MEPS HC-061: 2001 Medical Conditions
April 2004
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 427-1406
Table of Contents
A. Data Use Agreement
B. Background
1.0 Household Component
2.0 Medical Provider Component
3.0 Insurance Component
4.0 Survey Management
C. Technical and Programming Information
1.0 General Information
2.0 Data File Information
2.1 Using MEPS Data for Trend and Longitudinal Analysis
2.2 Codebook Structure
2.3 Reserved Codes
2.4 Codebook Format
2.5 Variable Naming
2.6 File Contents
2.6.1 Identifier Variables (DUID-CONDRN)
2.6.2 Medical Condition Variables (PRIOLIST-CCCODEX)
2.6.3 Utilization Variables (OBNUM-RXNUM)
3.0 Sample Weight (PERWT01F)
3.1 Overview
3.2 Details on Person Weight Construction
3.2.1 MEPS Panel 5 Weight
3.2.2 MEPS Panel 6 Weight
3.2.3 The Final Weight for 2001
3.2.4 Coverage
4.0 Merging MEPS Data Files
Appendix 1: Variable-Source Crosswalk
Appendix 2: Condition, Procedure and Clinical Classification Code Frequencies
Appendix 3: Clinical Classification Code to ICD-9-CM Code Crosswalk
Appendix 4: List of Priority Conditions
A. Data Use Agreement
Individual identifiers have been removed from the
micro-data contained in these files. Nevertheless, under sections 308 (d) and 903 (c) of the
Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m and 42 U.S.C. 299 a-1), data collected by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and/or the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) may not be used for any purpose other than for the purpose for which they
were supplied; any effort to determine the identity of any reported cases is prohibited by
Therefore in accordance with the above referenced
Federal Statute, it is understood that:
- No one is to use the data in this data set in any way except for
statistical reporting and analysis; and
- If the identity of any person or establishment should be discovered
inadvertently, then (a) no use will be made of this knowledge, (b) the Director Office of
Management AHRQ will be advised of this incident, (c) the information that would identify
any individual or establishment will be safeguarded or destroyed, as requested by AHRQ,
and (d) no one else will be informed of the discovered identity; and
- No one will attempt to link this data set with individually
identifiable records from any data sets other than the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
or the National Health Interview Survey.
By using these data you signify your agreement to comply
with the above stated statutorily based requirements with the knowledge that deliberately
making a false statement in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency
of the Federal Government violates Title 18 part 1 Chapter 47 Section 1001 and is punishable
by a fine of up to $10,000 or up to 5 years in prison.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality requests
that users cite AHRQ and the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey as the data source in any
publications or research based upon these data.
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B. Background
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) provides nationally
representative estimates of health care use, expenditures, sources of payment, and insurance
coverage for the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized population. MEPS is cosponsored by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS).
MEPS is a family of three surveys. The Household Component (HC) is the
core survey and forms the basis for the Medical Provider Component (MPC) and part of the
Insurance Component (IC). Together these surveys yield comprehensive data that provide
national estimates of the level and distribution of health care use and expenditures,
support health services research, and can be used to assess health care policy implications.
MEPS is the third in a series of national probability surveys
conducted by AHRQ on the financing and use of medical care in the United States. The
National Medical Care Expenditure Survey (NMCES, also known as NMES-1) was conducted in 1977
and the National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES-2) in 1987. Since 1996, MEPS continues
this series with design enhancements and efficiencies that provide a more current data
resource to capture the changing dynamics of the health care delivery and insurance system.
The design efficiencies incorporated into MEPS are in accordance with
the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Survey Integration Plan of June 1995,
which focused on consolidating DHHS surveys, achieving cost efficiencies, reducing
respondent burden, and enhancing analytical capacities. To advance these goals, MEPS
includes linkage with the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) - a survey conducted by
NCHS from which the sample for the MEPS HC is drawn - and enhanced longitudinal data
collection for core survey components. The MEPS HC augments NHIS by selecting a sample of
NHIS respondents, collecting additional data on their health care expenditures, and linking
these data with additional information collected from the respondents’ medical
providers, employers, and insurance providers.
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1.0 Household Component
The MEPS HC, a nationally representative survey of the U.S.
civilian non-institutionalized population, collects medical expenditure data at both the
person and household levels. The HC collects detailed data on demographic characteristics,
health conditions, health status, use of medical care services, charges and payments, access
to care, satisfaction with care, health insurance coverage, income, and employment.
The HC uses an overlapping panel design in which data are collected
through a preliminary contact followed by a series of five rounds of interviews over a 2
½-year period. Using computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) technology, data on
medical expenditures and use for two calendar years are collected from each household. This
series of data collection rounds is launched each subsequent year on a new sample of
households to provide overlapping panels of survey data and, when combined with other ongoing
panels, will provide continuous and current estimates of health care expenditures.
The sampling frame for the MEPS HC is drawn from respondents to NHIS. NHIS provides a nationally representative sample of the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized
population, with oversampling of Hispanics and blacks.
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2.0 Medical Provider Component
The MEPS MPC supplements and/or replaces information on medical care
events reported in the MEPS HC by contacting medical providers and pharmacies identified by
household respondents. The MPC sample includes all home health agencies and pharmacies
reported by HC respondents. Office-based physicians, hospitals, and hospital physicians are
also included in the MPC but may be subsampled at various rates, depending on burden and
resources, in certain years.
Data are collected on medical and financial characteristics of medical
and pharmacy events reported by HC respondents. The MPC is conducted through telephone
interviews and record abstraction.
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3.0 Insurance Component
The MEPS IC collects data on health insurance plans obtained through
private and public-sector employers. Data obtained in the IC include the number and types of
private insurance plans offered, benefits associated with these plans, premiums,
contributions by employers and employees, eligibility requirements, and employer
Establishments participating in the MEPS IC are selected through
three sampling frames:
- A list of employers or other insurance providers identified by MEPS HC
respondents who report having private health insurance at the Round 1 interview.
- A Bureau of the Census list frame of private sector business
- The Census of Governments from the Bureau of the Census.
To provide an integrated picture of health insurance,
data collected from the first sampling frame (employers and insurance providers identified by
MEPS HC respondents) are linked back to data provided by those respondents. Data from the two
Census Bureau sampling frames are used to produce annual national and state estimates of the
supply and cost of private health insurance available to American workers and to evaluate
policy issues pertaining to health insurance. National estimates of employer contributions to
group insurance from the MEPS IC are used in the computation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The MEPS IC is an annual survey. Data are collected from the selected
organizations through a prescreening telephone interview, a mailed questionnaire, and a
telephone follow-up for nonrespondents.
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4.0 Survey Management
MEPS data are collected under the authority of the Public Health
Service Act. They are edited and published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions
of this act and the Privacy Act. NCHS provides consultation and technical assistance.
As soon as data collection and editing are completed, the MEPS survey
data are released to the public in staged releases of summary reports, microdata files and
compendiums of tables. Data are released through MEPSnet, an online interactive tool
developed to give users the ability to statistically analyze MEPS data in real time. Summary
reports and compendiums of tables are released as printed documents and electronic files.
Microdata files are released on electronic files.
Selected printed documents are available through the AHRQ
Publications Clearinghouse. Write or call:
AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse
Attn: (publication number)
P.O. Box 8547
Silver Spring, MD 20907
410-381-3150 (callers outside the United States only)
888-586-6340 (toll-free TDD service; hearing impaired only)
Be sure to specify the AHRQ number of the document you are
Additional information on MEPS is available from the MEPS project
manager or the MEPS public use data manager at the Center for Financing, Access, and Cost
Trends, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850
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C. Technical And Programming Information
1.0 General Information
This documentation describes the data contained in MEPS
Public Use Release HC-061, which is one in a series of public use data files to be released
from the 2001 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS HC).
Released in ASCII (with related SAS and SPSS programming
statements) and SAS formats, this public use file provides information on
household-reported medical conditions collected on a nationally representative sample of
the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States for calendar year 2001
The following documentation offers a brief overview of
the types and levels of data provided, the content and structure of the files. It
contains the following sections:
Data File Information
Survey Sample Information
Merging MEPS Data Files
Variable to Source Crosswalk
Detailed ICD-9-CM Condition, Procedure, and
Clinical Classification
Code Frequencies
Clinical Classification Code to ICD-9-CM Code
List of Priority Conditions
A codebook of all the variables included in the 2001
Medical Conditions File is provided in separate files (H61CB.PDF and H61CB.ASP). The Readme
file contains the programming information.
For more information on MEPS survey design, see Cohen,
1997; Cohen 1997; and Cohen 1996. A copy of the survey instrument used to collect the
information on this file is available on the MEPS web site:
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2.0 Data File Information
This file contains 102,489 records. Each record represents
one medical condition reported by a household survey respondent who resides in
an eligible responding household and who has a positive person or family weight.
Records meeting one of the following criteria are included on the file.
In Panel 6:
- All Round 1 and Round 2 conditions;
- Round 3 conditions that are linked to a 2001 event;
- Round 3 conditions that were on the priority list, not
due to an accident or injury, and began before 2002;
- Round 3 conditions that were due to an accident or
injury and began before 2002
- Round 3 conditions where fifty percent or more of
person’s reference period occurred in 2001
In Panel 5:
- All Round 4 and Round 5 conditions;
- Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3 conditions that meet at
least one of the following two criteria:
- The condition is linked to a 2001 event
- The condition is a priority condition
- Round 3 conditions that are injuries
- Round 3 conditions that were not previously delivered in
the FY 2000 Conditions PUF (HC-052). This includes:
- Round 3 conditions created after the delivery of the
FY 2000 Conditions File due to Round 4 and Round 5 comments processing
- Round 3 conditions where the person did not have a
positive person or family weight in FY 2000 but has a positive person or
family weight in FY 2001
- Round 3 conditions where fifty percent or more of
person’s reference period occurred in 2001
For each variable on the file, the codebook provides both
weighted and unweighted frequencies. Because the conditions identified in this
file are derived from self-reports, these data cannot be used to make estimates
of disease, prevalence of health conditions, or mortality/morbidity.
Data from this file can be merged with 2001 MEPS
person-level data using DUPERSID to append person-level characteristics such as
demographic or health insurance characteristics to each record (see Section 4.0
for details). Since each record represents a single condition reported by a
household respondent, some household respondents may have multiple medical
conditions and thus will be represented on multiple records on this file. Other
household respondents may have reported no medical conditions and thus will have
no records on this file. Still other respondents may have reported a medical
condition that did not meet the criteria above and thus will have no records on
this file. Data from this file also can be merged to 2001 MEPS Event Files
(HC-059H, HC-059D, HC-059G, HC-059F, HC-059E, and HC-059A) by using the link
files provided in HC-059I, File 1 (see HC-059I for details).
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2.1 Using MEPS Data for Trend and Longitudinal Analysis
MEPS began in 1996 and several annual data files have been
released. As more years of data are produced, MEPS will become increasingly
valuable for examining health care trends. However, it is important to consider
a variety of factors when examining trends over time using MEPS. Statistical
significance tests should be conducted to assess the likelihood that observed
trends are attributable to sampling variation. MEPS expenditures estimates are
especially sensitive to sampling variation due to the underlying skewed
distribution of expenditures. For example, one percent of the population
accounts for about one-quarter of all expenditures. The extent to which
observations with extremely high expenditures are captured in the MEPS sample
varies from year to year (especially for smaller population subgroups), which
can produce substantial shifts in estimates of means or totals that are simply
an artifact of the sample(s). The length of time being analyzed should also be
considered. In particular, large shifts in survey estimates over short periods
of time (e.g. from one year to the next) that are statistically significant
should be interpreted with caution, unless they are attributable to known
factors such as changes in public policy or MEPS survey methodology. Looking at
changes over longer periods of time can provide a more complete picture of
underlying trends. Analysts may wish to consider using techniques to smooth or
stabilize trends analyses of MEPS data such as pooling time periods for
comparison (e.g. 1996-97 versus 1998-99), working with moving averages, or using
modeling techniques with several consecutive years of MEPS data to test the fit
of specified patterns over time. Finally, researchers should be aware of the
impact of multiple comparisons on Type I error because performing numerous
statistical significance tests of trends increases the likelihood of
inappropriately concluding a change is statistically significant.
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2.2 Codebook Structure
The codebook and data file sequence lists variables in the
following order:
- Unique person identifiers
- Unique condition identifiers
- Medical condition variables
- Utilization variables
- Weight and variance estimation variable
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2.3 Reserved Codes
The following reserved code values are used:
Question was not asked due to skip pattern. |
Question was asked and respondent refused to answer question. |
-8 DK |
Question was asked and respondent did not know answer. |
Interviewer did not record the data. |
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2.4 Codebook Format
This codebook describes an ASCII data set and provides the
following programming identifiers for each variable:
Identifier |
Description |
Name |
Variable name (maximum of 8 characters) |
Description |
Variable descriptor (maximum of 40 characters) |
Format |
Number of bytes |
Type |
Type of data: numeric (indicated by NUM) or character (indicated by CHAR) |
Start |
Beginning column position of variable in record |
End |
Ending column position of variable in record |
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2.5 Variable Naming
In general, variable names reflect the content of the
variable, with an 8-character limitation. For questions asked in a specific
Round, the end digit in the variable name reflects the round in which the
question was asked. Edited variables end in an "X" and are so noted in the
variable label. (CONDIDX, which is an encrypted identifier variable, also ends
in an "X".)
Variables contained in this delivery were derived either
from the questionnaire itself or from the CAPI. The source of each variable is
identified in Appendix 1 entitled "Variable to Source Crosswalk." Sources for
each variable are indicated in one of three ways: (1) variables derived from
CAPI or assigned in sampling are so indicated; (2) variables collected at one or
more specific questions have those numbers and questionnaire sections indicated
in the "SOURCE" column; and (3) variables constructed from multiple questions
using complex algorithms are labeled "Constructed" in the "SOURCE"
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2.6 File Contents
2.6.1 Identifier Variables (DUID-CONDRN)
The definitions of Dwelling Units (DUs) and Group Quarters
in the MEPS HC are generally consistent with the definitions employed for the
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The dwelling unit ID (DUID) is a
five-digit random number assigned after the case was sampled for MEPS. The
person number (PID) uniquely identifies each person within the dwelling unit.
The variable DUPERSID uniquely identifies each person represented on the file
and is the combination of the variables DUID and PID. CONDN indicates the
condition number as it was reported during the interview for an individual
respondent (e.g. condition number 1, 2, 3, etc.) plus a control digit. Although
the current range for CONDN is 10-469, the actual range of the number of records per
person on the file is 1 - 40. This is because some records did not meet the criteria to be
included on the file (see Section 2.0) and CONDN has not been edited. CONDIDX uniquely
identifies each condition (i.e., each record on the file), and is the combination of
PANEL01 is a constructed variable used to specify the
panel number for the interview in which the condition was reported. PANEL01 will
indicate either Panel 5 or Panel 6.
CONDRN indicates the round in which the condition was first
reported. For a small number of cases, conditions that actually began
in an earlier round were not reported by respondents until subsequent rounds of
data collection. During file construction, editing was performed for these cases
in order to reconcile the round in which a condition began and the round in
which the condition was first reported.
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2.6.2 Medical Condition Variables (PRIOLIST-CCCODEX)
This file contains variables describing medical conditions
reported by respondents in several sections of the MEPS questionnaire, including
the Condition Enumeration section, Health Status section, and all questionnaire
sections collecting information about health provider visits, prescription
medications, and disability days (see Variable-Source Crosswalk in Appendix 1
for details).
Priority Conditions and Injuries
Certain conditions were a priori designated as "priority
conditions" (PRIOLIST=1) due to their prevalence, expense, or relevance to
policy. Some were long-term life-threatening conditions, such as cancer,
diabetes, emphysema, high cholesterol, HIV/AIDS, hypertension, ischemic heart
disease, and stroke. Others were chronic manageable conditions, including
arthritis, asthma, gall bladder disease, stomach ulcers, and back problems of
any kind. In addition, Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, as well as
depression and anxiety disorders, were included in the priority list. For a
complete listing of "priority conditions" see Appendix 4. Priority conditions
were identified as such in the field by MEPS interviewers. Occasionally,
priority conditions were not identified as such due to interviewer
misinterpretation. Consequently, these records are missing the follow-up
questions described below. Likewise, some conditions were inaccurately
identified as priority conditions. These records do have follow-up questions
even though they are not priority conditions.
When a condition was first mentioned, respondents were
asked whether it was due to an accident or injury (INJURY=1). Some injuries are
also priority conditions (e.g. back pain).
Date Priority Condition Began/Accident Occurred
The date a priority condition began (CONDBEGD, CONDBEGM,
CONDBEGY) is collected only for conditions that appear on the priority list and
are not accident/injury conditions. The date an accident or injury occurred (ACCDENTD,
ACCDENTM, ACCDENTY) is collected only for accident/injury conditions, including
accident/injury conditions that are also priority conditions.
Round-Specific Questions for Priority Conditions and Injuries
When a respondent first reported a condition on the
priority list (PRIOLIST=1) or a condition caused by an injury (INJURY=1), the
interviewer asked a series of questions regarding health care utilization for
that condition and the effect of that condition on the person’s overall health.
The names of these variables end in 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 indicating the round in
which they were asked. The following questions were asked in the round in which
the respondent first reported a priority condition or a condition resulting from
an injury:
- Whether the respondent ever saw or talked to a doctor
about the condition (SEEDREV1 – SEEDREV5).
- Whether the latest time a doctor was seen for this
condition was before or after the beginning of the reference period for the
interview Round (LSTSAW1). This question was asked only in Round 1.
- Whether the person was still being treated for the
condition (STILTR1-STILTR5).
- How seriously the condition affected the person’s
overall health and well-being since it began (OVRALL1-OVRALL5).
- Whether the person with the condition provided the
information himself/herself, versus the condition being reported by another
household member (WHOTYP1 – WHOTYP5).
- Whether the health care provider recommended further
treatment or consultation for the condition (FURTCA1 – FURTCA5).
- How much of the recommended follow-up care the person
received for the condition (all; some; none; or still being treated)
- Whether the person saw or talked to a doctor about the
condition during the reference period (SEEDREF1 – SEEDREF5). This variable
was constructed for priority conditions only.
When a respondent reported a condition that resulted from
an accident or injury (INJURY=1), the following information was obtained from
respondents during the round in which the injury was first reported:
- Whether the accident/injury occurred at work (ACCDNWRK)
– respondents aged 15 and younger were not asked this question and the
condition was coded ACCDNWRK = -1;
- Where the accident/injury happened (ACDNTLOC);
- Whether the accident/injury occurred at home, was it
inside or outside the house (INOUTHH);
- Whether the accident involved a motor vehicle, gun,
weapon other than a gun, poison, fire, drowning or near-drowning, sports
injury, a non-sports related fall, something
- Whether the person has fully recovered from the
accident/injury (RECOVER).
For priority conditions only, additional information was
obtained in rounds subsequent to the one in which the condition was first
reported. This information was obtained only if there was an event, a prescribed
medication, or a disability day associated with the condition in that round. If
this occurred, the condition was "selected" for follow-up questions for the
For priority conditions selected in rounds after they were
first reported, the following questions were asked in that round:
- Whether the person was still being treated for the
condition (STILTR1 – STILTR5);
- How seriously the condition affected the person’s
overall health and well-being since it began (OVRALL1 – OVRALL5);
- Whether the person with the condition provided the
information himself/herself, versus the condition being reported by another
household member (WHOTYP1 – WHOTYP5);
- Whether the person saw or talked to a doctor about the
condition during the reference period (SEEDREF1 – SEEDREF5).
The variable, AFCOND, indicates whether the person’s
condition is related to service in the Armed Forces of the United States. This
is asked of all persons age 18 years or older who indicated that one of the
selected or reported health conditions is related to service in the Armed Forces
of the United States. This question is asked in both Round 3 and Round 5 about
all conditions, not just those that are priority conditions or injuries.
Treatment of Data from Rounds Not Occurring in 2001
For Panel 5, Rounds 1 and 2 occurred in 2000 and
conditions reported during these rounds are not included on this file unless the
condition was identified as a priority condition (see the discussion of PRIORFLG
below) or was related to a 2001 event. Note that if, in Rounds 3, 4, and 5 of
Panel 5, the person "selects" a Round 1 or 2 condition as the reason for a
reported disability day, this condition does not appear on the 2001 file unless
it is also a priority condition or is related to a 2001 event. For Panel 6,
Rounds 4 and 5 occurred in 2002 and conditions reported during these rounds are
not included on this file. Therefore, round-specific variables for Rounds 1 and
2 of Panel 5 are assigned an inapplicable code (-1) on all of the condition
records for respondents in Panel 5, and round-specific variables for Rounds 4
and 5 of Panel 6 are assigned an inapplicable code (-1) on all of the condition
records for respondents in Panel 6. Round-specific data for Rounds 4 and 5
pertain only to Panel 5; round-specific data for Rounds 1 and 2 pertain only to
Panel 6, and both panels provide data from Round 3. (Note: Use PANEL01 to
identify whether Round 3 variables were collected in Panel 5 or Panel 6.)
Conditions in this 2001 file first reported in Rounds 1 or
2 of Panel 5 that are priority conditions OR conditions resulting from an injury
have round-specific data for those rounds included on the 2000 Medical
Conditions File (HC-052). The variables PRIORFLG and INJURFLG indicate if the
condition is "Not a priority/injury condition" (0), if "Additional
information is included on the 2000 Medical Conditions File" (1), or if "all
priority/injury information is included on the current file" (2).
Note: Priority conditions are generally chronic conditions. Even
though a respondent may not have reported an event, a prescribed medicine, or a disability
day in 2001 due to the condition, analysts should consider that the respondent is probably
still experiencing the condition. If a Panel 5 respondent reported a priority condition in
Round 1 or 2 and did not have an event, a prescribed medicine, or a disability day for the
condition in Round 3, 4, or 5, round-specific variables for Rounds 3, 4, and 5 are coded as
–1. The only information provided on the current 2001 file for such conditions are
the ICD9CODX, ICD9PROX, CCCODEX, and non-round-specific variables. These records are
identified by PRIORFLG=1. Round-specific data from Rounds 1 and 2 for these records are
available in the 2000 Medical Conditions File.
Rounds in which Conditions Were Reported/Selected (CRND1 –
A set of constructed variables (CRND1 – CRND5) indicate
the round in which the condition was first reported, and for subsequent rounds,
the round(s) in which an event, prescription medication, or disability day
occurred due to the condition. For example, consider a condition for which CRND1
= 0, CRND2 = 1, and CRND3 = 1. This sequence of CRND indicators on a condition
record implies that the condition was not present during Round 1 (CRND1 = 0),
was first mentioned during Round 2, and was associated with a medical event,
prescribed medicine, or disability day during Round 3. CRND1 – CRND5 are not
applicable for most pregnancies, prenatal visits, or deliveries due to the
questionnaire design.
Disability Flag Variables
This file contains three flag variables indicating whether
a condition is associated with a missed work day (MISSWORK), a missed school day
(MISSSCHL), or a day spent in bed (INBEDFLG). Due to the MEPS instrument design,
there is no link indicating the specific number of disability days
associated with a particular medical condition.
Diagnosis and Procedure Codes
The medical conditions and procedures reported by the
Household Component respondent were recorded by the interviewer as verbatim
text, which were then coded by professional coders to fully-specified ICD-9-CM
codes, including medical condition and V codes (see Health Care Financing
Administration, 1980). Although codes were verified and error rates did not
exceed 2.5 percent for any coder, analysts should not presume this level of
precision in the data; the ability of household respondents to report condition
data that can be coded accurately should not be assumed (see Cox and Iachan, 1987; Edwards,
et al, 1994; and Johnson and Sanchez, 1993).
In order to preserve respondent confidentiality, nearly all of the
condition codes provided on this file (ICD9CODX) have been collapsed from fully-specified
codes to 3-digit code categories. Table 1 in Appendix 2 provides unweighted and weighted
frequencies for all ICD-9-CM condition code values reported on the file. In this table,
values that reflect this collapsing have an asterisk in the label indicating that the
3-digit category includes all the subclassifications within that category. For example, the
ICD9CODX value of 034 "Strep Throat/Scarlet Fev *" includes the fully-specified
subclassifications 034.0 and 034.1; the value 296 "Affective Psychoses*" includes
the fully-specified subclassifications 296.0 through 296.99. Less than 2 percent of the
records on this file were edited further by collapsing two or more 3-digit codes into one
3-digit code.
Similarly, most of the procedure codes (ICD9PROX) were
collapsed from fully-specified codes to 2-digit category codes. Table 2 in
Appendix 2 provides unweighted and weighted frequencies for ICD9PROX, and this
type of collapsing is identified by an asterisk in the variable label. For
example, the ICD9PROX value of 81 "Joint Repair*" includes subclassifications
81.0 through 81.99. Less than 1 percent of records were further edited to
combine two or more 2-digit categories.
Users should note that because of the design of the
survey, most deliveries (i.e. births) are coded as pregnancies. For more
accurate estimates for deliveries, analysts should use RSNINHOS "Reason Entered
Hospital" found on the Hospital Inpatient Stays Public Use File (HC-059D).
Conditions and procedures were reported in the same
sections of the HC questionnaire (see Variable-Source Crosswalk in Appendix 1).
Labels for all values of the variables ICD9CODX and ICD9PROX, as shown in Tables
1 and 2, are provided in the SAS programming statements included in this release
(see the H61SU.TXT file).
Clinical Classification Codes
ICD-9-CM condition codes have been aggregated
into clinically meaningful categories that group similar conditions
CCCODEX was generated using Clinical Classification Software (formerly
known as Clinical Classifications for Health Care Policy Research
(CCHPR)), (Elixhauser,
et al., 2000), which aggregates conditions and V-codes into 260 mutually
exclusive categories, most of which are clinically homogeneous. Appendix
3 lists
the ICD-9-CM codes that have been aggregated for each clinical classification
category. Note that the reported ICD-9-CM code values were mapped
to the
appropriate clinical classification category prior to being collapsed
to 3-digit ICD-9-CM codes. A small number (less than 1 percent) of
clinical classification
codes have been edited for confidentiality purposes. Table 3 in Appendix
2 provides weighted and unweighted frequencies for CCCODEX. Labels
for all values
of the variable CCCODEX, as shown in Table 3, are provided in the SAS
programming statements included in this release (see the H61SU.TXT
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2.6.3 Utilization Variables (OBNUM –
indicate the total number of 2001 events that can be linked to each condition
record on the current file, i.e., office-based, outpatient, home health,
inpatient hospital stays, emergency room visits, and prescribed medicines,
These counts of events were derived from Expenditure Event
Public Use Files (HC-059G, HC-059F, HC-059H, HC-059D, HC-059E, and HC-059A)
respectively. Events associated with conditions include all utilization that
occurred between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2001.
Because persons can be seen for more than one condition
per visit, these frequencies will not match the person- or event-level
utilization counts. For example, if a person had one inpatient hospital stay and
was treated for a fractured hip and a fractured shoulder and a concussion, each
of these conditions has a unique record in this file and IPNUM=1 for each
record. By summing IPNUM for these records, the total inpatient hospital stays
would be three when actually there was only one inpatient hospital stay for that
person and three conditions were treated. These variables are useful for
determining the number of inpatient hospital stays for head injuries, hip
fractures, etc.
Prior to 2001, the utilization variable DNNUM was used to
indicate the number of dental visits that could be linked to each condition
record on the file. Note that DNNUM has been omitted beginning on this 2001
file. At Panel 6 Round 3, the CAPI question DN02 (What kind of dental injury
did (PERSON) have?) was no longer asked, meaning that a count of dental
visits per condition was no longer applicable. COND, CRND, and CLNK records are
no longer created in the Dental Care section of CAPI.
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2.6.3 Utilization Variables (OBNUM
indicate the total number of 2001 events that can be linked to each condition
record on the current file, i.e., office-based, outpatient, home health,
inpatient hospital stays, emergency room visits, and prescribed medicines,
These counts of events were derived from Expenditure Event
Public Use Files (HC-059G, HC-059F, HC-059H, HC-059D, HC-059E, and HC-059A)
respectively. Events associated with conditions include all utilization that
occurred between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2001.
Because persons can be seen for more than one condition
per visit, these frequencies will not match the person- or event-level
utilization counts. For example, if a person had one inpatient hospital stay and
was treated for a fractured hip and a fractured shoulder and a concussion, each
of these conditions has a unique record in this file and IPNUM=1 for each
record. By summing IPNUM for these records, the total inpatient hospital stays
would be three when actually there was only one inpatient hospital stay for that
person and three conditions were treated. These variables are useful for
determining the number of inpatient hospital stays for head injuries, hip
fractures, etc.
Prior to 2001, the utilization variable DNNUM was used to
indicate the number of dental visits that could be linked to each condition
record on the file. Note that DNNUM has been omitted beginning on this 2001
file. At Panel 6 Round 3, the CAPI question DN02 (What kind of dental injury
did (PERSON) have?) was no longer asked, meaning that a count of dental
visits per condition was no longer applicable. COND, CRND, and CLNK records are
no longer created in the Dental Care section of CAPI.
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3.0 Sample Weight (PERWT01F)
3.1 Overview
There is a single full year person-level weight (PERWT01F)
assigned to each record for each key, in-scope person who responded to MEPS for
the full period of time that he or she was in-scope during 2001. A key person
either was a member of an NHIS household at the time of the NHIS interview, or
became a member of a family associated with such a household after being
out-of-scope at the time of the NHIS (examples of the latter situation include
newborns and persons returning from military service, an institution, or living
outside the United States). A person is in-scope whenever he or she is a member
of the civilian noninstitutionalized portion of the U.S. population.
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3.2 Details on Person Weight
The person-level weight PERWT01F was developed in several
stages. Person-level weights for Panels 5 and 6 were created separately. The
weighting process for each panel included an adjustment for nonresponse over
time and poststratification. Poststratification was achieved initially by
controlling to Current Population Survey (CPS) population estimates based on
five variables. The five variables used in the establishment of the initial
person-level poststratification control figures were: census region (Northeast,
Midwest, South, West); MSA status (MSA, non-MSA); race/ethnicity (Hispanic,
black but non-Hispanic, and other); sex; and age. A 2001 composite weight was
then formed by multiplying each weight from Panel 5 by the factor (1/3) and each
weight from Panel 6 by the factor (2/3). The choice of factors reflected the
relative sample sizes of the two panels, helping to limit the variance of
estimates obtained from pooling the two samples. The composite weight was then
poststratified to the same set of CPS-based control totals. When poverty status
information derived from income variables became available, a final
poststratification was done on the previously established weight variable.
Control totals were established based on poverty status (below poverty, from 100
to 125 percent of poverty, from 125 to 200 percent of poverty, from 200 to 400
percent of poverty, at least 400 percent of poverty) as well as the original
five poststratification variables.
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3.2.1 MEPS Panel 5 Weight
The person-level weight for MEPS Panel 5 was developed
using the 2000 full year weight for an individual as a "base" weight for survey
participants present in 2000. For key, in-scope respondents who joined an RU
some time in 2001 after being out-of-scope in 2000, the 2000 family weight
associated with the family the person joined served as a "base" weight. The
weighting process included an adjustment for nonresponse over Rounds 4 and 5 as
well as poststratification to population control figures for December 2001.
These control figures were derived by scaling back the population totals
obtained from the March 2001 CPS to reflect the December 2001 CPS estimated
population distribution across age and sex categories as of December 2001.
Variables used in the establishment of person-level poststratification control
figures included: census region (Northeast, Midwest, South, West); MSA status (MSA,
non-MSA); race/ethnicity (Hispanic, black but non-Hispanic, and other); sex; and
age. Overall, the weighted population estimate for the civilian
noninstitutionalized population on December 31, 2001 is 280,791,812. Key,
responding persons not in-scope on December 31, 2001 but in-scope earlier in the
year retained, as their final Panel 5 weight, the weight after the nonresponse
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3.2.2 MEPS Panel 6 Weight
The person-level weight for MEPS Panel 6 was developed
using the MEPS Round 1 person-level weight as a "base" weight. For key, in-scope
respondents who joined an RU after Round 1, the round 1 family weight served as
a "base" weight. The weighting process included an adjustment for nonresponse
over Round 2 and the 2001 portion of Round 3 as well as poststratification to
the same population control figures for December 2001 used for the MEPS Panel 5
weights. The same five variables employed for Panel 5 poststratification (census
region, MSA status, race/ethnicity, sex, and age) were used for Panel 6
poststratification. Similarly, for Panel 6, key, responding persons not in-scope
on December 31, 2001 but in-scope earlier in the year retained, as their final
Panel 6 weight, the weight after the nonresponse adjustment.
Note that the MEPS Round 1 weights (for both panels with
one exception as noted below) incorporated the following components: the
original household probability of selection for the NHIS; ratio-adjustment to
NHIS-based national population estimates at the household (occupied dwelling
unit) level; adjustment for nonresponse at the dwelling unit level for Round 1;
and poststratification to figures at the family and person level obtained from
the March 2001 CPS data base.
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3.2.3 The Final Weight for 2001
Variables used in the establishment of person-level
poststratification control figures included: poverty status (below poverty, from
100 to 125 percent of poverty, from 125 to 200 percent of poverty, from 200 to
400 percent of poverty, at least 400 percent of poverty); census region
(Northeast, Midwest, South, West); MSA status (MSA, non-MSA); race/ethnicity
(Hispanic, black but non-Hispanic, and other); sex; and age. Overall, the
weighted population estimate for the civilian noninstitutionalized population
for December 31, 2001 is 280,791,812 (PERWT01F>0 and INSC1231=1). The weights of
some persons out-of-scope on December 31, 2001 were also poststratified.
Specifically, the weights of persons out-of-scope on December 31, 2001 who were
in-scope some time during the year and also entered a nursing home during the
year were poststratified to a corresponding control total obtained from the 1996
MEPS Nursing Home Component. The weights of persons who died while in-scope
during 2001 were poststratified to corresponding estimates derived using data
obtained from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) and Vital
Statistics information provided by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
Separate control totals were developed for the "65 and older" and "under 65"
civilian noninstitutionalized populations. The sum of the person-level weights
across all persons assigned a positive person level weight is 284,247,327.
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3.2.4 Coverage
The target population for MEPS in this file is the 2001
U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population. However, the MEPS sampled
households are a subsample of the NHIS households interviewed in 1999 (Panel 5)
and 2000 (Panel 6). New households created after the NHIS interviews for the
respective Panels and consisting exclusively of persons who entered the target
population after 1999 (Panel 5) or after 2000 (Panel 6) are not covered by MEPS.
Neither are previously out-of-scope persons who join an existing household but
are unrelated to the current household residents. Persons not covered by a given
MEPS panel thus include some members of the following groups: immigrants;
persons leaving the military; U.S. citizens returning from residence in another
country; and persons leaving institutions. The set of uncovered persons
constitutes only a small segment of the MEPS target population.
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4.0 Merging MEPS Data Files
Data from the current file can be used alone or in
conjunction with other files. Merging characteristics of interest from
person-level files expands the scope of potential estimates. See HC-059I for
instructions on merging the condition file to the Medical Event Files.
Person-level characteristics can be merged to this Conditions File using the
following procedure:
- Sort the person-level file by person identifier, DUPERSID. Keep only
DUPERSID and the variables to be merged onto the Conditions File.
- Sort the conditions file by person identifier, DUPERSID.
- Merge both files by DUPERSID, and output all record in the
conditions file.
- If PERS contains the person-level variables, and COND is the
conditions file, the following code can be used to add person-level variables to the
person’s conditions in condition-level file.
Return To Table Of Contents
Cohen, S. B. (1997). A Sample Design of the 1996 Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component, Rockville (MD): Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality; 1997. MEPS Methodology Report, No. 2.
AHCPR Pub. No. 97-0027.
Cohen, J. W. (1997). A Design and Methods of the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component. Rockville (MD): Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality; 1997. MEPS Methodology Report, No.1.
AHCPR Pub. No. 97-0026.
Cohen, S. B. (1996). The Redesign of the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey: A Component of the DHHS Survey Integration Plan.
Proceedings of the COPAFS Seminar on Statistical Methodology in the Public
Cox, B. and Iachan, R. (1987). A Comparison of Household
and Provider Reports of Medical Conditions. Journal of the American Statistical
Association 82(400):1013-18.
Edwards, W. S., Winn, D. M., Kurlantzick, V., et al.
Evaluation of National Health Interview Survey Diagnostic Reporting. National
Center for Health Statistics, Vital Health 2(120). 1994.
Elixhauser, A., Steiner, C. A., Whittington,, C. A., and
McCarthy, E. Clinical Classifications for health policy research: Hospital
inpatient statistics, 1995. Healthcare Cost and Utilization project, HCUP-3
research Note. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2000.
AHCPR Pub. No. 98-0049.
Health Care Financing Administration (1980). International
Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-CM).
Vol. 1. (DHHS Pub. No (PHS) 80-1260). DHHS: U.S. Public Health Services.
Johnson, Ayah E., and Sanchez, Maria Elena. (1993), "Household
and Medical Reports on Medical Conditions: National Medical Expenditure Survey".
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 19, 199-223.
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Appendix 1: Variable to Source Crosswalk
Appendix 1 – Variable to Source Crosswalk
Dwelling Unit ID |
Assigned In Sampling |
Person Number |
Assigned In Sampling |
Person ID (DUID + PID) |
Assigned In Sampling |
Condition Number |
CAPI Derived |
Condition ID |
CAPI Derived |
Panel Number |
Constructed |
Condition Round Number |
CAPI Derived |
[1] See the
README file in the Survey Instruments section of the MEPS home page for information on the
MEPS HC questionnaire sections (e.g., CN, DD) shown in the Source column.
Return To Table Of Contents
Is Condition On Priority List |
CN02 |
Date Condition Started -- Day |
CN05 |
Date Condition Started -- Month |
CN05 |
Date Condition Started --Year |
CN05 |
RD1: Ever Seen Dr For Cond |
CN03, CN17 |
RD2: Ever Seen Dr For Cond |
CN03, CN17 |
RD3: Ever Seen Dr For Cond |
CN03, CN17 |
RD4: Ever Seen Dr For Cond |
CN03, CN17 |
RD5: Ever Seen Dr For Cond |
CN03, CN17 |
RD1: When Was Last Time Dr Was Seen |
CN04 |
RD1: Is Pers Still Treated For Cond |
CN11, CN18 |
RD2: Is Pers Still Treated For Cond |
CN11, CN18 |
RD3: Is Pers Still Treated For Cond |
CN11, CN18 |
RD4: Is Pers Still Treated For Cond |
CN11, CN18 |
RD5: Is Pers Still Treated For Cond |
CN11, CN18 |
RD1: How Cond Affect Overall Health |
CN13, CN19 |
RD2: How Cond Affect Overall Health |
CN13, CN19 |
RD3: How Cond Affect Overall Health |
CN13, CN19 |
RD4: How Cond Affect Overall Health |
CN13, CN19 |
RD5: How Cond Affect Overall Health |
CN13, CN19 |
RD1: Who Reported Condition Affect |
CN13OV, CN19OV |
RD2: Who Reported Condition Affect |
CN13OV, CN19OV |
RD3: Who Reported Condition Affect |
CN13OV, CN19OV |
RD4: Who Reported Condition Affect |
CN13OV, CN19OV |
RD5: Who Reported Condition Affect |
CN13OV, CN19OV |
RD1: Further Treatment Recommended |
CN14 |
RD2: Further Treatment Recommended |
CN14 |
RD3: Further Treatment Recommended |
CN14 |
RD4: Further Treatment Recommended |
CN14 |
RD5: Further Treatment Recommended |
CN14 |
RD1: Rcv FollowUp Care For Condition |
CN15 |
RD2: Rcv FollowUp Care For Condition |
CN15 |
RD3: Rcv FollowUp Care For Condition |
CN15 |
RD4: Rcv FollowUp Care For Condition |
CN15 |
RD5: Rcv FollowUp Care For Condition |
CN15 |
RD1: Saw Dr In Reference Period |
CN03, CN17 |
RD2: Saw Dr In Reference Period |
CN03, CN17 |
RD3: Saw Dr In Reference Period |
CN03, CN17 |
RD4: Saw Dr In Reference Period |
CN03, CN17 |
RD5: Saw Dr In Reference Period |
CN03, CN17 |
Has Condition Information In Round |
Constructed |
Has Condition Information In Round |
Constructed |
Has Condition Information In Round |
Constructed |
Has Condition Information In Round |
Constructed |
Has Condition Information In Round |
Constructed |
Location Of Rnd Specific Priority Info |
Constructed |
Was Condition Due To Accident/Injury |
CN02 |
Date Of Accident -- Day |
CN06 |
Date Of Accident -- Month |
CN06 |
Date Of Accident -- Year |
CN06 |
Did Accident Occur At Work |
CN07 |
Where Did Accident Happen |
CN08 |
Was Accident Inside/Outside The House |
CN09 |
Was A Motor Vehicle Involved |
CN10 |
Was A Gun Involved |
CN10 |
Was Some Other Weapon Involved |
CN10 |
Was Poison/Poisonous Substance Involved |
CN10 |
Was Fire/Burning Involved |
CN10 |
Was Drowning/Near-Drowning Involved |
CN10 |
Was It A Sports Injury |
CN10 |
Was It A Fall |
CN10 |
Was Something Else Involved |
CN10 |
Fully Recovered From Condition |
CN12 |
Condition Rel To Srvc In Armed Forces |
CN21 |
Location Of Rnd Specific Injury Info |
Constructed |
Flag Associated With Missed Work Days |
DD03 |
Flag Associated With Missed School Days |
DD06 |
Flag Associated With Bed Days |
DD09 |
ICD-9-CM Code For Condition - Edited |
CE05, HS04, ER04, OP09, MV09, HH05, PM09 (Edited) |
ICD-9-CM Code For Procedure - Edited |
CE05, HS04, ER04, OP09, MV09, HH05, PM09 (Edited) |
Clinical Classification Code - Edited |
Constructed/Edited |
See the README file in the Survey Instruments section of the MEPS home
page for information on the MEPS HC questionnaire sections (e.g., CN, DD) shown
in the Source column.
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# Home Health Events Assoc. w/ Condition |
Constructed |
# Inpatient Events Assoc. w/ Condition |
Constructed |
# Outpatient Events Assoc. w/ Condition |
Constructed |
# Office-Based Events Assoc. w/ Condition |
Constructed |
# ER Events Assoc. w/ Condition |
Constructed |
# Prescribed Medicines Assoc. w/ Cond. |
Constructed |
See the README file in the Survey Instruments section of the MEPS home
page for information on the MEPS HC questionnaire sections (e.g., CN, DD) shown
in the Source column.
Return To Table Of Contents
Final Person Level Weight, 2001 |
Constructed |
Variance Estimation Stratum, 2001 |
Constructed |
Variance Estimation PSU, 2001 |
Constructed |
See the README file in the Survey Instruments section of the MEPS home
page for information on the MEPS HC questionnaire sections (e.g., CN, DD) shown
in the Source column.
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Appendix 2: Condition, Procedure and Clinical Classification Code Frequencies (link to separate file)
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Appendix 3: Clinical Classification Code to ICD-9-CM Code Crosswalk (link to CCS/ICD9CM crosswalk)
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Appendix 4: List of Priority Conditions
Cancer (of any body part)
malignant tumor
Hodgkin’s disease
diabetes mellitus
high blood sugar
juvenile diabetes (Type I diabetes)
adult-onset diabetes (Type II diabetes)
diabetic neuropathy
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
chronic bronchitis (MUST use the word
("chronic", only for adults)
chronic obstructive bronchitis (MUST
use the word "chronic", only for
smoker’s cough |
High Cholesterol
high cholesterol
high or elevated triglycerides
high blood pressure
Ischemic Heart Disease
ischemic heart disease (MUST use
the word "ischemic")
angina pectoris
coronary artery disease
blocked, obstructed, or occluded
coronary arteries
myocardial infarction
heart attack
cerebral hemorrhage
cerebral aneurysm
transient ischemic accident
transient ischemic attack
carotid artery blockage
arterial thrombosis in brain
blood clot in brain |
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anything with the word "arthritis"
rheumatoid arthritis
degenerative arthritis
anything with the word "asthma" or
Gall Bladder Disease
gall bladder disease, trouble,
attacks, infection, or problems
Stomach Ulcers
stomach ulcer
duodenal ulcer
peptic ulcer
bleeding ulcer
ulcerated stomach
perforated ulcer |
Back Problems of Any Kind
back problems or pain of any kind
(lower or upper back)
sore, hurt, injured, or stiff back
anything with the words "vertebra",
"vertebrae", "lumbar", "spine", or
"spinal" sprained back
muscle spasms
back spasms
bad back
sciatica or sciatic nerve problems
disc problems: herniated, ruptured,
slipped, compressed, extruded,
dislocated, deteriorated, or misaligned
discs |
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Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias
anything with the words "Alzheimer’s" or "dementia"
organic brain syndrome
Depression and Anxiety Disorders
depression (including severe, chronic, or major depression)
dysthymic disorder
bipolar disorder
manic depression or manic depressive illness
anxiety attacks
panic attacks
nervous condition
nervous breakdown
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