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Update Notes

MEPS HC-051F: 2000 Outpatient Visits File

Update #3: 03/10/17

The original SAS transport data file created by version 7 of SAS has been replaced with SAS transport data created by version 9.4 of SAS so that the data could be read by the R programming language.

Update #2: 11/22/13

SPSS and STATA Programming Statements have been added.

Update #1: 12/08/04

For the variable SEETLKPV (i.e. saw the provider or talked to the provider on the telephone) expenditures for telephone calls (SEETLKPV=2, n=20) are set to -1.

    -9 = '-9 NOT ASCERTAINED'
    -8 = '-8 DK'
    -7 = '-7 REFUSED'
    -1 = '-1 INAPPLICABLE'
    1 = '1 SAW PROVIDER'
    2 = '2 TELEPHONE CALL'

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