2019 |
Plan Choice And Affordability In The Individual And Small-Group Markets: Policy And Performance–Past And Present |
Journal Articles |
Jean M. Abraham, Anne B. Royalty, and Coleman Drake |
2019 |
How Is Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Changing in Response to an Aging Workforce? |
Conference Proceedings |
Alice Zawacki, Joelle Abramowitz, Kristin McCue, and Britni E. Wilcher |
2018 |
issues for a longitudinal employer health insurance survey to facilitate
analysis of policy changes |
Conference Proceedings |
Kashihara, D. & Machlin, S. |
2018 |
health plan enrollment increased from 2006 to 2016, employer-funded accounts
grew in largest firms |
Journal Articles |
Miller, G.E., Vistnes, J.P., Rohde, F., & Keenan, P.S. |
2018 |
a finite population correction into the variance estimation of a national
business survey |
Conference Proceedings |
Chowdhury, S.R., Kashihara, D., & Thompson, M. |
2018 |
are employer-sponsored health insurance premiums higher in the public sector
than in the private sector? |
Journal Articles |
Zawacki, A., Vistnes, J.P., & Buchmueller, T. |
2018 |
the costs of covering dependents through employer-sponsored plans |
Working Papers |
Miller, G.E., Vistnes, J., Buettgens, M., & Dubay, L. |
2017 |
churn in health insurance offerings by small employers, 2014-15 |
Journal Articles |
Vistnes, J.P., Rohde, F., Miller, G.E., & Cooper, P.F. |
2017 |
availability and marginal costs of dependent employer-sponsored health
insurance |
Journal Articles |
Miller, G.E., Vistnes, J.P., Buettgens, M., & Dubay, L. |
2017 |
families may face sharply higher costs if public health insurance for their
children is rolled back |
Journal Articles |
Selden, T., Dubay, L., Miller, G.E., Vistnes, J.P., Buettgens, M., & Kenney,
G.M. |
2015 |
factors responsible for the recent slowdown in premium growth in
employer-sponsored insurance |
Journal Articles |
Vistnes, J.P., Selden, T., & Zawacki, A. |
2015 |
Microsimulation Model: Model development and application to estimation of tax
subsidies to health insurance |
Working Papers |
Miller G.E., Selden, T.M., & Banthin, J. |
2014 |
effect of employer health insurance offerings on the growth and survival of
small business prior to the Affordable Care Act |
Working Papers |
Krizan, C.J., Luque, A., & Zawacki, A. |
2014 |
methods for imputing employer health insurance contributions in the current
population survey |
Working Papers |
Janicki, H., O'Hara, B., & Zawacki, A. |
2013 |
subsidies for employer-sponsored health insurance: updated microsimulation
estimates and sensitivity to alternative incidence assumptions |
Journal Articles |
Miller, E.G., Selden, T.M. |
2013 |
in employer-sponsored insurance between 2000 and 2008: Examining the
components of coverage by firm size |
Journal Articles |
Vistnes, J., Zawacki, A., Kosali, S., and Taylor, A. |
2012 |
guide to the MEPS-IC government list sample microdata |
Working Papers |
Zawacki, A. |
2011 |
in employer sponsored coverage between 2000 and 2008: offers, take-up, premium
contributions, and dependent options |
Working Papers |
Vistnes, J., Zawacki, A., Simon, K., & Taylor, A. |
2010 |
insurance and productivity: evidence from the manufacturing sector |
Working Papers |
Nguyen, S. & Zawacki, A. |
2009 |
workers' access to employer-sponsored retiree health insurance, 2000-2006
Working Papers |
Zawacki, A., Eibner, C., and Zimmerman. A. |
2009 |
research using confidential U.S. Census Bureau data |
Working Papers |
Hyson, R. & Zawacki, A. |
2008 |
workers' access to employer-sponsored retiree health insurance, 2000-2004
Working Papers |
Eibner, C., Zawacki, A., & Zimmerman, E. |
2007 |
for whom? Exemptions and the extent of state mental health parity
legislation |
Journal Articles |
Buchmueller, T.C., Cooper, P.F., Jacobson, M., & Zuvekas, S.H. |
2007 |
closer look at the managed care backlash |
Journal Articles |
Cooper, P.F., Kosali, S., & Vistnes, J. |
2006 |
choices of family premium sharing |
Journal Articles |
Vistnes, J., Morrisey, M., & Jensen, G. |
2006 |
firms' decisions regarding retiree health insurance |
Journal Articles |
Born, P.H & Zawacki, A. |
2006 |
the MEPS-IC to study retiree health insurance |
Working Papers |
Zawacki, A. |
2006 |
census business data to augment the MEPS-IC |
Journal Articles |
McCue, K. & Zawacki, A. |
2006 |
to health insurance premiums: when does the employer pay 100 percent? |
Working Papers |
Zawacki, A. & Taylor, A. |
2005 |
demand for dependent health insurance: How important is the cost of family
coverage? |
Journal Articles |
Monheit, A.C. & Vistnes, J. |
2005 |
effect of SCHIP expansions on health insurance decisions by employers |
Journal Articles |
Buchmueller, T., Cooper, P., Simon, K. & Vistnes, J. |
2005 |
census business data to augment the MEPS-IC |
Working Papers |
McCue, K. & Zawacki, A. |
2005 |
firms' decisions regarding retiree health insurance |
Working Papers |
Born, P. & Zawacki, A. |
2003 |
decisions to take-up offered health insurance coverage: Assessing the
importance of out-of-pocket premium costs |
Journal Articles |
Cooper, P.F., & Vistnes, J.P. |
2003 |
effect of competition on premiums for employment-related insurance: does
managed competition work? |
Journal Articles |
Vistnes, J.P., Cooper, P.F., & Vistnes, G.S. |
2001 |