Released as an ASCII file (with related SAS, SPSS, and STATA programming statements) and a SAS transport dataset, this public use dataset contains data on usual source of care provider characteristics for 7,974 sample persons whose providers were respondents to the 2015 MEPS MOS. This file includes the following variables: survey administration, organizational characteristics, case management and use of clinical quality data, and financial arrangements. These data can be linked to MEPS sample respondents in the 2015 Full Year Consolidated Data File to enable analyses at the person-level using characteristics of provider practices. This project was funded in part by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
*The PDF version of the codebook is recommended for printing; the HTML version is database driven and lets you navigate quickly to details on each variable.
**Right-click on the data file link, then select Save Target As or Save Link As to download the file.