SPSS and STATA Programming Statements have been added.
The Household Component (HC) of the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) collects detailed information on the health status, health
care use and expenses, and health insurance coverage of individuals and families in the
United States. MEPS estimates of the uninsured differ somewhat from those of the Census
Bureau's Current Population Survey (CPS) and of the National Center for Health Statistics'
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) because of definitional and methodological
Finally, analysts should also consider standard errors for
population estimates when comparing MEPS data to other data sources.
Information for PC-SAS Users:
Note: When doing PC-SAS conversion of ASCII data files, users must
specify the LRECL in the INFILE statement, due to the fact that PC-SAS uses a default
LRECL value of 256. Below is a sample INFILE statement to be used with the data file
contained on the MEPS CD-ROM HC-001:
For the data file HC001.DAT: 'INFILE IN1 LRECL=264 RECFM=V;'