This data release, MEPS HC-043, is intended to supplement MEPS variables previously released for 1998, and contains two data files. File 1 of HC-043 is a person-level file, containing health insurance, disability, access to care and language of interview variables. In order to use these variables, this file should be linked to the 1998 Full Year Consolidated Data File (HC-028) which contains all previously released 1998 person-level data including demographic and socio-economic information. Please refer to the HC-028 documentation for further information. File 2 of HC-043 is an event-level file, containing a variable (SEETLKPV) provided to supplement the variables in the 1998 event-level Outpatient Department Visits File (HC-026F). Please refer to the HC-026F documentation for further information.
*The PDF version of the codebook is recommended for printing; the HTML version is database driven and lets you navigate quickly to details on each variable.
**Right-click on the data file link, then select Save Target As or Save Link As to download the file.