MEPS HC-019: 1997 Jobs File
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Center for Cost and Financing Studies
2101 East Jefferson Street, Suite 501
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 594-1406
A. Data Use Agreement
B. Background
1.0 Household Component 2.0 Medical Provider Component 3.0 Insurance Component 4.0 Nursing Home Component 5.0 Survey Management C. Technical and
Programming Information 1.0 Data File Description 2.0 Codebook Format 3.0 Reserved Codes 4.0 Variable Naming D. Codebook E. Variable to Source Crosswalk Appendix 1: Sample SAS Program
A. Data Use Agreement
Individual identifiers have been removed from the microdata contained in the files on this CD-ROM. Nevertheless, under sections 308 (d) and 903 (c) of the Public Health Service Act (42
U.S.C. 242m and 42 U.S.C. 299 a-1), data collected by the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality (AHRQ) and/or the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) may not be used for any
purpose other than for the purpose for which they were supplied; any effort to determine the
identity of any reported cases, is prohibited by law.
Therefore in accordance with the above referenced Federal statute, it is understood that:
1. No one is to use the data in this data set in any way except for statistical reporting and
2. If the identity of any person or establishment should be discovered inadvertently, then
(a) no use will be made of this knowledge, (b) the Director, Office of Management,
AHRQ will be advised of this incident, (c) the information that would identify any
individual or establishment will be safeguarded or destroyed, as requested by AHRQ,
and (d) no one else will be informed of the discovered identity.
3. No one will attempt to link this data set with individually identifiable records from any
data sets other than the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey or the National Health
Interview Survey.
By using these data you signify your agreement to comply with the above-stated statutorily based
requirements, with the knowledge that deliberately making a false statement in any matter within
the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the Federal Government violates 18 U.S.C. 1001
and is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 or up to 5 years in prison.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality requests that users cite AHRQ and the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey as the data source in any publications or research based upon these
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B. Background
This documentation describes one in a series of public use files from the Medical Expenditure
Panel Survey (MEPS). The survey provides an extensive data set on the use of health services
and health care in the United States.
MEPS is conducted to provide nationally representative estimates of health care use, expenditures,
sources of payment, and insurance coverage for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population.
MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents.
MEPS is cosponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (formerly the
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)) and the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS).
MEPS comprises four component surveys: the Household Component (HC), the Medical Provider
Component (MPC), the Insurance Component (IC), and the Nursing Home Component (NHC).
The HC is the core survey, and it forms the basis for the MPC sample and part of the IC sample.
The separate NHC sample supplements the other MEPS components. Together these surveys
yield comprehensive data that provide national estimates of the level and distribution of health
care use and expenditures, support health services research, and can be used to assess health care
policy implications.
MEPS is the third in a series of national probability surveys conducted by AHRQ on the financing
and use of medical care in the United States. The National Medical Care Expenditure Survey
(NMCES, also known as NMES-1) was conducted in 1977. The National Medical Expenditure
Survey (NMES-2) was conducted in 1987. Beginning in 1996, MEPS continues this series with
design enhancements and efficiencies that provide a more current data resource to capture the
changing dynamics of the health care delivery and insurance system.
The design efficiencies incorporated into MEPS are in accordance with the Department of Health
and Human Services (DHHS) Survey Integration Plan of June 1995, which focused on
consolidating DHHS surveys, achieving cost efficiencies, reducing respondent burden, and
enhancing analytical capacities. To accommodate these goals, new MEPS design features include
linkage with the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), from which the sampling frame for the
MEPS HC is drawn, and continuous longitudinal data collection for core survey components. The
MEPS HC augments NHIS by selecting a sample of NHIS respondents, collecting additional data
on their health care expenditures, and linking these data with additional information collected
from the respondents' medical providers, employers, and insurance providers.
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1.0 Household Component
The MEPS HC, a nationally representative survey of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized
population, collects medical expenditure data at both the person and household levels. The HC
collects detailed data on demographic characteristics, health conditions, health status, use of
medical care services, charges and payments, access to care, satisfaction with care, health
insurance coverage, income, and employment.
The HC uses an overlapping panel design in which data are collected through a preliminary
contact followed by a series of five rounds of interviews over a 2½-year period. Using computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) technology, data on medical expenditures and use for two
calendar years are collected from each household. This series of data collection rounds is
launched each subsequent year on a new sample of households to provide overlapping panels of
survey data and, when combined with other ongoing panels, will provide continuous and current
estimates of health care expenditures.
The sampling frame for the MEPS HC is drawn from respondents to NHIS, conducted by NCHS.
NHIS provides a nationally representative sample of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized
population, with oversampling of Hispanics and blacks.
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2.0 Medical Provider
The MEPS MPC supplements and validates information on medical care events reported in the
MEPS HC by contacting medical providers and pharmacies identified by household respondents.
The MPC sample includes all hospitals, hospital physicians, home health agencies, and
pharmacies reported in the HC. Also included in the MPC are all office-based physicians who:
- were identified by the household respondent as providing care for HC respondents
receiving Medicaid.
- were selected through a 75-percent sample of HC households receiving care through
an HMO (health maintenance organization) or managed care plan.
- were selected through a 25-percent sample of the remaining HC households.
Data are collected on medical and financial characteristics of medical and pharmacy events
reported by HC respondents, including:
- Diagnoses coded according to ICD-9-CM (9th Revision, International Classification of
Diseases) and DSM-IV (Fourth Edition, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
- Physician procedure codes classified by CPT-4 (Common Procedure Terminology,
Version 4).
- Inpatient stay codes classified by DRGs (diagnosis-related groups).
- Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC), medication name, strength, and quantity
- Charges, payments, and the reasons for any difference between charges and payments.
The MPC is conducted through telephone interviews and mailed survey materials. In some
instances, providers sent medical and billing records which were abstracted into the survey
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3.0 Insurance Component
The MEPS IC collects data on health insurance plans obtained through employers, unions, and
other sources of private health insurance. Data obtained in the IC include the number and types of
private insurance plans offered, benefits associated with these plans, premiums, contributions by
employers and employees, eligibility requirements, and employer characteristics.
Establishments participating in the MEPS IC are selected through four sampling frames:
- A list of employers or other insurance providers identified by MEPS HC respondents who
report having private health insurance at the Round 1 interview.
- A Bureau of the Census list frame of private-sector business establishments.
- The Census of Governments from Bureau of the Census.
- An Internal Revenue Service list of the self-employed.
To provide an integrated picture of health insurance, data collected from the first sampling frame
(employers and insurance providers) are linked back to data provided by the MEPS HC
respondents. Data from the other three sampling frames are collected to provide annual national
and State estimates of the supply of private health insurance available to American workers and to
evaluate policy issues pertaining to health insurance.
The MEPS IC is an annual survey. Data are collected from the selected organizations through a
prescreening telephone interview, a mailed questionnaire, and a telephone followup for
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4.0 Nursing Home Component
The 1996 MEPS NHC was a survey of nursing homes and persons residing in or admitted to
nursing homes at any time during calendar year 1996. The NHC gathered information on the
demographic characteristics, residence history, health and functional status, use of services, use of
prescription medicines, and health care expenditures of nursing home residents. Nursing home
administrators and designated staff also provided information on facility size, ownership,
certification status, services provided, revenues and expenses, and other facility characteristics.
Data on the income, assets, family relationships, and care-giving services for sampled nursing
home residents were obtained from next-of-kin or other knowledgeable persons in the community.
The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a two-stage stratified probability design. In the
first stage, facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility residents were sampled, selecting
both persons in residence on January 1, 1996, and those admitted during the period January 1
through December 31.
The sample frame for facilities was derived from the National Health Provider Inventory, which is
updated periodically by NCHS. The MEPS NHC data were collected in person in three rounds of
data collection over a 1½-year period using the CAPI system. Community data were collected by
telephone using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) technology. At the end of three
rounds of data collection, the sample consisted of 815 responding facilities, 3,209 residents in the
facility on January 1, and 2,690 eligible residents admitted during 1996.
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5.0 Survey Management
MEPS data are collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. They are edited and
published in accordance with the confidentiality provisions of this act and the Privacy Act. NCHS
provides consultation and technical assistance.
As soon as data collection and editing are completed, the MEPS survey data are released to the
public in staged releases of summary reports and microdata files. Summary reports are released as
printed documents and electronic files. Microdata files are released on CD-ROM and/or as
electronic files.
Printed documents and CD-ROMs are available through the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse.
Write or call:
AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse
Attn: (publication number)
P.O. Box 8547
Silver Spring, MD 20907
410/381-3150 (callers outside the United States only)
888/586-6340 (toll-free TDD service; hearing impaired only)
Be sure to specify the AHRQ number of the document or CD-ROM you are requesting. Selected
electronic files are available from the Internet on the MEPS web site: <>.
Additional information on MEPS is available from the MEPS project manager or the MEPS
public use data manager at the Center for Cost and Financing Studies.
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C. Technical and Programming Information
Section C of this document offers a brief overview of the data provided in MEPS public use
release HC-019, the content and structure of the codebook, reserved code values and variable
name conventions. It is followed by Section D, containing the codebook for the HC-019 data;
Section E, containing the Variable to Source Crosswalk; and Appendix 1, containing sample SAS
program code. A copy of the survey instrument used to collect this information on this file is
available on the MEPS web site:
1.0 Data File Description
The jobs file provided in this Web release, MEPS HC-019, contains job level information
collected in Rounds 3-5 for the first Panel and Rounds 1-3 for the second Panel of the 1997
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). It is being released as a research file and has not
undergone the standard quality control procedures usually performed on MEPS public use data
files. The file includes a total of 59,548 records, with each record representing a unique job for a
person by round. For this file only information for jobs starting on or before 12/31/1997 are
presented. Information on jobs starting in 1998 will be contained in the 1998 MEPS Jobs file
Round 3 job information for Panel 1 jobs that began in 1997 is being re-released on this file.
However, jobs that were reported as former main or former miscellaneous in Round 3 for panel 1
(main or miscellaneous jobs that ended between the Round 2 interview date and December 31,
1996) are not contained on this file, since they are not jobs held in 1997. Round 3 for Panel 1 was
originally released as part of the 1996 Jobs file
(HC-007). In some cases, new information was
obtained in rounds 4 and 5 that indicated a round 3 job existed that was not reported at the time of
the Round 3 interview. This new information was used to update jobs. Thus, there may be jobs
in Panel 1 round 3 of this release that do not appear in Round 3 of the 1996 MEPS Jobs file and,
conversely, there may be jobs that appear in round 3 of the 1996 jobs file that do not appear in
Panel1 round 3 of the 1997 file.
The unique record identifier is the variable JOBSIDX which is comprised of a person identifier
(DUID + PID), a round identifier (RN), and a job number (JOBSN). A panel indicator (PANEL)
is included on the files to distinguish round 3 jobs held by panel one persons from round 3 jobs
held by those in panel 2.
Each job record contains original variables related to the employment section of the 1997 MEPS
household survey. All persons aged 16 and older in the MEPS can report any number of jobs held
within a round. Persons who held more than one job at the round's interview date (a current job)
were asked to identify the main job. This job was classified as the current main job and all other
simultaneously held jobs were classified as miscellaneous. The MEPS also obtained some
information on prior jobs held in the reference period and, for those persons not currently working
and having no job in the reference period, some information on the last job the person held.
Additionally, for those persons age 55 and older who indicated that they retired from a job, the
MEPS obtained some job-level data on the retirement job. The variable SUBTYPE indicates the
type of job record - current main, current miscellaneous, former main, former miscellaneous, last
job outside reference period, or retirement job. It is important to note that the retirement job
classification in the variable SUBTYPE is independent of the retirement response in the variable
relating to the question why a person left a previous job (YLEFT). The MEPS asked for detailed
information about any job classified as current main or current miscellaneous and basic
information about any of the other job types. Refer to the questionnaire to see which information
was asked of each job type.
The MEPS used dependent interviewing in rounds 3,4, and 5 for Panel 1 and rounds 2 and 3 for
panel 2. In these rounds, the MEPS asked persons who held current main and current
miscellaneous jobs at the previous round interview date whether they were still working at these
jobs (see section RJ in the employment section). If a person still held a current main job from the
previous round, the MEPS asked whether the job was still the main job. Most persons reported
that they still worked at the same job and it was still their main job. If job status remained the
same, the MEPS asked only a subset of the employment questions. Because the MEPS asked only
this subset of questions if job status for persons did not change in later rounds, many job level
variables on the subsequent round job records are coded as inapplicable; the complete information
is on the jobs record for this job in a previous round. Thus it is important to determine whether a
job in a subsequent round continues from the previous round when working with the job records.
In rounds where this applies, the variables STILLAT (for jobs that were current main in the
previous round) and STILLWRK (for jobs that were current miscellaneous in the previous round)
indicate whether a person still holds the job at the subsequent round interview date. The variable
SUBTYPE on the subsequent round job record indicates whether the job is main or miscellaneous
in the subsequent round.
Note, if a panel 1 round 3-5 job is continued from a round 1 or 2 job, much of the information will
be contained in the 1996 MEPS jobs file (HC-007), and you will have to use that file to obtain the
desired job characteristics. A sample SAS program showing how to do this is provided in
Appendix 2. This sample program provides an example of how to get job information from
previous rounds when STILLAT=1(indicates still at the current main job) on the job record. In
this example, the variable SICKPAY is updated based on information from the current main job
in the 1996 JOBS file
Variables that relate only to the review of a job from the previous round (Y_CHANGE,
WORKSTAT, and SHFTCHNG,) are not asked in Round 1 and thus information on these
variables are coded as inapplicable.
In the review section (RJ), the MEPS attempted to obtain information regarding changes in
wages on the same job from round to round; however in many cases, but not all, wage changes of
less than $1.00 per hour on the same job were not recorded. This caution applies only to jobs that
did not change. For every new job, the MEPS attempted to obtain wage information.
For reasons of confidentiality, the hourly wage variable (HRLYWAGE) was topcoded. A value
of -10 indicates that the hourly wage rate was greater than or equal to $67.00. Additionally, the
value of any bonuses, commissions or salary on a job (BONSAMT, COMMAMT, GROSSPAY)
with a calculated hourly wage greater than or equal to $67.00 were also capped. To calculate the
hourly wage for these other types of compensation, the number of hours per week worked and in
some cases the number of weeks worked were used in conjunction with the various amounts.
(These calculated hourly wages do not appear on the file.) Compensation variables were not
reconciled with income data collected elsewhere in the MEPS. Additionally, for confidentiality,
establishment size variables (NUMEMPS - jobs held by wage earners, ESTIMAT1 - estimate of
establishment size for jobs held by wage earners, and TOTLEMP - self-employed jobs) were
were topcoded as -10 for sizes greater than 1000.
Due to many skip patterns in the instrument, it is recommended that users of this data become
familiar with the employment section in the MEPS questionnaire. To aid users, a crosswalk
between variables and MEPS questionnaire numbers is provided in this release. The following
examples of variables involved in skip patterns is presented to be illustrative, however these
examples do not represent the full range of variables affected by questionnaire skip patterns. The
MEPS did not obtain job-related benefits such as vacation, sick leave and pension information for
self-employed jobs. Nor did the MEPS attempt to obtain wage, salary, and information regarding
whether the job was in the private sector, federal or local government (TYPEEMPL) for the self-employed. Conversely, the questions relating to business organization type (BUSINC,
PROPRIET) were asked only of the self-employed. It is important to note that the establishment
size variable for the self-employed is TOTLEMP while the establishment size for wage earners
can be found in NUMEMPS and ESTIMATE1. The variable ESTMATE1 is derived from a
question that allowed wage earners who did not know the actual establishment size (NUMEMPS)
to choose from a number of size ranges. Industry codes (INDTCODX) and Occupation codes
(OCCPCODX) are condensed from 3-digit codes from the 1990 Census Bureau's Alphabetical
Index of Industries and Occupations. The three digit codes were coded by professional coders
from verbatim responses.
This file does not include any weights. To make person level estimates, one should link to any of
1997 files and use the person level weight for the appropriate panel. The link should be made
through the variable DUPERSID. It should be noted that not all persons in the MEPS have
positive weights.
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2.0 Codebook Format
This codebook describes an ASCII data set and provides the following
programming identifiers for
each variable:
Name |
Variable name (maximum of 8 characters) |
Description |
Variable descriptor (maximum 40 characters) |
Format |
Number of bytes |
Type |
Type of data: numeric (indicated by NUM) or character (indicated
by CHAR) |
Start |
Beginning column position of variable in record |
End |
Ending column position of variable in record |
3.0 Reserved Codes
The following reserved code values are used:
Question was not asked due to skip pattern. |
Question was asked and respondent refused to
answer question. |
-8 DK |
Question was asked and respondent did not know
answer. |
Interviewer did not record the data. |
-10 HOURLY WAGE > $71.87 |
Variable was top-coded for confidentiality, as
described above. |
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4.0 Variable Naming
In general, variable names reflect the content of the variable, with an 8 character limitation.
Variables contained in this delivery were derived either from the questionnaire itself or from the
CAPI. The source of each variable is identified in the table in Section E., entitled "Variable to
Source Crosswalk." Sources for each variable are indicated in one of two ways in the "SOURCE"
column in this table: (1) variables which are derived in CAPI or assigned in CAPI are so
indicated; and (2) variables which come from one or more specific questions in the instrument
have those numbers and questionnaire section indicated in the "Source" column.
D. Codebook
E. Variable to
Source Crosswalk
JOB ID Number |
CAPI Derived |
Sample Person ID (DUID+PID) |
Assigned in Sampling |
Panel |
Assigned in Sampling |
Dwelling Unit ID |
Assigned in Sampling |
Person Number |
Assigned in Sampling |
RN |
Round |
CAPI Derived |
JOB Number |
CAPI Derived |
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Self-Employed or Work for Someone Else |
EM05, EM11, EM18, EM27, EM40,
EM53, EM70, EM82 |
Job Start Date Month |
EM100V1-2, EM160V1-2,
EM250V1-2, EM340V1-2,
EM600V1-2 |
Job Start Date Day |
EM100V1, EM160V1, EM250V1,
EM340V1, EM600V1 |
Job Start Date Year |
EM10, EM16, EM25, EM34, EM47,
EM60 |
Job Stop Date - Month |
RJ04, RJ350V1-2, RJ480V1-2,
RJ610V1-2, EM660V1-2,
EM890V1-2 |
Job Stop Date Day |
RJ09, RJ350V1, RJ480V1,
RJ610V1, RJ890V1, EM660V1 |
Job Stop Date Year |
RJ04, RJ35, RJ48, RJ61, EM66,
EM87 |
Person Retired From This Job |
EM80 |
Job Sub-Type |
RJ01A, RJ0189A, EM08, EM14 |
Still Main Job or Business |
RJ01A |
Any Change in Wage Amount |
RJ02 |
Why Wages Changed |
RJ03 |
Full or Part Time |
RJ04 |
Why Change in Full/Part Time Status |
RJ05 |
Still Work at Estab/ Misc job |
RJ06, RJ01A |
Offered Insurance and Now Take |
RJ07 |
Now Offered and Take Insurance |
RJ08, RJ08A |
Reason Why Not at Job Now |
RJ10 |
Employees Per Week |
EM91 |
Total Employees |
EM92 |
More Than One Location |
EM93 |
Business Incorporated |
EM94 |
Proprietorship or Partnership |
EM95 |
Employee Type |
EM96 |
No Job Reason |
EM101 |
Why No Business |
EM102 |
Recall Within 30 Days |
EM103 |
Number of Hours Per Week |
EM111, EM104, EW17 |
Work 35 Hours |
EM105 |
Approximate # of Hours Worked Per Day |
EM106 |
Does Person Have Paid Sick Leave |
EM107 |
Is There Paid Sick Leave for Dr's Visits |
EM108 |
Does Person Get Paid Vacation |
EM109 |
Does Person Have Pension/Retirement
Plan |
EM110 |
Usual Weekly Gross Income |
EM112 |
Have Health Insurance Through This Job |
EM113 |
Offered Insurance But Chose Not to Take |
EM114 |
Choice of Different Health Ins Plans |
EM115 |
Belong to Labor Union |
EM116 |
Who Provides Health Insurance |
EM117 |
Any Other HH Member Work at This
Business |
EM122 |
How Many HH Members Work There |
EM123 |
Total Number of Employees at That
Buisness |
EM124, RJ08B |
Is Person Salaried, Paid by the Hour, etc. |
EW01 |
How Is Person Paid |
EW02 |
Person's Daily Wage Rate |
EW03 |
Number of Hours Person Worked in One
Day |
EW04 |
How Much Money Does Person Make |
EW05 |
Period for Which Person is Paid |
EW050V1 |
MORE10 |
Person Makes More or Less than $10/Hour |
EW08, EW14, EW20 |
MORE15 |
Person Makes More or Less than $15/Hour |
EW09, EW15, EW21 |
Person Makes More or Less than Min.
Wage |
EW10, EW16, EW22 |
Overtime Pay Rate Per Hour |
EW06 |
Person's Salary Before Takes (Gross) |
EW11 |
Period in Which Gross Salary was Earned |
EW110V1 |
Number of Weeks Per Year Salary is
Based |
EW12 |
Type of Overtime Pay |
EW14 |
Does Person Earn Tips |
EW23_01 |
Does Person Earn Bonuses |
EW23_02 |
Does Person Earn Commission |
EW23_03 |
Overtime Pay Rate Per Hour |
EW190V1 |
Period Which Tip Earnings are Based on |
EW24A0V1 |
How Much Are Person's Tips |
EW24A |
Period Which Bonuses are Based on |
EW24B0V1 |
How Much Are Person's Bonuses |
EW24B |
Period Which Commissions are Based on |
EW24C0V1 |
How Much Are Person's Commissions |
EW24C |
How Much Person Makes/Hr |
EW07, EW13, EW18 |
Job Begin Hour of Day |
EM111A, EM105A |
Job End Hour of Day |
EM111A3, EM105A30V |
Job Begin Minutes |
EM111A1, EM105A1 |
Job End Minutes |
EM111A4, EM105A40V |
Job Begin AM/PM |
EM111A2, EM105A20V |
Job End AM/PM |
EM111A5, EM105A5 |
Work Rotating Shifts |
EM111B, EM105B |
Does Person Have Health Ins at This Job |
EM17, EM26, EM39, EM52, EM69,
EM81 |
Still Work at Estab/Main job |
RJ01, RJ01A |
Has a Change in Shift Occurred |
RJ05A |
Hours Salary Based On |
EW17 |
Industry Code |
EM98 |
Occupation Code |
EM99, EM100 |
Appendix 1: Sample SAS Program
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