Projected household expenditure data from the 2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Household Component file aligned with the 2002 National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA). Projected expenditures are calculated in a two step process. First, core data from the 2002 NHEA-aligned MEPS file are projected to each end year through 2016 by adjusting MEPS person weights with Census projections for population totals, fertility and mortality over time. Then, the re-weighted NHEA-aligned MEPS expenditures are calibrated annually by type of service and source of payment categories so that growth in the re-weighted NHEA-aligned MEPS expenditures matches growth in the projected NHEA. Users should be aware that these estimates are surrounded by uncertainty from a wide variety of sources. The
documentation contains more details as well as the statistical tables.
Note, this data release replaces the old 1996-2008 projections and the interim data are no longer available.