Update Notes
MEPS HC-080: MEPS Panel 7 Longitudinal Data File
Update #4: 02/09/18
The Round 3 variables describing “Number of Missed Days” (DDNWRK3, DDNSCL3, OTHNDD3) and “Number of Days Spent in Bed” (WKINBD3, SCLNBD3, DDBDYS3) have been revised
to include information from both Year 1 and Year 2. The prior versions have only included information from Year 2.
Update #3: 11/22/13
STATA Programming Statements have been added.
Update #2: 06/14/13
The Panel 7 Longitudinal Weight File has been transformed into the Panel 7 Longitudinal Data File. Analytic variables have been added from the 2002 and 2003 consolidated
full-year (HC-070 and HC-079) files. The longitudinal weight LONGWTP7 was renamed to be LONGWT.
Update #1: 03/29/06
The HC-080 data file has been updated to change
the YRINDP7 values for four DUPERSIDs. Codebooks and
documentation files have also been updated to reflect these
changes to the data file.