This file is a supplemental release of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS HC) that contains selected employment variables for the years 2000 through 2013. With a few exceptions, the variables in this file are fully-imputed versions of variables from the full-year consolidated public use files (FY PUF). The names of these imputed variables are similar to the names for the corresponding variables in the FY PUFs except that an "H" suffix has been added and the resulting name has been shortened to 8 characters when necessary (e.g., the imputed version of SELFCM31 is SLFCM31H).
*The PDF version of the codebook is recommended for printing; the HTML version is database driven and lets you navigate quickly to details on each variable.
**Right-click on the data file link, then select Save Target As or Save Link As to download the file.