Update Notes
MEPS HC-122: MEPS Panel 12 Longitudinal Data File
Update #3: 02/09/18
The Round 3 variables describing “Number of Missed Days” (DDNWRK3, DDNSCL3, OTHNDD3) and “Number of Days Spent in Bed” (WKINBD3, SCLNBD3, DDBDYS3) have been revised
to include information from both Year 1 and Year 2. The prior versions have only included information from Year 2.
Update #2: 11/22/13
STATA Programming Statements have been added.
Update #1: 06/15/12
The HC-122 ASCII text and SAS transport data files have been updated with
corrected values for the Stratum and PSU variables STRA9608 and PSU9608. Also, the SPSS Programming Statements
have been updated to read all data variables. The prior version did not read past the default SPSS column
location of 8,192.