The MEPS Household Component fields questionnaires to individual household members to collect nationally representative data on demographic characteristics, health conditions, health status, use of medical care services, charges and payments, access to care, satisfaction with care, health insurance coverage, income, and employment.
Survey basics: Select from the following
for detailed information on the objectives, instruments, and procedures
for data collection in the Household Component:
MEPS topics: Resources on this site for particular topics of interest.
Publications: Analyses of MEPS data ranging from brief to extensive reports, chartbooks consisting mainly of graphs, and descriptions of MEPS sample designs and survey methods.
MEPS-HC data tools:
Access tables with frequently used summary data on household medical utilization and expenditures.
MEPS-HC variable explorer:
search across MEPS Public Use Files for variables and files needed for research projects.
data files (person, job, event, or condition level): Public
use data files, documentation, and codebooks.
Projected expenditures: Projected expenditure data files (NHEA-Aligned MEPS) and tabular results, based on the final population projections from the Census Bureau for years 2002-2016. Note, this data release replaces the old 1996-2008 projections and the interim data are no longer available.