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Type of Variable | Full-Year Consolidated File Variable Name Suffix | Longitudinal File Variable Name Suffix | Specific cases or examples |
Constant (i.e., not round or year specific) |
No suffixes |
No suffixes |
Annual, family related variables |
YR |
Y1 or YR1 Y2 or YR2 Y3 or YR3 |
All variables: FAMIDYR=FAMIDYR1 (2019 file) FAMRFPYR=FAMRFPY1 (2019 file) FAMSZEYR=FAMSZYR1 (2019 file) FAMIDYR=FAMIDYR2 (2020 file) FAMRFPYR=FAMRFPY2 (2020 file) FAMSZEYR=FAMSZYR2 (2020 file) FAMIDYR=FAMIDYR3 (2021 file) FAMRFPYR=FAMRFPY3 (2021 file) FAMSZEYR=FAMSZYR3 (2021 file) |
Annual, CPS family identifiers |
No suffix |
Y1 Y2 Y3 |
All variables: CPSFAMID=CPSFAMY1 (2019 file) CPSFAMID=CPSFAMY2 (2020 file) CPSFAMID=CPSFAMY3 (2021 file) |
Annual, health insurance eligibility units |
No suffix |
Y1 Y2 Y3 |
All variables: HIEUIDX=HIEUIDY1 (2019 file) HIEUIDX=HIEUIDY2 (2020 file) HIEUIDX=HIEUIDY3 (2021 file) |
Annual, in-scope variables |
No suffixes |
YR1 YR2 YR3 |
All variables: INSCOPE=INSCPYR1 (2019 file) INSCOPE=INSCPYR2 (2020 file) INSCOPE=INSCPYR3 (2021 file) |
12/31 status variables |
1231 in 2019 file 1231 in 2020 file 1231 in 2021 file |
Y1 Y2 Y3 |
All variables: FAMS1231=FAMSY1 (2019 file) FCRP1231=FCRPY1 (2019 file) FCSZ1231=FCSZY1 (2019 file) FMRS1231=FMRSY1 (2019 file) INSC1231=INSCY1 (2019 file) FAMS1231=FAMSY2 (2020 file) FCRP1231=FCRPY2 (2020 file) FCSZ1231=FCSZY2 (2020 file) FMRS1231=FMRSY2 (2020 file) INSC1231=INSCY2 (2020 file) FAMS1231=FAMSY3 (2021 file) FCRP1231=FCRPY3 (2021 file) FCSZ1231=FCSZY3 (2021 file) FMRS1231=FMRSY3 (2021 file) INSC1231=INSCY3 (2021 file) |
Annual |
19, 19X, 19F, or 19C 20, 20X, 20F, or 20C 21, 21X, 21F, or 21C |
Y1, Y1X, Y1F, or Y1C Y2, Y2X, Y2F, or Y2C Y3, Y3X, Y3F, or Y3C |
Variables for health insurance prior to January 1, 2019 (data collected in Round 1 only) |
No suffixes |
No suffixes |
Annual |
No suffixes3 |
Y1 Y2 Y3 |
Examples: KEYNESS=KEYNESY1 (2019 file) SAQELIG=SAQELIY1 (2019 file) EVRWRK=EVRWRKY1 (2019 file) EVRETIRE=EVRETIY1 (2019 file) AGELAST=AGELSTY1 (2019 file) DIABDX_M18=DIABDXY1_M18 (2019 file) KEYNESS=KEYNESY2 (2020 file) SAQELIG=SAQELIY2 (2020 file) EVRWRK=EVRWRKY2 (2020 file) EVRETIRE=EVRETIY2 (2020 file) AGELAST=AGELSTY2 (2020 file) DIABDX_M18=DIABDXY2_M18 (2020 file) KEYNESS=KEYNESY3 (2021 file) SAQELIG=SAQELIY3 (2021 file) EVRWRK=EVRWRKY3 (2021 file) EVRETIRE=EVRETIY3 (2021 file) AGELAST=AGELSTY3 (2021 file) DIABDX_M18=DIABDXY3_M18 (2021 file) |
Monthly |
2-character month + 19 2-character month + 20 2-character month + 21 |
2-character month + Y1 2-character month + Y2 2-character month + Y3 |
Example: PRIJA19=PRIJAY1 (2019 file) PRIJA20=PRIJAY2 (2020 file) PRIJA21=PRIJAY3 (2021 file) |
Round Specific |
31, 31X, or 31H in 2019 file 42, 42X, or 42H in 2019 file 53, 53X, or 53H in 2019 file 31_M18 in 2019 file 42_M18 in 2019 file 31, 31X, or 31H in 2020 file 42, 42X, or 42H in 2020 file 53, 53X, or 53H in 2020 file 31_M18 in 2020 file 42_M18 in 2020 file 53_M18 in 2020 file 31, 31X, or 31H in 2021 file 42, 42X, or 42H in 2021 file 53, 53X, or 53H in 2021 file 31_M18 in 2021 file 42_M18 in 2021 file 53_M18 in 2021 file |
1, 1X, or 1H for 2019 2, 2X, or 2H for 2019 3, 3X, or 3H for 2019 1_M18 for 2019 2_M18 for 2019 3, 3X, 3H for 2020 4, 4X, 4H for 2020 5, 5X, 5H for 2020 3_M18 for 2020 4_M18 for 2020 5_M18 for 2020 5, 5X, 5H for 2021 6, 6X, 6H for 2021 7, 7X, 7H for 2021 5_M18 for 2021 6_M18 for 2021 7_M18 for 2021 |
Examples: RTHLTH31=RTHLTH1 (2019 file) RTHLTH42=RTHLTH2 (2019 file) RTHLTH53=RTHLTH3 (2019 file if YEARIND=2 or 6) JTPAIN31_M18=JTPAIN1_M18 PROVTY42_M18=PROVTY2_M18 RTHLTH31=RTHLTH3 (2020 file if YEARIND=1, 3, 5, or 7) RTHLTH42=RTHLTH4 (2020 file) RTHLTH53=RTHLTH5 (2020 file if YEARIND=3 or 5) JTPAIN31_M18=JTPAIN3_M18 PROVTY42_M18=PROVTY4_M18 JTPAIN53_M18=JTPAIN5_M18 RTHLTH31=RTHLTH5 (2021 file if YEARIND=1, 4, 6, or 7) RTHLTH42=RTHLTH6 (2021 file) RTHLTH53=RTHLTH7 (2021 file) JTPAIN31_M18=JTPAIN5_M18 PROVTY42_M18=PROVTY6_M18 JTPAIN53_M18=JTPAIN7_M18 |
Diabetes Preventive Care |
1853, 1953, and 2053 in 2019 file 1953, 2053, and 2153 in 2020 file 2053, 2153, and 2253 in 2021 file |
Y0R3 for 2018 Y1R3 for 2019 Y2R3 for 2020 Y1R5 for 2019 Y2R5 for 2020 Y3R5 for 2021 Y2R7 for 2020 Y3R7 for 2021 Y4R7 for 2022 |
Example: DSEY1853=DSEYY0R3 (2019 file) DSEY1953=DSEYY1R3 (2019 file) DSEY2053=DSEYY2R3 (2019 file) DSEY1953=DSEYY1R5 (2020 file) DSEY2053=DSEYY2R5 (2020 file) DSEY2153=DSEYY3R5 (2020 file) DSEY2053=DSEYY2R7 (2021 file) DSEY2153=DSEYY3R7 (2021 file) DSEY2253=DSEYY4R7 (2021 file) |
Job Change |
3142 or 4253 |
12 for 2019 23 for 2019 34 for 2020 45 for 2020 56 for 2021 67 for 2021 |
All variables: CHGJ3142=CHGJ12 (2019 file) CHGJ4253=CHGJ23 (2019 file) YCHJ3142=YCHJ12 (2019 file) YCHJ4253=YCHJ23 (2019 file) CHGJ3142=CHGJ34 (2020 file) CHGJ4253=CHGJ45 (2020 file) YCHJ3142=YCHJ34 (2020 file) YCHJ4253=YCHJ45 (2020 file) CHGJ3142=CHGJ56 (2021 file) CHGJ4253=CHGJ56 (2021 file) YCHJ3142=YCHJ67 (2021 file) YCHJ4253=YCHJ67 (2021 file) |
Cancer |
No suffixes4 |
Y1 for 2019 Y2 for 2020 Y3 for 2021 |
Example: CALUNG=CALUNGY1 (2019 file) CALUNG=CALUNGY2 (2020 file) CALUNG=CALUNGY3 (2021 file) |
Age of Diagnosis |
No suffixes4 |
Y1 for 2019 Y2 for 2020 Y3 for 2021 |
Example: CHDAGED=CHDAGY1 (2019 file) CHOLAGED=CHOLAGY1 (2019 file) CHDAGED=CHDAGY2 (2020 file) CHOLAGED=CHOLAGY2 (2020 file) CHDAGED=CHDAGY3 (2021 file) CHOLAGED=CHOLAGY3 (2021 file) |
No suffixes |
5 |
3 To maintain a previously-implemented 8-character naming convention, some variable names had the last character or two dropped in the renaming process. A few variables have names longer than 8 characters because they were modified in 2018 and tagged with an '_M18' suffix. These variables were altered in the same fashion they would have been without the _M18 suffix, and the _M18 suffix was retained.
4 To maintain a previously implemented 8-character naming convention, some variable names had the last character or two dropped in the renaming process.
5 The SDOH survey was fielded during Panel 24 Round 5 of the MEPS data collection.
YEARIND | 1=all three years, 2=in 2019 only, 3=in 2020 only, 4=in 2021 only, 5=in 2019 and 2020, 6=in 2019 and 2021, and 7=in 2020 and 2021 |
ALL7RDS | In scope and data collected in all seven rounds (0=no, 1=yes) |
DIED | Died during the three-year survey period (0=no, 1=yes) |
INST | Institutionalized for some time during the three-year survey period (0=no, 1=yes) |
MILITARY | Active duty military for some time during the three-year survey period (0=no, 1=yes) |
ENTRSRVY | Entered survey after beginning of panel (mainly births; also includes persons who had no initial chance of selection who moved into a MEPS sample household) (0=no, 1=yes) |
LEFTUS | Moved out of the country after beginning of panel (0=no, 1=yes) |
OTHER | Not identified in any of the above analytic groups (0=no, 1=yes) |
Variable | Number of Records | Percentage of Records (N=6,714) |
YEARIND=1 (i.e., person in all three years) | 6,334 | 94.34 |
ALL7RDS=1 (yes) | 6,043 | 90.01 |
DIED=1 (yes) | 268 | 3.99 |
INST=1 (yes) | 37 | 0.55 |
MILITARY=1 (yes) | 27 | 0.40 |
ENTRSRVY=1 (yes) | 279 | 4.16 |
LEFTUS=1 (yes) | 24 | 0.36 |
OTHER=1 (yes) | 46 | 0.69 |
Following are examples of situations where these variables would be useful in selecting records for analysis:
The file contains a weight variable (LONGWT) and variance estimation variables (VARSTR, VARPSU) that should be applied when producing national estimates for longitudinal analyses. For example, LONGWT applied to the 6,043 cases where ALL7RDS=1 produces a weighted population estimate of 306.0 million. This represents an estimate of the number of persons in the civilian noninstitutionalized population for the entire three-year period from 2019-2021. To obtain estimates of variability (such as the standard error of sample estimates or corresponding confidence intervals) for estimates based on MEPS survey data, one needs to take into account the complex sample design of MEPS by specifying the estimation variables including stratum of sample selection (VARSTR), primary sampling unit (VARPSU) and longitudinal weight (LONGWT).
This longitudinal file also contains a longitudinal SAQ weight variable (LSAQWT). This weight variable should be used to perform longitudinal analyses involving any variables from the self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) which was administered to persons age 18 and older in Rounds 2, 4, and 6 of the survey. The variable SAQRDS246 can be used to identify which persons have SAQ data for all three rounds; the variable SAQRDS24 can be used to identify which persons have SAQ data for Rounds 2 and 4; and the variable SAQRDS46 can be used to identify which persons have SAQ data for Rounds 4 and 6. Table 3 below provides the estimated population size (i.e., the sum of LSAQWT values) for cases with all three rounds of SAQ data (i.e., SAQRDS246=1) and for cases with two rounds of SAQ data (i.e., SAQRDS24=1 or SAQRDS46=1). The estimated population size for analyses based on the 2,890 cases with SAQ data for all three rounds (i.e., SAQRDS246=1) is 194.0 million.
SAQ Variable | Value | Description |
Number of Respondents (Unweighted) |
Estimated Population Size (Weighted by LSAQWT) |
SAQRDS246 | 0 | Persons with less than three rounds of SAQ data | 3,905 | 61,725,938 |
SAQRDS246 | 1 | Persons with all three rounds of SAQ data | 2,809 | 193,974,115 |
SAQRDS24 | 0 | Persons without SAQ data for Rounds 2 and 4 | 3,286 | 61,009,762 |
SAQRDS24 | 1 | Persons with SAQ data for Rounds 2 and 4 | 3,428 | 194,690,292 |
SAQRDS46 | 0 | Persons without SAQ data for Rounds 4 and 6 | 3,746 | 48,956,256 |
SAQRDS46 | 1 | Persons with SAQ data for Rounds 4 and 6 | 2,968 | 206,743,797 |
Total | Total | All SAQ respondents | 6,714 | 255,700,054 |
When analyzing subpopulations and/or low prevalence events, it may be desirable to pool together more than one panel of MEPS-HC data to yield sample sizes large enough to generate reliable estimates. Panel 24 is the second panel to include three years of data, so this three-year file should only be combined with the three-year Panel 23 longitudinal data file (MEPS-HC 226). However, the two-year Panel 24 longitudinal file (HC-225) may be pooled with other two-year longitudinal data files. Please refer to the MEPS website for information about the two-year Panel 24 longitudinal data file and pooling it with other years.