Data Use Agreement
Individual identifiers have been removed
from the micro-data contained in the public use data files. Nevertheless,
under sections 308 (d) and 903 (c) of the Public Health Service
Act (42 U.S.C. 242m and 42 U.S.C. 299 a-1), data collected by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and /or the National
Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) may not be used for any purpose
other than for the purpose for which it was supplied; any effort
to determine the identity of any reported cases, is prohibited
by law.
Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information is subject
to penalty under Title IX of the Public Health Service Act, 42
U.S.C. 299, Section 924(d), which reads as follows:
person who violates subsection (c) shall be subject to a civil
monetary penalty of not more
the same manner as civil
money penalties under subsection (a) of section 1128A of the
Social Security Act are imposed and collected."
in accordance with the above referenced Federal Statute, it is
understood that:
1. No one is
to use the data in this data
set in any way except for statistical reporting and analysis;
2. If the identity of any person or establishment should be discovered
inadvertently, then (a) no use will be made of this knowledge,
(b) The Director Office of Management AHRQ will be advised
of this incident, (c) the information that would identify any
individual or establishment will be safeguarded or destroyed,
as requested by AHRQ, and (d) no one else will be informed
of the discovered identity.
3. No one will attempt to link this data set with individually
identifiable records from any data sets other than the Medical
Panel survey or the National Health Interview Survey.
By using
this data you signify your agreement to comply with the above
stated statutorily based requirements
with the knowledge
that deliberately making a false statement in any matter within
the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the Federal Government
violates 18 U.S.C. 1001 and is punishable by a fine of up to
$10,000 or up to 5 years in prison.
The Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ) requests that users cite AHRQ and
the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey
as the data source in any publications or research based upon
these data.
Your signature below will indicate that
you have carefully read and understood the above statements,
and your agreement to comply.
Typed/printed data user name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of file(s) requested-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------