Readme File for HC010H Data
Below are technical specifications and programming information for the HC010H
data file. Users are strongly encouraged to read the documentation file
(HC010HDOC.PDF or HC010HDOC.HTM) provided in this release for additional
information on the content of this file.
HC010H.DAT: This file contains the HC010H data in ASCII format. It
contains 4,240 records with 86 variables. This file has a logical record
length of 329 with an additional 2-byte carriage return/line feed at
the end of each record.
HC010H.SSP: This file contains the HC010H data in SAS Transport
format. See the HC010HSU.TXT file for information applicable to SAS users of
the HC010H data.
Note: For users' convenience, both of these data files (i.e., the ASCII data
files and the SAS Transport data files) are provided in two compressed
formats: 1) a compressed ZIP file and 2) a self-extracting executable file.
See Notes on Viewing and Downloading Files for information on uncompressing
these files.
HC010HSU.TXT: This ASCII file contains information for
SAS users of the HC010H data. This includes information on the SAS Transport
version of the HC010H data, as well as SAS statements for converting
the ASCII data file into a SAS data set (in lieu of using the SAS Transport
file) and for creating and using SAS formats. This file also includes
helpful information for inexperienced SAS users, such as sample SAS program
HC010HSPU.TXT: This ASCII file contains information for SPSS users of the
HC010H data, including statements for use in converting the ASCII data file
(HC010H.DAT) into an SPSS data set.
HC010HCB.PDF: This PDF file contains the codebook for the HC010H data
file. It indicates the record layout (i.e., the start and end position of
each variable) of the file. The codebook also includes listings of the
variables in both alphabetical and position order, as well as the following
information for each variable: 8 character name, 40 character description,
format (length), type (character or numeric), start and end positions, and
unweighted and weighted frequencies.
The codebook is also available as an active page HC010HCB.ASP and an HTML
page. The active page allows users to link directly to the frequencies
portion of the codebook from the listing of variables section.
Suggested Citation:
Readme File for HC010H Data. June 2001. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville,