Search Help
To search for MEPS publications, three options are available:
Option | Search Term Example | *Results |
Option 1: Full text | Insurance Coverage entered in Phrase text box; search engine finds all relative text in database of publication titles and text. | 397 matching examples returned; captures highest rate of 'insurance coverage' first, then 'insurance' and 'coverage' separately, in titles and text. Highlights search terms in .pdf files. |
Option 1: Full text | Insurance Coverage 2006 entered in Phrase text box; search engine finds all relative text in database of publication titles and text. | 101 examples returned; captures highest rate of 'insurance coverage 2006' first, then 'insurance', 'coverage', and '2006' separately, in titles and text. Highlights search terms in .pdf files. |
Searching phrase, and, and or options.
Within Options 2 and 3, you can refine search results by choosing phrase, and,
and or search options:
Option | Search Term Example | *Results |
Option 2: Catalog record | Insurance Coverage entered in Title/description, text box; results comprise text that match titles and publication details from database. | With phrase button selected–49
With and button selected–72 examples
With or button selected–189 examples |
Option 2: Catalog record | Insurance Coverage entered in Title/description, text box and 2002–2006 selected for Publication data range; results comprise text that match titles and publication details from database. | With phrase button selected–34 examples With and button selected–44 examples With or button selected–109 examples |
Option 2: Catalog record | Insurance Coverage entered in Title/description, text box and 2002–2006 selected for Publication data range and Search all publication types box checked; results comprise text that match titles and publication details from database.
| With phrase button selected–34 examples With and button selected–44 examples With or button selected–109 examples |
Option | Search Term Example | *Results |
Option 3: Reference citations | Insurance Coverage entered in Title/description text box; results returned are from external sites (Internet). | With all citations and phrase button selected–40 examples With all citations and and button selected–50 examples
With or button selected–130 examples
Option 3: Reference citations | Insurance Coverage; no year range; results returned are from external sites (Internet). | With all citations and phrase button selected–40 examples, including Journal Articles, Reports, and Working Papers. With all citations and and button selected–0 examples
With or button selected–0 examples
Additional search tips:
- The following special characters may be used in a text search:
# & – % – ? * , - . / : = @ _
- This character may be used as a wildcard in a search where part of a term or phrase is unknown:
- The following special characters may not be used in a text search and will generate an error page:
$ ( ) + ; < > [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~
- If you enter a year (i.e., 2006) as part of a search term, the system will search for that string. To search for publications based on the year published, use the Publication data range dropdown lists offered in Options 2 and 3.
- Do not enter a specific file size as search criteria; example: (923 KB)
*Total numbers here represent a snapshot of current publications. Actual totals will change frequently as publications are added to the site weekly.