January 2016
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
(301) 427-1406
Table of Contents
A. Data Use Agreement
B. Background
1.0 Household Component
2.0 Medical Provider Component
3.0 Survey Management and Data Collection
C. Technical and Programming Information
1.0 General Information and Imputation Strategy
2.0 Employment Variables
2.1 Employment Status (EMPST31H, EMPST42H, EMPST53H)
2.2 Self-Employed (SLFCM31H, SLFCM42H, SLFCM53H)
2.3 Hourly Wage (HRWG31H, HRWG42H, HRWG53H)
2.5 Hours (HOUR31H, HOUR42H, HOUR53H)
2.6 Number of Employees (NMEMP31H, NMEMP42H, NMEMP53H)
2.7 Union Status (UNION31H, UNION42H, UNION53H)
2.8 Multiple Locations (MORE31H, MORE42H, MORE53H)
2.9 Industry and Occupation (INDCT31H, INDCT42H, INDCT53H, COCCP31H, COCCP42H, COCCP53H, OCCCT31H, OCCCT42H, OCCCT53H)
2.9.1 Condensed Industry Variables
2.9.2 Condensed Occupation Variables
D. Variable-Source Crosswalk
Individual identifiers have been removed from the
micro-data contained in these files. Nevertheless, under sections 308 (d) and
903 (c) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m and 42 U.S.C. 299 a-1),
data collected by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and/or
the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) may not be used for any purpose
other than for the purpose for which they were supplied; any effort to determine
the identity of any reported cases is prohibited by law.
Therefore in accordance with the above referenced
Federal Statute, it is understood that:
- No one is to use the data in this data set in any way except
for statistical reporting and analysis; and
- If the identity of any person or establishment should be
discovered inadvertently, then (a) no use will be made of this
knowledge, (b) the Director Office of Management AHRQ will be
advised of this incident, (c) the information that would
identify any individual or establishment will be safeguarded or
destroyed, as requested by AHRQ, and (d) no one else will be
informed of the discovered identity; and
- No one will attempt to link this data set with individually
identifiable records from any data sets other than the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey or the National Health Interview
By using these data you signify your agreement to
comply with the above stated statutorily based requirements with the knowledge
that deliberately making a false statement in any matter within the jurisdiction
of any department or agency of the Federal Government violates Title 18 part 1
Chapter 47 Section 1001 and is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 or up to 5
years in prison.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
requests that users cite AHRQ and the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey as the
data source in any publications or research based upon these data.
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The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) provides
nationally representative estimates of health care use, expenditures, sources of
payment, and health insurance coverage for the U.S. civilian
non-institutionalized population. The MEPS Household Component (HC) also
provides estimates of respondents’ health status, demographic and socio-economic
characteristics, employment, access to care, and satisfaction with health care.
Estimates can be produced for individuals, families, and selected population
subgroups. The panel design of the survey, which includes 5 rounds of interviews
covering 2 full calendar years, provides data for examining person level changes
in selected variables such as expenditures, health insurance coverage, and
health status. Using computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) technology,
information about each household member is collected, and the survey builds on
this information from interview to interview. All data for a sampled household
are reported by a single household respondent.
The MEPS HC was initiated in 1996. Each year a new
panel of sample households is selected. Because the data collected are
comparable to those from earlier medical expenditure surveys conducted in 1977
and 1987, it is possible to analyze long-term trends. Each annual MEPS HC sample
size is about 15,000 households. Data can be analyzed at either the person or
event level. Data must be weighted to produce national
The set of households selected for each panel of the
MEPS HC is a subsample of households participating in the previous year’s
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted by the National Center for
Health Statistics. The NHIS sampling frame provides a nationally representative
sample of the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized population and reflects an
oversample of Blacks and Hispanics. In 2006, the NHIS implemented a new sample
design, which included Asian persons in addition to households with Black and
Hispanic persons in the oversampling of minority populations. MEPS further
oversamples additional policy relevant sub-groups such as low income households.
The linkage of the MEPS to the previous year’s NHIS provides additional data for
longitudinal analytic purposes.
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Upon completion of the household CAPI interview and
obtaining permission from the household survey respondents, a sample of medical
providers are contacted by telephone to obtain information that household
respondents can not accurately provide. This part of the MEPS is called the
Medical Provider Component (MPC) and information is collected on dates of visit,
diagnosis and procedure codes, charges and payments. The Pharmacy Component
(PC), a subcomponent of the MPC, does not collect charges or diagnosis and
procedure codes but does collect drug detail information, including National
Drug Code (NDC) and medicine name, as well as date filled and sources and
amounts of payment. The MPC is not designed to yield national estimates. It is
primarily used as an imputation source to supplement/replace household reported
expenditure information.
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MEPS HC and MPC data are collected under the authority
of the Public Health Service Act. Data are collected under contract with Westat,
Inc. (MEPS HC) and Research Triangle Institute (MEPS MPC). Data sets and summary
statistics are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality
provisions of the Public Health Service Act and the Privacy Act. The National
Center for Health statistics (NCHS) provides consultation and technical
As soon as data collection and editing are completed,
the MEPS survey data are released to the public in staged releases of summary
reports, micro data files, and tables via the MEPS Web site:
Selected data can be analyzed through MEPSnet, an on-line interactive tool
designed to give data users the capability to statistically analyze MEPS data in
a menu-driven environment.
Additional information on MEPS is available from the
MEPS project manager or the MEPS public use data manager at the Center for
Financing, Access, and Cost Trends, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 (301-427-1406).
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This documentation describes a supplemental release of
the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS HC) that contains
selected employment variables for the years 2000 through 2013. With a few
exceptions, the variables on this file are fully-imputed versions of variables
from the full-year consolidated public use files (FY PUF). The names of these
imputed variables are similar to the names for the corresponding variables in
the FY PUFs except that an ‘H’ suffix has been added and the resulting name has
been shortened to 8 characters when necessary (e.g., the imputed version of
SELFCM31 is SLFCM31H). The most notable exceptions to this general approach are
the variables CMJHLD31/42/53 which provide information on the insurance coverage
individuals obtain through their current main job. The CMJHLDrr variables (where
rr refers to the round numbers) are constructed using information from the
Person Round Plan (PRPL) Files and do not have corresponding variables on the FY
PUFs.[1] CMJHLD31/42/53 are included on this file because they were used to perform
logical edits on the OFFER31H/42H/53H and OFEMP31H/42H/53H variables (edits are
described below).
Missing values for each variable were imputed using
weighted sequential hot-decking techniques. The imputations were performed
separately for each MEPS HC panel across the five survey rounds of the MEPS.[2]
First, all missing values of a given variable were imputed for Round 1. If a
person remained in the same job in Round 2, and the MEPS questionnaire did not
ask for updated job information (i.e., if the variable on the FY PUF was coded
as -2)[3], then the value for that variable was pulled forward from Round 1 to
Round 2 (including values that had been imputed in Round 1). After pulling
values forward from Round 1, any remaining missing values were imputed for Round
2. This process was repeated for Rounds 3-5. Class variables used to impute
missing values for each variable were specified by examining regressions, and a
consistent set of class variables was used to impute a given variable across all
panels. In addition to imputations, some logical editing was required to ensure
consistency across variables. These logical edits are described below in the
description of specific variables. Finally, when the imputations and editing
were completed, annual files were constructed from the panel-level files. MEPS
HC-131 combines information from these annual files for all years 2000 through
2013. Variables from MEPS HC-131 can be merged onto other MEPS FY PUFs using the
variables YEAR and DUPERSID. For example, MEPS HC-131 can be merged with the
2010 Full Year Consolidated PUF (MEPS HC-138) by DUPERSID where YEAR is 2010.
The first variables to be imputed were the employment
status variables (EMPST31H/42H/53H) which identify all persons (EMPSTrrH = 1 or
2) who should have valid information related to their current main job. The next
set of variables to be imputed were the self-employment/wage-earner variables
(SLFCM31H/42H/53H) which determine skip patterns for the remaining variables
(e.g., self-employed persons are not asked questions about their wages). Many of
the remaining variables were imputed separately for wage-earners and the
self-employed for the following reasons: 1) some variables are relevant for one
group but inapplicable for the other; 2) even when variables are relevant for
both groups, the quality of the imputations was improved by specifying separate
sets of class variables tailored to the wage-earner and self-employed populations.
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Employment questions were asked of all persons age 16
and older at the time of the interview. Employment variables consist of
person-level indicators such as employment status and job-related variables such
as hourly wage. All job-specific variables refer to a person’s current main job.
The current main job, defined by the respondent, indicates the
main source of employment.
Most employment variables pertain to the round interview date.
The round dates for the two panels in each annual data file are indicated by two numbers
following the variable name. In 2000, for example, EMPST31H refers to employment
status on the Round 3 interview date for Panel 4 persons and employment status
on the Round 1 interview date for Panel 5 persons. More generally, in each
annual file, the first number represents the panel that entered the MEPS data
first (and is currently in the second year of data collection) and the second
number represents the panel that is in the first year of data collection.
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Employment status was asked for all persons age 16 or
older. Allowable responses to the employment status questions were as follows:
- "currently employed" if the person had a job at the
interview date;
- "has a job to return to" if the person did not work during
the reference period but had a job to return to as of the
interview date;
- "employed during the reference period" if the person had no
job at the interview date but did work during the round;
- "not employed with no job to return to" if the person did
not have a job at the interview date, did not work during the
reference period, and did not have a job to which he or she
could return.
In MEPS HC-131, the responses "employed during the
reference period" and "not employed with no job to return to" are collapsed into
a single category. The resulting three responses are mutually exclusive. A
current main job was defined for persons who either reported that they were
currently employed and identified a current main job or who reported and
identified a job to return to. Therefore, job-specific information such as
hourly wage exists for persons not presently working at the interview date but
who have a job to return to as of the interview date.
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Information on whether an individual was self-employed
or a wage-earner at his/her current main job was obtained for all persons who
reported a current main job. Self-employed and wage-earners were asked different
sets of questions about their current main job. These variables can be
categorized into the following sets:
Variables with Valid Data for Wage-Earners but Not for
Self-Employed Individuals
- Hourly wage (HRWG31H, HRWG42H, HRWG53H)
- Paid sick leave (SCPAY31H, SCPAY42H, SCPAY53H)
- Paid leave to visit a doctor (PAYDR31H, PAYDR42H, PAYDR53H)
- Paid vacation (PYVAC31H, PYVAC42H, PYVAC53H)
- Pension plan (RTPLN31H, RTPLN42H, RTPLN53H)
- Business has more than one location (MORE31H, MORE42H,
- Sector: private-foreign govt/federal government/state-local
government (JBORG31H, JBORG42H, JBORG53H)
Variables with Valid Data for Self-Employed
Individuals but Not for Wage-Earners
- Business was incorporated, a proprietorship, or a
partnership (BSNTY31H, BSNTY42H, and BSNTY53H)
Variables with Valid Data for All Workers
- Usual hours worked per week (HOUR31H, HOUR42H, HOUR53H)
- Number of employees (NMEMP31H, NMEMP42H, NMEMP53H)
- Establishment size for wage-earners
- Business size for self-employed
- Union status (UNION31H, UNION42H, UNION53H)
- Industry category (INDCT31H, INDCT42H, INDCT53H)
- Condensed codes for 2000-2013 with a consistent classification scheme across all years (the 2002-2013 classification scheme)
- Occupation category (COCCP31H, COCCP42H, COCCP53H)
- Condensed codes for 2000-2001
- Occupation category (OCCCT31H, OCCCT42H, OCCCT53H)
- Condensed codes for 2002-2013
Variables with Valid Data for All Workers Except for
Self-Employed Individuals with No Employees (i.e., persons for whom SLFCMrrH = 1
and NMEMPrrH = 1)
- Insurance coverage from current main job (CMJHLD31,
- Eligible for insurance offered at current main job
- Insurance offered to anyone at current main job (OFEMP31H,
- Variable available from 2002-2013
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Valid data for hourly wages is available for all
wage-earners (SLFCMrrH = 2). Information from the following FY PUF variables was
used to construct hourly wages in a given round: HRWG31X/42X/53X,
DIFFWG31/42/53, and NHRWG31/42/53. DIFFWGrr and NHRWGrr were added to the MEPS
questionnaire and used in these calculations starting in 2004.
The values for the hourly wage variables on this file
(HRWG31H/42H/53H) reflect the most up-to-date version of hourly wages for the
wage-earner in each round. For reasons of confidentiality, the hourly wage
variables were top-coded. A value of –10 indicates that the hourly wage was top
coded. Please refer to the FY PUF documentation files for each year to find the
values at which the hourly wage variables are top-coded.
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This file includes several variables related to
employment-related health insurance. These variables are valid for wage-earners
(SLFCMrr = 2) and self-employed individuals with employees (SLFCMrr = 1 and
NMEMPrrH > 1).
The variables CMJHLD31/42/53 are constructed from the
Person-Round-Plan (PRPL) public use files and indicate whether the person held
insurance coverage from his/her current main job at some point during the round.
Note that Round 3 crosses two calendar years. CMJHLD in Round 3 indicates that
the person held coverage during the portion of Round 3 in the relevant calendar
year for the public use file.
The variables OFFER31H/42H/53H indicate whether the
person was offered (was eligible for) insurance at their current main job at
some point during the round.
The variables OFEMP31H/42H/53H indicate whether an
employer offered health insurance to any employees in the establishment. This
variable was added to the survey in 2002.
In 2000 and 2001, the OFFERrr variables were asked
only in the first round in which the current main job was identified. If the job
continued, then values for the OFFERrr variable were carried forward from the
previous round. From 2002 on, if a job continued then values of OFFERrr were
usually updated in subsequent rounds. For records that had a value of -9, valid
reported values for OFFERrrH were brought forward from a previous round if the
person did not change jobs before any imputations were performed.
The OFFERrrH and OFEMPrrH variables were logically
edited as follows. If a person indicated that they held insurance from their
current main job (CMJHLDrr = 1) then OFFERrrH was set equal to 1. For Round 3,
OFFERrrH was set to 1 if the person held coverage at any point in Round 3 (in
either calendar year). If a person indicated that they held insurance (CMJHLDrr
= 1) or were offered insurance (OFFERrrH = 1) at their current main job, then
OFEMPrrH, the variable indicating that the employer offered insurance to at
least one employee, was set equal to 1.
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The HOURrrH variables refer to usual hours worked per
week at the current main job.
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The NMEMPrrH variables indicate the number of
employees at the location of the person’s current main job. Due to
confidentiality concerns, this variable has been top-coded at 500 or more
employees. For persons who reported a categorical size, a median estimated size
from donors within the reported range is used.
Note that the definition of NMEMPrrH differs for
wage-earners and self-employed individuals. For wage-earners, it represents the
size of the worker’s establishment. For self-employed individuals, it represents
the size of the self-employed individual’s entire business.
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Information indicating whether a person belonged to a
labor union (UNION31H/42H/53H) is contained in this release.
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Information indicating whether the business the person
worked for had more than one location (MORE31H/42H/53H) is contained in this
release. This variable is set to -1 for self-employed individuals.
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INDCTrrH contains a consistent set of fully-imputed
industry codes for all years from 2000 through 2013. In 2000 and 2001, the
industry variables on the MEPS PUFs, CINDrr, contained different industry codes
than the industry variables on the 2002-2013 PUFs, INDCATrr. To make these
values consistent, the 4-digit industry codes for the years 2000 and 2001 were
used to place respondents in industry categories that are consistent with the
condensed codes used for the years 2002-2013. The industry crosswalk used to
create a consistent set of codes was accessed from the Census Bureau Web site.
In some cases, the crosswalk places 4-digit codes from the 2000 and 2001 data
into multiple condensed 2002-2013 categories. In these cases, the value of
INDCTrrH identifies these multiple categories. For example, if a worker in the
2000-2001 data had a 4-digit industry code that linked to both 4 (manufacturing)
and 7 (information) in the condensed 2002-2013 code, then, for this worker,
INDCTrrH = 47.
Note that for persons in Panel 6, who were in the MEPS
data in 2001 and 2002, the values of INDCTrrH may differ across Rounds 2 and 3,
even when a person did not change jobs. This occurred because Round 2 (2001)
values were created using the Census crosswalk, while Round 3 (2002) values were
coded from verbatim text by trained coders. Similarly, Round 3 industry values
for some people in Panel 14 may differ between year 1 and year 2 due to a slight
change in the Census industry categories that occurred in 2010.
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Unlike the industry variables, it was not feasible to
use a crosswalk to create a consistent set of occupation variables for the years
2000-2013. Therefore, the variables COCCP31H/42H/53H contain information on
occupation for the worker’s current main job for the years 2000-2001 and the
variables OCCCT31H/42H/53H contain information for the years 2002-2013.
[1] The CMJHLDrr variables
are similar in concept to the HELDrrX variables on the FY PUF. However, the CMJHLDrr variables were
based on questions asked in a combination of the employment and health insurance sections of the
questionnaire while HELDrrX is based on a question only in the employment section. The CMJHLDrr
variables were used to edit the OFFERrrH and OFEMPrrH variables (rather than the HELDrrX variables)
because they were the most consistent with the other health insurance variables on the FY PUF for
each year. The CMJHLDrr variables were constructed from the Person-Round-Plan PUFs and indicate that
a person had insurance from his/her current main job at some point in the given round.
[2] In general, Round 3 variables
are taken from the second calendar year PUF for individuals who were in the MEPS for all five rounds to
obtain the most updated information for each person. In most cases, Round 3 values are the same across
the two calendar year PUFs.
[3] The MEPS HC employment section
used dependent interviewing in Rounds 2 through 5. If the person remained in the same job, the respondent
was skipped through many of the questions in the employment section. On the FY PUFs, a code of "–2" is
used to indicate that the information in question was obtained in a previous round. On this file, the
values of -2 have been replaced by the appropriate value from the previous round.
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Person ID (DUID + PID) |
Assigned in Sampling |
Panel Number |
Constructed |
Data Year |
Constructed |
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Employment Status RD 3/1 (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Employment Status RD 4/2 (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Employment Status RD 5/3 (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Self-Employed at RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Self-Employed at RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Self-Employed at RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Number of Employees at RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Number of Employees at RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Number of Employees at RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
RD 3/1 CMJ Firm More Than 1 Locat (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
RD 4/2 CMJ Firm More Than 1 Locat (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
RD 5/3 CMJ Firm More Than 1 Locat (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Industry Group RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Industry Group RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Industry Group RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Occupation 2002-13 Grp RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Occupation 2002-13 Grp RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Occupation 2002-13 Grp RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Occupation 1998-01 Grp RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Occupation 1998-01 Grp RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Occupation 1998-01 Grp RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Hours Per Week at RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Hours Per Week at RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Hours Per Week at RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Prv, St-Lc Gov, Fed Gov RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Prv, St-Lc Gov, Fed Gov RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Prv, St-Lc Gov, Fed Gov RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Union Status at RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Union Status at RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Union Status at RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Sol Prop, Prtnr, Corp, RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Sol Prop, Prtnr, Corp, RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Sol Prop, Prtnr, Corp, RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Hourly Wage RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Hourly Wage RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Hourly Wage RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Hlth Insur Held From RD 3/1 CMJ (PRPL) |
Hlth Insur Held From RD 4/2 CMJ (PRPL) |
Hlth Insur Held From RD 5/3 CMJ (PRPL) |
Health Insur Offered by RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Health Insur Offered by RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Health Insur Offered by RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Emp Offers Health Ins RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Emp Offers Health Ins RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Emp Offers Health Ins RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Vacation at RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Vacation at RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Vacation at RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Sick Leave at RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Sick Leave at RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Sick Leave at RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Leave to Visit Dr RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Leave to Visit Dr RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Paid Leave to Visit Dr RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Pension Plan at RD 3/1 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Pension Plan at RD 4/2 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
Pension Plan at RD 5/3 CMJ (IMP) |
Full-Year Consolidated File: Missing Values Imputed |
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