Released as an ASCII file with SAS, SPSS, and STATA programming statements and in SAS transport format, this research file contains information from the Health Insurance Plan Abstraction (HIPA) survey. The HIPA collects and abstracts health insurance plan booklets for all MEPS household respondents who were covered by a private insurance policy at the time of their Round 1 interview for the 1996 MEPS. Health insurance plan abstracts with detailed information on benefits such as deductibles, coinsurance rates, out of pocket maximums, plan maximums, covered services and other plan features are included in this file.
This file contains data that are being released for research purposes only. Significant nonresponse prevents these data from being used to make nationally representative estimates. There is no sampling weight included in this file and users are warned to exercise caution in generalizing their results beyond the sample of persons included in the file. This file is being made available to the research and policy community to provide insights into insurance coverage which are comparable to case studies.