Update Notes

MEPS HC-101: 2007 P11R3/P12R1 Population Characteristics

Update #2: 11/22/13

STATA Programming Statements have been added.

Update #1: 04/30/13

For clarification, there are two records where the construction of the activity-specific limitation variables (WRKLIM13, HSELIM13, and SCHLIM13) deviates from the established method of construction. These variables are constructed, in part, using the variable ACTLIM13 (general activity limitations). If ACTLIM13 is “Refused” (-7), then these three variables should be set to “Refused” as well. Data users can identify the affected records by selecting records where ACTLIM13 = -7 and (WRKLIM13 = -1 or HSELIM13 = -1 or SCHLIM13 = -1).

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